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1、Because were beginning to get all the tools together to evolve ourselves. And we can evolve bacteria and we can evolve plants and we can evolve animals, and were now reaching a point where we really have to ask, is it really ethical and do we want to evolve human beings And as youre thinking about t

2、hat, let me talk about that in the context of prosthetics, prosthetics past, present, future.因为我们已经开始拥有改造自身所需的所有工具了。我们可以改造细菌,我们可以改造植物,我们也可以改造动物,我们现在已经到了必须要问这个问题的时候了,这是否会导致道德问题,或者我们是否想要改造人类在你们思考这个问题的时候,让我就假肢为例子 和你们谈谈这件事,假肢的过去,现在和未来。So this is the iron hand that belonged to one of the German counts. L

3、oved to fight, lost his arm in one of these battles. No problem, he just made a suit of armor, put it on, perfect prosthetic. Thats where the concept of ruling with an iron fist comes from.这是一只铁制手臂,它属于一位德国伯爵。嗜爱战争的他,在一场 战役中失去了他的手臂。不过也不是问题,他做了一套战服,穿上它,就拥有了完美的假肢。这就是术语铁拳执政的来源。And of course these prosthe

4、tics have been getting more and more useful, more and more modern. You can hold soft-boiled eggs. You can have all types of controls, and as youre thinking about that, there are wonderful people like Hugh Herr who have been building absolutely extraordinary prosthetics. So the wonderful Aimee Mullin

5、s will go out and say, how tall do I want to be tonight Or Hugh will say what type of cliff do I want to climb Or does somebody want to run a marathon, or does somebody want to ballroom dance当然,这些假肢变得越来越实用,越来越现代化。你可以用它拿像水煮蛋这样柔软的东西。你可以做出各种控制,当你们思考这件事的时候,像修米赫尔这样神奇的人就做出了绝对不可思议的假肢。这就让伟大的艾米穆林斯 (残奥会短跑冠军)能

6、走出家门说,今晚我要什么身高,戴哪副假肢呢或者她会说我今天应该爬哪种岩壁亦或者,有人想去跑个马拉松,或是参加交际舞会吗And as you adapt these things, the interesting thing about prosthetics is theyve been coming inside the body. So these external prosthetics have now become artificial knees. Theyve become artificial hips.And then theyve evolved further to be

7、come not just nice to have but essential to have.当你适应了这些事情的时候,有趣的是,现在的假肢 都已经能来自体内了。所以这些外部假肢 就变成了人造膝盖,变成了人造髋关节。然后它们又更进一步的发展了,不再只是锦上添花的东西,而是至关重要的部分。So when youre talking about a heart pacemaker as a prosthetic, youre talking about something that isnt just, Im missing my leg, its, if I dont have this,

8、I can die. And at that point, a prosthetic becomes a symbiotic relationship with the human body.当你把一个心脏起搏器当成假肢时,那你就不仅仅是在说,我缺条腿这么简单,而是如果我没有这个,我就会死掉。 在那种程度上,假肢与人体就形成了 一种共生关系。And four of the smartest people that Ive ever met - Ed Boyden, Hugh Herr, Joe Jacobson, Bob Lander - are working on a Center for

9、 Extreme Bionics. And the interesting thing of what youre seeing here is these prosthetics now get integrated into the bone. They get integrated into the skin. They get integrated into the muscle. And one of the other sides of Ed is hes been thinking about how to connect the brain using light or oth

10、er mechanisms directly to things like these prosthetics.而四个我见过的最聪明的人 艾德鲍登,修米赫尔,乔雅各布森,鲍勃兰登他们都在一家极致仿生中心工作。而你们现在看到的 一件有趣的事情是,这些假肢已经能融入人体骨骼当中,能融入皮肤之中,也能融入肌肉组织之中。而另一方面,艾德也开始思考如何使用灯光或其他机制 使大脑能够直接和 假肢类的东西相联结。And if you can do that, then you can begin changing fundamental aspects of humanity. So how quickly

