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1、 _to惯常的30. ache31. _success 获得实用文档make great _ 成就32. acid33. acknowledge34. _ information 获得信息 language _ 语言习得35. acre36. _as 表演,行动take _ 行动37. take an _part in 积极的38. an outdoor _ 活动39. an _/_ 男女演员40. in_fact 真实的41. _oneself to 适应be _from 改编an _ to 适应42. _ to 增加 in _to 增加43. _ a letter 地址_ a m

2、eeting 对。作演讲44. adequate45. _oneself to 调整make an _ 调整46. administration47. admirable48. admission49. adolescent50. adopt51. adult52. advance53. advantage54. adventure55. advertisement56. _ 求教57. advocate58. affair59. _ sb 影响某人 affection_60. _ the time/the apartment 付得起_ to do sth61. travel _ 代理机构文案

3、大全agent _34. an _ of + 不可数 n. 大量的(二)35. ample1. agenda36. amusement2. aggressive37.分析:n.v.3. reach an _ 协议38. ancestor4. agriculture39. in _times古代的_ adj.40.生气5. _ of time 提前,预先41. anglego ahead _42. ankle6. first _(援救)急救43. the wedding _ 周年纪念日7. be _ at目标,打算44. _ names 宣布8. aircraftmake an _ 通知9. a

4、irline45. _ sb. 使恼怒10. airmailsb got _.11. at the _ 机场to ones _12. jump up in _ 惊慌,惊恐46._ income 每年的13. album47.antique:14. drink _ 酒48.cause _焦虑15. look _ 看起来相像be _ about sth16. keep _活着49.不管如何 ad. _17. alley50.take the machine _ 分开18. allocate51.apartment:19. _doing sth 允许52._ to sb道歉20. traveling

5、 _ 补贴,津贴 , 零花钱make an _ to sb21. live _单独53.apparent:22. alongside54._ to sb. 吸引某人23. read the text _ 大声地 _外貌24. alphabet56.appendix25. return by the _ road 可供选择的, 另57.appetite:一条道路58.applaud:26. altogetherburst into _27. an _ photographer 业余的59._ for a visa 申请28. amaze申请人 :with _ speed 以惊人的速度

6、_ forms申请表be _ at sth 吃惊60._ oneself to29. ambassador致力于 ,集中精力做某事30. _ to manager 任命31. ambition62.make an _ with sb._ students 有抱负的63._ your help 感激33. 救护车:express my _感激64. _ the ship 走近_ a problem 解决 , 探讨 v.his _ to the problem n.(三)1. appropriate2. _(of) the plan 赞同 , 同意3. win the

7、 _ of the board 支持4. approximately:5. arch6. 建筑师 :7. 建筑 (学 ):8. _ with sb about sth 争论an _ over/about sth 争论9. _ from 由 引起10. _ for sb to do sth. 安排make an _ 安排11. put sb under _逮捕12. on/upon ones _到达13. arrow:14. _ fiber 人造的15. feel _for/ of sth 惭愧16. _ countries17. set sth _ 放在一边18. fall _ 睡着19. f

8、eel _ 好困 , 想睡觉20. aspect21. assignment22. _ sb in doing sthassistance助手 ,助理23. be _ with 联系association:24. _ sth. 猜想 , 假设assumption:25. _ sb. 使惊讶26. 运动员 :27. Atlantic28. atmosphere:29. atom:30. be _ to 依附于31. _ sb. 攻击 ,袭击32. attain:33. _ to do sth. 尝试,努力_ a meeting/ lecture 参加_ to sb. 照顾 ,照料_ ones _

9、吸引注意力34. the positive _toward 态度35. be _ to sb. 具有吸引力_ 旅游景点36. such a large _观众37. authentic:38. authority:39. 自动的 :40. sth /sb is _ 可得到41. avenue:42. on _ 平均43. _ doing sth 避免44. keep sb _醒着45. award:46. be/ become _of 意识到47. awful48. awkward:49. bachelor50. 背景 :51. jump _ 往后52. bacon:53. a lot of

10、_ 行李 :bake _bakery: _keep one s平衡56. balcony:57. ballet58. 气球 :59. bamboo60. impose a _ on overtime 禁止61. band62. bandage63. a _ of chocolate 一条巧克力 a barred window _a wine _ 酒吧64. Have a barbecue (BBQ) _65. at the _ 在理发店66. a _ hillside 光秃秃的山坡the _ facts 事实真相(无细节)67. Its a bargain. _drive a hard _ 讨

