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牛津英语8A unit4 do it yourselfWord格式.docx

1、2. once 曾经,一度。常用于过去时。他曾经生活在美国,但现在他生活在英国。He once lived in America ,but now he lives in England. Once there was a river in the village. 从前在这个村子里有一条河。once还可表示“一次”。一天一次:once a day. 对其提问用How often. 3. advise him to take a course in DIY. 建议他学习自己动手做方面的课程 建议某人(不要)做某事 advise sb (not ) to do sth. She advised

2、her husband not to smoke ,but he wouldnt. 她建议她丈夫戒烟,但他不听。4. be crazy about DIY. 对自己动手做着迷。 be crazy about 意为“对着迷;非常喜欢”(1)他疯了,因此应该把他关起来。 He is crazy, so he should be locked up . (2)那些女孩子对位歌手很痴迷。The girls are crazy about the singer.(3)杰克对玩电脑游戏很着迷。 Jack is crazy about playing computer games . 5. put in a

3、 brighter light 安装一个更亮的灯 put in 意为“安装”。 举起,张贴,挂上 put up 推迟,拖延put off 收拾,整理 put away 穿上put on We put in a new air-conditioner when we moved here. 我们搬到这儿的时候安装了一台新空调。6. “犯错误make a mistake / make mistakes .错误地 by mistake . 误把A当作B mistake A for B7. fill the room with water 把房间里装满水fillwith“用某物填充”。be fille

4、d with 是 fill with的被动形式,意为“被装满,主语为物。混辨析be full of 与be filled with 的区别。二者意思都为“用某物填充”,有时可以互换,但是:be full of 强调“充满的”这一状态,而be filled with 通常强调动作。 The bottle is full of wine . 瓶子里装满了酒。 Her eyes are filled with tears. 她的眼睛里含着泪水。8. not only but also意为“不仅 而且;和 都.” 可以连接并列的主语,宾语或表语. 当连接并列的主语时,谓语动词的形式由but also后

5、的主语来决定。Not only your parents but also I am proud of you. 不仅你的父母为你骄傲,我也为你骄傲。My mother is not only a good teacher but also a good cook . 妈妈不仅是个好老师而且是好厨师。He can speak not only English but also Japanese. 他不仅会说英语而且还会说日语。9. attend lessons 上课。attend动词,意为“经常去,出席”,常指参加会议,集会,典礼,婚礼,追悼会等,有时也指上学,听课,听报告等。它强调额是动作,

6、即听或看,为正式书面用语。join 意为“参加,加入(团体,党派,组织等),并成为其中一员,也可指加入一群人做事。如:加入我们 join us . tale part in 意为“参加,加入”,表示参加某项工作,事业,活动等。参加学校运动会take part in the school sports meeting我需要参加明天的会议吗?.Need I attend the meeting tomorrow?10.keep on painting. 继续刷。 继续做某事 keep on doing sth. keep on doing sth和 keep doing sth 都表示继续做某事。

7、keep doing 是指持续不断的一直保持这个状态,而 keep on doing sth表示中途停下来过,然后再去继续做它。他毕业后继续学英语。He keeps on learning English after graduation.他一直在跑。He keeps running.11.have a power cut 断电12.make him angry 使他生气 problem 没问题14.on the shelf在架子上15.paint the wall blue把墙刷成蓝色 归纳 在本课学习的否定前缀中,in-从来都不会用在以字母l,r 开头的单词前;im-一般用在以字

8、母b,m或p开头的单词前,ir-一般用在以字母r开头的单词前.Unit 4 Do it yourself ( Welcome to the unit - Reading )1.你自己动手做 do it yourself2.这儿有清楚的指示 here are clear instructions3.最好拿一些工具 had better get some tools4.最好(不)做某事 had better ( not ) do sth5.上面写着/显示 It says 6.代表自己动手做 stand for “do-it-yourself”7.而不是付钱给别人去做 instead of payi

