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1、2. I hope our team will win.3. Which sport do you prefer , cycling or rowing? I prefer rowing.4. Are you going to join the school rowing club? Yes , I am. / No , Im not.5. What are you going to be when you grow up? Im going to be a dancer.6. She spends half an hour doing exercise in the gym every da

2、y.7. They are sure that she will win.8. Michael , could you please do me a favor? Sure. What is it?9. Would you mind if I try it again? Certainly not. Please do.10. Im sorry Im late for class. Thats OK. Please take a seat.11. Thats very kind of you , but I can manage it myself.12. What do you mean b

3、y saying that?13. We are sure to win next time.14. Ill take part in the school meet.15. There will be another exciting relay race this afternoon.16. Ill be able to take part in the Olympic Games.功能意念1. 请求允许May I come in? Yes , please.Would you mind teaching me? Not at all. /Of course not.Would you m

4、ind not putting your bike here? Sorry. Ill put it somewhere else.Would/ Do you mind if l open the window? Youd better not. /Im sorry, its not allowed.Could you please do me a favor? Sure/Certainly. Whats it?Can/Could l use your telephone? Of course , you can.2. 道歉Sorry. /Im sorry. /Excuse me , pleas

5、e. /I beg your pardon.Im sorry. Im late for class.Thatm sorry for what I said. Its nothing.m sorry to trouble you. Never mind.m sorry for losing your book. Oh, it doesnt matter,I have another one.3. 约会When shall we meet? Lets make it half past six.Where shall we meet? At the school gate.Will you be

6、free this Sunday? Yeah, I think I will.Lets make it 4: 30. All right. See you then.Do you have time this afternoon?=Are you free this afternoon?m afraid I have no time then. /Sorry , I wont be free then. But Ill be free tomorrow.Could we meet at 4:30? Yes , Ill be free then.How about tomorrow mornin

7、g?(=what about,后接动词要用v.-ing形式)All right. See you then.语法精粹1.掌握一般将来时be going to/will +动词原形的用法。2. 学会使用Would /Do you mind.? 的用法。考点剖析1. I saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays. 在暑假我看你几乎每天打篮球。see是感官动词,后可接不带to 的不定式或现在分词作宾语补足语。即:see sb. do sth. 或see sb. doing sth. ,但两者是有区别的:不定

8、式表示整个动作过程,而现在分词表示正在进行的动作(不管是不是全过程)。如:I saw him cross the road. 我看见他穿过了马路。(指我看到他离开这边人行道到另一边的人行道,穿过马路的整个过程。)I saw him crossing the road. 我看见他正在穿越马路。(强调看到的动作正在进行。【链接】感官动词还有: feel , hear, listen to , look at , find , notice , watch 等。We often hear him sing in his garden. 我们经常听到他在花园里唱歌。Can you feel the t

9、rain slowing down? 你能感觉到火车在慢下来吗?2. Which sport do you prefer , cycling or rowing? 骑车和划船,你更喜欢哪种运动?I prefer rowing. 我更喜欢划船。prefer是指两者中偏爱或更喜欢一者。其用法为prefer +动名词/名词/动词不定式。Which do you prefer, an apple or an orange? 苹果和橘子,你更喜欢哪种?I prefer an orange. 我更喜欢橘子。【链接】(1) prefer to do sth. 更喜欢做某事。A lot of people p

10、refer to live in the countryside. 有更多人更喜欢住在乡下。(2) prefer doing sth. to doing sth. 比起做某事更喜欢做某事。I prefer reading to writing. 比起写字,我更喜欢读书。3. Are you going to join the school rowing club? 你要加入学校划船俱乐部吗?当join作及物动词时,意为连接,接合,加入。作加入解时,指的是成为某个团体、组织的一员; join sb. 表示加人某人的行列,和某人一起。When did he join the army? 他什么时候

11、入伍的? Will you join us? 你愿意加入我们吗?(1)当join作不及物动词时,意为参加(某项活动) ,通常结构为join in +活动名称Would you like to join in the match? 你要参加比赛吗?( 2 ) take part in 指参与某项活动,相当于be in或join in+活动名称。I took part /joined in her birthday party last night. 昨晚我参加了她的生日晚会。4. They are leaving for Japan the day after tomorrow. 他们将于后天动

12、身前往日本。are leaving for并不表示动作现在正在进行,而是表示动作将要发生。某些动词的现在进行时可用来表示一个最近按计划或已安排好要进行的动作。come , go , do , arrive , start , leave , return , have , stay , spend , sail , meet , fly 等。Are you staying here till tomorrow? 你要在这儿一直待到明天吗?5. Would you mind teaching me? 请你教我,好吗?Would you mind(sb.) doing sth. ?是一个常用固定句

13、型,表示请你做某事好吗?倘若(某人)做某事你介意吗?Would you mind giving me a hand? 介意帮我个忙吗?(1)否定句为Would you mind not doing sth. ?请不要做某事好吗?Would you mind not smoking here? 请不要在这吸烟好吗?(2) Would you mind if. 此句型用于请求允许或客气地请人做某事。Would you mind if I open the window? 我打开窗户好吗?(3) Would you mind sb. doing sth. ?Would you mind me sit

14、ting here? 也可以说成Would you mind my sitting here?肯定回答: Of course not. /Certainly not. /Never mind. /No , not at all.否定回答: Yes , youd better not. /Sorry Im afraid not.6. I didnt want to miss the goal , either. 我也不想丢掉那个球。“either” 也,用于否定句后或否定词组后。Peter cant go and I cant , either. 彼得不能去,我也不能。“I dont like

