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本文(外文翻译蚁群优化冲压激光组合机床的最佳工艺设计方法Word文件下载.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、 Ant Colony Optimization 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。指导教师评语:译文基本能表达原文思想,语句基本通顺,条理基本清楚,专业用语翻译得基本准确,基本上符合中文语法,整体翻译质量较好。 签名: 年 月 日注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。附件1:外文资料翻译译文蚁群优化冲压激光组合机床的最佳工艺设计方法摘要 一部既能进行冲压又能进行激光切割操作的机器就是所谓的冲压激光组合机床。这种类型的机床在市场上已经有二十年了。尽管工序设计软件已经用于这类组合机床的设计,但是从我们搜索的结果来看,这类组合机床最优的工序设计还没有被直接研究出来。本文提到的冲压激光组合机床的

2、问题可通过整合知识,定量分析和数字优化等方法来解决。这些方法又带来了下面的问题:()每一个功能应该有什么样的操作,()什么是最佳操作序列(工具路径)以实现最大生产效率。蚁群优化(蚁群优化)算法被用来寻找最佳的刀具轨迹。而且有关其灵敏度的控制参数are employed in searching the optimal tool pa也得到了分析。通过研制,这种方法可以大大地提高冲压激光组合机床的工作效率。这种方法也很容易自动化和整合生成G-代码子程序,而且与此相关的课题也在进行着研究。关键词 组合机床 冲压激光组合机床 金属板 工序设计 最优化 蚁群优化1 引言现代计算机数字控制(数控)转塔式


4、。结果,许多切断或剪切操作都要通过其他机床的跟进操作来进行额外的工件处理。这样多种机械操作的结果影响的不仅是生产效率还有生产质量和成本。上述所讲的原因给了所谓的冲压激光组合机床(克拉克和卡波恩,1980年)或者叫复式机床(Katayama,1989年和a.b.xie等人,2001年)或者组合式冲压和激光切割机(Klingel和Doettling 2000年)。在这篇文章里,这种机器被叫做冲压激光组合机床。在1980年,第一台冲压激光组合机床被发明了(克拉克和罗兰,1980年),后来,人们又申请了一系列的有关克服其振动干扰的problem through a number of patents

5、(Bredow 1982, Katayama 1989a, b, Klin问题的专利(Bredow 1982年,Katayama 1989年,Klingel和Doettling 1990年,Ulrish 2000年),使之渐渐成熟起来。随着如各种各样的专利中所描述的机床详细结构的变化,冲压激光组合机床,大体上就是将冲压工具和激光切割机整合到一台机器上了。现在有些机床可以允许将冲压系统分离出激光切割系统,并且用一些常用的冲压系统配上激光系统翻新改进成的组合机床将很稳定(Ulrish 2000年)。冲压激光组合机床的优点是多方面的。这样的机床能提高传统冲压设备的性能以加工不规则形状的大工件。它代表

6、了机床的一个大的进展,能够提供一种单一的、高速的、高精度的冲压切割机床,其轨迹都是由一个终端自动控制器所控制的,而且工件之间的运动都是通过一个机械装置完成的,以消除操作时引起的工件之间的不必要的滑动。在过去的二十多年里,工业的发展带动了冲压激光组合机床的发展。生产这种机床的公司包括明尼苏达州的Dalsin工业公司,北卡罗来纳州的LVD公司,康涅狄格州的通用制造公司,这些都在美国,还有德国的TRUMPF集团,美国加里福里亚州的Amada America公司和芬兰国际公司。图1显示的就是Amada America公司拥有的组合机床。鉴于冲压激光组合机床的性能,这种机床的工艺设计就变得更加复杂。然而

