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1、 Choose correct answers to the question: 1.As it is indicated in the passage, the new analysis _. A.studied the federal money spent on low-income students B.aimed at promoting the establishment of more public schools C.showed that about half the schools would receive less money D.was conducted by th

2、e Department of Educations Title I program 2.Which of the following factors does NOT lead to the result that more than two-thirds of thedistricts will get more poorly financed? A.People often move from one place to another. B.There are more children from poor families. C.The way of distributing mone

3、y has changed. D.Spending under the Title I program decreased. 3.Susan Aspey looks at the funding by the government with _. A.criticism B.consent C.Indifference D.expectation 4.According to Tom Fagan, _. A.the government has done its best to finance the poor children B.the goals of No Child Left Beh

4、ind Act are difficult to realize C.the way of measuring progress by annual tests should be changed D.the Bush government shouldn”t have approved the Title I program 5.When the government concentrates more money in fewer districts, _. A.more poor children will get benefited B.more public schools will

5、 have to be closed will arouse more peoples dissatisfaction D.No Child Left Behind Act will be realized sooner 1.A 事实细节题。此题考査对长句的理解。从第1段首句中的“of”这一构造可知这个最新分析是要讨论联邦政府资金问题的。所以排解B。由第3段第1句可知这项最新分析是由the Center on Education Policy 进展的,因此排解选项D。依据第3段最终一句,选项C中show的行为主体应为similar study。 2.D 事实细节题。此题考察因果关系。

6、第2段第2句指出有三个缘由造成超过2/3的地区得到的资金削减,选项A、B、C是对这三个缘由的近义改写,但其中选项C与原句的形式分别,简单造成误选。 3.B 观点态度题。此题考察文人物的观点。苏珊阿斯贝的观点态度只能从第5段推断出,从这一段中的defended和record amount of funding可知她对训练部的拨款数是认同的。选项A和C都是贬义词,不行 能表达她的观点;选项D虽是褒义词,但苏珊是在陈述已发生的事实,而不是发表对训练部的期望。 4.B 推理推断题。此题考察对复合句的理解。由文中第6段第1句中的harder. to meet.可知选项B正确。选项C干扰性,要排解这个干扰

7、,关键是要理解第6段第1句中由which引导的非限制性定语从句的作 用。这个从句是对前面“the Bush administration”s signature education program”的附加事实信息,不属于汤姆法甘的看法。 5.C 推理推断题。依据第6段第1句可知选项A和D与事实不符。最终一段倒数第2句中的anger和tension两词,可推断人们对此表示不满。 【篇二】2022年上半年英语四级考试阅读理解 To understand the marketing concept, ii is onlynecessary to understand the difference b

8、etweenmarketing and selling. Not too many years ago, mostindustries concentrated primarily on the efficientproduction of goods, and then relied on persuasivesalesmanship to move as much of these goods aspossible. Such production and selling focuses on the needs of the seller to produce goods andthen

9、 convert them into money. Marketing, on the other hand focuses on the wants of consumers. It begins with first analyzingr.he preferences and demands of consumers and then producing goods that will satisfy them. This eye-on-the-consumer approach is known as the marketing concept which simply meanstha

10、t instead of trying to sell whatever is easiest to produce or buy for resale, the makers anddealers first endeavor to find out what the consumer wants to buy and then go about making itavailable for purchase. This concept does not imply that business is benevolent (慈善的) or that consumersatisfaction

11、is given priority over profit in a company. There are always two sides to everybusiness transaction-the firm and the customer-and each must be satisfied before tradeoccurs. Successful merchants and producers, however, recognize that the surest route toprofit is through understanding and catering to

12、customers. A striking example of theimportance of catering to the consumer presented itself in mid-1985, when Coca Cola changedthe flavor of its drink. The non acceptance of the new flavor by a significant portion of thepublic brought about a prompt restoration of the Classic Coke, which was then ma

13、rketedalongside the new. King Customer ruled! 1.The marketing concept discussed in thepassage is, in essence_. A) a form of persuasive salesmanship B) the customer-centred approach C) making goods available for purchase D) the practice of turning goods into money 2.What was the main concern of indus

14、trialists before the marketing concept waswidely accepted? A) The needs of the market. B) The preferences of the dealer, C) The efficiency of production. D) The satisfaction of the user. 3.According to the passage, to move as much of these goods as possible(Line 3, Para.l means_. A) to redesign thes

