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1、D. atD;e. A. sat B. ran C. left D. wentA;f. A. smile B. question C. warmth D. promiseg. A. Job B. Money C. Needing D. Schoolh. A. failure B. wanting C. fulfillment D. mistakei. A. have B. reject C. see D. likej. A. decision B. idea C. view D. mind2. 3. 试题分值:50.04. 得分:5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 55. 提

2、示:解析:1B.本题考查上下问得理解。根据第一段的最后一句我们知道作者在一家照片社找到了一份销售员的工作,所以这里应该选择B。2C.本题考查固定搭配。表示“没有通过很多课程”可以说“fail in many courses”。所以选择in这个介词和fail搭配3C.本题考查上下文的理解。根据上句我们知道作者好几门功课都没有通过,可以想象这些课程的老师对作者的态度是疯狂的(mad),所以选择C。4D.考查固定搭配。“yell at”意思是“朝某人大喊”。5A.考查上下文理解。本句提到作者因为工作好久没有参加足球队的训练,所以比赛的时候都是坐在替补席上,所以用“sat back down at t

3、he match”。6B.考查上下文理解。本句说足球教练对作者也是很冷淡,而且似乎心中有个未问的“问题”,所以选择question。7C.本题考查上下文的理解。第7和第8个空格处到底填什么,光看这一句话是无法判断的,关键要看下面的句子有没有暗示。在接下来的两句话中,分别提到了“needing”(需要的)和“wanting”(想要的)之间的区别,故而第7和第8个空格处分别也应和下文对应。这里选择needing。8B.解释同上。9D.本题考查上下文的理解。上句的大意是“需要某个东西就像是你唯一的一双鞋子上面烂了个洞,所以你不得不买。”本句的意思是“而想要某个东西就是仅仅因为你很喜欢而去买新鞋子一样

4、。”所以,选择like复合文章的意思。10A.考查固定搭配。“make a decision”意思是“做决定”。本句大意是“我学会了在需要的东西和想要的东西之间做决定。”6. 二、单项选择题(共10道小题,共50.0分) 1. Jefferson _to accept other peoples opinions without careful thought.A. refused B. declined C. rejected D. refuted 知识点:第一部分A;得分:5试题分值:5.0提示:该题选A,题目大意是“未经过认真的思考,杰斐逊绝不接受别人的意见。refuse:及物动词 vt

5、. 1. 拒绝;拒受;拒给;不准He refused my offer of help. 他拒绝了我的帮助。 2. 拒不;不肯,不愿The engine refused to start.引擎怎么也发动不起来。Martin refused to discuss the matter. 马丁拒绝讨论此事。3. Tom _ himself _ to have got the medal.A. consideredluckily B. provedluckily C. consideredlucky D. questionedluckily 第二部分C;该题选C,题目大意是“他认为自己很幸运。con

6、sider这个词是可以接复合宾语的。后面的形容词lucky起宾语补足语的作用,也就是“他认为自己很幸运”。答案A后面跟的是副词,不起宾语补足语的作用;B和D的动词意义与句子不符。4. 5. Her muscles _ slightly. A. contact B. contract C. conduct D. confirm B;该题选B,题目大意是“她脸部肌肉在微微抽搐。7. The servants are waiting to serve the next _.A. dinner B. course C. meal D. dish 该题选B,题目大意是“仆人们正在等着下一道菜。8. 9.

7、 The tone of his voice,which was so _,silenced everyone.A. surrounding B. greeting C. commanding D. earning 该题选C,题目大意是“他的语气非常威严,竟使所有的人安静了下来。10. 11. I will _ three hundred,from 1 to 300.A. number B. quantify C. additional D. count D;该题选D,题目大意是“我数三百下,从一数到三百。count vt. 计算,计数,清点1. I counted 34 wild goats

8、 grazing. 我数了数,有34只野山羊在啃草。2. I counted the money. It was more than five hundred pounds. 我数了数那些钱,有500多英镑。3. At the last family wedding, Georges wife counted the total number in the family. 在上一次家族婚礼上,乔治的妻子清点了家族成员的总数。12. 13. The guests sit in their _ dining room. A. spacecraft B. wide C. spacious D. br

9、oad 该题选C,题目大意是 “ 客人们在他们的餐厅就坐。” spacious:形容词 a. 宽敞的We entered a spacious dining-room. 我们来到一个宽敞的餐厅。14. 15. Dick has _ his childish habits.A. outgrown B. outlet C. outnumbered D. outdone 该题选A,题目大意是“ 迪克已长大,克服了他儿时的习惯。outgrow:及物动词 vt.长大成熟而不再He has outgrown his credulity. 他已长大成熟而不再轻信。16. 17. The mans eyes

10、_ with fear when he saw the robbers gun.A. wider B. widened C. hastened D. thrilled 该题选B,题目大意是“当男人看见强盗用的枪,由于恐惧他的两眼睁得大大的。widen:(动词)放宽;加宽;扩大1. His interests widened.他的兴趣扩大了。2. The city is widening this street.该城正在拓宽这条街。18. 19. I have never been able to _ down the magazine story.A. catch B. trail C. tr

11、ace D. track 该题选D,题目大意是“登在杂志上的那篇故事, 我一直未能找到。track down:找到,发现;查出1. It was not long before I tracked down the lost watch.不久我就找到了遗失的表。2. All citizens should help the police in tracking the criminals down.所有市民都应该帮助警察追捕罪犯。3. The criminal was tracked down and knocked off by the police.那个罪犯被警察追到后逮捕起来了。20.

