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1、为 加油 cheer for sb 鼓掌欢迎 clap ones hands enthusiastically to give sb a warm welcomeAn enjoyable atmosphere of festivalExpecting the festival to lift the heavy load of intense studyenjoy what one fancies二 校园格局Be situated inBe occupied byWith a pleasing environmentBe well equipped with all the facilitie

2、s needed forEntering the gate, you are greeted by a fountain and blooming flowerbedsEarn an enduring famePossess a huge collection of booksRules for behaviorCultivation of talented peopleAttach importance to enriching students spiritual wealthA well-copied motto on the wall of the classroom(assembly

3、) hall 礼堂boarding school 供膳宿的学校modern teaching building. 现代化的教学楼dormitory 宿舍hall of residence学生公寓academic activities 学术活动extracurricular activities 课外活动harmonious and peaceful 和谐平静三 高考备考场面reach the limit of ones ability尽力而为act up to ones ideals为理想而努力commit oneself to an ideal向自己保证要实现一个理想accept chall

4、enges接受挑战bear the defeat承受挫折stimulate ones ambition激发雄心attain ones aim实现目标harden ones hearts against appeals坚定信念,抵制诱惑approach every day in a good mood用良好的心态迎接每一天give full play to potential充分发挥潜能abandon a bad habit抛弃坏习惯relieve anxiety释放焦虑be burdened with被所负担feel stressed out感到压力attend classes attenti

5、vely认真上课do some revision for 复习reflect on 反思attach importance to daily work重视平时成绩allocate ones time among several subjects把时间分配到不同的科目中apply/set ones mind to study集中精力学习fix ones heart on一心扑在explore hidden corners of knowledge即know what you dont knowcome out first in the exam考试得第一balance between work

6、and leisure劳逸结合draw a lesson吸取教训interact with与一起协作we are emotionally conditioned to accept defeat我们通过情绪调节来面对挫折produce advance取得进展complete sb. perfectly完善自己by degree渐渐地go through many ups and downs经历起起伏伏life assumes a less depressing aspect生活也有不令人沮丧的一面cultivate friendship培养友情ones efforts pay off努力没有白

7、费come to a good end得到圆满结局the experience ages sb. 这个经历使某人成熟shape ones character塑造性格learn with an analytical and critical eyechallenge the authority and generate ones own ideasavoid distractions fromkeep uninterrupted concentrationbe confused by a mass of unrelated factshave initiative in giving full

8、play to ones talentsbe inspired to make tremendous efforts to improve ones studying methodone will get something new in looking over ones old studiessettle psychological issues through self-adjustmenterase the uncertainty towards the futuredevelop a passion for learningno success comes from nothing四

9、 社区公益宣传Highlight the consciousness of . 强调提高.意识Have great passion towards 怀有对.的激情Appeal to sb to do sth 号召.做Complete sb perfectly 完善自己Gibe sb a positive outlook on life 赋予.积极的人生观Be well worth promoting /encouraging 值得提倡 something natural 认为.理所当然Have an obligation to do 有责任做.Feel rewarded and

10、content in . 在.方面有成就感和满足感Find pleasure in helping others 助人为乐Strengthen the sense of duty to the society 强化社会责任感Set an example to 给某人树立榜样Participate in 参与public benefit activity 公益活动宣传法律知识 give publicity to the law既有教益又有娱乐性 be both instructive and entertaining社会公德 social morality反对-的做法 be against th

11、e practice of以-为己任regard-as ones own responsibility以-为戒 take-as a warning以-为目的 with the purpose of -把-公之于众 make-known to the publiccall on-to do- 呼吁节约 call for economy五 欢迎欢送场面be warmly received bypresent each other with thoughtfully selected gifts as a reminder of this memorable experience. Before o

12、ur departure, a farewell party was held for us and our friends to express our feelings of being reluctant to leave by dancing and singing to our hearts content欢送仪式 farewell ceremony Be at ones best处在最好的状态Be in high spirits情绪高涨Bring tears to ones eyes使流泪be expose to面对tears well up in ones eyes泪水涌上眼睛g

13、ive sb a great surprise给某人一个惊喜ones face breaks into a smile like the sun through the clouds脸上露出笑容feel the same way感同身受be on a visit to=pay a visit to参观访问get together聚会clap ones hands enthusiastically to give sb a warm welcome鼓掌欢迎六 绿化环保活动Arbor Day 植树节 3.12World Environment Day 世界环境日 6.5Refuse/waste s

14、orting, garbage classification 垃圾分类A system for sorting rubbish 垃圾分类制度体系Pick up the litter 捡垃圾 Litter collection and disposal垃圾的回收和处理Save resources 节约资源Reduce waste 减少浪费put forward valuable suggestions 提出合理建议Create a pleasant ecological environment 建立良好生态环境undertake the due obligations 承担应有的义务Protec

