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1、Csomething serious Dnothing serious9Did you go last weekend?()Binteresting somewhere Canywhere interesting 10Did Qingdao show to the world during the SCO Summit (上海合作组织峰会)? Sure! Her beauty, high technology and rapid development()Asomething special Banything special Cnothing special11Jack doesnt lik

2、e history He thinks its easy but _()Aboring Brelaxing Cuseful12All of these players in the team feel _ because theyve won many matches this year()Aproud Btired Csad Dstupid13Do you have _ friends in China ?Yes, I do()Asome Bany Ca Dmuch14The video(视频)is_ and all the students enjoy watching it()Adiff

3、icult Binteresting Ctiring Dbad15English is easy for Daisy, but its really _ for me()Ainteresting Bbad Cdifficult Deasy16The new film Venom is really and I am in it when watching()Ainteresting; interested Binteresting; interesting Cinterested;Dinterested; interested17What do you think of your Englis

4、h teacher?Oh, wonderful He can make his class _ , so he always makes the students_()Ainteresting, laughing Binterested, laugh Cinteresting, laugh Dinterested, laughing18The story was very _,and I felt very _()Aboring;bored Bbored;boring Cbored;bored Dboring;boring19He is so_when he watches the_footb

5、all match()Aexciting,exciting Bexciting,excited Cexcited excited Dexcited, exciting20Doing homework is _ I am _ with it()Aboring, bored Bboring, boring Cbored, bored Dbored, boring21The _ talk made all of us _()A3 hours; bored B3hour; boring C3hours; bored D3hour; bored22I cant believe that we can o

6、nly have _ holiday during the May Day holiday in 2019()Aa one day Ban one day Ca oneday Dan oneday23 Do you think_are too young to have parttime jobs?I dont agree()Asixteenyearold BSixteensyearold Csixteenyears old Dsixteenyear olds24Why do you take lessons on the Internet, Dad?You know, every year

7、I have to complete the _ training course online()A72 hour B72 hours C72hour D72hours25Kangkang won the first place in the _ in the school sports meet last week()Aboys 100meter race Bboys100meter race Cboys 100meters race Dboys100meters race26Many people think time is money, but I dont think so()Aas

8、the most important as Bas more important as Cas most important as Das important as27My sister is as _ as me()Afriendlier Bmore friendly Cfriendly28This paper cutting is that oneYes They both look real()Alivelier than Bnot livelier than Cas lively as Dnot so lively as29The boy is _ my sister,so he si

9、ts in front of her()Aas tall as Btaller than Cnot as tall as Dthe tallest30Its easy for us to learn English Its not mathAas more difficult as Bso difficult as Cso most difficult as二填空题(共30小题)31Town Cinema has the (最差的)service in our city32Tom is in poor health,but he is (mad) about cycling than befo

10、re33The larger library you have in your head,the (long)it usually takes to find a particular(特定的)word34The more you read,the (wealth) you will feel in spirit35Of all the stars in the universe,the sun is (near) to the earth36Spring Festival is the festival in ChinaIt is a good time for family members

11、 to get together(big)37Does Gold Theatre have (comfort) seats of the five in your city?38Women teachers are usually more careful and more (有耐心的)with the pupils39How are you today?Im feeling much (bad)than yesterday40Whats your (最喜欢的)subject?41Its ( polite ) to ask a womans age in western countries42

12、The (医学的) level in the city is better than that in the countryside43If you put your heart into studying English,you will be (success) in the future44The songs (full) of strong feelings remind us of thegood old days45Jeff is making facesHe looks as (滑稽可笑的)as MrBeans46It was closing time,but the (inte

13、rest) tourists were still unwilling to leave47请判断划线部分单词的词性This is a yellow book 48When Jack left home,His mother felt _Asad Bangry Cglad49The newlyopened museum is certainly w (值得)a visit50Its (polite) to stare at anyone or to talk loudly in public51To get good grades in the exam,we should avoid (ca

14、re)52This kind of thing only happens in films,not in r life (根据句意及首字母提示完成单词)53The naughty boy ran into the garden and (吓跑) the little cat away54The movie was interesting,but Grace was not (interest) in it55I think table tennis is as (exciting)as football56After two days off on weekends,we always fee

15、l very (relax)57刚开始他们对一些事感到兴奋,最后却以说中文结束At first,they got about something and Chinese at last58We are about the good news(excite)59He was still (sure) how to do it though we explained all over again60How (care) you are!Youve knocked the cup off the table again!参考答案与试题解析1【分析】下了一场大雪后,天气越来越冷了【解答】根据句意:下了

16、一场大雪后,天气越来越冷了可知考查句型:比较级+and+比较级,越来越,结合选项,A越来越冷 B越来越暖 C越来越热 D越来越凉爽, 选项A符合题意故选:A2【分析】莫莉是最年长的学生,因为她比班上任何人都早出生【解答】根据she was born earlier than anyone else in her class判断她是年龄最大的,这里用最高级形式D3【分析】你知道港珠澳大桥吗?当然!它在世界最长的跨海大桥【解答】题干翻译:你知道港珠澳大桥吗?当然!它在世界最长的跨海大桥题干解析:考查形容词的比较级和最高级in the world是形容词最高级的标志词;根据生活常识,桥不可能修在海里