11、 you react to something depends on the diameter of a nerve. And of course, if you have nerves that are external or prosthetic, say with light or liquid metal, then you can increase that diameter and you could even increase it theoretically to the point where,as long as you could see the muzzle flash

12、, you could step out of the way of a bullet. Those are the order of magnitude of changes youre talking about.如果我们能做到那一点,那么我们就可以改变 人类的基本组成部分了。你对于一个事物的反应速度 是由神经元直径决定的。但是当然,如果你的神经是外缘的,或是假肢,举个例子,光线或是液态金属,那么你们就能增宽神经元的直径,从理论上来说,我们甚至 可以提升反应速度,快到只要能看见枪口的 闪光,就能躲开子弹。这些就是我们准备讨论的变化的级别。This is a fourth sort of l

13、evel of prosthetics. These are Phonak hearing aids, and the reason why these are so interesting is because they cross the threshold from where prosthetics are something for somebody who is disabled and they become something that somebody who is normal might want to actually have,because what this pr

14、osthetic does, which is really interesting, is not only does it help you hear, you can focus your hearing, so it can hear the conversation going on over there.这是假肢的第四种境界。这是一些峰力助听器,这些东西很有趣,原因是它们已经跨越了假肢是 帮助障碍人群的门槛了。它们变成了正常人群 也想要的东西,因为这种假肢所能做的,非常有趣,不仅仅能够帮助你听见声音,还能帮助你专注于听,能帮你听见别处的声音。这样你就有了顺风耳。You can ha

15、ve superhearing. You can have hearing in 360 degrees. You can have white noise. You can record, and oh, by the way, they also put a phone into this. So this functions as your hearing aid and also as your phone. And at that point, somebody might actually want to have a prosthetic voluntarily.你可以听到全方位

16、的声音。你可以听见白噪声。你可以录音,顺便提一下,它们还可以承载手机功能。所以它的功能不仅是助听,还可以成为你的手机。到了那时,就会有人自愿去安装假肢了。All of these thousands of loosely connected little pieces are coming together, and its about time we ask the question, how do we want to evolve human beings over the next century or two And for that we turn to a great philo

17、sopher who was a very smart man despite being a Yankee fan.这些成千的连接疏松的碎片 正在聚集起来,是时候让我们提出疑问,我们在下一个,或者两个世纪 打算如何改造人类我们向一个伟大的哲学家求助,他是非常聪明的人,尽管是洋基队的粉丝。And Yogi Berra used to say, of course, that its very tough to make predictions, especially about the future.当然,就像约吉贝拉说过的那样,预测不是一件简单的事情,特别是关于未来的预测。So instea

18、d of making a prediction about the future to begin with, lets take whats happening in the present with people like Tony Atala, who is redesigning 30-some-odd organs. And maybe the ultimate prosthetic isnt having something external, titanium. Maybe the ultimate prosthetic is take your own gene code,

19、remake your own body parts, because thats a whole lot more effective than any kind of a prosthetic.所以说,我们开篇就先不预测未来,让我们看看当下,发生在像 托尼阿塔拉这样的人身上的故事吧,托尼身上有着30多个再设计过的器官。也许最终版本的假肢已经不需要了,例如金属钛这种外缘材料。也许会来自你们自身的基因编码,重新制造身体的一部分,因为那会比任何一种假肢效果都要好。But while youre at it, then you can take the work of Craig Venter a

20、nd Ham Smith. And one of the things that weve been doing is trying to figure out how to reprogram cells. And if you can reprogram a cell, then you can change the cells in those organs. So if you can change the cells in those organs, maybe you make those organs more radiation-resistant. Maybe you mak

21、e them absorb more oxygen. Maybe you make them more efficient to filter out stuff that you dont want in your body.当你们这么想的时候,就可以看看克雷格文特尔和翰姆史密斯的工作。我们一直以来想要做的事情之一,就是想出如何重新编码细胞。如果你可以重新编码细胞,你就可以改变那些器官中的细胞。因此,如果我们可以改变器官中的细胞,也许我们就能使得 那些细胞更加耐辐射; 也许能让它们吸收更多氧气; 让它们更加高效的 过滤人体所不需要的杂质。And over the last few weeks