9、ng someone to do it8.替代做某事 instead of doing sth9.用.装饰. derorate sth with sth10.付钱给某人做某事 pay sb to do sth11.做一些纸玫瑰 make some paper roses12.听起来真可爱 sound lovely13.一把剪刀 a pair of scissors14.喜欢做新的东西 enjoy making something new15.对“自己动手做”很着迷 be crazy about DIY16.着迷于做谋事 be crazy about doing sth17.喜欢修补东西 lov

10、e to repair things18.看起来很糟糕 look terrible19.尝试在他的卧室安装一盏更亮的灯 try to put in a brighter light in his bedroomput 相关短语: put up举起,张贴,挂上,搭建, 竖立 put up your hands , put up a picture on the wall put up a tent , put up a sign put on穿上 put up your coat put out 灭火 put out the fire 20.犯一个错误 make a mistake21.他的整个

11、房子 his whole house22.停止了供电 have a power cut23.想在他卧室的墙上钉一幅画 want to put up a picture on his bedroom wall24.撞上一根水管 hit a pipe 25.使房间充满了水 fill the room with water26.被装满某物/充满某物 be filled with =be full of27.把它刷成蓝色 paint it blue28.继续刷着 keep on painting29.不仅.而且. not only.but also.不只我的父母我对别人也很礼貌。Not only mu

12、 parents but also I am polite to others.我妈妈不仅是个好老师而且是个好厨师。My mother is not only a good teacher but also a good cook .他不仅会讲英语而且会讲日语。He can speak not only English but also Japanese .30.想在床的上方搁一个架子 want a shelf above my bed31.花了五个小时把架子钉在墙上 spend five hours putting up the shelf on the wall32.把我的书放在架子上 p

13、ut my books on the shelf33.架子的一端 比另一端高的多。 One end of the shelf is much higher than the other .34.买了一些关于“自己动手做”的书给他 buy some books about DIY for him35.建议他学习有关“自己动手做”的课程 advise him to take a course in DIY36.建议某人做某事 advise sb ( not ) to do sth37.让他生气 make him angry38.了解了关于它的一切 know everything about it3

14、9.自己阅读所有的书 read all the books myself40.每周六去上课 attend lessons every Saturday 出席会议 attend the meeting41.知道更多的关于“自己动手做”方面的知识 know much more about DIY42.学习有关“自己动手做”的课程 take a course in DIYUnit 4 Do it yourself (Exercises of Reading- Integrated skills)1. fail to do sth. 做某事失败2. only a few minutes 只有几分钟3.

15、 want to get better at DIY 想要在DIY上变得更好4. fix the shelf for me 为我修理架子5. touch the wet paint 触摸未干的油漆6. cut out pieces of card with a pair of scissors 用一把剪刀剪出几张卡片7. on the other side of the card 在卡片的另外一边8. give up (doing ) sth. 放弃(做)某事9. Keep trying and you will find you can remember things better. 持续尝

16、试,你就会发现你能更好得记住东西。10. know a little about DIY 了解一点关于DIY的知识11. put so many books on the shelf 在架子上放如此多的书12. Your watch is broken. = There is something wrong with your watch. 你的手表坏了。13. had better not be late for school 最好不要上课迟到14. begin your work without reading them 不读它们就开始你的工作15. join a DIY club to

17、learn more about it 参加一个DIY俱乐部来更多地学习关于它16. Itll take time to do a DIY job. 做一个DIY的工作将花费时间。17. how to make a fruit salad 怎样制作一份水果沙拉18. mix them together 把它们混合在一起19. mix sth. with sth. 把某物和某物混合在一起20. add some salad cream 加上一些沙拉奶油21. add. to 把加到里面去22. cut some of the larger fruit into small pieces把大一些的

18、水果切成小块23. choose your favourite fruit 选择你最喜欢的水果24. tips for making a fruit salad 制作水果沙拉的提示25. use fruit in season 使用时令水果26. Make sure it is fresh. 确保它是新鲜的。27. make sure (not) to do sth./ make sure (that) +从句 确保(不)做某事/ 确保28. use fruit of different colours 用不同颜色的水果29. try to make your fruit salad look

