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1、专业人才向管理的角色转变试题答案课后测试如果您对课程内容还没有完全掌握,可以点击这里再次观看。观看课程测试成绩:分。恭喜您顺利通过考试! 单选题1. 下列选项中,关于专业技术人员与管理人员的区别,表述错误的是: A管理人员关注的是工作是否完成 B专业技术人员思维模式较为单一 C专业技术人员的观念是非黑即白 D管理人员看重管理中的哲学和艺术 正确答案: A2. 下列选项中,不属于专业人员转型为管理人员,需要克服的角色认知障碍的是: A追求技术完美 B不打无准备之仗 C亲力亲为 D强将手下必弱兵 正确答案: D3. 在实际管理中,更需要理论倾向操纵技能的管理者层级是: A高层管理 B中层管理 C前

2、线管理 D一线管理 正确答案: A4. 在中层管理者的工作职责中,最重要的是: A做 B想 C说 D计划 正确答案: B5. 下列选项中,不属于管理者作为“资源分配者”角色的主要活动是: A调度 B授权 C询问 D制定战略 正确答案: D6. 下列选项中,不属于管理者职能的是: A计划 B执行 C领导 D控制 正确答案: B7. 下列选项中,不属于管理者做计划时必须考虑的因素是: A资源 B目的 C目标 D资金 正确答案: D8. 作为“领导者”的角色,首先需要展开的工作是: A给员工培训 B熟悉内部人员 C激励下属 D考虑企业目标 正确答案: B9. 下列选项中,不属于管理者人际关系中角色典

3、范的是: A傀儡 B领导者 C传播者 D联络者 正确答案: C10. 管理者与专业技术人员最大的不同在于: A做计划 B做决策 C做领导 D管理 正确答案: B判断题11. 管理者在工作上常常从深处、细微处着眼。此种说法: 正确 错误 正确答案: 错误12. 作为管理人才,通常会在准备尚未充足的情况下作出决定。此种说法: 正确 错误 正确答案: 正确13. 客户需求多元化,会使管理者发展成为专业人才。此种说法: 正确 错误 正确答案: 错误14. 组织职能即通过监督、指挥、培训和激励下属,带领其完成任务的过程。此种说法: 正确 错误 正确答案: 错误15. 对于管理者而言,是否扮演好管理者的角

4、色,是由员工来定义。此种说法: 正确 错误 正确答案: 正确人 文 模 拟人 文 模 拟(一)(1) In _ the British Commonwealth was founded.A. 1913 B. 1936 (2) Most pregnant working women receive their statutory maternity pay directly from their employer for a maximum of _ weeks. A. 10 B. 18 C. 28 D. 22(3) The Declaration of Independence was ado

5、pted by the Continental Congress on _ . A. April 19,1775 B. Christmas Day of 1776 C. May 10,1775 D. July 4, 1776(4) Abraham Lincoln, as candidate of _, was elected President in 1860.A.the Democratic Party B. the Republican Party C.the Labor Party D. the Conservative Party(5) Which of the following i

6、s NOT true about the Independence Day?A.It is Americas most important patriotic holiday, the birthday of the nation.B.Some people bring their children to visit the birthplace of the nationBoston.C.The army fires a 13-gun salute.D.The President traditionally holds a large national banquet.(6) Spenser

7、 is regarded as one of the greatest poets in the English Renaissance. His 材masterpiece is _.A. Utopia B. The Song of Beowulf C. The Faerie Queene D. The Canterbury Tales(7) The Romantic Age came to an end with the death of the last well-known romantic writer _ . A. Jane Austen B. Walter Scott C. Sam

8、uel Taylor Coleridge D. William Wordsworth(8) _ was considered the true father of our(Am.) national literature. A. Mark Twain B. Henry James C. Emily Dickinson D. Dreiser(9) Modern linguistics focuses on the present-day language, it will be possible to describe language from a _ point of view. A. so

9、ciological B. synchronic C. diachronic D. psychological(10) The same word may have more than one meaning, which is called _. A. synonymy B. homonymy C. hyponymy D. polysemy人 文 模 拟(二)(1) The prevailing _ winds or Westerilies blow over the country all the year. A. south-east B. south C. south-west D.

10、west(2)Education is compulsory for all between the ages of _ and _ . A. 5;16 B. 4;17 C. 3;18 D. 6;15 (3) The Constitution was first ratified by_ in December 1787. A. Massachusetts B. New York C. Washington D. Boston (4) Each local school district has _ which is usually elected by the voters. A. a bo

11、ard of administration B. a governing board C. delegates authority D. an educational committee(5) Which of the following is NOT associated with Halloween? A. “Trick or treat” B. “Spring Break” C. bonfire D. pumpkin-lanterns (6)The most important styles in _ in England is poetry and drama.A. the Middl

12、e English literature B. RenaissanceC. The Victorian Period D. the Neoclassical Period (7) The Pickwick Paper is among _ early novels. A. Jane Austens B. Thomas Hardys C. Charles Dickens D. D. H. Lawrences(8)The novel_ is NOT written by Henry James.A. The Ambassadors B. The Wings of the DoveC. The Bo

13、stonians D. The Mysterious Stranger(9) The distinction between competence and performance is similar to the distinction between _ . A. prescriptive and descriptive B. synchronic and diachronic C. speech and writing D. language and parole (10) Semantics can be defined as the study of _. A. naming B.

14、meaning C. communication D. all of the above人 文 模 拟(三)(1) In Britain _ of the population is urban and _ is rural. A. 90%; 10% B. 80%; 20% C. 70%; 30% D. 60%; 40%(2)The Open University is based in _ . A. London B. Edinburgh C. the new town of Milton Keynes D. Cambridge(3) After President Jefferson bought the Louisiana territory from _, there was a desire for territorial expansion among many frontier men. A. England B. Holland C. France D. Spain(4) On April 18,1991, _ issued the plan “American 2000: An Education Strategy”.A. Clinton B. Bush

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