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1、( ) 10. A. family B. tidy C. fly D. happy. 听力材料:1. 2.i 3.u: 4. 5.a: 6. ei 7.i 8.i: 9.e 10.ai参考答案:1-5 AADAC 6-7 ADBCC检测内容:语音,音标设计意图:考查学生听音辨音的能力。II.下面有10幅漂亮的图,可是顺序错了,你能根据录音用1,2,3重新排列图片吗? ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1. The boy is tall. The girl is short. 2. The boy goes to school by bike. 3.

2、 The children are playing games. 4. The students are cleaning the classroom. 5. Ann is eating a moon cake. 6. The girl is writing a letter. 7. The girls are watching TV. 8. The farmers are eating apples. 9. The teacher is teaching English. 10. The woman is doing some washing.1-10 : 10, 1, 5, 9, 4, 2

3、, 6, 3, 7, 8已经学过的一些单词、词组和句型。通过听录音中的句子,检测学生捕捉、判断、排列信息的能力。III.比一比,谁反应快,请你根据听到的问题,选出最佳答句。 ( ) 1. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, its big. C. Big( ) 2. A. I watch TV every morning. B. I played the piano. C. I get up at 6:30 in the morning.( ) 3. A. Because it has nice colour. B. Because it is very clean. C. Beca

4、use it is easy to clean .( ) 4. A. Only a desk, a chair and a bed B. A .cupboard and a sink C. Everything in the living-room( ) 5. A. Where is Hainan Island? B. Where is Huangshan? C. Where is Tulufan? ( ) 6. A. Hello, Im Tim. B. I think so. C. Speaking. Whos that? ( ) 7. A. Its very interesting. B.

5、 Yes, I like it. C. I read it yesterday. ( ) 8. A. Rain B. Wind C. Cloud ( ) 9. A. It was hot. B. It is hot. C. It is going to be hot. ( )10. A. He likes listening to CDs. B. She likes listening to CDs. C. Yes, she does.1. Is China big or small?2. What did you do this morning?3. Why do you like the

6、dress?4. Whats in the bedroom?5. Its near Gobi Desert in Xinjiang. 6. Hello, may I speak to Tim? 7. How do you like the book? 8. What can tell us a lot about weather? 9. What was the weather like yesterday? 10.Whats Pats favourite hobby?1-5 C B A A C 6-7 C A C A B1-4课的主要句型。检测学生对1-4课重点句型的掌握情况。IV. Tom

7、这个周末可忙啊,做了很多事,你想知道吗?请听下面的录音,并把图片按听到的录音内容的顺序重新排列。(念两遍) (5%) A B C D E 正确的顺序是:1._2._3._4._5._ IV. Yesterday was Sunday. Tom didnt go to school. First he finished his homework in the morning. Then he cleaned his room. In the afternoon, he played volleyball with his friends. In the evening, he called Su

8、e. They had a birthday party for Billy. At the party, Tom sang and Sue danced. He had a happy weekend.1-5 E C A D B第1课的A、B、C部分的重点词句。考查学生捕捉、判断、排列信息的能力。V.昨天是我的生日,我在家开了一个party,你能听明白到底发生了什么吗? 请听录音,判断下面句子是否正确,正确的在括号内写T,不正确的在括号内写F. (念两遍)(5%) ( ) 1. Yesterday there was a party at KFC. ( ) 2. The kitchen wa

9、s very messy. ( ) 3. The walls were dirty but the table was clean. ( )4. The fridge was full and the sink was full,too. ( )5. After party, Ann cleaned up until three oclock.VI. Yesterday there was a party at my flat. It was fun but the kitchen was very messy. The walls were clean but the table was d

10、irty. The fridge was empty but the sink was full. After party, I cleaned up until three oclock.参考答案: 1-5 F T F F F第2课的A、B、C部分的重点词句。检测对篇章的理解力。VITom和Ken是笔友,经常E-mail联系。下面你会听到一封Tom给Ken的E-mail,请你根据你听到内容,分别写下Tom和Pat喜欢做的事。TomPatgo _go _play _ play _ TV_ CDs_ and _ picture_and_ songsV. Dear Ken ,My name is

11、Tom. Im 12 years old. I have a sister. Her name is Pat. I have lots of hobbies. I like playing chess and fishing. I dont like going shopping but my sister does. She likes playing the piano and singing songs. She also likes dancing. Im not good at all these things. But I like drawing and painting pic

12、tures. In the evening .I like watching TV and Pat likes listening to CDs. What about you?Yoursgo fishinggo shoppingplay chess play the pianowatching TVlistening to CDsdrawing and painting picturedancing and singing songs听短文,写单词。检测学生对篇章的理解力和单词听、拼写的熟练程度。笔试部分(50%)I. 同学们,我们来比一比,看谁能又快又准的选出适当的词完成句子。(10%)(

13、 )1. What did you eat _ breakfast? A. of B. for C. to D. in( ) 2. “Can I talk to Tim, please?” “Yes, Ill_ him. Hold on. A. tell B. take C. get D. call( ) 3. Were you at home yesterday? A. Yes, I were. B. Yes, I am. C. No, I werent D. No. I wasnt.( ) 4. The girl often talks on the phone _ a long time

