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1、1. Introduce a typical day in your life. 2. Say something about your likes and dislikes in this company. Part III Making a Workplace Interpretation (3 minutes)- You are required to act as an interpreter and interpret a short conversation between a Chinese and a foreigner from English to Chinese or f

2、rom Chinese to English.- Youll have no time for preparation.A: How can I help you? You:B: You: 是的。我是Anderson and Associates 公司的詹姆士.梅森。我想见史密斯先生 Do you have an appointment? 预约了,他知道我要来。我们定在2点见面。 I wonder if Mr. Smith forgot your meeting . I am afraid he left this office this morning and is not expected

3、 back until after 4 pm . Let me find out if he made arrangements for someone else to meet with you in his place. Will you please have a seat?好的。 Yes, Mr. Mason, I just checked with our office manager, Ms. Terry, she said Mr. Smith briefed her on your project. She is just finishing up a meeting now.

4、She could be with your shortly. Would you like me to show you around while you are waiting? 那样就太好了。谢谢你。 Right this way, Mr. Mason. We can start with our front office. When Ms. Terry is ready, you may take the elevator at the front to the 6th floor. There is a conference room already prepared 参考翻译: 有

5、什么需要帮忙的吗? Yes, I am James Mason from Anderson and Associates. I would like to see Mr. Smith.是的。 你预约了吗? Yes , he knows Im coming . Our meeting is set for 2 oclock. 预约了,他知道我要来。 是这样,梅森先生。我刚刚跟我们的办公室主任特里小姐核实过,她说史密斯先生跟她简单交代过您的事情。现在她刚开完一个会,马上就会过来。您要我带您一边等一边转转吗? Sure. A: That would be very nice. Thank you.

6、A: 梅森先生,这边走。我们先参观一下行政管理部门。等特里小姐准备好以后,您就在前厅乘电梯去6层。那儿已经安排好了会议室。Test 2 Suppose you work as an assistant manager to give some tips to colleagues to help fight stress in the workplace. 1. What kinds of stress are usually occurred in the work?2 What are the effects of stress? Wed like to welcome everyone

7、to the Michelson Tools factory site, and thank everyone for being here today. My name is Paul Shafer, Ill be showing you around today. Please feel free to ask questions at any point during our tour, Ill be happy to answer questions for you.真的有必要戴上这种防护装备吗? thats an excellent question. Ill bet your wo

8、ndering why we ask you to wear hard hats and safety googles while yous in the plant. The reason is simple, we care about your safety and we want to ensure there are no injuries today. As you will see, to maintain a high level of safety, we also require all of our staff to wear similar protective gea

9、r. B:多长时间能参观完? it should take about twenty minutes to go through the main plant, and maybe another ten to take a look at the laboratory. All together our tour should last about half an hour. Okay.参考翻译 欢迎大家来到迈克尔逊工厂,非常感谢今天到场的诸位嘉宾.我叫保罗.夏飞,今天由我来带领大家参观.参观期间请随时提问,我乐于为大家解答. is it really necessary to wear a

10、ll this protective gear?这个问题提得不错.我敢说你们一定想知道参观工厂时我们为什么要求你们戴上工程帽和护目镜.原因很简单,我们担心诸位的安全,要确保今天不出现任何受伤现象. 你们还会看到,为了保证绝对安全,我们要求员工也戴上同样的防护装备 how long will the tour take? 参观主要生产车间需要20分钟,也许再有10分钟去看一下实验室,总共大约需要半个小时.Test 3 Part I Making a Short Speech (3 minutes) Suppose you are a salesman to promote a cell phon

11、e. Please describe your products.1. What are its special features?2. What methods can be used to promote products? Mr. Bryant? Hi, Im Mike from Florence Incorporated. Ill glad you made it okay. How was your flight?路上颠簸得很厉害,时间也有点长,总共大约5个小时。 That is a long flight. You had a layover too, is that right?

12、 You must be tired.实际上我休息得不错。飞机上能睡觉。 Good! Here, let me help you with your bag. Is it your first time to Seattle? Id be happy to take you around this city and show you the sights tonight if youre up to it.那样太好了,非常感谢。ve already made a hotel reservation for you, lets go to the hotel first and drop off

13、 your things. Then, Id like to have a drink so that we can get better acquainted. Ive booked a table at an exclusive restaurant downtown. Afterwards, Ive made arrangements to take you to see the city lights. Seattles nightlife can be really quite exciting. How does that schedule sound to you?听起来好极了。

14、谢谢你的热情款待 是布莱恩特先生吗?您好,我是佛罗伦萨股份有限公司的迈克。很高兴您能及时抵达。一路顺风吧。It was pretty bumpy, also a bit long, all together about 5 hours.路程真是不近。中途还有短暂停留吧?您一定累坏了。 Actually I feel quite rested. I was able to sleep on the plane.太好了!那我帮你拿包吧。您是第一次来西雅图吗?如果您今晚有空的话,我很乐意陪您在城里转转,看看风景。 That will be very nice. Youre too kind. 我已经

15、为您订了旅馆,我们先过去把东西放下。然后,我们去喝酒好好认识一下,我在市区一家高档饭店订了一桌。吃完饭后,我已安排了带您去看城市夜景。西雅图的夜生活真的很热闹。您觉得这样安排可以吗? Sounds great. Thank you for your hospitality.Test 4 Suppose you work in After-sales department and now you have to respond to a complaint about a delay in delivery of 100 disks.- You are required to answer 2-3 questions by a question master about the speech you hav

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