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1、The theatre only admits 1,000 persons这个剧场只能容纳一千人。6. adapt (熟义:适应)vt使某物适合与新的用途,情况等;修改;改编或改写(稿本) These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes.这些式样均可改动以适应个人不同的爱好. This novel has been adapted for radio from Russian original.这部小说已由俄文原著改编成无线电广播节目.7. adopt (熟义:收养; 过继)vt 采纳;采取;采用 We adopt their tea

2、ching method. 我们采用了他们的教学方法8against (熟义:反对,违背) prep衬着,迎着,靠着The picture looks good against the white wall这幅画在洁白的墙的衬托下显得很好看。9agree with (熟义:同意) 与一致,协调,适合Your story agrees with what I heard你讲的与我所听到的一致。Long plane trips dont agree with me我不适合坐飞机长途旅行。10appeal (熟义: 恳求,呼吁)v (对某人)有吸引力,(使某人)感兴趣 The idea of cam

3、ping has never appealed to me. 对露营这种想法我从来不感兴趣.11appear (熟义:出现) vi 似乎 You appeared to have made a mistake. 你似乎犯了一个错误。12apply(熟义:申请) v应用,运用; 适用 What I have said applies only to some of you. 我所说的只适用于你们当中的一部分人.13arm (熟义:n手臂)n武器 v武装Lay down your arms or well fire!放下武器,否则,我们就开枪了! Police say the man is arm

4、ed with guns and very dangerous. 警察说该男子携有枪,十分危险。14ask (熟义:问)vt要求 The teacher asked that all the students stay at the classroom. 老师要求所有学生呆在教室.15attend (熟义:出席) vtvi看护,治疗DrParia Lal attends himParia Lal医生在治疗他。If you go out,wholl attend to the baby?如果你走了,谁来照看婴儿?B 1back (熟义:n背) vt支持Many of his friends ba

5、cked his plan他的许多朋友支持他的计划。2badly (熟义:坏) adv迫切, 很English teachers are badly needed in our school. 我们学校极需要英语老师。3bear (熟义:熊) v 支撑 The ice is too thin to bear your weight. 冰太薄,承受不了你的重量。 负起(责任),肩负He is a carefree fellow who bears his responsibilities lightly. 他是个满不在意不大负责的人。 忍受,忍耐The pain was almost more

6、than he could stand. 这样的痛苦几乎使他受不了。4beat (熟义:击打) v (心脏) 跳动 He is alive-his heart is still beating. 他还活着-心脏还在跳动。 打败He beat me at chess. 他下棋赢了我。5before (熟义:以前) conj才;就It was a long time before I got to sleep again过了很久我才再睡着。I hadnt waited long before he came我没有等多久,他就来了。6block (熟义:大块) n (四面临街) 建筑群,街区 v 阻

7、碍;堵塞 He lives three blocks away from here. 他住的地方与此处相隔三条街。 Heavy snow is blocking all roads into Scotland. 大雪阻塞了所有通往苏格兰的路。7blow (熟义:吹,刮) n 打击 His wifes death was a great blow to him. 他妻子的去世对他是一大打击。8book (熟义:书) v 预定,预购 I would like to book three seats for tonights concert. 我想预定今晚音乐会的三个座位。9buy (熟义:购买)

8、v 相信 No one will buy that excuse. 谁也不会相信那个借口。10build (熟义:v修建) n身材,体型The football player has a solid build足球运动员体格健壮。C 1calm (熟义:冷静的,镇静的)adj 无浪的,风平浪尽的 The sea is calm.2can (熟义:能) n罐头vt做成罐头Mother cans fruit妈妈把水果做成罐头。3capital (熟义:首都) n 大写字母;资本 Write your name in block capitals, please. 姓名请用大写。 Jack set

9、up a business with a starting capital of $100,000. Jack的创业资本是$100,000。4carry (熟义:搬运,携带) v持有,带有;刊登 Police in many countries carry guns. 许多国家的警察都带枪。 Todays newspapers carry full reports of the presidents visit. 今天的报纸刊登了总统访问的详尽报道。5case (熟义:情况) n 案例,病例; 箱子The case will be heard in court next week. 这一案件下

