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1、440 就个人而言,我喜欢冬天。441 你想明天会下雨吗?442 我不知道明天是不是将会下雨。443 照我的意见,那是一个最好的主意。444 库珀先生为何如此疲倦?你有什么看法?445 他所以疲倦是因为他今天整天辛勤工作。446 你认为我的孩子们怎样?447 我认为你的孩子们很逗人喜欢。448 请把你的真实想法告诉我。449 你真的要知道我是怎样想的吗?450 当然我想要知道你是什么意见了 !SUBSTITUTION DRILLS1. What do you think? Is that right ?wrongcorrectincorrect2.Certainly . YouOf cours

2、e Naturally3. I think youre mistaken about that. She thinksJohn thinks4.Youre mistaken about that. re notYou arent Hes s notHe isnt5.Arent you mistaken about that? Isnt sheIsnt John6. I like hot weather best.winter weather summertime sunshine7. Personally, I prefer winter likeenjoy8. Do

3、 you think itsupposefeelbelieve9. I dont know whether it will rain or not.John will leave todayI will see himIll enjoy the movie10. In my opinion, thatan excellent idea.a wonderful a marvelous a good11. Why is Mr. Cooper so tired ?happy sadexcitedangryhealthy12. I dont know why. Maybe its because he

4、 worked hard all dayfinished working early todayfinished working late todaygot a letter from his frienddidnt have lunch todayalways eats good food13. What do you think of my children pet dog garden storypoem14I think you have very attractive children. Personally, I thinkIn my opinionPersonally, Im o

5、f the opinion that15. Please give me your frank opinion.honest medical16. Do you really want to know what I think she thinks 17. Of course 1 want to know what your opinion is.judgmentconclusionrecommendation18. I like geography, but I prefer historyartliteraturemusicmedicinemathematicsreligion19. Mr

6、. Cooper is happy because today is his birthdayhis wedding anniversary the first day of spring a holiday替换练习1.你认为如何?那样对吗?不对吗不正确吗当然。自然3.关于那方面我认为你错了。她认为约翰认为4.关于那方面你错了你没有错他弄错了他没有错5.关于那方面你没有弄错吧?她没有约翰没有6.我最欢喜热天天气。冬天夏天阳光7.就个人来说,我喜欢冬天的天气。爱好欣赏8.你认为明天会下雨吗?以为觉得相信9.我不知道到底会下雨还是不会。约翰今天会离开我会去见他我会欣赏这部影片10.在我看来那是个最

7、好主意。绝妙极佳的好11.古柏先生为何如此疲倦高兴忧郁紧张生气健康12.我不知道为什么,可能是因为他整天辛勤工作的缘故吧。今天提早下班今天很晚下来收到朋友来信今天没吃午饭经常吃美食13.你认为我的孩子们怎样。爱犬花园故事诗你的孩子们都很逗人喜欢。我个人认为我的意思是我个人的意思是15.请把你的坦白意见告诉我。实在医学16.你真的要知道我是怎样想的吗?她是怎样想约翰是怎样想17.当然我想要知道你是什么意见了。判断结论建议18.我喜欢地理,但是我宁愿学历史艺术文学音乐数学宗教19.库珀先生很高兴因为今天是他的生日他的结婚纪念日春季的头一天假日READING PRACTICEGetting Othe

8、r Peoples Opinions and IdeasWhen I was a child there were some people whose ideas I respected. My Uncle John, I thought, knew everything about the world; he had traveled and seen all there was to see. I believed anything he told me about places like Japan, Australia, and Brazil. When I wanted to kno

9、w anything about baseball I asked our neighbor, Mr. Fulton; there wasnt anything he didnt know about that game. My teacher, Miss Ellis, was an expert on nature and I always believed all of the things she told our class about plants and animals.When I was sixteen years old I got the idea that my pare

10、nts, while they were very nice people and I loved them, really didnt know very much. I, of course, knew everything. Then, when I was eighteen, I realized my mother and father had learned a lot in just two years. I now respected their opinions on different subjects. It took two years of growing up fo

11、r me to realize that they had had these opinions and ideas all the time.Some people have an opinion on every subject. Others have none. The best kind is the person who studies the subject before giving an answer to the question, What do you think?Questions1. What do you think of a person who has an

12、opinion on every subject?2. Do you think Uncle John knew everything about the world?3. Do you suppose that Miss Ellis was really an expert on nature?4. Why did the boy think his parents had learned a lot in two years?5. Do you like to give your opinion on different subjects?阅读练习征询别人的意见和观点当我年幼的时候,我很尊

13、重某些人的意见。我以为我伯伯约翰知道世界上每一件事物;他游历遍了各地,凡是值得看的他都看到了,他所告诉我的关于象日本、澳洲和巴西这些地方的任何事情我全相信.当我想要知道关于棒球方面的任何亊情,我就问 我们的邻居富尔顿先生,他在这方面可说没有任何事情他不知道的。我的老师埃利斯小姐是自然学科专家,她跟我们班上所讲的所有关于动植物的亊情,我永远相信。当我十六岁时,我有一种想法就是我的父母尽管他们人是很好,并且我也很爱他们,但他们所知道的事情的确不太多。而我嘛,当然了,样样事情都懂。然而当我到了十八岁的时候,我发现我父母亲在仅仅两年内学到了很多。这时我才在一些不同的事物上尊重他们的意见,我花了两年的时间才长大成熟,了解到他 们这些意见和观点乃是老早就具备了的。有些人对每一件事情都有意见.其他的人则根本没有意见。 最好的一种人在回答你认为如何?这个问题以前,先把事情加以研究淸楚。问 题1.对每样事情都有意见的人你认为怎样?2.你认为约翰伯伯对世界上每样亊情都知道吗。3.你假想埃利斯小姐的确是一位自然科专家吗?4.为何这孩子认为他父母在两年之内学到了很多 ?5.你喜欢对不同的事情发表你的意见吗?

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