7、,至今还没有发现有关直接研究这种冲压激光组合机床的工艺设计的文章,并且也没有发现这种组合机床的最优工艺设计。这与工业上机床的发展速度是不能相配合的。不过最近发现了两个相关的研究,这些研究是关于激光冲压机床的柔性制造单元的工艺设计(高希,等人,1993年)和车间优化工序的模拟方法(安多,等人,1996年)。同时,以工艺设计为主题的研究有着悠久的历史和卓越的成果。最近的一个具有总结性意义的研究是由李等人完成的。 图1 Amada Apelio 冲压激光组合机床这篇文章将侧重于冲压激光组合机床的工艺设计问题,是为了提高机床的效率和从布局到加工的加工程序的完全自动化。这篇文章还将给出冲压激光组合机床的

8、最优的工艺设计。2 冲压激光组合机床的工艺设计问题对于冲压激光组合机床的工艺设计,每批工件都有两个重要的决定性方面,例如:执行什么功能,是冲压还是切割?执行什么样最优的操作可以确保整体最大的机械效率?让我们以图2所示的工件为例,一块10001120mm的金属板,两种类型的组成部分被展示出来了。第一个组成部分是带有中心孔和四个小孔以及倒圆角的方形,第二个组成部分是顶部带有小孔的半圆形与长方形的组合图形。对于组合机床,有四种不同的操作特征。例如,23个50mm的小孔,4个180mm的大孔,四个第一部分的部件以及七个第二部分的部件。而对于自动规划设计,什么特征是用来冲压的还有什么是用来切割的?如果第

9、一个问题得到解决,那将要用什么最好的操作来得到最大的机械效率?本文讲的是在第一个问题的启发下得到的一个定量的方法,那就是蚁群优化,它将是第二个问题的答案。再用它来测试如图2所示的或者更为复杂的金属薄板工件。整合了计算机辅助设备(CAN)和G代码子程序的方法也将被讨论。在讨论之前提到的方法时,有一些需要我们考虑的注意点:操作序列(进程)将得到优化,以提高冲压激光组合机床的机械效率。可能提高的效率将转化为机器成本,劳动力成本的降低以及生产力的提高等等。 图2 冲压激光组合机床的工件组成部分(单位:mm)事实上很多组合机床只有一个冲压头或者一个激光切割器。本文所要研究的是,如果要用这个方法将机床扩展

10、成多刀头的话,应该不是太难的。冲压激光组合机床应该设计成数控型的,以便最优的操作程序能够被输出而生成G代码。附件2:外文原文(复印件)Optimal process planning for a combined punch-and-laser cuttingmachine using ant colony optimizationA machine that performs both punching and laser-cutting operations is referred as combined punch-and-laser machine. Such a machine ha

11、s been in the market for about two decades. Although process-planning tools have been used on such a combined machine, the optimization of process planning dedicated to combined machines, based on our literature search results, has never been directly studied. This work addresses the process-plannin

12、g problem for the combined punchand-laser machine by integrating knowledge, quantitative analysis, and numerical optimization approaches. The proposed methodology helps making decisions onfollowing issues: (i) which type of operation should be applied to each feature,and (ii) what is the optimal ope

13、ration sequence (tool path) to achieve the maximummanufacturing efficiency. The ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithms are employed in searching the optimal tool path. Sensitivities of control parameters of ACO are also analysed. Through applications, the proposed method can significantly improve

14、the operation efficiency for the combined punch-and-laser machine. The method can also be easily automated and integrated with the nesting and G-code generation processes. Some issues and possible future research topics have also been discussed.Keywords: Combination machine; Combined punch-and-laser

15、 machine; Sheet metal; Process planning; Optimization; Ant colony optimization1. IntroductionModern computer numeric controlled (CNC) turret punches represent highly versatile machine tools capable of producing sheet metal and plastic components quickly and accurately. However, the versatility of su

16、ch turret punches is limited in that material can be removed from the work piece only by a punching type operation. When large areas of the work piece are to be removed, or when the work piece is to be subdivided into a number of separable work pieces, or when relatively long or large diameter parts

