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本文(细胞免疫系统主要由T淋巴细胞是人体的免疫功能构成的免疫功能的重Word文档下载推荐.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、 tumor growth cause blood brain barrier, 22 damage 】 【 normal brain tumors and enter human body blood circulation and brain activate the immune system, and because the brain tissue and T lymphocyte surface structure similar, cause their own T cells of the immune system, manslaughter. 从那时起,为脑胶质瘤患者免疫功

2、能的研究越来越多,研究方法也不断更新,但直到今天,为脑胶质瘤患者免疫功能变化的不完整和统一的结论,许多方面。Since then, for the immune function of patients with gliomas research is more and more, research method is also constantly updated, but until today, for glioma the immune function of patients with changes are not full and the unified conclusion,

3、many aspects. 这项研究是为外周血CD3 + T细胞的成熟T细胞,确定百分比可以间接地反映人体T细胞免疫功能,此研究显示比正常比例有所下降,但与颅内良性肿瘤脑膜瘤术前CD3 + T细胞癌变胶质瘤之间没有什么区别并建议患者的免疫系统胶质瘤的CD4 + T细胞的特异性,因为和CD8 + T细胞表面所有的快递外周血CD3 CD3 + T细胞,所以,这个比率下降可以近似用滴总T细胞,这两个研究结果符合布鲁克斯:1,T淋巴细胞的百分比下降; 2,在已进行免疫抑制癌细胞胶质瘤。The study is for peripheral CD3 + T cells, determine the ma

4、ture T cells can indirectly reflect the percentage of human T cellular immune function, this study shows decline than normal proportion, but with intracranial benign tumor meningioma preoperative CD3 + t-cells cancerous glial no difference between and Suggestions of gliomas patients immune systems t

5、o the specificity of CD4 + T cells, because and CD8 + T cell surface all express peripheral CD3 CD3 + T cells, so, this ratio can also drop by drop approximate total T cells, the two results accord with Brooks: 1, T lymphocytes percentage drop; 2, already immune suppression in cancer cells glioma. 但

6、是,这个研究发现,神经胶质瘤患者的免疫功能已无关,与脑胶质瘤的水平,不要认为癌的免疫功能抑制胶质瘤低级别高的水平,这严重的癌症研究胶质瘤胶质瘤(34)外周血CD3 +级百分比之间的差异性T细胞的平均低于确实正负水平11.5,癌神经胶质瘤(17 62.9 + 10.6),级12人,(63.0 + 11.0)癌胶质瘤。 0.05, cannot think values are statistically significant differences, it produced a conflict.但是,多变量方差P 0.05,分析不能认为价值观是显着的差异,就产生了冲突。本研究的免疫功能外周血

7、CD3 + T细胞比例的三组受常态分布检验,检验结果和Q - Qplot都支持常态分配,解释这些采样数据能够代表他们的整体,能消除基本统计错误可能,因此可以考虑与布鲁克斯学者,因为结果:1。在研究不同,样本大小(64癌变胶质瘤布鲁克斯)较大(33),抽样误差概率降低。 2。采用不同的统计方法,布鲁克斯检查,多目的是为了非正常性分布数据或数据小样本的大小,此研究采用两种截然不同的T检验样本均值差异意味着参数进行了比较,需求是正常的分布数据,检验结果更代表下属的整体平均差异。 3。不同的测试方法是科学和技术的发展,本研究采用流式细胞仪分析T细胞的分析,一个花圈的E比例上升布鲁克斯利用实验,特异性和

8、敏感性增加,其测量数据更加真实水平的代表。 4。机体的免疫功能研究综述前者主要是通过寻找抑制胶质瘤。 (1)血脑屏障破坏,进入血液正常脑组织,激活正常脑组织和身体的免疫反应的T细胞,在体内产生的交叉抗原,从而导致T细胞杀死自己的T细胞数量下降。 (2)神经胶质细胞分泌转化生长因子 - ,白细胞介素 - 细胞因子,如释放入血1,体外IL是抑制细胞因子的主要原因之一,抑制细胞毒活性,抑制巨噬细胞杀伤活性,影响合成,白细胞介素 - 2 T细胞增殖,抑制T细胞功能最妨碍;转化生长因子可以影响单个核细胞毒性T细胞功能和细胞因子通过,对T细胞和单核细胞的作用,只是间接对免疫系统产生的影响【23-25】。

