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1、 a6 How far is it from this hotel to station? It is eleven-kilometer walk from here.Athe; an Bthe; a Ca; an Da; the二、选择题7Think twice and make the decision. _ else can do it for you.ASomebody BNobody CEverybody DAnybody8Excuse me, Linda, but which is for me?You can take _ half. They are exactly the s

2、ame.Aany Beither Cneither Dboth9Excuse me, I want to buy a birthday gift for my brother.Here are some gifts for boys. You can choose _ for him.Ait Bone Cthat Dthem10Life is like a one-way street. _ will happen_ the same way again.ANothing; by BNothing;/ CNone; in DNone;on11Mum, our dolls clothes are

3、 so dirty. You may wash them, but be careful to keep _ clean.Athem Byour Cyours Dtheirs12Your home town is really nice!The air quality is as good as_of Sanya.Ait Bone Cthat Dthe one三、选择题13Kids under the age of ten cant make good_. They are not sure which is better for them.Achoices Bprogress Ceffort

4、s Dmistakes14I think some famous stars should pay more attention to their behavior because what they do can have a great _on teenagers.Achange Bimpression Cprogress Dinfluence15Have you heard of a new technology about TV?Yes. Its “8K TV”. I believe that it will make a great _ to peoples life.Asurpri

5、se Bprogress Cdifference Dchoice16The police give us a lot of _ on how to protect personal information.Atrust Badvice Cstress Ddifficulty17The father put his sons toy together by following the _.Ainstructions Binventions Ccollections Dinvitations18People in many foreign countries have parties on Chi

6、nese New Years Eve now. It means a growing _ in Chinese culture around the world.Adirection Bhabit Cdream Dinterest19Do you feel like moving to Mars?Sure. Im in no _ that life on Mars would be interesting.Adoubt Bhurry Cway Dagreement20As a student, getting up early and being afraid of missing the f

7、irst school bell may be common _ for you. But thanks to new rules, you can stay in bed longer than before.Asigns Bsymbols Cexperiences Dexpressions四、选择题21Because of the war, love and happiness were totally _ from little Toms childhood.Aseparate Babsent Cextra Dblind22I hear there will be _jobs for p

8、eople because robots will do some of the jobs.Afewer Bless Cmore Dbetter23He takes part in all kinds of activities in his _ time.Abusy Bspare Chigh Dempty24 What do you think of those doctors in Wuhan, Ma Lin?How brave they are! Theyve tried their best to keep patients _.Alive Balive Cliving Dlively

9、五、选择题25Thanks for looking after me _ my illness, Millie.Dont mention it. Thats what friends are for.Abeyond Bthrough Cacross Dwith26To our joy, Tom pleased everybody by making his dog walk _ two legs.Aby Bover Cfrom Don27To my pleasure, my family is always _me, so I can follow my dreams with great c

10、ourage.Apast Babove Cupon Dbehind28My mum searched _ the messy books and found my pencil was under a Harry Potter.Aas Bacross Cthrough Dfor29There is a stone bridge _ the river in front of my house.Aover Bunder Cabove Dbelow30To fully understand the writer, we must read not only between the lines, b

11、ut sometimes _ the lines.Awithin Bbeyond Cbeside Damong31My family get together and have a big dinner _ Sundays.Aat Bin Con Dto六、选择题32Jane is such a confident girl that she believes she can _ the hard task alone.Acarry out Bturn out Cpick out Dgive out33Daniel, stop playing computer games, please! I

12、t has _ your free time too much.Aturned up Bpicked up Cput up Dtaken up34The Civil Code (民法典) _ to be a big success and it is a milestone in our country legal science. I cant agree more.Aturns out Bputs out Ctakes out Dbreaks out35In order to improve my English, I have already made a detailed plan.G

13、reat! I think all you need to do next is _.Apick it out Bcarry it out Cfind it out Dpoint it out36Whos going to _ the children while you are away?Dont worry. My mum will come.Alook at Blook around Clook after Dlook like37Last week a fireman came to our school and told us what to do if a fire _.Abrea

14、ks out Bworks out Cputs out Druns out38Aunt Lexie, could you please teach me how to _ red envelope on WeChat?Certainly. It goes like this.Agive away Bgive up Cgive back Dgive out七、选择题39According to the rule, used batteries _ be dropped in the red bin for harmful wastes.Amay Bwould Cshould Dmight40 W