17、 are to be made, this can be accomplished only by a series of slightly overlapping punching type metal removal operations. Such overlapping material removal operations can be effectively used to increase the versatility of a punch, however, those operations, at times, lead to undesired consequences,

18、 such as formation of burred edges, inability to produce highly accurate, smooth side edges, relative slowness of operation, etc. (Clark and Carbone 1980). Moreover, when the cut-out shape is not one of the common punch tool shapes, special tools have to be made and the costs of making such tools ar

19、e normally high. As a result, many cutting or shearing type operations are performed by other machine tools in a subsequent operation that requires additional work piece handling. This multimachinery requirement influences not only the manufacturing efficiency, but also the manufacturing quality and

20、 cost. The above stated reasons motivated the development of a so-called combined punch-and-laser cutting machine (Clark and Carbone 1980), or compound machine (Katayama 1989a, b, Xie et al. 2001), or combination punch press and laser cutting machine (Klingel and Doettling 1990, Ulrish 2000). In thi

21、s work, this machine will be referred as combined punch-and-laser machine.The combined punch-and-laser machine was first invented in 1980 (Clark and Carbone 1980), and then gradually matured by overcoming its vibration interference problem through a number of patents (Bredow 1982, Katayama 1989a, b,

22、 Klingel and Doettling 1990, Ulrish 2000). With variations on detailed machine structure as described in various patents, a combined punch-and-laser machine, in principle, integrates a punch tool with a laser beam cutter into one machine. The current version of the machine allows the separation of t

23、he punching system from the laser system, and a standard punch tool can be readily retrofitted with a laser system to therefore become a combined machine (Ulrish 2000).The advantages of the combined punch-and-laser machine are manifold. Such a machine increases the ability of conventional punching e

24、quipment to provide large and/or irregularly shaped parts in the work piece. It represents a major advance in the art of machine tools to provide a single machine tool capable of high speed, high accuracy punching, cutting, and surface marking wherein all functions are controllable from a central au

25、tomatic control and wherein work piece movement is accomplished by a single mechanism so as to eliminate the necessity of work piece handling between operations.In the past 20 years, the industry embraced the combined punch-and-laser machine. Companies that supply such machines include, for example,

26、 Dalsin Industries, Inc. in Minnesota, LVD Corporation in North Carolina, GE Capital Manufacturing in Connecticut, all USA, TRUMPF Group, Germany, Amada America, Inc. in California, USA, and Finn-Power International, Inc. Figure 1 shows an example of such a machine by Amada America.Given the capabil

27、ity of combined punch-and-laser machines, the process planning of the machine becomes more complex. However, no study has been found in literature directly on process planning for combined punch-and-laser machines. Neither was found the optimization of process planning dedicated to combined punch-an

28、d-laser machines. This is incommensurate with the development of the machine in industry. Two related studies are found on the process planning for a flexible manufacturing cell that includes a punch and a laser (Ghosh et al. 1993), and a simulation method to optimize the work sequence in a job shop

29、 (Endo et al. 1996).While, process planning as a topic in general has a long history with many fruitful results. A recent work with a good review is done by Li et al. (2004).Figure 1. Amada Apelio combined punch-and-laser machine (Amada American, Inc. )This work will focus on the process-planning pr

30、oblem for the combined punch-and-laser machine in order to improve the efficiency of the machine and fully automate the process from layout nesting to machining. This work will be the first on optimal process planning for combined punch-and-laser machines. 2. Process planning problem for a combined

31、punch-and-laser machine For the process planning of a combined punch-and-laser machine, one has to make two important decisions for each batch of work pieces, i.e. Which feature is to be punched or cut? What is the optimal sequence of operation to ensure the overall maximum machine efficiency?Let us

32、 use the work piece shown in figure 2 as an example. On a sheet metal of 1000_1120 mm, two types of components are laid out. The first component has asquare shape with round corners, a central hole, and four small holes. The second component is a combination of a semicircle and a rectangle, with a small hole. For the combined machine, there are four different operation features

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