9、5。目前颅内肿瘤的病理分级标准,主要是基于形态学基础,病理分期和细胞多形性相关,与肿瘤坏死重点领域有相关,但施耐德等【26】研究表明,与当地主要的坏死性血管生成肿瘤生长的胶质瘤不能同步速度无关而言,上述研究结果的支持,所以可以认为在现有的病理分级标准,不能认为在与免疫抑制神经胶质瘤病理分级相关度身T细胞。However, the study found that the immune function of gliomas already have nothing to do with glioma level, dont think cancerous gliomas, immune sys

10、tem, low level high level this severe cancer research glioma gliomas (34) CD3 + peripheral level differences between the percentage of the average below T cells really positive and negative level 11.5%, cancer gliomas (17 62.9 + 10.6%), grade 12 people, (63.0 + 11.0) carcinoma glioma. 0.05, cannot t

11、hink values are statistically significant differences, it produced a conflict. 研究发现,术前脑胶质瘤患者的CD4 +和CD8 + T细胞较正常人均比例下降,有统计学显着性差异的CD4 + T细胞,平均降幅超过CD8 + T细胞,结果和百分比Roszman,克鲁斯】【10或11等,但在相同的比例结果的CD4 + / CD8 +的1.48:1 + 0.41(正常对照组相比,154 +是),差异有统计学意义,而不是因为前人,比的CD4 + / CD8 +的CD4 + T细胞,只有一个百分比和CD8 + T细胞和细胞直接相

12、关的百分比的CD4 +和CD8 + T细胞百分比下降,结果,他们比以前的,所以正常比例一致,可能是因为有没有下跌的CD4 + T细胞的比例下降到更大的程度上比的CD8 + T细胞比例,但需要更多的研究的具体机制。Research found that patients with preoperative gliomas CD4 + and CD8 + T cells per capita than normal percentage drops, a statistically significant difference CD4 + T cells, the average has fall

13、en more than CD8 + T cells, results and percentage Roszman, cruz 】 【 10 or 11, but in the same proportion results of CD4 + / CD8 + 1 + 0.41 (1.48:1 normal control group, compared to 154 + is), difference have statistical sense, and not because of our predecessors, and ratio of CD4 + / CD8 + CD4 + T

14、cells, only a percentage and CD8 + T cells and cells directly related to the percentage of CD4 + and CD8 + t-cells percentage decline, as a result, they than before, so the normal proportion of consistent decline, possibly because have the proportion of CD4 + T cells down to a greater degree than on

15、 the CD8 + t-cells scale, but more research is needed the specific mechanism. 研究发现,脑胶质瘤术前患者IgE水平正常对照组升高(249.85 + 105.15 + 487.18:75.71国际单位/毫升)的研究结论体液免疫团结,认真分析,谁入少了两个案件,发现患者血清IgE值 3000 IU/ml), far outstrips the sample mean differences, consider IGE and allergic reactions relevant, the phase and indiv

16、idual differences, to get rid of the 2 each data comparison again after P value = 0.028, found, style=BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff显着增加(2982.59和“ 3000国际单位/毫升),远远超过样本平均数的差异,考虑有关的IgE和过敏性反应,相位和个体差异,摆脱各2个数据进行比较P值= 0.028后再次发现,仍然有统计学意义,因此可以认为癌术前血清IgE水平高于正常脑胶质瘤。Study found that glioma preoperative patients IgE le

17、vel 249.85 normal control group increased (487.18:105.15 + + 75.71 international unit/ml) research conclusion humoral immune unity, careful analysis, who go into less two cases, patients serum IgE value found 30 IU/ml), far outstrips the sample consider IgE. O, since the allergic micro-manage phase