17、,因此不能选B故选:4【分析】杰姆比汤姆更受欢迎因此他有更多的朋友【解答】考查形容词的比较级根据句意Jim比Tom更受欢迎或更友好,再根据句中关键词than比确定用比较级选项Afriendly友好的,原级,排除;Bmore popular更受欢迎,比较级;C the most popular最受欢迎,最高级,排除;D the most friendly 最友好的,最高级,排除B5【分析】看!这条新路比以前宽多了你是对的六辆小汽车能同时通过【解答】答案:A本题结合语境可知句意为:看!这条新路比以前宽多了你是对的六辆小汽车能同时通过wider为更宽;larger为更大;longer为更长故选A6【

18、分析】海伦没有去任何有趣的地方海伦没有去任何有趣的地方可知否定句用anywhere,不定副词的修饰语要后置7【分析】他有钱买这辆车【解答】从buy this car判断这里说的应该是足够富有,这里用rich,enough 修饰形容词,应该位于之后8【分析】我认为青少年不应该被允许开车我同意,他们不够认真【解答】enough 足够的、足够地既可作形容词又可作副词;serious严重的、认真的,enough 作副词时,是足够地,修饰形容词、副词、动词,并放在其后,enough 作形容词修饰不定式代词时,形容词要放后serious作形容词时,修饰不定代词,aerious饭后因此enough seri

19、ous不正确,serious enough 足够地认真;something serious 严重的一些事情nothing serious没有严重的事情,由题干我认为青少年不应该被允许开车我同意,他们不够认真可知,空格是足够认真,用serious enough ,因此答案应是serious enough9【分析】上周末你去过有趣的地方吗?【解答】形容词修饰不定代词,形容词后置,somewhere用于肯定句中,anywhere用于否定句疑问句中,此题根据语境:上周末你去过有趣的地方吗?C10【分析】上海合作组织峰会期间,青岛向世界展示特别的东西了吗?当然!她的美丽、高科技和快速发展上海合作组织峰会

20、期间,青岛向世界展示特别的东西了吗? 当然!她的美丽、高科技和快速发展可知句子是一般疑问句,用anything,something用于肯定句不定代词的修饰语要后置11【分析】杰克不喜欢历史 他觉得历史容易但枯燥【解答】前面说杰克不喜欢历史,后面又说它很容易,然后加了一个转折性的字but,所以这个空应该是说历史不好的一面,或者说他不喜欢的原因 因此比较选项当中的三个词应该用boring, 因为另外的两个词都是积极意义的词,说的是历史好的一面, relaxing令人放松的, useful有用的12【分析】略【解答】略13【分析】你在中国有朋友吗?是的,我有【解答】friends是复数形式,排除CD

21、,本句是一般疑问句,用any,不用some;再结合句意你在中国有朋友吗?是的,我有可知,要用any,其它选项语意不通14【分析】这个视频很有趣, 所有的学生都喜欢看它【解答】考查形容词;Adifficult 困难的Binteresting有趣的Ctiring 令人疲倦的Dbad 坏的;联系后面的句子:all the students enjoy watching it这个视频很有趣, 所有的学生都喜欢看它15【分析】英语对黛西来说很容易,但对我来说确实很难【解答】interesting有趣的bad坏的 difficult 难的easy 容易的,四者都是形容词由题干英语对黛西来说很容易,但对我来

22、说确实很难,用difficult ,因此答案应是difficult16【分析】电影毒液真的很有趣,我在看的时候很感兴趣【解答】英语中有两类同根形容词,它们分别以ed和以ing形式结尾 它们的意思虽然很相似,但实际上完全不同,ed结尾的词说的是人对某件事情的感受,主语是人,意思是感到 ing结尾的词说的是某件事情给人的感受,意思是让人感到,所以多数情况下,主语是事情或者是物,也不排除是人 选项中的interesting的意思是,主语可能是物,也可能是人,interested的意思是对感兴趣的,主语应该是人 题目中的第一句主语是The new film Venom, 搭配的形容词应该是intere

23、sting,第二句的主语是I,搭配的词应该是interested17【分析】你觉得你的英语老师怎么样?哦,太好了,他能使他的课有趣,所以他总是让学生们笑【解答】考查形容词及动词的固定搭配句意你觉得你的英语老师怎么样?哦,太好了,他能使他的课有趣,所以他总是让学生们笑第一个空,interesting表示使人感兴趣,主语多为事或物interested 表示某人自己本身感兴趣,主语通常是人结合语境使他的课有趣,修饰事物用ing形容词interestingB,D不正确第二个空,make sb do让某人做使役动词后用动词原形laugh笑A不正确18【分析】这个故事很无聊,我觉得很无聊A考查形容词句意这

24、个故事很无聊,我觉得很无聊第一个空,修饰事物story故事用boring无聊的、令人厌烦的第二个空,修饰人I我用bored感到无聊的选A19【分析】当他看到这场让人激动的足球赛,他是如此的激动当他看到这场让人激动的足球赛,他是如此的激动可知第一空修饰人,用ed形容词;第二空修饰物,用ing形容词20【分析】做作业很无聊,我对此很厌烦【解答】英语中有两类同根形容词,它们词根相同但分别以ed 和以ing结尾 它们的意思很相似,但实际上完全不同 ed形式的这类词是说人的感受,主语应该是人,意思是, 相应的ing形式的词是说某件事情给别人的感受,所以多数情况下主语是事情或者是物,也不排除是人,意思是


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