12、阶段作业二一、阅读理解(共1道小题,共25.0分) 1. Wang Yani was born in 1975 in Gongcheng, China. Even when she was a baby, she loved to draw lines everywhere. Seeing this, her father decided to help her. He gave her paint, brushes and paper. She practiced hard and improved very quickly. Soon her lines became flowers, t

13、rees and animals. Some of her pictures were shown in an art exhibition in Shanghai at the age of 4.By age six, Yani had made over 4,000 paintings. She loved to draw animals, especially monkeys and cats. Although her father was good at drawing, he didnt give her any art lessons. He even stopped paint

14、ing his own pictures. Instead, he often took the little girl to parks and zoos to get ideas for her work. In this way, Yani developed her own style of painting with bright colors. All her pictures were different from others.At the age of 8, one of her monkey paintings was made into a Chinese stamp.

15、Later, she started to draw pictures of country scenery and people. And when she was just 14, she became the youngest person to have personal shows in Washington D. C. and many other cities around the world.1. Wang Yanis pictures were first shown_.A. in Gongcheng B. in Shanghai C. in Washington D. in

16、 New York2. She was especially good at drawing _ before she was eight.A. monkeys and cats B. mountains and rivers C. horses and elephants D. flowers and birds3. Why did her father take her to zoos and parks?A. Because he was not good at drawing. B. Because the girl wanted to stop painting. C. Becaus

17、e the girl didnt like to draw at home. D. Because he wanted the girl to get ideas for her work.4. When did Yani have her personal show in Washington D. C.?A. At the age of 6. B. At the age of 8. C. At the age of 10. D. At the age of 14.5. Which of the following is true?A. She had a style of painting

18、 with bright colors. B. She began to learn to draw animals at 14. C. She had made 2,000 paintings at 6. D. Her father often gave her art lesson.试题分值:25.0得分:5, 5, 5, 5, 5提示:1B.细节题。本题问“王亚妮的画第一次展出是在_。”中心词是“were first shown”,经过定位答案出现在第一段的最后一句。该句明确指出王亚妮的画第一次是在上海展出的。据此,答案是B。2A.细节题。本题问“在8岁前,她特别擅长画_。”中心词是“g

19、ood at drawing”和“before eight”。因为第三段的第一句话提到王亚妮在8岁的时候她的一幅猴子画被印在了中国邮票上,所以据此我们可知王亚妮8岁前的事情应该在第二段可以找到。读完第二段的第二句,我们就会发现,8岁前的王亚妮喜欢画动物,尤其擅长画猴子和猫。据此,答案是A。3D.细节题。本题问“为何她的父亲带她去动物园和公园?”中心词是“zoos”和“parks”。经过定位,答案在第二段的第5句,该句指出,王亚妮的父亲之所以带她去动物园和公园就是为了让她得到一些作画的灵感。据此,答案是D。4D.细节题。本题问“王亚妮是什么时候在美国华盛顿举办个人画展的?”中心词是“Washin

20、gton D. C.”。经过定位,答案在最后一段的最后一句。该句很清楚的表明是在她14岁的时候。5A.是非题。是非题的解题第一步是先浏览四个选项。A的意思是“她作画的风格是用明亮的色彩。”B的意思是“她在14岁的时候开始学习画动物。”C的意思是“在6岁的时候她就画了2000幅画作了。”D的意思是“她的父亲经常教她如何作画。”下面我们分别对这四个选项进行定位。A的中心词是“bright colors”,经过定位,我们发现第二段的倒数第二句确实指出王亚妮的风格就是色彩明亮。所以,A是正确的,A就是我们的答案。B不需要我们定位都可以判断是错误的,因为前面我们已经知道王亚妮8岁前就开始画动物了。C的中

21、心词是“6”(6岁),答案在第二段的第一句。该句大意说,在6岁的时候,王亚妮共画了4000幅作品。据此可知C是错误的。D的中心词是“art lessons”,答案在第二段的第三句。该句明确指出她父亲并没有教她作画,所以,D也是错误的。二、单项选择题(共15道小题,共75.0分) 1. I was dismayed_ the thought of teaching algebra and geometry.B. of C. by D. at 该题选D,题目大意是“一想到要教代数和几何这两门课,我就感到很害怕。at the thought of:(动词词组)一想到1. We are all gay

22、 at the thought of the coming vacation.一想到即将来到的假期,我们都兴高采烈。2. At the thought of being sent to prison, he shook with fear.一想到会被送到监狱,他就恐惧得发抖。3. The victim shuddered at the thought of fire in this building.那位受害者一想到这栋楼里发生的火灾就不寒而栗。3. The school_ of one class of twenty-four boys. A. composed B. in consisted C. is constituted D. c

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