18、and generating leads, may get rid of to o, data comparison to the 2 again 0.028 xpa P value = his style = , I COLOR: # FFF significantly increased (2982.59 and 3000 international unit/ml), far more than the average difference, consider sample relevant IgE and an allergic reaction, phase and individu

19、al differences, get rid of the two data comparison after 0.028 P value = again found, there are still a statistically significant, so can think cancer preoperative serum IgE levels are higher than normal glioma. 研究发现,神经胶质瘤复发比新发癌症睿智盟胶质瘤胶质瘤患者血清肿瘤,术后患者血清IgM水平降低,下Manjula术前有这样的人33】发现,在颅内肿瘤(胶质瘤患者免疫球蛋白M,这个

20、脑膜瘤,听神经瘤)患者下降,Nurullah YuEceer等【34】发现癌变睿智盟胶质瘤术后小组和落术前水平较低水平,原因考虑激活体液免疫反应的肿瘤组织,导致浆细胞在肿瘤,免疫球蛋白产生浸润增加,而且由于血脑障壁的免疫球蛋白的破坏,导致外周血的IG水平提高,但具体机制仍然是进一步研究。Study found that glioma than new cases of cancer recurrence cancerous gliomas wisdom unita glioma serum tumor, postoperative patients under low leels of ser

21、um IgM Manjula preoperative have such people 33 】 found in intracranial neoplasm (cancerous gliomas immunoglobulin M, this meningioma, acoustic neuromas decline, Nurullah YuEceer patients with such 【 34 】 found cancerous gliomas postoperative group and sagacious union fell preoperative levels low, r

22、easons to consider activating tumor tissue humoral immune response, resulting in plasma cells produced in tumor, immunoglobulin infiltrating increase, and the blood brain barrier the destruction of the immunoglobulin, leading to the IG level increases, peripheral blood but specific mechanism is stil

23、l further study. 术前和术后1天7天之后,研究与胶质瘤患者的免疫功能,进行了比较,发现病人谁经历了1天的CD4 + T细胞比例和CD4 + / CD8 +比值和NK细胞,IgG抗体的百分比, IgA和IgM抗体,补体C3,即中投水平明显高于NK细胞的比例较低,术前,显着高于术前,在统计后7天,CD4 + T细胞比例和CD4 + / CD8 +比值和NK百分比都显着细胞,免疫球蛋白IgG,IgA和恢复为IgM,C3水平,术前水平下降的NK细胞也术前水平的百分比。对于脑膜瘤术后恢复免疫功能比较没有发现这种变化,考虑胶质瘤免疫抑制的原因,如果不考虑具体的脑膜瘤患者样本数6例),小(大

24、,说的抽样误差的结果是显着的话,可以消除或减少经营颅内肿瘤免疫功能的影响,会影响到自身胶质瘤,胶质瘤肿瘤免疫功能下降后的运作机制,而不是明确的答复,并结合本研究的结果和以前的研究发现,考虑的Th1 / Th2细胞与其相关的细胞因子的分泌。Preoperative and postoperative 1 days after 7 days cancerous gliomas, research and the immune function, comparison, found that patients who experienced 1 days of CD4 + T cells propo

25、rtion and CD4 + / CD8 + ratio and NK cells, IgG percentage, IgA and antibodies IgM antibody, C3, namely an obviously higher than the level of NK cells low proportion, preoperative, was significantly higher in statistical preoperative, 7 days after the CD4 + T cells, proportion and CD4 + / CD8 + rati

26、o and percentage of NK cells are significant, immunoglobulin IgG, IgA and restore IgM, C3 level, for the preoperative levels drop NK cells also the percentage of preoperative levels. Postoperative recovery meningiomas immune function comparison found no such change, consideration of the cause of immunosuppression gliomas, if not consider specific meningioma patients 6 cases), small sample, said (the result of sampling error is significant, you can eliminate or reduce business intracranial neoplasm immune function, can affect the influence of their glio

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