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1、4. What does the man advise the woman to do? A. To exercise with him. B. To breathe the fresh air. C. To have a running race.5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Boyfriend and girlfriend. B. Customer and receptionist. C. Friends. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。6. What

2、 are the speakers talking about? A. Ways of keeping warm in a room. B. Ways of avoiding fire. C. Ways of making a fireplace.7. What will the man do to warm the room? A. Make a fire. B. Close the door. C. Turn on the heat.听第7段材料, 回答第8、9题。8. What is the woman doing? A. Meeting the landlord. B. Shoppin

3、g with her friend. C. Looking for an apartment.9. Where will the speakers have their appointment? A. On Main Street. B. In the mans house. C. In the womans house.听第8段材料, 回答第1012题。10. Where did the earthquakes and fires happen? A. In Florida. B. In California. C. In France.11. When does Florida have

4、hurricanes every year? A. From June to August. B. From July to October. C. From June to October.12. How many homes were destroyed by Hurricane Andrew?A. 30,000. B. 3,000. C. 85,000.听第9段材料, 回答第1316题。13. Whose birthday will it be? A. David s. B. Mary s. C. Tony s.14. How does the man get information a

5、bout particular restaurants? A. He finds it from the newspaper. B. He asks his friends for help. C. He surfs the Internet.15. What kind of food does the man prefer?AKorean food BChinese food CJapanese food16What will the man do next? ACall and get a reservation BGo and buy a birthday present CSearch

6、 for information online听第10段材料, 回答第1720题。17Whats the average lifespan of Americans about a century ago? AAbout 40 years BAbout 50 yearsCAbout 78 years18What has happened to Americans over the past hundred years? AThey have been living longer than before BMany people died of serious diseases CResearc

7、hers tended to live longer than before19How did medical breakthroughs help children? ABy curing some serious diseases BBy dealing with dirty water CBy improving researchers lifestyles20When may we see another significant leap in life expectancy? AAfter scientists can get rid of disease and old-age w

8、eakness BAfter scientists find a way to keep our cells dividing longerCAfter the medical discoveries of World War II第二部分:英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分) 第一节 单项填空(共15小题;21. Everyone shouts “Kill it!” when a rat is seen to run _ the street. A. along B. over C. across D. cross22. In New Zealand, people live in the

9、houses with their doors _north.A. face B. faced to the C. facing D. facing to23. Nothing but one desk and six chairs _ in the room.A. are B. is stayed C. is D. are left24. Where to get the materials and how to get them _ at the meeting.A. have not discussed B. have not been discussedC. has not discu

10、ssed D. has not been discussed25. Among cultures there are different preferences _what is attractive. Ain case of Bregardless of Cinstead of Din terms of26. Paper produced every year is _ the worlds production of vehicles. A. the three times weight of B. three times the weight ofC. as three times as

11、 heavier as D three times as heavier as27. Close to the post office _ two women, who are watching the gate _ . A. stand; close B. stands; closely C. stand; closely D. stands; close28. She is in a poor _of health. As a result,she has to give up her job.Aposition Bsituation Cstate Dcondition29. Off _w

12、ithout so much as a “goodbye” Awent Jenny Bdid Jenny go Cgoes Jenny Ddoes Jenny go30. Mr. Smith was thinking about how to explain to the manager why he was late for work, when a good idea _ to him. A. happened B. brought C. occurred D. Struck31. Bob _ a lot of Japanese when he watched Japanese carto

13、ons at a younger age. A. picked up B. took up C. made up D. turned up 32. Tom failed again in the exam, _ made his parents very disappointed. A. it B. which C. that D. he33. The fire was finally _ after the building had _ for two hours. A. put off; caught fire B. put away; been on fire C. put out; b

14、een on fire D. put out; caught fire 34. A lot of _ passengers were sent to hospital immediately when the rescue team arrived. A. destroyed B. injured C. wounded D. damaged 35. Did Alan enjoy seeing his old friends yesterday? Yes, he did. He _ his old friends for a long time. A. didnt see B. wouldnt