22、, George Church has been in the news a lot because hes been talking about taking one of these programmable cells and inserting an entire human genome into that cell. And once you can insert an entire human genome into a cell, then you begin to ask the question, would you want to enhance any of that

23、genome在过去的几周里,乔治丘奇经常上新闻,因为他一直都在描述 一种可编码细胞,以及将整个人类基因组 插入那个细胞。一旦我们能够将整个 人类基因组插入那个细胞当中,我们就会开始问这样的问题你们想要加强 基因中的任何部分吗你们想要强化人体吗Do you want to enhance a human body How would you want to enhance a human body Where is it ethical to enhance a human body and where is it not ethical to enhance a human body And

24、all of a sudden, what were doing is weve got this multidimensional chess board where we can change human genetics by using viruses to attack things like AIDS, or we can change the gene code through gene therapy to do away with some hereditary diseases, or we can change the environment, and change th

25、e expression of those genes in the epigenome and pass that on to the next generations.你们想要怎样强化人体怎样强化是合乎道德的而怎样又是不合乎道德的突然之间,我们正在做的,仿佛是得到了一个多维棋盘我们可以通过病毒来改变人类的基因,从而攻克艾滋这样的疾病,或者我们也可以通过 改变基因序列,基因疗法,来对付遗传性疾病,又或者说,我们 可以改变我们的环境,我们还可以改变显性基因的基因表达,将表象传递给下一代人。And all of a sudden, its not just one little bit, its

26、 all these stacked little bits that allow you to take little portions of ituntil all the portions coming together lead you to something thats very different.一瞬之间,就变得不止是一点点了,这些一点点累积起来,每次拿走一点点,直到它们汇集起来,让你变得完全不同。And a lot of people are very scared by this stuff. And it does sound scary, and there are r

27、isks to this stuff. So why in the world would you ever want to do this stuff Why would we really want to alter the human body in a fundamental way很多人对此感到害怕。这听起来确实很恐怖,也很有风险。那么我们到底为什么想要这么做呢为什么我们希望彻底的改变人体呢The answer lies in part with Lord Rees, astronomer royal of Great Britain. And one of his favorite

28、 sayings is the universe is 100 percent malevolent. So what does that mean It means if you take any one of your bodies at random, drop it anywhere in the universe, drop it in space, you die. Drop it on the Sun, you die. Drop it on the surface of Mercury, you die. Drop it near a supernova, you die. B

29、ut fortunately, its only about 80 percent effective.英国皇家天文协会的洛德里斯给我们提供了部分答案。他最喜欢说的一句话就是 宇宙是百分之百邪恶的。这是什么意思呢意思就是,随机取下你身体的一部分 扔在宇宙的任何地方,扔在太空,你就死定了。扔在太阳上,死定了。扔在水星表面上,死定了。扔在超新星附近,死定了。但幸运的是,这句话只有80%是正确的。So as a great physicist once said, theres these little upstream eddies of biology that create order in

30、this rapid torrent of entropy. So as the universe dissipates energy, theres these upstream eddies that create biological order. Now, the problem with eddies is, they tend to disappear. They shift. They move in rivers.一位伟大的物理学家曾说过,就是那些处于上游的小生物漩涡,创造了汹涌洪流当中的秩序。所以随着宇宙不断耗散能量,这些处于上游的小型生命漩涡,创造了生物界的秩序。现在,关于

31、小漩涡的问题就是它们要消失了。它们会在星河中移动。And because of that, when an eddy shifts, when the Earth becomes a snowball, when the Earth becomes very hot, when the Earth gets hit by an asteroid, when you have supervolcanoes, when you have solar flares,when you have potentially extinction-level events like the next election -因为这样的原因,当小漩涡移动的时候,当地球变成雪球的时候,变得炙热的时候,当地球被小行星击中的时候,当我们遇到超级火山爆发的时候,当我们遇到太阳耀斑爆发的时候,当我们遇到潜在的 毁灭级事件的时候,比如下届选举这种事then all of a sudden, you can have periodic extinctions. And by the way, thats happened five times on Eart

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