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1、in the n ear future.A.put away B. work out C. come up( )5. Health is important for us teenagers, so we should eat more vegetables such as to keep healthy.A.tomatoes and potatoes B. tomatos and potatos C. tomatos and potatoes( )6. the winter in Harbin is rather cold, the city is still attractive to t

2、he visitors throughout theworld.A. AlthoughB. ButC. So( )7. As middle school stude nts, we be afraid of difficulties if we want to make our dreams cometrue.A. mustB. should ntC. need( )8. It was such a long way that they did nthe hotel un til it became dark.A. reachB. arriveC. get( )9. Lan guage lea

3、r ning isnt hard itself. The attitudeyou have decides if you can learn it wellat last.A.what B. who C. which( )10. Its my time to come to the bookstore this month because most of the books in it are myfavorite.A.forth B. four C. fourth( )11. - Could you tell me ?-You d better keep a diary in En glis

4、h as ofte n as possible.A. whe n I can improve my written En I can improve my writte n En glishC.if can I improve my writte n En glish( )12. Doing eye exercises one of the useful ways to protect our B. are C. were( )13. I wonder when Subway n in Harbin . When the day comes, I ll

5、 spend less time going toschool every finish B. will be fini shed C. was fini shed( )14. I a camera two weeks ago but I have nt had a cha nee to use it.A.have bought B. bought C. will buy( )15. In western countries, when your friend offers (提供)you something, you can accept itdirectly(直接地),o

6、r refuse it politely. Therefore, which situation fits the western custom?A: Help yourself to some fish.A. At a restaura ntB: No. I don t like eating fish at all. Heres a prese nt for you.B .At your birthday party I dont n eed it. You should nt spe nd so much mon ey. Would you like someth ing to drin

7、k, beer or wine?C. At a bar A glass of beer, please.( )16. Safety must come first. During the coming summer vacati on, some of us may travel to otherplaces. To keep safe duri ng the journ ey, we should . .1avoid eating raw(生的)and cold food2obey the local traffic rules3swim in the dan gerous area4n e

8、ver stretch our hands out of the window whe n tak ing a bus5tell strangers our personal informationA. B. C.( )17. We have made a survey among 1,000 students from a middle school about their favorite food. _stude nts like fruits accord ing to the form.Kind offodChocolateBananaCookieApplePercentage (百

9、分比20%30%15%of the studentsA.350 B. 650 C.800( )18. Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound?A.smiJe history B. land marry C. pencil these( )19.Which of the follow ing words has a differe nt sound from the un derl ined letter of the word cut ? B.truth ngry(

10、)20. Which word of the followi ng does nt have the same stress as the others?A.Forget. B. Preve nt. C.Method.二、完形填空(本题共 10分,每小题1分)How can we keep a feeling of balance( 平衡)in our lives? How can we live with a positive attitude? To an swer the two questi on s, lets 21 the follow ing poin ts.Life Isnt

11、Fair (公平的)Our life isnt always 22 of pleasure, is it? Life does nt always give us ahand and doing our best does nt always bring good results.Failure Failure is necessary to life, almost as necessary as the 23 we breathe. Failure is part of trying. The only thing that we need to think about is _24_ t

12、o deal with it. In fact, failure can be a great teacher that leads(弓丨导)us to success.Loneliness Its 25 for us to be with our family and friends for ever. Sometimes we have to be alone. Dont be afraid when we feel lonely. Treasure( 珍惜)the friendship, kindness and love we own now.Suffering Grow ing up

13、 is not easy and pain is part. of our lives. Almost 26 gets hurt. Take a deep breath and give life a big smile whe n we suffer pain.Personal Responsibility (责任) We each have a choice to be either a 27 or a loser. We should have responsibility for the choices we make. What we will have in the future

14、depends on what we do 28 .Self-confidence We should believe we can do something well. Nothing in the world is difficult for the man who _29 himself.Life is like a long journey. 30 with a positive attitude and look at the bright side of things. There willalways be sunshine and flowers in our eyes.根据短

15、文内容选择最佳答案。()21 .A. cheer upB. fall offC. focus on)22.A. fullB. filli ngC. fill)23. A. waterB. airC. food)24.A.whatB. thatC. how)25.A.possibleB. impossibleC. impolite)26.A. some oneB. no oneC.every one)27 .A. driverB.w innerC.farmer)28.A.todayB.yesterdayC.past)29. A. is confident ofB. is angry withC.

