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1、 商人法;商业习惯法Commercial Law: 贸易法;商业法规Business Law:商业法Modern sales law in the United States: the UCC and CISGUniform Commercial Code-UCCAdopt/ adoption 正式通过Bank deposit 银行存款Secured transaction 担保交易State legislatures 州立法机构American law institute 美国法学会Conflicts of law 法律冲突Resort to 诉诸于Applicable law 准据法Cho

2、ice of law 冲突法中决定法律适用Federal courts of the United States 联邦法院Development of the CISGLegal code 法典Legal system 法律制度;法系Contract law in the developing countriesMultinational corporations 跨国公司Unconscionable contract 不公正合同bargaining power 议价能力Contract law In socialist countriesPrivate enterprise私营企业Contr

3、act law in the PRC: an illustrationRepeal撤销Joint venture 合资企业Breach of contract 违约Accounting regulations 会计规章Quasi-criminal prosecution 准刑事起诉Leasing contracts租赁合同Warehousing contracts仓储合同The 1999 contract law of China 99年合同法United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods-C

4、ISGUN Commission on International Trade Law-UNCITRAL 联合国国际贸易法委员会Applicable可适用 applicability可适用性General provisions 总则Applicability of the CISG to international transactionsPlace of business requirement 营业地 Opt out 退出,排除preemption 优先权preemptive Preemptasante technologies vs pmcconstrue 文义解释remand 发回重审

5、international treaty 国际条约representation 陈述breach of representation 违背合同中的陈述adopt adoption 正式通过Uniform Commercial Code 美国统一商法典Congressional intent 国会立法意图Concurrent jurisdiction 共同管辖权Litigation 诉讼Contracting state 缔约国Effectuate 使生效Sales excluded from the CISGLiability for death or personal injury 人身伤亡

6、责任Securities证券Negotiable instruments 流通票据Consumer protection laws 消费者保护法Exclude exclusion排除适用 Validity and formation of international sales contractsValid contract 有效合同Mutual assent 合意Sufficient consideration 充分对价Legal capacity行为能力Void contract无效合同Misrepresentation错误陈述enforcement of illegal contract

7、slegality 合法性tarbert vs cometalsUnited States District Court地区法院United States Court of Appeals上诉法院Supreme Court of the United States最高法院Certificate of origin 原产地证明Chamber of Commerce 商会European Economic Community EEC 欧共体Sue 控告,起诉Enforceable unenforceable 可执行Fraud 欺诈Physical location 实际地点Tortious act

8、 侵权行为Illegality 非法行为,违法性Bona fide善意的Dismiss dismissal驳回Complaint counterclaim 起诉 反诉Fraudulent certificate of origin 欺诈的原产地证书Contrary to public policy 违反国家政策Iniquity 不公正行为Supersede 取代Enforcement of the agreement 执行The writing requirement 书面要求Enactment by state legislatures州立法Flexible flexibility灵活性Le

9、gally binding 受法律约束Ambiguous ambiguity模糊性The parol evidence rule口头证言原则Extrinsic evidence外部证据Contradicted by 抵触Relevant circumstances 相关现象Digital signatures in electronic commerce电子签名Valid validity有效性Problems of interpretationOrder form订货单Subjective intent主观意图Customs, practices and trade usagesTrade

10、usages商业惯例Mercantile practices商业实践Reimbursement 补偿 reimburse unreimbursedTrade usages under the CISGEntering the agreement: the offerThe intention to be bound 订约意向Exclusion clause免责条款Expressly implicitly/impliedly Public offers公开报价Invitation to deal要约邀请Price list价目单Open price terms开放价格条款Government-e

11、stablished price政府指导价Firm offers确定的要约Revoke revocable irrevocable revocation撤销 the acceptanceManifestation of the intention 意思表示Initial草拟Silence as acceptance 默示承诺Time of acceptanceExpire expiration终止Terminate termination终止Time constraints时间限制Dispatch of an acceptance 承诺的发出Chateau vs sabateSole juri

12、sdiction专属管辖Verbal contract口头合同Reversed and remanded 撤销原判发还重审Written confirmation 书面确认The mirror image rule镜像原则The manner of offer and acceptance: buyers and sellers formsThe pro forma invoice 形式发票Contract terms and conditions and the battle of the formsTrade associations行业协会Place liability on 使负责Te

13、rms and conditions合同条款Standard clause 标准条款Quoted price报价General conditions of sale 购买条款Terms of payment付款方式Force majeure不可抗力Warranties 担保Breach of warranty 违反担保Business day营业日Limitation of liability责任范围Governing law准据法Consequential damages间接损害赔偿Incidental damages 附带损害赔偿Special damages专项损害赔偿Grace per

14、iod宽限期Battle of the forms格式之争Purchase order订单Affirmative response肯定回复Recourse 追索权General Court of Justice常设法院The battle of the forms under the Common Law and Civil LawThe battle of the forms and mirror image rule under UCCMaterially alter material alteration实质性改变Express limitation明确限制Constitute a re

15、jection of 拒绝 constitute a fundamental breachSettlement of disputes争端解决The validity of standard contract terms:a comparisonStandard terms 格式条款Valid invalid validity 有效性Late payment fee 滞纳金Interest penalty罚息Express and implied warranties 明示和默示条款Merchantable merchantability商销性Nonconforming goods不合格商品J