11、价还价( 四 )1. remove the bark from (a tree)_Barking daogs seldom bite .2. Poor health may be a b_ to success.健康欠佳可能成为取得成功的障碍.3. a London -_ company 总部在伦敦的公司_ 以为依据4 _ principles 基本原则5. on a weekly basis _6. play _ 打棒球7. 脸盆 _a basinful of water _8. blind as a _ 棒球的球棒9. have a _ 洗澡_the baby 给小孩洗澡_the woun

12、d 冲洗伤口be bathed in tears / sweat _in the _ 在洗手间 / 浴室_ 浴缸10. get the _recharged 给电池充电11. fight a _ against 与作斗争12. the _ of Bengal 孟加拉湾13. on the _ 在海滩14. _ 豆科植物 bean curd _15. _ the responsibility 负责任_ sth in mind 记住Her sufferings don tbear thinking about._His efforts finally bore fruit._16. have /

13、wear a beard _17. beast _18. _ sb black and bluegive sb a good _ 给一顿痛打A defeat / _ B 打败19. All bedding is on sale at 30% off. 床上用品20. on _ of 代表21. well / badly-_ children 没有教养的孩子their behaviour towards me 他们对我的态度 study the behaviour of bees 研究蜜蜂的活动习性 .21. come into _ 开始存在 human beings _23. _ it or

14、not 信不信由你Seeing is _. 眼见为实has great belief in sb 对无比信赖 Christmas beliefs 基督教教义24. belly _25. _ 属于personal _ 私人财物26. _ freezing 冰点以下live on the floor _ 住在下一层楼27. tighten one s _ 开始勤俭节约28. bench _29. The branch _ but didn tbreak.树枝弯了但是没断。Be bent on (doing sth ) _30. beneath _31. sth benefit sbsb benef

15、it from sthbe of great _ to sb 对大有好处be _ to sb 对有益32. _ 在旁边33. _ 此外;除以外34. _ ones country. 背叛祖国a _ of trust 对信任的辜负 .35. This is just _ you and me.这事只有你我知道。We have two lessons this morning, but theres some free time in between. _36. Its beyond me why she did that._37. ride a _ 骑自行车38. _ for the contr

16、act 申请 ,投标bid $500 for the painting _39. propose / pass a bill _40. biology _(五)1. be of noble birth _give _ to sb / sth 孕育_ 出生地a _ card / party / present2. _ 饼干3. a bit of advice / luck _bit by bit _4. bite _ _ ( 过去式 /过去分词 )5. _ experience 惨痛的教训6. _ and blue 青一块紫一块7. Who is _ ? 该怪谁呢?8. a _ expressi

17、on 茫然的表情9. a _ of snow / cloud 一层雪 /云雾a wet blanket _10. sbs own flesh and blood _bleed _ _ ( 过去式 /过去分词 )11. beblessedwithgoodhealth_a blessing in disguise 祸中福12. _ of flats 公寓大楼楼群 The road is _. 路堵了。13. _ 女衬衣14. go on _ 上船 / 飞机 a board meeting 董事会议15. _ 全心全意keep body and soul together _16. _ 炸弹 / 轰

18、炸17. bond A and / to B _18. bonus _19. _ a room 预定房间20. Business is booming. 生意 _21. a pair of _ 一双靴子22. border incidents _How many countries _ China ?有多少国家与中国接壤 ?23. be _with / be tired of / be fed up _ sth24. a _ baby 新生儿a _leader / poet 天生的领袖 /诗人25. He didn teven _ to say a “thank you ”.他甚至连一声谢谢都

19、懒得说。26. at the _ of 在底部 bottoms up 干杯27. bounce _28. national boundary _29. _ to sth / sb 屈服于be armed with a bow and arrow _30. a _ of rice 一碗饭31. go bowling _32. boxing _33. boycott _34. damage to the _脑部的损伤 have a good brain _35. brake _36. a branch of the Rhine 莱茵河的 _a branch post office 邮局的 _37. a leading _ 一流的品牌a brand new computer _38. _ 勇敢的 (adj.)_ 勇敢 (n. )39. Glass _ easily. 玻璃容易碎。 Take 2 0 minutes_ 休息 20 分钟 At break of day _

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