16、 is similar to)30.A.To travelB.Travelli ngC.Travel三、阅读理解(本题共 20分,每小题1分)(A)Tom was a college student. He often made excuses not to attend classes. Also, he spent much of his free time playing computer games. He ne ver went to the library to study.How time flew! At the end of the term, there was one i

17、mporta nt eve nt that he was afraid of -the final exam. What should I do? Tom walked up and dow n in the room the day before the exam. He was keyed up. Sudde nly, he thought of an idea.The next morning, Tom went into the exam room very early. He found a young man who looked so con fide nt and took a

18、 seat next to him. Hey your Tom greeted. What? The young m an asked.Can you do me a favor? Tom begged( 恳求),Please let me copy your paper(试卷)during the exam. I have to depe nd on you! When heari ng his words, the young man just smiled but said nothing.When the bell rang, the young man stood up immedi

19、ately and came to the front, say ing, NowI will hand out( 分发)the papers to all of you and collect them in one hour. Tom sat there with his mouth wide ope n.( )31. The underlined word keyed up most probably means .A. satisfied B. n ervous C. brave( )32. Tom walked up and dow n in the room the day bef

20、ore the exam becauseA.he liked study ing in the libraryB.he wan ted to take exerciseC.he was worried about the coming exam( )33. When Tom was in college, .A.he studied very hardB.he did nt always atte nd classesC.he spent little of his free time playing computer games( )34. Which of the following is

21、 NOT true according to the passage?A.Tom was con fide nt, so he went into the exam room late.B.There was a final exam at the end of the term.C.Tom wan ted to copy some one elses paper duri ng the final exam.( )35. can be the missing sentence in the passage.A.It is time for the final exam !B.Tom want

22、s to copy my paper!C.I am fond of the exam !(B)The In formatio n about Some Great Inven ti onsInven ti onBOWheelTeleph oneLight bulbPaperAppeari ngTimeA few thousa nd years agoIn 1876In 1879Around 2,000years agoInven torUnknownAlexa nder BeIlThomas Edis onCai LunInven torsNatio nalityAmerica nChin e

23、seEarly Mai nMaterialWoodPlastic and metalGlass and metalCott on or flaxMain UseMak ing travelli ng fasterUsed for com mun icat ing over dista ncesGivi ng lightUsed for record ing in formatio nWordBox: lightbulb 灯泡 unknown 未知的 flax 亚麻根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案。( )36. Since inven ted paper, people have bee n a

24、ble to record in formati on on paper.A. Alexa nder Bell B. Thomas Edis on C. Cai Lun( )37. According to the form above, the invention that appeared in 1876 was made of .A. plastic and metal B. glass and metal C. cott on or flax( )38. Accord ing to the form above, the latest inven tio n was A. the te

25、lepho ne B. the light bulb C. the wheel( )39. Thanks to the inven ti on of the wheel, people can .A.have eno ugh light to muni cate over dista nces( )40. Which of the followi ng is TRUE accordi ng to the form above?A.Three of the inven ti ons were made of metal.B.Neither Ale

26、xa nder Bell nor Thomas Edis on is America n.C.Two of the inven ti ons appeared in the 19th cen tury.(C)Long ago, there was a queen who lived in a palace. She felt bored and said to her advisor(顾问 ),All the things around me are too bori ng. I n eed a differe nt kind of beauty. Let every one know tha

27、t I will hold a competition for the most beautiful thi ng in the world. And the prize will be this crown (王冠).Several days later, lots of people came to the competition and showed their things. The queen was not satisfied with what she saw. The advisor suggested, What you are looking for cannot be b

28、rought to you. You must look for it by yourself. What about a journ ey?The quee n was in terested in the idea, so she started immediately. As she was on top of the hill n ear her palace, she looked dow n and sudde nly someth ing cried in her heart. Why have I n ever found my palace so beautiful?The queen spent one year travelling. She saw beauty on the farm, in the forest and even in the stars twin kling(闪烁)at night on her journey.

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