19、 as good as it tastes 尽力使你的水果沙拉看上去和它尝起来一样的好30. for example(举例)+ 句子 例如31. such as(罗列)+n.(n.短)/v-ing 比如32. make the salad look very colourful 使水果沙拉看上去色彩缤纷33. prepare the fruit salad 准备水果沙拉34. quickly turn brown 很快变成棕色35. leave it in the air for some time 使它处于空气中一段时间36. leave v. 离开 leave sp. 离开某地 leave

20、 for sp. 离开去某地 落下,遗忘 leave sth + 介词短语 把某物遗忘在某地 使处于某种状态 leave sth +adj./adv. e.g. leave the door open/closed 使门处于开着/关着的状态leave the lights on/off 使灯处于开着/关着的状态 leave sb./sth.+介词短语 使某人或某物处于 的状态e.g. leave the baby at home alone 使宝宝独自在家 37. Its time for lunch.= Its time to have lunch. 是吃午饭的时间了。38. Its tim

21、e for/ to do sth. 是做某事的时间了。39. Its time for sb. to do sth. 是某人做某事的时间了。40. stop cleaning the house 停止打扫房子41. stop doing sth. 停止做某事 Stop to do sth. 停下来去做另一件事42. make some sandwiches 做一些三明治43. be quick and easy to make 做起来既快又容易44. pick a piece of bread 拿一片面包45. put some tomato sauce on it 在它上面放一些番茄酱46.

22、 put some ham and vegetables on it 在它上面放一些火腿和蔬菜 47. Thats correct (right). 那是正确的。 correct adj. 正确的 (反义词)incorrect correctly adv. 不正确地 (反义词)incorrectly48. put another piece of bread on the top of it 把另一片面包放在它上面Unit 4 Do it yourself (Study skills- Task)可加前缀的形容词及其反义词certain uncertain comfortable uncomf

23、ortable important unimportant interesting uninteresting able unable friendly unfriendly happy unhappy healthy unhealthy kind unkind lucky unluckytidy untidyusual unusualhelpful unhelpfulpupular unpupularfair(公正的) unfairpleasant(令人愉快的) unpleasantactive inactivecorrect incorrectcomplete(完全的) incomplet

24、edirect(直接的) indirectpatient impatientpossible impossiblepolite impoliteproper(恰当的) improperhonest dishonest1. Do you spend a lot of time doing outdoor sports? 你花多少时间进行户外运动?2. Ils impossible to sleep with all that noise. 有那样的噪音不可入睡。3. be certain = be sure 确定4. all over the floor 遍及满地5. tidy it up 整理

25、好它6. right now (at once) 立即,马上7. keep it secret 保密8. decide to make her a birthday card by myself 决定我自己给她制作生日贺卡。9. plan to make the card with some roses on it 计划制作上面有玫瑰的贺卡。10. help me with the drawing = help me draw the picture 帮我画画11. have fun working together 一起做得开心12. have funhave a goog time enj

26、oy oneself (in)doing sth 开心地做某事13. go wrong (adj.) 弄错 犯错14. keep spelling the words wrong (adv.) 总是错误地拼写单词15. colourpaint the roses red 把玫瑰涂成红色16. cut out a picture of colourful balloons 剪出一张彩色气球的图片17. stick(stuck) it on the cover 把它粘在封面上18. complete the card 完成贺卡19. There was paint on everything. 到

27、处都是涂料20. This is the first card I made for Mun. 这是我为妈妈制作的第一张贺卡。21. put together a piece of furniture 组装家具22. make things from old clothes 用旧衣服制作东西23. make your mum a card = make a card for your mum 为你妈妈制作贺卡【短语归纳】1. had better 最好 2. no problem 没问题3. stand for 代表,象征 4. instead of 而不是,代替5. enjoy doing

28、sth. 喜欢做某事 6. be crazy about 对着迷7. put in 安装 8.power cut 供电中断;停电9. make a mistake 犯错误 10. put up张贴,悬挂11. fillwith用填充 12. keep on doing sth. 继续做某事13. not only.but also. 不仅.而且. 14. full of 充满15. in front of 在前面 16. cut.into.把.切成.17. make sure 确保 18. for example 例如19. stop doing sth. 停止做某事 20. a piece of 一片21. be able to

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