15、e goods for large-scale production H) to transport goods as efficiently as possible C) to sell the largest possible amount of goods D) to dispose of these goods in large quantities 4.What does the restoration of the Classic Coke best illustrate? A) Products must be designed to suit the taste of the

16、consumer. B) Consumers with conservative tastes are often difficult to please. C) It takes time for a new product to be accepted by the public. D) Traditional goods have a stronger appeal to the majority of people. 5.In discussing the marketing concept, the author focuses on_. A) its social impact B

17、) its theoretical basis C) its possible consequence D) its main characteristic 1.从根本上来说,文章中争论的市场营销理念是_。 A)销售人员说服劝导的一种方式 B) 一种以客户为中心的方法 C)依据人们的购置需求生产产品 D)把产品变成金钱的一种做法 B依据文章第2段“市场营销注意顾客的需求。它首先分析顾客的喜好和需求,然后再生产出他们满足的商品。这种着眼于顾客的销售方式就是人们所说的市场营销”,可推断,市场营销是以顾客为中心的销售方式,因此,B与文中的内容相符。 2.在这种市场营销的理念被广泛承受之前,生产厂家们

18、主要关怀的是什么? A)市场的需求。 B)经销商的偏好。 C)生产效率。 D)用户满足度。 C依据文章第1段“从前,大多数工厂主要致力于提商生产效率,以及通过说服式的销售方式尽可能地将产品销售出去”,故C正确。 3.依据文章所说,“尽可能地将这些产品转移”(第1段第3行)的意思是_。 A)重新设计这些产品以便可以大规模制造 B)尽可能高效地运输产品 C)尽可能多地销售产品 D)大批量地处理这些产品 C在文中,提到“大多数工厂主要致力于提高生产效率,并依靠说服式的销售方式来像这样的生产和销售把留意力集中在卖方生产商品、然后把它们转换成金钱这一需要上”,由此可知,该词组的意思为“尽可能多地销售产品

19、”。因此,C与此意思全都,故C正确。 4.重新恢复了经典口味可乐的这个例子很好地阐述了什么? A)商品的设计应当贴合消费者的口味。 B)那些口味保守的消费者最难取悦。 C)一种新的产品为公众所承受是需要时间的。 D)传统型产品对于大多数人来说有着更强的吸引力。 A文章第3段提到“胜利的商人和生产者意识到了解和迎合顾客的口味是赢利的根本保证。有一个典型的例子可以证明满意顾客需要的重要性”,而接下来文中举的就是可口可乐公司重新恢复经典口味可乐的例子,由此推断,恢复配方是为了迎合顾客的口味,A与此观点全都。 5.在争论市场营销理念的时候,主要关注_。 A)其社会影响 B)其理论根底 C)其可能带来的

20、后果 D)其主要特点 D从全文来看,旨在向读者介绍市场营销这一概念的根本特征,即依据顾客的需求组织生产,并通过叙述可口可乐公司恢复原配方这一让人印象深刻的例子强化了读者对其根本特征的了解。因此,A、B和C均与所陈述的内容无关,只有D正确。 【篇三】2022年上半年英语四级考试阅读理解 Engineering students are supposed to be examples of practicality and rationality, but when it comes to mycollege education I am an idealist and a fool. In hi

21、gh school I wanted to be an electrical engineer and, of course,any sensible student with my aims would have chosen a college with a large engineering department,famous reputation and lots of good labs and research equipment. But thats not what I did. I chose to study engineering at a small liberal-a

22、rts(文科)university that doesnt even offer a major in electrical engineering. Obviously, this was not a practical choice; I came here for more noble reasons. I wanted a broad education that would provide me with flexibility and a value system to guide me in my career.I wanted to open my eyes and expan

23、d my vision by interacting with people who werent studying science orengineering. My parents, teachers and other adults praised me for such a sensible choice. They told me I was wise and mature beyond my 18 years,and I believed them. I headed off to college sure I was going to have an advantage over

24、 those students who went to big engineering “factories” where they didnt care if you have values or were flexible. I was going to be a complete engineer: technical genius and sensitive humanist(人文学者)all in one. Now Im not so sure. Somewhere along the way my noble ideals crashed into reality, as all noble ideals eventually do. After three years of struggling to balance math, physics and engineering courses with liberal-arts courses,I have lear

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