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新四年级英语试题答卷 2Word下载.docx

1、 _. A. It near the door. B. Its the door. C. Its near the door.9. Is that a boy _ a girl? A. or B. and 10. I like _. A. paint B. painting C. panting六、英文翻译成中文。(10分)1. We have a new classroom.2. Whos your best friend ?3. How many story-books do you have?4. Put your eraser near your pencil-case.5. Lets

2、 go and have a look. _七. 读一读,将相对应的句子连线.(10分) 1. How much is it? A. You are welcome. 2. Where is your book? B. Its green. 3. What colour is your eraser? C. Yes. I do. 4. Do you like music? D. Five yuan. 5. Thank you. E. Its in my schoolbag.八.读一读,连词成句.注意句子的书写格式.(10分). 1. very, she, music, likes, much

3、_ 2. is, heavy, your, too, schoolbag _ 3. black, short, has, he, hair _ 4. at, the, look, picture _ 5. I, have, may, a, look _ 九. 把下列句子排成一个完整的对话.(6分) ( ) Its blue. Look! ( ) Really ? What colour is it? ( ) Hello , Amy. I have a new schoolbag. ( ) May I have a look? ( ) Wow! Its a panda! How nice! (

4、) Sure, here you are. 四年级上册小学英语期末测试卷听力部分(30%)一、Listen and choose. 听音圈单词。4%1. classroom? classmate ?2. math books? notebooks? 3. friend? father? ?4. chopsticks? plate?二、Listen and write. 听音填数字。16%三、Listen and write. 听音写单词,将对话补充完整。10%Waiter: Can I help you?Father: Of course. Can I have some ?and ?, pl

5、ease? Sure. What would you like for dinner, Mike?Mike: Id like some ?and juice. Mom, what would you like?Mother:. OK.基础知识及综合能力运用部分(70%)一、Read and write. 读一读,写出对应的大写或小写字母。5%二、Read and tick or cross. 读一读,判断下列每组字母是否含有相同的音素,含有的打“”,不含有的打“”。6%1. w?y?(? )?2. H?K? 3. X?f? (? )4. o?q? 5. b?v? 6. I?Y? ) 三、Loo

6、k, read and circle. 看图读一读,圈出相应的单词。四、Look and choose. 看图,选择相应句子的序号填入括号内。12%五、Look, circle and write. 看图圈单词,然后将单词填入句子中。六、Read and choose. 读一读,选句子,将序号填入。1. Wheres my seat?2. How many books do you have?3. What colour is it?4. Whats his name?5. What would you like?6. Whats your mother?七、Read and match. 读

7、对话,将上下图片连线。8%1. My ruler is near the pencil-case.?2. A: Can you see the computer?B: Yes. Its in the study.3. A: Do you like juice? B: Sure. Where is it?A: In the fridge.4. A: Where are the fork and spoon? They are on the plate.八、Read. 阅读。17%Hello, friends. My name is Rose. Im nine. I am a student. I

8、 have a happy family.Look, this is a photo of my family! The old man is my grandfather. Hes seventy-three. He likes noodles. Hes a farmer. My grandmothers sixty-eight. She likes fish. Shes a teacher. Look at this woman. Shes my mother. Shes thirty-four. Shes a nurse. She likes vegetables very much.

9、And this man is my father. Hes thirty-nine. He likes soup. Hes a driver. Mary is my sister .She is a quiet girl. They love me. I love them(他们).1. Read again and tick or cross. 读上面短文,打“”或“”判断句子正误。(1)There are five people in my family.?(2) My grandfather is a farmer. He likes noodles.?(3) My mom likes

10、 beef. Shes a nurse. ?(4) My dad is thirty-nine. Hes a driver. ?(5) Im Mary and my sister is Rose.?2. Read and match. 读上面短文,再连线。、小学英语四年级下册期中测试卷听力部分 (20分)一、听录音,选出你听到的单词,将其字母标号填入括号内(10分) )1、A、playground ?B、library? C、canteen? D、garden )2、A、jacket? B、shirt? C、skirt? D、slippers )3、A、computer B、board? C、

11、dog? D、clock )4、A、my? B、why? C、time? D、nine )5、A、hot? B、cold? C、cloud? D、cool二、听录音,选出你听到的句子,将其字母标号填入括号内(10分) )1、A、How are you?B、Nice to meet you.C、How old are you? )2、A、Whats your name?B、Whats his name?C、Whats her name? )3、A、His name is Zhang peng.B、Her name is Sarah.C、Your name is John. )4、A、What t

12、ime is it?B、What is it?C、What the weather like today? )5、A、What are they?B、Who are you?C、What are those?笔试部分(80分)一、根据所给汉语选择正确的单词(10分) )1、袜子? A、jeans? B、pants? C、socks? D、shoes )2、漂亮的? A、expensive? B、colourful? C、cheap? D、pretty )3、有雨的? A、cloudy? B、rainy? C、snowy? D、sunny )4、拖鞋? A、slippers? B、sandals