15、it.” “ Me either.” “我不喜欢它。” “我也不喜欢。”此外,either还可指“两者中的任一个”。You can park on either side of the street.你可以将车停在这条街的任何一边。You can keep either of the two photos. 你可以保留两张照片中的任何一张。7. Were sure to win next time. 下次我们一定会赢。be sure to do sth. 肯定要做某事(表将来)。Its sure to rain. 肯定要下雨。【链接】be sure+(that)从句确信Im sure (tha

16、t) he is right. 我确信他是对的。8. Healthy eating habits and running help to build me up. 健康的饮食习惯和跑步帮助我强健身体。build up 使健康,增强.体质。build up 是一个动词+副词的短语。这类短语的宾语是代词时,代词必须放在动词和副词中间;如果宾语是名词,则可放中间,也可放在副词后面。此类短语有 give up , put up , cheer up , look up , turn up , ring up , take off, wake up , pick up , put off, turn o

17、ff, see off, put on , cheer on , turn on , try on , put away , throw away , work out , carry out, check over, think over, turn down 等。9. I have great fun running. 我从跑步中得到很大乐趣。have fun doing sth. 从做某事中获得乐趣。This term we will have great fun learning English.这个学期我们将从学习英语中获得很大乐趣。类似的结构还有:have difficulty (

18、in) doing sth. have problem (s) (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难have trouble (in) doing sth.细比细看1. play with /play against /play for(1) Our team will _ Class Three next Saturday.(2) A group of kids were _ a ball in the street.(3) Does Yi Jianlian _ the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA?【分析比较】 play with 玩耍,游戏,玩乐,与玩耍

19、。(2) 题意为孩子们在玩球, 故填playing with。play against 同比赛。(1)题意为两个队比赛,故填play against。play for 为效力。(3) 题意为易建联在NBA为达拉斯小牛队打球吗?,故填play for 。2. arrive in /arrive at/ reach/ get to(1) What time did he arrive _ the village?(2) At last we _ the base camp (大本营) .(3) You can easily get _ the city center from here.(4) T

20、hey will arrive _ Tokyo in two days.【分析比较】arrive是不及物动词,后常接介词at或in。arrive at +小地点,到达某个具体的地点,如城镇、车站、乡村、建筑物等。他什么时候到达那个小村庄的?, 故填at.arrive in +大地点,到达某国家或大城市。(4)题意为他们两天后到达东京。, 故填in。reach 到达,抵达,是及物动词,后面直接接宾语,无须介词。我们终于到达了大本营。, 故填reached. get 是不及物动词,其后接介词to. (3) 题意为从这里你可以不费力地到达市中心。,故填to.3. maybe/ may be(1) _

21、he is at home now.(2) He _ wrong , but were not sure.【分析比较】maybe 和may be 都是也许,大概的意思, .maybe 是副词,常位于句首作状语,句子中还有谓语动词。也许他在家。, 故填Maybe 。may be 是情态动词+ be 动词结构,句中没有其他谓语。他可能错了,但我们不能确定。may be 在句中作谓语,故填may be 。4. leave/ leave for/ leave. for(1) He _ his hometown last week.(2) I am _ New York next week to see

22、 my good friends there.(3) We will _ Beijing _ Shanghai.【分析比较】leave 常用作动词,表示go away(from) 离开 , leave a place 是指离开某地 (1)题意为他上周离开了家乡。, 故填leave 的过去式left 。leave for +地点名词,表示动身去前往. (2) 中由不定式所表达的意思可知下周我要去纽约,故填leaving for.leave A for B ,意为离开A地去B地. (3)题意为我们准备离开北京去上海。, 故填leave. for 。5. tum on/ turn off/ tum

23、up/ turn down/ close/ open(1) Paul , could you please _ the TV a little? Its too noisy. Sorry , Ill do it right now.(2) _ the lights when you leave.(3) _ the TV. Lets watch the play together.(4) _ your mouth , and say Ah.(5)The music was _ loud and they danced crazily.(6) I _ my eyes against the bri

24、ght light.【分析比较】turn on 与turn off 为反义词组,turn on 打开,接通(电流、煤气、水等) ;turn off 关掉,截断(电流、煤气、水等). turn up 与turn down 为反义词组, turn up开大,调高(音量、热量等) ;turn down把调低,关小。close 闭上,关,关闭(门窗、盒子等) ;open 开,打开,开启(门、窗、盒子等)。(1)题由Its too noisy. 和a little 可知应填turn down; (2) 题由离开时要关灯可知应填Turn off; (3) 题由让咱们一起看电视剧吧可知应填Turn on;

25、(4) 题为张开嘴巴应用Open; (5) 题由 loud 以及他们疯狂地跳起舞来可知音乐被开大了, 故填turned up; ( 6 )题由以防强光的照射可知应是闭上眼睛,故填close 。6. shout at/ shout to(1) The children _ the driver , but he did not hear them.(2) If you dont stop _ me, I11 come and hit you.【分析比较】at 和to 与同一动词搭配时,意义有很大的区别。shout to sb. 表示大声叫某人多因距离远,声音小听不见。孩子们对着司机喊叫着,但是他没听见。,故填shouted to。 shout at sb. 则表示生气地或故意地对某人

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