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1、Yours_sincerely,Li_Hua【高级词汇】express our care表示关心drink to someones health or success敬酒祝福身体健康万事如意Do as the Romans do when in Rome入乡随俗【佳句变换】1Im more than happy to know in your letter you are coming to China in July and it is important to learn about some Chinese customs.2Firstly,wed like to ask such qu

2、estions as “Where are you going?”to express our care,just like your greeting “Hello”3Last but not least,it is considered to be rude to talk loudly and touch glasses when drinking a toast to someones health or success,instead,it shows that we4After all,different customs lie in different cultural envi

3、ronment,and people are always considerate and will think it something interesting for you to behave a little out of place.词汇链条1_vt.& vi.使变大;伸展2_vt.& vi.循环;流传3_vt.& vi.输出;出口4_vt.减少;减缩5_vt.浏览;略读6_vt.画底线标出;强调7_vi.& n斗争;拼搏;努力8_n产量;输出9_n饥饿;欲望 vt.& vi.(使)饥饿 _adj.饥饿的10_adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的 _vt.搅乱;弄乱;干扰11_n自由;自主

4、 _adj.自由的;自主的;_adv.自由地;自主地12_adv.因此;所以;因而13_vt.& vi.配备;装备 _n装备;配置14_n工作;职业;占领 _vt.占领;占据15_vt.使迷惑;使为难 _n困惑;迷惑16_vt.遗憾;惋惜 n遗憾;懊悔17_n生产;制造 _vt.生产;制造 _n产品 _n生产者;制片人18_n发现;发觉 _vt.发现;发觉19_n焦点;中心点 vt.集中;聚焦20_n总结;摘要;概要 _vt.总结;概括21_n评论;议论 vi.& vt.表达意见;作出评论答案1.expand2.circulate3.export4.reduce5skim6.underline

5、7.struggle8.output9.hunger;hungry10.disturbing;disturb11.freedom;free;freely12therefore13.equip;equipment14.occupation;occupy15confuse;confusion16.regret17.production;produce;product;producer18.discovery;discover19.focus20summary;summent语境助记词不离句,句不离段People struggled against hunger for several decade

6、s,but to their regret,they still couldnt increase the output of grain production.Therefore hunger was a disturbing problem then.重点短语1_幸亏;由于;因为2_摆脱;除去3_对感到满意4_宁愿;宁可5build up_6lead to_7focus from/of_答案1.thanks satisfied with4would rather5.逐渐增强;建立;开发6.导致;造成(后果)7.集中(注意力、精力)于

7、8.使免受(影响、伤害等);使不含(有害物).经典句式1Have you ever grown any plants?_,what did you do to grow them?_,what kind of plant would you like to try growing?你种过植物吗?如果种过的话,你是怎么种植的?如果没有种过的话,你想要尝试种植什么植物?2Dr.Yuan Longping grows_super hybrid rice.袁隆平博士种植的是被称为“超级杂交水稻”的稻种。3Crops such as peas or soybeans put important mine

8、rals back into the soil,_it ready for crops such as wheat or corn that need rich and fertile soil.像豌豆或大豆这样的农作物将重要的矿物质带回土壤,从而使之适宜于要求土壤肥沃的农作物,比如小麦或玉米。答案1.If so;If not2.what is called3.making.短文填空Famous scientist as he is,Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer.As a young man,Yuan Longping saw the gre

9、at need for increasing the rice_1_.At that time,_2_ was a disturbing problem in China.He wanted to increase rice harvests without_3_the area of the fields.In 1974,a special strain of rice made it possible to produce onethird more of the_4_ in the same fields._5_to his research,the UN has more tools

10、in the_6_to rid the world of hunger.He is now_7_his rice knowledge in less developed countries to increase their rice harvests and he wants to_8_ his rice so that it can be grown around the globe.Though he has_9_for the past five decades,Dr.Yuan is quite_10_with his life.In his spare time,he enjoys

11、listening to violin music,playing mahjong,swimming and reading.答案1.output2.hunger3.expanding4.crop5Thanks6.battle7.circulating8.export9.struggled10satisfiedstruggle vi.&struggle against与作斗争struggle with 与作斗争;与并肩作战struggle for努力争取;为而斗争struggle to do sth努力做某事struggle to ones feet挣扎着站起来(1)The two leade

12、rs are_struggling_for_power.那两个领导人正在争夺权力。牛津(2)Shes struggling to bring up a family on a very low income.她靠着非常微薄的收入艰难地供养一家人。朗文直通高考看看高考怎么考(1)Dina,_for months to find a job as a waitress,finally took a position at a local advertising agency.(2010湖南卷,26)Astruggling BstruggledChaving struggled Dto strugg