16、udicial interpretation司法解释Fungible goods可替代商品Disclaim disclaimer拒绝适用;免责条款Merchantable unmerchantable merchantability merchantability商销性Rights and liabilities 权责Disclaiming implied warranties 排除适用默示条款Schmitz vs rocklandBurden of proof举证责任Warrant warranty 担保Misplace 错位Notice of nonconforming goods 不合格

17、货物通知Nonconformity conformity conform conforming nonconforming 不合格Assert the breach against 主张违约Remedy for breach of contractAvoidance of the contract解除合同Price reduction减价Specific performance实际履行Avoidance and the fundamental breachRevocation of acceptance 撤回承诺Perfect tender完美看管人Fundamental breach 根本性

18、违约 commit a fundamental breachMinor nonconformity瑕疵 ;substantial nonconformity严重缺陷Avoidance rights 解除合同权Buyers right to avoidanceMMI vs IMSExclusive licensing agreement 独家许可专属协议Deny responsibility 否认责任Arbitration arbitrator 仲裁 仲裁员Arbitration panel 仲裁委员会Place of business 营业地Exceed authority 越权Notice

19、of avoidanceFull performance全部履行Defective performance有瑕疵的履行Specific relief特定救济Substitutionary relief 替代性救济Delayed performance 延迟履行Sellers right to remedy Unreasonable inconvenience 不合理的不便Unreasonable delay 不合理迟延Right of rejection 拒收权Sellers additional time to perform Repudiate 否认Price reductionContr

20、act specifications合约规格Withhold保留Money damagesBreaching party 违约方Injured party 受损方Substitute goods 替代货物Right of discretion 自由裁量权resort to legal action 诉诸法律途径the mailbox rulethe rule of the receipt of the letter of the acceptance Delchi vs RotorexMitigate damages 减轻损失Reasonably foreseeable 可合理预见Handli

21、ng and storage 处理和储藏Compensatory damages 补偿性赔偿 consequential damages 间接损害赔偿Award v判决赔偿 n判决 裁定 (损失赔偿金等的)裁定额Award compensatory damages forDeny claim for damages 驳回要求赔偿的主张Incidentals 杂费Double recovery重复补偿Recoverable incidental expenses 可予以补偿的杂项费用Remand to the district court驳回至地区法院Specific Performance i

22、n common law and civil law systemsSpecifically perform 实际履行Give timely notice to 及时通知 make a timely request及时要求Anticipatory breach 预期违约Repudiate 否认效力Right to suspend performance 中止履行的权利Provide adequate assurance 提供充足保证Insolvent 丧失偿付能力 资不抵债Avoidance of installment contracts 分期合同Excuse for nonperforma

23、nce 不履行的免责Practicable impracticable impracticability 不切实际性Escape contractual obligation 逃避义务Contingency 意外 意外开支Impossibility of performance 履行不能Objectively impossible 客观不能Inability to pay 无力支付Frustration of purpose 合同目的落空Commercial impracticability 商销不切实际性Unforeseen event不可预见事件The CISG exemptions fo

24、r impediments beyond control CISG对不可控制阻碍的免责Impediments 障碍Exculpatory clause 免责条款Force Majeure clause 不可抗力条款Quarantine restriction 检疫限制The CISGContracting States 缔约国Investment securities 投资证券Formation of the contract 合同订立Rights and obligations 权利义务Validity 有效性Apply to 适用于Liability for death or person

25、al injury 伤亡赔偿责任Private international law 国际私法Due consideration 适当考虑Negotiations 谈判Practices实际做法Usages 惯例Subsequent conduct 事后行为At the conclusion of the contract 合同签订时habitual residence 经常居住地indication of intention 意思表示the parties may not derogate from or vary the effect of this article. 各当事人不得减损或改变

26、本条之效力。Make a declaration 声明Sufficiently definite 足够明确Invitation to make offers 要约邀请Withdraw withdrawal 撤回要约Revoke revocation 撤销要约Act in reliance on the offer基于对要约的合理信赖Reasonable reliance 合理信赖Terminate 终止Rejection 拒绝Indication of assent 同意表示Payment 支付手段Place and time of delivery 交货地点 时间Extent of one

27、partys liability 增加一方责任Modifications 条款修订Lapse 失效Domestic law 国内法Breach of conditions 违反基本条款First carrier 第一承运人Conformity of the goods 货物符合规定Third party claims 涉第三方诉讼Sphere of application 适用范围Date for delivery 交货日期Specify the nature of the lack of conformity 详述Industrial property 工业产权Intellectual pr

28、operty 知识产权Determinable 可决定的retain any rights to claim damages 保留索偿的权利resort to a remedy for 寻求救济a sum equal to the loss 等同于损失exemptions 豁免 exempt fromuncontrollable unyielding unforeseeable unavoidablein witness whereof 以资证明plenipotentiary 全权代表denounce this Convention 退出公约consignment 托运an offer is considered sufficiently definite if it 1) describes the goods, 2)expressly or implicitly specifies the quantity, and 3) expressly or implicitly spec

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