10、星期审理。6catch (熟义:抓) v 明白;领会 Sorry, I didnt quite catch what you said. 对不起,我没听清你的话。8cause (熟义:n起因,v引起) n事业The UN has done a lot for the cause of world peace联合国为世界和平事业做了许多贡献。9certain (熟义:相信) adj 某个,某种 For certain reasons I will be unable to attend the meeting.因为某种原因,我不能出席这次会议。10change (熟义:变化) n 零钱,找头 H

11、ave you got change for a five-pound note? 你有没有5英镑的零钱?11collect (熟义:收集) v 取走,拿走 His job is to collect a child from school every day. 他的工作是每天从学校接回孩子。12company (熟义:公司)n有人作伴;伙伴You may know a man by the company he keeps.你可以从一个人所交的朋友了解他的为人。13condition (熟义:条件) n 状况 He is in excellent condition for a man of

12、 his age. 他就其年龄而言,身体极好。14cost (熟义:花费;值)vt使失去(生命、健康等)The patients dangerous condition cost the doctors and nurses many a sleepless night 病人的危险状态使医生、护士好几夜不曾合眼。15count 熟义:数(数目) vi重要;vt认为Every minute counts每分每秒都重要。On the whole she counted herself a fortunate wife总的说来,她自认为还是一个幸运的人。16course (熟义:过程) n 课程;航

13、线;一道菜 Id like to take a refresher course to improve my driving. 我想参加补习训练以提高自己的驾驶技术。 The plane was off the course.飞机偏离航向。 They were treated with a five-course dinner for lunch. 招待他们五道菜的正餐。17cover (熟义:覆盖) v够付(费用);走完(一段路);涉及;报导Here is 5;that should cover all your expenses这儿有5英镑,应该够付你所有的开支。 By sunset we

14、 had covered thirty miles.到日落的时候,我们已走了三十英里。 He is carrying out a research that covers a wild field. 他正在进行涉及范围很广的研究工作。 He was sent to cover the event. 他被派去报道着事件。18cross (熟义:横跨) adj 生气的,恼怒的 I was cross with him for being late. 他迟到了,我很生气。D 1date (熟义:日期;枣子) v 追溯 ;约会The ancient temple has a long history

15、and can date back to the year 1890AD 这古庙历史悠久,追溯到1890 ADThey have been dating for a long time. 他们一直频频约会2dear(熟义:亲爱的) 昂贵的Clothes are getting dearer.衣服越来越贵了3 degree (熟义:学位) n程度 She has also been affected, but to a lesser degree. 她也受到波及,但程度较轻。4desert (熟义:沙漠) vt离开,抛弃We sheltered from the storm in a deser

16、ted garage 我们在一间空无人住的茅屋里躲暴风雨。5develop (熟义:发展;开发) v 冲洗 He took a film to be developed. 他将胶卷送去冲洗。6divide (熟义:分割开, 分成) v 除 30 divided by 6 is 5. 30 除6等于5。7do (熟义:做,制作) v 行, 适合Which do you prefer,coffee or tea?Either will doIt makes no difference for me 随便,对我来说没什么区别。8draw (熟义:画) v 吸引;获取,汲取Ladies and gen

17、tlemen,may I draw your attention to me?女士们,先生们,注意了。What conclusions did you draw from the study? 你从研究中得出什么结论?9drive (熟义:驾驶) v 驱使Do you have any idea what has driven him mad? 你知道什么使他发疯的吗?10. due (熟义:由于) adj 须立即支付,到期 ; 约定,预期My rent isnt due till Wednesday.我的租金星期三才到期。The train is due to arrive in five

18、minutes. 火车预定在5分钟后达到。E 1earth (熟义:地球) n 泥土He covered the roots of the plant with earth. 他用泥土把植物的根埋起来。2easy (熟义:容易的)adj舒适的,安分的,轻松的 Now we are leading an easy life现在我们过着舒适的生活。3edge (熟义:边缘) n 刀口,锋The boy is playing with a knife with a sharp edge. 这孩子正在玩一把锋利的刀。4employ (熟义:雇佣) v利用,使用You could employ your

19、 spare time better. 你可以把闲暇时间利用得好些。5energy (熟义:能量,能源) n 精力,活力His work seemed to lack energy. 他工作似乎缺乏干劲。6enjoy (熟义:喜欢) v 享有Men and women should enjoy equal rights. 男女应当享有平等权利。7escape (熟义:逃走)v被忘记 His name escaped me for the moment我一时想不起他的名字了。8even (熟义:甚至adv) adj平坦的; 不相上下的,均衡的 A billiard-table must be p