13、le解析考查非谓语动词。该空为分词短语作伴随状语,其逻辑主语Dina与struggle为主动关系,故排除B项。由句中的finally可知非谓语动词表示的动作发生在句中谓语took a position之前,且句中含有时间状语for months,故用现在分词的完成时。答案C(2)Shay _(struggle)over to the teams bench and put on a team shirt with a broad smile and his father had a small tear in his eye and warmth in heart.(2011江苏卷阅读理解D)

14、答案struggledequip vt.&装备equipment n装备;设备(不可数名词)equip.for给某人/某物配备以;使有能力做equip sb/sth with用装备起来;使配备equip oneself整装;准备行装be equipped for对有准备;准备好(1)The boys equipped_themselves_with torches and rope,and set off.男孩子们带上火把和绳子出发了。(2)The emergency services are equipped to deal with disasters of this kind.急救队配有

15、装备,可处理此类灾难事件。(1)After the earthquake,the first thing the local government did was to provide_for the homeless families.(2010湖北卷,22)Aaccommodation BoccupationCequipment Dfurniture解析考查名词辨析。句意:地震后,当地政府的首要事情是为无家可归的家庭提供住处。occupation“职业”;equipment“设备”;furniture “家具”。答案A(2)It is reported that the newlybuil

16、t studio is _badly.(2012宁夏一中模拟)Aequipped Bequaled Csupplied Doffered解析考查动词词义辨析。equip装备;配备;equal相等;等同于;supply提供;offer(愿意)提供。据报道,这个新建的演播室设备很差。regret vt.遗憾;惋惜;n.遗憾;regret to do sth遗憾地去做某事regret doing_sth后悔做过某事regret not to have done sth后悔没有做过某事with great/deep regret很遗憾to ones regret让某人感到遗憾的是(1)I regret

17、_to_say the job has been filled.十分抱歉,那工作已经有人做了。(2)She deeply regretted losing her temper.她为自己发了脾气而深感后悔。(1)“Tommy,run! Be quick! The house is on fire!” the mother shouted,with _clearly in her voice.(2011湖北卷,21)Aanger Brudeness Cregret Dpanic解析考查名词词义辨义。句意为“Tommy,快跑!快点!房子着火了!”母亲大声叫喊,嗓音里夹杂着明显的惊慌。anger生气

18、;rudeness粗鲁;regret后悔;panic惊慌,慌乱。根据句意选D。答案D(2)I regret_you that John has been fired.I can hardly believe my ears.He is such a fine worker.(2012济南外国语学校质检)Atelling Bhaving told Cto tell Dto have told解析考查固定用法。regret to do.“遗憾地说/告诉/通知”;regret doing.“后悔做了某事”。由句意“我后悔告诉你汤姆被解雇了”可知应选C项。focus n焦点;中心点vt.集中;focu

19、s on集中于focus.on.把集中于focus ones attention/eyes/energy on.集中注意力/目光/精力于in/out of focus焦点对准/没有对准(1)The recent wave of bombings has focused public attention on the region.最近一连串的爆炸案把公众的注意力集中到了该地区。(2)Please focus_your_minds_on the following problem.请集中考虑以下问题。(1)If you are going to follow someone,_(focus) o

20、n their talent,not their bad character or unacceptable behaviors.(2011天津卷解析该句为祈使句,if引导条件状语从句。答案focus(2)Without mental _,we may not pay enough attention to new information coming in,so it never makes it into our memory stores.(2010浙江卷阅读理解C)reduce vt.减少;reduce sth by.把某物减少了reduce sth to.把某物减少到(1)This

21、shirt was greatly reduced in the sale.这种衬衣在大减价时降价很多。(2)The workforce has been reduced by half.劳动力已经减少了一半。(1)Simply increasing the speed of production,for example,may be one way to try to_(reduce) the speed difference.(2011四川卷阅读理解E)答案reduce(2)The cars give off a great deal of waste gas in the streets

22、.Yes.But Im sure something will be done to_air pollution.(2012浙江富阳场口中学测试)Areduce Bremove Cdrop Dwarnreduce减少;remove移动;drop抛下;warn警告。但我相信要做点什么来减少空气污染。comment n评论;议论;vi.&make a comment on/about.对作出评论no comment无可奉告be a comment是的标志;体现出comment on对评论(1)The police chief made_no_comment_about the bomb attac

23、k.警察总长对炸弹袭击事件保持缄默。(2)Asked about the date of the election,the Prime Minister commented that no decision had been made.牛津首相对询问选举日期一事称尚未作出决定。(1)The two other rich men saw this from a distance and_(comment) with each other how the third rich man lacked sympathy.(2011陕西卷完形填空)答案commented(2)And The Peoples Archive is an online library of historical figures of the city being built up by a digital content company in Cahoots,in which users will be encouraged to add to and_(comment)on the material.(2011答案commentbe satisfied with对感到满意be satisfied to do.对做感到满意s satisfaction 令人满意的是f

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