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1、王长喜六级考前热身试题二大学英语六级考试考前热身试题二Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Credit Cards on Campus. Youshould write at least 150 words following the outline given below.1. 有人认为信用卡进入大学校园是件好事2. 也有人持反对意见3. 你的想法Credit Cards on Campus_Part I

2、I Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. For questions 8-10, complete

3、 the sentences with the information given in the passage.The Value of Writing WellIts that time of year again. No, not “the holiday season”. I mean, it is holiday time, but for professors it doesnt start feeling like holiday time until final grades are in and the books are closed on another semester

4、. No, for me, its paper-grading time, the time of year when Im reminded over and over of the importance of good writing skills-and of their rarity.The ability to write well is not a gift. Sure, the special something that sets apart a Tolstoy or Shakespeare or Salman Rushdie or Isabel Allende is a gi

5、ft, a talent born of disposition, experience, and commitment. But just to be able to communicate clearly with the written word takes no special talent; its a skill like any other.Well, not exactly like any other. Because the words we use to write with are the same words we use to think with, learnin

6、g to write well has ramifications that go beyond the merely technical. As we improve our writing ability, we improve our ability to thinkto build an argument, to frame issues in compelling ways, to weave apparently unrelated facts into a coherent whole.And despite the recurring hand-wringing and che

7、st-beating about the “end of literacy” and the “death of the printed word”, the reality is that we write more than ever these days. While its a rare person who sits down with pen and paper in hand and writes a letter to a friend or loved one, we pour emails into the ether at an astounding rate. We t

8、ext message, tweet, instant message, blog, comment, and otherwise shoot words at each other in a near-constant flow of communication. We annotate group portraits, LOL-ify cat pictures, and tag. well, everything. At work, we write letters, proposals, PowerPoint presentations, Business requirement doc

9、uments, memos, speeches, mission statements, position papers, operating procedures, manuals, brochures, package copy, press releases, and dozens of more specialized types of documents.We are, it seems, writing creatures. Homo scribus, if you will.Its no wonder that Businesses repeatedly cite “commun

10、ication skills” as the single most desirable trait in new employees. The kicker, though, is that we are as a society incredibly bad at writing. Public schools do a poor job of teaching students how to write wellthey barely manage to instill the basic rules of grammar and the miserable 5-paragraph es

11、say, let alone how to write with style and verve, how to put together an argument that moves steadily from one point to the next to persuade a reader of some crucial point, how to synthesize ideas and data from multiple sources into something that takes those ideas one step further.Its not just the

12、teachers fault. Teachers do the best they can with what theyre given, and all too often what theyre given is inadequate resources with which to teach classrooms full of unmotivated students who could care less about writing. Add to that the requirements of mandatory nation-wide tests that reward con

13、formity, not creativity, and the threat of punishment for any school whose students fail to fall within the fairly rigid boundaries of the tests requirements, and youve got a pretty bad situation all around for instilling in students the power to write well.That is, alas, a great disservice. Being a

14、ble to write well vastly improves studentsand otherspotential for success, regardless of the field they find themselves in. As Ive already mentioned, people who write well tend to be better able to think through problems and tease out patterns in outwardly dissimilar situations. More importantly, people who write well have the opportunity to make a mark in the world, because their best ideas arent trapped in their own minds for lack of a means of expres

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