20、erfectly even. 台球桌必须十分平。That is an even game. 那是平局。9exercise (熟义:练习) n锻炼 Doing crosswords gives the mind some exercise. 做字谜游戏能锻炼脑筋。10expect (熟义:期望,盼望)v预计,估计The weather turns out far better than we expected天气比我们预料的要好。11exploit (熟义:利用或开发)v剥削或利用There are still child labour exploited in factories. 工厂里仍有

21、受剥削的童工。12express (熟义:v表达) adj. 高速的, 快速的 It was in that express way that the traffic accident happened事故发生早高速公路上。F 1fail (熟义:v. 失败,不及格)v不足,缺乏;忽略 Our water supply failed我们供水不足了。 He never fails to write to his mother every month他从来不忘记每月写信给他的母亲。2fairly (熟义:adv. 相当) adv公正地,公平地You are not treating us fair

22、ly. 你对我们不公正.3far from (熟义:离远) 远远不是The show was far from a failure;it was a great success. 这个展览远远不是失败;而是十分成功的.4favor (熟义:n. 恩惠,善行) v. 支持,喜欢 Of the two possible plans I favor the first. 在这两种可行方案中我赞成前者。5fellow (熟义:小伙子,家伙) n. 同伴 Her fellows share her interest in computers. 她的同伴跟她一样对计算机感兴趣。6figure (熟义:n数

23、字;雕塑,人物) v认为,想象She figured that she would be next她认为她可能就是下一个。I couldnt figure out what he meant我不明白他是什么意思。7fall (熟义:v. 掉落) n. 秋天;瀑布His father passed away in the fall of 1970. 他父亲在1970年的秋季过世。The falls upstream are full of salmons. 该瀑布上游有许多大马哈鱼。8fan (熟义:n. 扇子) n. 迷 狂热者 The Chinese football fans are in

24、 great excitement. 中国足球粉丝很激动。9film (熟义:电影) 胶卷, 软片 He put a new film in his camera. 他在相机里装上新胶卷。10fine (熟义:adj好的,晴朗的)vn罚款He was fined 200他被罚了200美元。11fire (熟义:n. 火) v. 开除He was fired for stealing from the counter. 他因从柜台偷钱而遭解雇。12firm (熟义:n. 公司) adj. 坚定的,牢固的You must be firm where you think you are right.

25、 你认为对的地方立场一定要坚定。13fit (熟义:v & adj 适合) adj. 健康的 He keeps himself fit by running 5 miles every day. 他每天跑五英里以保持身体健康。14fix (熟义:v. 安装,修理) v. 确定, 选定Have you fixed a date for the wedding? 你们举行婚礼的日期确定了吗?15flat (熟义:n. 公寓,套房) adj. 平躺的, 平伸的, 扁平的The earthquake laid the city flat. 地震把这座城市夷为平地。16flight (熟义:n. 飞行,

26、航班) n. 一段楼梯或阶梯There was no lift and we had to climb six flights. 没有电梯,我们得跑六段楼梯。17flood (熟义:n. 洪水) n大量的东西;vt大量而来,充满I received a flood of letters this morning今天早上我收到大量的信件。18follow (熟义:v. 跟随) v. 沿着(道路等)而行;按照,听从,效仿;明白Follow this road until you get to the corner, then turn left. 沿着这条路走到拐角处,然后向左转。Many stu

27、dents follow the latest fashions.很多学生喜欢赶时髦。I couldnt follow his argument at all. 我根本不明白他的论点。19for (熟义:prep. 目的,由于) conj. 因为,由于(表示一种补充说明的原因)We listened eagerly, for he brought news of our families.他给我们带来了家里的消息,我们都迫不及待地听着。20for good 永远(勿望文生义) Shell soon leave London for good她将永远离开伦敦。21form (熟义:v.& n.形成,形式) v. 成立,创立,组织The labour leader was asked to form a government. 要求工党领袖组织政府。22fortune (熟义:n. 财富) 运气I had the good fortune to be chosen for a trip abroad. 我真幸运,被选中出国旅行。23free (熟义:adj. 自由的,有空的) a

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