13、? C、sneakers? D、boots )5、梨子? A、peach? B、apple? C、watermelon? D、pear二、按要求写出下例单词正确形式(10分)1、black(反义词)?2、small(反义词)?3、long(反义词)?4、cold(反义词)?5、yes(反义词)?6、pen(增加几个字母变成另一种学习用品)?7、tea(改变其中一个字母变成一个数字)?8、fat(改变其中一个字母变成一种生活用品)?9、donkey(改变其中一个字母变成一种动物)?10、how(改变其中一个字母变成一种动物)?三、写出下例词组和句子的中文意思(20分)1、This way, pl

14、ease.?2、welcome to our school.?3、get up?4、just a mimute.?5、watch TV?6、come on ?7、Its too expensive.?8、weather report?9、play football?10、a pair of slippers?四、从B栏中找出适合A栏的答案,将其填入括号内(10分)AB )1、Whats the weather like today?A、She is in the gym. )2、How much is it?B、Its cold and cloudy. )3、What time is it?C

15、、They are goats. )4、Where is Miss white?D、Its 28 yuan. )5、What are they?E、Its 8:15.五、根据情景选择句子,将标号写在括号中(10分)1、当你向你的朋友或同学问好时,应说:A、How old are you? B、How do you do? C、How are you?2、当你不知道对方的名字,想向对方问时,应说:A、Whats your name? B、How are you? C、Nice to meet you.3、当你找不到自己的铅笔时,应说:A、Wheres my pencil? B、What is i

16、t? C、Is this your pencil?4、当你想问今天天气怎么样时,应说:A、What day is it today? B、Whats the weather like today?5、当你想问:“现在几点了”时,应说:A、What is it? B、What it day is it? C、What time is it?六、连词成句? (10分)1?are? you? How?2? name? What? your? is?3? they? are? much?4? Can? I? help?5? warm? today.? It?七、根据提示画出天气情况?12345(1)I

17、ts sunny (2)Its cloudy? (3)Its rainny?(4)Its snowy (5)Its windy小学四年级下册英语期末试卷一、Listen and circle.1) bike bag 2) bit bite 3) like lake4) note not 5) use us 6) ruler rubber二、Listen and complete.1) A: _ _ is the pen? ( How much) Its _ _. (ten yuan) Its very _. And _ about this ruler? (nice, what) Its _

18、_. (two yuan)2) A: Merry Christmas to you ! _! (The same to you.) A: Its very _here. Its snowing.(cold)Whats the weather like in _? (Sydney)_. (Its hot.)3) A: _ is an ice-cream, Granny? (How much) _. (One yuan)How many do you want? _, please. (Two) 三、Listen and tick () or cross(). ( ) 1. Its Sunday

19、today. ( ) 2. Xiao Ming is going to the museum with his father. ( ) 3. Its raining now. ( ) 4. Hes going to watch TV at home. ( ) 5. Hes going to play cards with his father.听力内容:Today is Sunday. Xiao Ming is going to the museum with his mother. Its raining outside. He cant go there. Hes going to pla

20、y chess with his father at home.四、Read and choose.(每组单词中有一个元音字母的读音与其他三个不同,请将这个单词的序号填入题前的括号内。) ( ) 1. A. man B. fan C. cap D. lake ( ) 2. A. taxi B. late C. name D. Jane ( ) 3. A. he B. she C. let D. need ( ) 4. A. very B. meet C. merry D. ten ( ) 5. A bike B. five C. wish D. kite ( ) 6. A. milk B. s

21、hip C. sister D. like ( ) 7. A. fox B. globe C. no D. nose ( ) 8. A. on B. oh C. office D. not ( ) 9. A. but B. nut C. tune D. cut ( ) 10. A. blue B. June C. ruler D. us五、Read and choose. ( ) 1. _ the weather like? A. Whats B. Hows ( ) 2. Its cold outside, but its _ in the room. A. cold B. warm ( )

22、3. _ you like summer? A. Do B. Would ( ) 4. Whats the weather like _ Beijing? A. on B. in六、Choose the right answer. ( ) 1. What day is today? A. Its Sunday. B. Its sunny. ( ) 2. Whats the weather like? A. Its short. B. Its hot. ( ) 3. Is it cold in Harbin in winter? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. ( ) 4. Whats the weather like in Hainan in winter? A. Its cold. B. Its warm.七、Read the sentences. Find the mistakes and correct them. 1. How many is seventy and sixty-two? ( ) A B C 2. How much is a umbrella? 3. A: How much is an eraser? A Its fif

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