15、see C. hasnt seen D. hadnt seen第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)When I was a kid, my dad worked in a shop. Sometimes, I went to the shop with him. I would spend the day just 36 there, doing nothing and not paying much 37 to all the people around me. One day, as my dad and I were 38 to the shop, I looke

16、d out of the car window and saw an old man at the street corner. Our 39 met and held for about twenty seconds. There was 40 fearful about this man, but it was a significant encounter (意外的相遇) for me. 41 that point in my life, I had given no 42 to anyone I saw on the street. My life was my family and

17、friends. I had no interest in anyone else. 43 for the first time I had an interest in what that person was all about. Over the years I had long 44 that man, but he came to my mind recently and I remembered the twenty 45 when I looked into the eyes of a stranger and 46 what he was all about. It seems

18、 that we are all 47 these days. There are so many things to look after that we 48 have time for sincere interest in others. Great thinkers 49 us to “stop and smell the roses”. But it has taken me decades to really appreciate the 50 of these words. When I have the opportunity to 51 a young person, I

19、do my best to convey (传递) this message. But 52 , young people are too busy to 53 the advice. I would tell young people to stop what they are doing and 54 . I would tell them to try as 55 as they could to understand what is in their line of sight and enjoy the beauty of life. 36. A. disturbing B. wor

20、king C. sitting D. helping37. A. mind B. interest C. respect D. attention38. A. driving B. running C. walking D. wandering39. A. bodies B. hands C. eyes D. feet40. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing41. A. Since B. Up to C. Not until D. After42. A. glance B. fear C. greeting D. thought

21、43. A. So B. Instead C. Still D. But44. A. remembered B. reminded C. forgotten D. recalled45. A. years B. days C. seconds D. minutes46. A. knew B. learned C. doubted D. wondered47. A. lazy B. stupid C. busy D. puzzled48. A. hardly B. ever C. even D. always49. A. make B. prove C. encourage D. force 5

22、0. A. power B. meaning C. beauty D. creativity51. A. contribute to B. speak to C. blame on D. quarrel with52. A. luckily B. immediately C. unfortunately D. astonishingly53. A. agree to B. think highly of C. take notice of D. inform of54. A. go round B. hang about C. come about D. look around55. A. s

23、oon B. far C. possible D. hard第三部分:阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2分,满分50分)第一节(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AYou normally dont expect anything exciting to happen while building a road. But, several years ago, road builders in Southern Mexico found a large stone slab (板层) covered with marks. Scientists have now concluded that t

24、hese signs may be the oldest evidence of writing ever found in the Americas. Road builders uncovered this stone slab, now known as the Cascajal block, in a gravel quarry (采石场) near Veracruz, Mexico. Road workers discovered the stone in 1999 while digging in a gravel pit near Veracruz. This area of M

25、exico was at the center of the ancient Olmec civilization. Scientists who have studied the Cascajal block say that it displays an early form of Olmec writing, dating back nearly 3,000 years. Signs inscribed on this slab may represent the earliest writing in the Americas. Scientists had previously fo

26、und samples of Olmec writing from 2,650 years ago. The new block is older and clearly shows writing, says Stephen D. Houston of Brown University in Providence, R.I. One side of the stone block is covered with sixty-two carved signs. Twenty-eight of these signs are distinctive elements, similar to in

27、dividual letters that might represent things like corn, eyes, or animal skin. The signs run across the block, just as words run across a page. Scientists arent sure exactly what the symbols mean, and they dont know whether the writing system has any basic rules or grammar. This type of writing might

28、 have spread across Southern Mexico, says Houston. Wooden figurines (小雕像) found at other Olmec sites have a few similar signs carved in the backs of their heads. 56. According to the author, the _ may be the oldest evidence of writing ever found in the Americas.A. large stone slab covered with marks

29、 found in Southern MexicoB. stones discovered in a gravel pit in VeracruzC. stone road in Southern Mexico D. wooden figurines found at other Olmec sites57. The underlined word “inscribed” in the third paragraph probably means _.A. painted B. stuck C. carved D. measured58. This type of writing on the stone _.A. was taught by teachers at school during that timeB. can only be found in this special areaC. disappeared immediately after its appearance D. might have spread across Southern Mexico59. The author wrote this article to _.A. introduce a precious

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