14、. A. on B. in C. with D. for( ) 5. Candy visited a friend _ Saturday morning. A. in B. on C. to D. of( ) 6. We get rain _ clouds. A. in B. from C. of D. for( ) 7. She _ sad first but she felt very happy in the end. A. was B. were C. is D. are( ) 8. Weather always _ . A. change B. changing C. changes

15、 D. would change( ) 9. Everything _ clean this morning . A. is B. are C. was D. were( )10. Swimming is great _ in the sea in summer. A. interested B. boring C. bored D. fun 1-5 B C D D B 6-10 B A C C D 1-4课的部分重点难点检测学生对1-4课知识点的重点难点的掌握情况II.你会读下面的单词吗?请判断下面单词划线部分的读音,相同的请在括号内打,不同的打。( ) 1. messy chess ( )

16、 2. sink pen( ) 3. piano some ( ) 4. boring shop( ) 5. dirty nurse ( ) 6. there chair( ) 7. cloud now ( ) 8. where here( ) 9. water watch ( ) 10. play they1-5 6-10 考查学生运用读音规则和音标作为学习、记忆单词的拐杖作用的能力。III.想一想,下面句子中括号里的词该怎样填句子才是正确的。请用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Look! The children _(eat) their food.2. _( not talk ) in cl

17、ass.3. There _ (be ) a birthday party yesterday.4. Is there a _ ( swim ) pool in your estate?5. Im sorry _ that. (hear)6. The children like _ barbecues. (have )7. Its time _ (go ) to bed.8. Tim usually _ to school at eight. (go ).9. _ it _ last Sunday? (rain)10. We can _ our friends or watch a film.

18、 (call) eating 2.Dont talk 3.was 4.swimming hear 6. having go 8. goes Did/rain 10. call检查内容:动词时态、名词复数和一些句型的用法。这是一些学生容易出错的动词的用法,通过检测加强学生对它们的记忆。IV. Tom的妈妈出差回来了,她想知道家里的情况,下面是她和Tom, Dad的对话,请根据对话和提示,补写所缺的单词。Mum: Hello, Im home.Tom: Hi, Mum. Is the kitchen clean?Dad: Come and l_. We were ver

19、y b_. The walls were _. Now they are clean(反义词). Very good. The bin was _. Now its empty(反义词). Good. The floor is still dirty (反义词). Ill _ it later. OK Look, Mum. The table was _. Now its tidy (反义词). The dashes _ dirty. The sink _ dirty, too. Now theyre clean. (be) Well done. What about the cupboard

20、? Oh, dear! Sorry, Mum. N_ m_. Let me tidy the cupboard now.1.look 2.busy 3.dirty 4.full 5.clean 6.messy 7.were 8.was 9.Never 10.mind形容词和be动词的过去时。检测学生对形容词和be动词的掌握情况,以及灵活运用知识的能力。V. 你喜欢阅读吗?请读下面的文章,并按要求完成下面的练习。(5%)ATom是一个品学兼优的好学生,小记者Pat正在对他进行采访. Pat: Tom, what time do you go to bed? Tom: At nine o cloc

21、k on weekdays and ten on weekend(周末). Pat: What time do you get up? At six thirty on weekdays and seven on weekend. Then what do you do ? I wash my face and clean my teeth. After breakfast, I go to school. Its about seven fifteen. It takes fifteen minutes to walk to school . When do you get home aft

22、er school? At four. What do you do after school? First I finish my homework .If I have time, I play ball games with some boys. What do you like playing best? Football ,of course . What do you do in the evening? I have supper at six. Then I help my mother to wash up . Good boy. Tom : I always watch t

23、he news on TV at seven .So I know what is happening in the world. Do you watch other TV plays. Sometimes, if they are interesting. Sometimes I read. Sometimes I listen to the music. Thank you . Tom: My pleasure. 根据对话内容,请你判断下列句子是否正确,正确的在括号内写T,不正确的写F.(5%)( )1) Tom leaves home at seven fifteen .()2) He

24、 gets to school at seven thirty . ( ) 3) He plays games before he finishes his homework. ( ) 4) He knows what is happening from the news on TV. ( ) 5) Tom never watch TV plays.BClark and Lucy like sports very much. In summer they swim and in winter they skate. They are going skating this weekend but

25、 they dont know how the weather will be. Its 7:35 now. They are watching TV. They are listening to the weather report for the weekend:“Friday is going to be cold and cloudy, but it isnt going to rain The temperature is going to be below (低于) zero. Its going to snow on Friday evening. Saturday and Su

26、nday will be cold and sunny”. Now, Clark and Lucy are very happy. They think they will have a good time then.请选择正确的答案:( ) 1. Clark and Lucy like _very much.A. listening to the weather report B. watching TVC. playing D. sports( ) 2. They are going _this Saturday and Sunday.A. swimming in the river B. skatingC. have a party in the classroom D. to skating( ) 3. They want to know about _.A. the rain B. the food

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