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1、 (还有其他的什么吗?_.( 每天大声拼读生词是一个好主意。 Thanks a lot, Lingling._?( 听广播怎么样? Yes, _(那也有益于我们的发音。) But there are so many new words. _(你们不必理解每个单词(的含义)。You just need to listen for key words and main ideas. Thats the same for reading._ (英语故事如此有趣。)_通过阅读我逐渐了解了世界上的许多事情。 I think writing is also important._ (我们为什么不尽量去找些

2、讲英语的笔友呢?)_(我们可以给他们写信.) _(太棒了!我同意你的提议)。Unit 2 You should smile at her!Send your questions to Diana, the Language Doctor._(很多学生咨询如何提高他们英语水平的建议。_(这儿是三个基本问题) The first question is about understanding English films and songs. Li Hao from Hubei wrote, “I like watching English films and listening to Englis

3、h songs, but I can only understand a little. What can I do?”_(看电影和听歌曲是学习英语的很好的方式!) Watch and listen several times, and guess the meaning of the new words. _(每一遍你都会学到新东西。)_(我还建议你和朋友们谈论一下这些电影或歌曲。 The second question is about speaking. Wang Fan from Jilin wrote, “Our school has a teacher from the US._

4、(我很腼腆,不敢与她说话。)What should I do?You can say, “Hello! How are you?” “Do you like China?”_(这些都是展开交谈的好方式。) And before you begin, _(你应该向她微笑!)Remember this: Do not be shy. Just try.The third question is about_(词汇) Zhang Lei from Anhui wrote, “I write down new words, but I forget them quickly. How can I re

5、member them?_(不用担心,忘记生词是很自然的!) _(我建议你每天把4个或5个单词写在纸片上并放在你的房间里。 Read the words when you see them, _(并且尽量使用它们.)Module 2 My home town and my countryUnit 1 Its taller than many other buildings.Tony: Hey, Daming! _(你的周末过得怎么样?) Daming: _(很好!)I went to Shenzhen. Wheres Shenzhen? Well, _(它在靠近香港的海岸线上)_ (大约30年

6、前它是一个小村庄),but today its a very big city. _?(这么说它是一个比香港更新的城市? Yes, its a newer city. _(实际上,它只是在20世纪80年代才变得重要起来。)_(它正变得更大、更繁华。) _我相信有一天它会变得和香港一样繁华。 _(深圳的人口是多少? Its over ten million, I think._(比中国的许多其他城市的人口都多。)_(它的街道也更宽、更干净。)I think its a beautiful city. _(我想有一天去那里。 Remember to visit the Diwang Tower.

7、_(它比深圳的许多其他建筑物都高.)Unit 2 Cambridge is a beautiful city in the east of England.Cambridge, London and EnglandBy Tony SmithI come from Cambridge,_(一个位于英格兰东部的美丽的城市.) It is on the River Cam and_ about 120,000.( 它位于康河河畔,人口大约12万。)_(我的家乡尤以它的大学而闻名。) Many famous people studied here, such as Isaac Newton and C

8、harles Darwin. _(这儿有许多古老的建筑和教堂可以参观。) _(学生和游客们喜欢乘船沿河旅行。Cambridge is 80 kilometres from London._(伦敦在英格兰的南部,) and it is on the River Thames. _ about seven and a half million, (伦敦人口大约750万),so it is bigger and busier than Cambridge. It is about 2,000 years old, and it _Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and Towe

9、r Bridge.( 它以大本钟、白金汉宫和塔桥而闻名。_(英格兰本身是一个岛的一部分,) and you are_(在那儿)你总是在大海附近。The small villages and beaches on the coast are popular for holidays._(游客们喜欢北部低矮的山区和美丽的湖泊,) and the hills and pretty villages in the south. _(在英格兰的任何地方你都会注意到乡村是那么绿。_(在英格兰),夏天从不很热,冬天也不很冷。_(所以在一年的任何时间(你)都可以来看英格兰,)_(但要随身带一把雨伞,)You