15、t and improve the living environment 保护改善生活环境prevent and control pollution 防止污染 ruin the environment 破坏环境popularize environmental protection knowledge 普及环保知识Arose/promote awareness 提高环保意识Environmental degradation 环境恶化Pose a threat to health 威胁健康Water-saving habit 节水习惯water shortage 水资源短缺 be in short

16、 supply 供应不足hazardous material 有害物质bring ones initiative into full play发挥积极性play a major/an important role/part in 起重要作用at risk 在危险中A is favorable for B 有利于Pull together 齐心协力Let us start from ourselves and start from now, care about the environment greening and beautifying. 绿化美化环境Add new greenness t

17、o the wild用心做 be engaged in doing sthpay for ones action为。的行为承担责任work to the best of ones abilities 扔垃圾 / 捡垃圾 litter rubbish about/ pick up litters七 游览名胜古迹Tourist attractions/scenic spots / historic sites At the invitation of 应的邀请In the course of 在的过程中In memory of 为了纪念At night fall 在傍晚At ones own ch

18、arge 自费Be fascinated by 对很感兴趣Offer excellent services 提供优质服务Expand ones knowledge 增长知识Have a good reputation for 因而著名Be involved in/be addicted to/be occupied by 沉醉于Enjoy the scenery 欣赏风景Bring along prepared lunch 自带午餐Go climbing/boating/hiking/spring outing;make a tour;have a picnic 爬山/划船/远足/春游/观光/

19、野餐Litter rubbish about/pick up litters 扔垃圾/捡垃圾Make a feature of 以为特色Cultivate ones taste 陶冶情操Be both instructive and entertaining 既有教益又有娱乐性Public facilities 公共设施In honor of 为纪念、表敬意Take care of public property 爱护公共财物Tourist attractions 旅游景点Too many beautiful things to be appreciated at once 美不胜收Feel

20、reluctant to leave 恋恋不舍Scenic spots and historic sites 名胜古迹Get close to nature 贴近大自然Take sb on a trip 带某人旅行See the sunrise/sunset 看日出/落Put up a tent 支帐篷Beauty spot/scenic spot 风景点Come into bloom 开花The conservation of historic relics对历史遗迹的保护A guide for visitors to the museum 一个引导游客去博物馆的导游An inexpress

21、ible/infinite/unfailing delight 难以言表的/无穷无尽的/无穷无尽的欢乐The beauty of the river adds to the picturesqueness of the place 这条美丽的河使得这片地区愈发显得风景如画The tower affords a better view to onlookers 这个塔为游客提供了更好的视野The trees are breaking out into buds 树抽出了新芽A feast for the eyestake quite a few photos there as a reminde

22、r of this memorable experience. 八 课堂讨论发言A heated discussion was successfully arranged by someone, where we argued with each other how/whether/what Everyone sat around a table and came up with their respective suggestions. Ideas varied from xx to xx. Every tip given was of practical use.While the oth

23、er believed that, someone held the opposite point of view that, which was thought to be a sound idea.The majority reasoned thatWe consulted someone for settling this severe problem.We approach someone for help.Finally, we reached a consensus on.Everyone gave their approval to that advisable proposal

24、分组讨论 have a discussion in groups 认真听 listen attentively进行热烈的讨论 have a heated discussion about .做出决定 make a decision on 做出选择 make a choice of or Be In favor of赞同九 郊游野餐gather at school gate and start out early in the morning 在校门集合,一早就开始了活动excitement grows as we approach the destination 激动之情随着接近目的地而增长g

25、et close to nature 亲近自然bring along prepared lunch 自带食物have a picnic 野餐a feast for the eyes 视觉盛宴along the peaceful mountain path 沿着静谧的山间小路a place filled with/ full of attraction 遍是美景的地方feel reluctant to leave 恋恋不舍be involved in/be addicted to/be occupied by 沉浸于a wildness world of the silence and matc

26、hless beauty 有着静谧安逸,无与伦比的美景的野外tired though I was, I felt joyful inside myself 尽管疲劳,内心却充满喜悦be deeply impressed by the breath-taking scenic spots around us 被周围令人窒息的美景深深吸引十社会实践活动1.才艺表演Display personal talent and charmPut on a short playDisplay ones unique ability/organize a talent showleave sb the deep

27、est impression worth of memorizing audience were carried away with their amazingly excellent performanceenrich students school life and cultivate their tastethe stand around the playground is packed with spectators充分体现 give full expression to载歌载舞 combine both dancing and singingclap ones hands enthu

28、siastically2.兴趣小组Train ones creativity and innovationEncourage ones individualityDevelop a hobby of /have a great love forTake part in a volunteer laborDevelop all-round talentsElective courses which are both informative and instructiveNever fail to sparkle new thoughtsnurture ones thoughtsstimulate ones inspirationbe granted freedom in doing sthlearning should be a process of exploring and understanding of ones own initiativearouse students interest and

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