15、ill dad arrive home at 6 oclock to have dinner with us this evening? I think he will, but he _ not. Sometimes he works extra hours.Acan Bmust Cneed Dmay41Whos singing next door? Is it Miss Wang?It _ be her. Shes having the board meeting.Acant Bshouldnt Cmustnt Dneednt42Do we have to finish this toda

16、y?Yes, you _ . Today is the last day.Awould Bmay Ccan Dmust43 Is Lang Lang going to perform at Art Center this Friday? Yes. It _ be him. He has been here for three days.Amight Bmust Cmustnt Dmay44-Will you be back early this evening?-Yes, but I _ be a little late. Our boss sometimes has extra work f

17、or us.Amay Bmust Cneed Dwill45When I was young, my father _ take me to climb the hill which was not far from our house.Amay Bmust Cwould Dshould46To my joy, we_ go to the bank. Mary has lent us some money.Ashouldnt Bneednt Ccouldnt Dwouldnt八、选择题47 crowded Qingliang East Road is!Yes, because the numb

18、er of cars has kept greatly since April.AWhat a; rising BHow a; raising CHow; rising DWhat; raising48The young man saved an old lady out of the Yangtze River. _ great courage he showed!AWhat a BWhat CHow a DHow49Smart phones are helpful. However,some people use them only for mobile games. _!AWhat a

19、surprise BWhat surprise CWhat a waste DWhat waste50Did you go travelling during the May Day holiday?Yes, I did. But you cant imagine _ the traffic was!AWhat heavy Bwhat a heavy Chow heavy Dhow a heavy51_wonderful our school is! There are many good teachers and students in it.AWhat BWhat a CHow DHow

20、a52_ wonderful news program we are watching!AWhat BHow CWhat a DHow a九、选择题53_ does May look like?She is a pretty girl with big bright eyes and long straight hair.AHow BWhat CWhich DWho54_ is the concert going to start?Ive no idea. Why not check the ticket?AWhat time BWhat about CHow long DHow often5

21、5_ is Ricky like?Hes humorous. He often tells us funny jokes.AHe BWhat CWhich DWho56 are you handing out the leaflets for?To ask people to care more about the left-behind childrenAHow BWhy CWhat DWho57一I love these hair clips. are they? 一They are ten yuan.AHow many BHow much CHow old DHow heavy58 _

22、is it from our school to your home? About 2 kilometers away.AHow long BHow soon CHow deep DHow far59_ is it since the Communist Party of China (中国共产党) was founded? Ninety-nine years. Its her 100th birthday next year.AHow often BHow long CHow soon DHow many十、选择题60A great deal of money _ at the charit

23、y show!Yes, but the cost of living _ a lot, so we still need to do a lot for the children in poor areas.Araised; rose Braised; has risen Cwas raised; rose Dwas raised; has risen61Dont touch that machine _ you _.Aif; are allowed Bunless; are allowedCif; allow Dunless; are allowed to62 Who got the fir

24、st prize? Millie did. The result _ just now.Ais announced Bannounce Cwas announced Dannounced63In Switzerland, things like glass and plastic _ into different groups and then recycled.Aseparate Bseparated Care separated Dis separated64Have you heard of the pop song Little Apple?Yes. It_every evening

25、when aged people do square dancing downstairs.Aplays Bis played Cwas played Dplayed65Have you finished your report, Jim?Not yet. I will make it if I_ two more days.Agive Bwill give Cam given Dwill be given66The film Coco _ with the Oscar Award not long ago.Thats great! It deserves such a high prize.

26、Apresents Bpresented Cis presented Dwas presented十一、选择题67I _ a book report now. Can I talk to you later?No problem.Awrite Bwrote Cam writing Dwas writing68Ethan, lets go to play basketball, shall we?Sorry, I cant. I _Yao Mings game. Would you mind going later?Awatch Bhave watched Cam watching Dwas watching69Mum _ fish in the kitchen. It smells so good.Acooks Bis cooking Cwas cooking Dwill cook70Hello, may I speak to Jim?Sorry, he _ an important meeting now.Ahas Bis having Cwill have Dwas having71Yesterday I received a letter from Mr.An.

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