10、will need it _( 大多数日子里你需要它。 )Module 3 Language in useUnit 1 Nothing is more exciting than playing tennis. Hey, Tony. _(过来观看电视上的足球比赛! OK. _(比分是多少? _(一分钟之前西班牙队得分了。 Wow! Thats fast! Thats right. _(上周电视上的比赛太枯燥了,因为根本没有人进球。)_(所以这周的比赛已经更令人兴奋了)Betty:_ (你怎么了,) Tony? You look tired. Im really tired after last

11、 nights tennis match._(我还伤到了我的膝盖。_(太糟糕了!坐下来看比赛吧,这比打网球更安全。 Yes, watching is not dangerous and its more relaxing too!Well,_ (我不认为是那样。没有什么比打网球更令人愉快。 But you enjoyed watching the Olympics on TV, right? Yes, _(但那是因为对所有比赛来说,通过电视看(比赛)比买票看(比赛)更便宜。 _(待在家中比去体育场更容易。) Oh, look at that! Oh, _(他未射中!哦,运气太差了! _(没有关

12、系。还有很多时间,他们可以得分。 Unit2 This year we practice more carefully. Training hardBy Li DamingIt is Saturday tomorrow, but I am going to school. I am not going for lessons, but to play football. I am in our school team and_(下周我们要与另一所学校比赛。) The practice starts at 10 am. _(我们都尽可能早地到校,以便我们有时间做准备活动。) _(我们比平常更加努

13、力地训练,因为另一支球队去年打败过我们。)This year we want to do better._(在冬天训练更加困难,因为白天短,天气也冷。)_(夜幕降临得更早,所以不要误了课外训练很重要。)Our coach is_ because we are playing better_. (我们的教练很高兴,因为现在我们整个足球队配合得更好)Last year we were sometimes careless when we passed the ball and_(在决赛中我们输给了另一支球队。) _(多么可惜啊!This year we practise more carefull

14、y. _(那意味着我们有更好的获胜机会。The fan club has fewer people this year. _(我们希望把球踢好,以便我们有更多的球迷观看比赛。)It is good to have our fans around. _(他们大声为我们加油,我们更有信心赢得比赛。Module 4 Planes, ships, and trainsUnit1 He lives the farthest from school _(今天我上学迟到了。Mum: Why? _(发生什么事了? I took the bus. _(路上出了交通事故,且交通很拥挤。)_ (但除了我,没有别人迟

15、到。)Maybe I should_(坐出租车去学校) Its_(最舒服的方式 ),but its also the most expensive. _(那么骑自行车去怎么样?) Mum:_(那是个不错的选择,但有点危险。交通那么拥挤。 But most of my classmates ride bikes, and its quite safe. _(不用担心,我会小心的。 _(托尼怎么去上学? _(他住的离学校最远,因此他坐地铁去。 And what about Lingling? _(她的家离学校最近,因此她步行。 How about Daming? He goes by bus to

16、o,_(他也和我一样坐公共汽车去。_(但那么拥挤!而且交通繁忙。 All right. You can ride your bike to school, _(但记着始终要小心。Unit2 What is the best way to travel?Question: _ London _ Amsterdam.(从伦敦到阿姆斯特丹旅行的最佳方式是什么?I am planning to trave from London to Amsterdam._(旅程花费多长时间?)and what is the best way to travel? _about the trains or ships

17、 to get there? (你能告诉我坐火车或乘船到那里的情况吗?), _(信息越多,越好.) Thanks!Best answer: There are four ways to travel. A journey by train is more relaxing than by coach, but a lot more expensive. When you go by train, _(旅行前很长时间买票。)It is usually cheaper. You can _ the North Sea. (你可以乘小汽车及轮船穿过北海)。This is _but also the most expensive.( 这是最舒服的旅行方式,但也是最昂贵的。) _(在预定你的旅馆之前先订票。Remember that parking in Amsterdam is very expensive,_ and travel in by bus or by train.(因此呆在市中心外面,坐公共汽车或火车旅行。) _(第三个选择是乘长途公共汽车。)This is usually the cheapest

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