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北师19秋学期《专科英语二》在线 参考资料.docx

1、北师19秋学期专科英语二在线 参考资料北师19秋学期专科英语(二)在线考试试卷 1 单选题 1 -How is Mr Brown? - _.A He is tall and beautifulB He is very strict with usC He is fineD He is in an expensive car2 - Happy New Year to you and your parents! - _.A Thank youB You are happy, tooC Yes, we are happyD The same to you3 - I failed the maths

2、exam again. - _A Well done.B What a pity!C Thats right.D Im glad.4 - Im sorry to trouble you. Can I borrow a pen, please? - _.A Yes, you canB Certainly! It is hereC Shes welcomeD Thank you5 -Excuse me, is there any grocery store around here? -Yes, _on Pine street. Its not far from here.A you like it

3、B there is oneC youll catch itD its warm and foggy6 -_, could you please tell me where the school library is? -Sure. Its at the back of the campus, about five minutes walk from here.A Excuse meB Pardon meC Thats rightD Thank you7 -_! Welcome to the party. -Merry Christmas! Its very kind of you to in

4、vite us.A Happy birthdayB Merry ChristmasC CongratulationsD Have a good day8 -How can I get to the nearest post office? -_A It is a long way from here.B Sorry, I am new here.C Why dont you walk?D Here it is.9 -Thank God. Its Friday again. A nice weekend! - _.A Me tooB Yes, Ill be free thenC Thats al

5、l rightD The same to you10 -Oh, dear! Ive lost my new watch. -_.A Im sad.B Thats right.C Thats all right.D Im sorry to hear that.11 M: Do you want to have a look at the shoe section? W: Yes. I need a pair of flat-heeled shoes and a pair of high-heeled shoes. Q: Where does the conversation most proba

6、bly take place?A In the bookstoreB In the department storeC At home12 W: We went to that new restaurant last night and had a delicious meal for half price. M: John told me you just paid $7. 50. Q: What is the regular price for one dinner?A $7. 50B $15C $3.7513 M: It would be easier to drive if there

7、 were no other cars on the road. W: Did you bring your license this time? Q: What would the man expect?A Many cars on the roadB Few cars on the roadC No other cars on the road14 W: How did your interview go? M: I couldnt feel better about it! The questions were very fair, and I seemed to find answer

8、s to all of them. Q: How did the man feel then?A He felt that he would get the job.B He felt that he stood no chance for the job.C He felt that the questions were good.15 M: Alice, these business letters are full of spelling mistakes. W: Oh, sorry, Mr. Martin. I will do it again. Q: What is the prob

9、able relationship between the two speakers?A Boss and secretaryB Teacher and studentC Doctor and patient16 W: Arent you disappointed that you didnt get the promotion? M: Maybe a little, but I know I need more experience before more responsibility. Q: What do we learn about the man from this conversa

10、tion?A He is very disappointed about it.B He cannot accept it.C He knows that he has limitation.17 M: Excuse me. Do you have change for a ten-dollar note? I need to pay for my parking at the automatic machine. W: Im sorry, but I think you can get help from that small pedlar (小商贩) across the street.

11、Q: What is the man trying to do?A Cash a check at a bank.B Find a parking meter.C Get some small change.18 M: Can you recommend something that a school boy of 7 or 8 will really like? W: Id suggest this toy train, Sir. Its very popular all over the world these days. Q: What is the man doing?A He is

12、asking the need of a boy.B He is suggesting a toy train.C He is choosing a gift for a boy.19 M: See that guy over there in the corner? He comes in every Thursday night around six and just sits there for hours. W: Its odd. But there is not much we can do as long as he orders something. Q: What does t

13、he woman imply?A That guy is very strange.B She can do nothing about that man.C That man orders food every time he comes.20 W: I need to talk to someone who knows New York well. Im told you lived there. M: Oh, but I was really young at the time. Q: What does the man mean?A He couldnt offer much usef

14、ul information about New York.B He could tell the woman everything about New York.C He could remember a lot about New York.21 We traveled overnight to Paris and arrived _ 5 oclock _ the morning.A on; inB at; inC at; onD in; on22 She sent her friend a postcard _ a birthday present.A onB asC forD of23 The reading room _ yesterday afternoon.A cleanedB is cleanedC was cleaningD was cleaned24 Food _ in a cool place in summer.A must keepB mustnt keepC must be keptD mustnt be kept25 -Why do you always sleep ? -Because Im afraid of the dark.A by yourselfB with the door openC

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