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1、和天气相关的英语短语汉语中常有“阴沉着脸”、“愁云密布”等跟天气相关的词语,那么英语中有没有类似的表达呢?下面我们一起来看一下吧:1. Whats up with him today? He has a face like thunder!他今天怎么了?他看着怒气冲冲的。2. Im a bit disappointed in John and David. It turned out they were only fair-weather friends。我对约翰和大卫有点失望,原来他们不过是靠不住的酒肉朋友。3. We dont have a snowballs chance of winn

2、ing that contract!我们根本就没有一点希望能签那份合同。4. Dont worry about those two arguing. its just a storm in a teacup。不用为他俩的争执担心,他们不过是小题大做罢了。5. The exam was a breeze。这次考试真是太容易了。6. Were snowed under at work。我工作忙得不可开交。7. Theyre blowing hot and cold over this issue. Its impossible to know what they want!他们在这件事情上摇摆不定

3、,根本不可能知道他们到底想要什么!8. Hes always working in his garden - come rain or shine。他总在花园里干活,风雨无阻。9. Its going to get very busy on Thursday. Today and tomorrow are just the lull before the storm。我们周四会很忙的,今天和明天只是暴风雨来临之前暂时的宁静。10. I dont want to spend this extra money. Ill save it up for a rainy day。我不想把这些额外收入花掉

4、,我打算存起来以备不时之需。11. Im going to see which way the wind blows before asking her about a raise。我打算先观察一下形势,然后再提加薪的事。12. Youll steal her thunder if you wear that dress tonight!如果你今晚穿那条裙子,你会抢了她的风头的!13. Im feeling a bit under the weather at the moment。我觉得不太舒服。14. This recession is quite serious and its beco

5、ming difficult to weather the storm。这次经济衰退很严重,很难扛过去啊! 冬至西风烈 如何地道表达“冷死了”冬至过后,各地气候都将进入一个最寒冷的阶段,也就是人们常说的“进九”。这两天出门大家可要记得要添衣保暖以免感冒哦。今天我们来学习一下有关天气寒冷的地道说法吧。1. Its freezing/chilly out there!外面冷死了!2. Its a bit nippy today, but I will still run my usual distance。虽然今天有点冷,但我还是会坚持和往常跑一样远的。3. There is a real nip

6、 in the airtoday。今天寒气袭人。4. Its brass monkey weathertoday. Youd better wrap up warm!今天真是冷得要命,你最好穿暖和点。5. Tomorrow is supposed to be mind-numbingly cold. I need to get out my heavy winter jacket。明天应该非常冷,我需要拿出我的厚棉袄了。6. The wind really chills me to the bone. / The wind is bone-chilling。这寒风真是刺骨。7. Im froz

7、en/stiff我简直冻僵了。8. I am freezing my toes off。我脚趾都快冻掉了。9. The wind just cuts right through you。风简直是直接穿过身体。10. I cant stop shivering from the cold。我冷得不停打哆嗦。11. This cold front is taking its toll!寒流正在发威呢!如何表达担心与忧虑1. 想到面试我心慌极了。Im really in a flap about the interview。A: Im really in a flap about the inter

8、view. 想到面试我心慌极了。B: Take it easy. Youve made enough preparations。别担心。你已经做了充分的准备了。2. 我感觉如坐针毡。Im on tenterhooks。= Im on pins and needles。 tenterhook n. 纺拉幅钩 on tenterhooks“焦虑不安”3. 我愁得睡不着觉。Worrying kept me awake。 Worrying kept me awake。我愁得睡不着觉。 Youll send yourself to an early grave。你这样会使自己折寿的。awake a. 醒

9、着的 grave reiv n. 坟墓4. 你还好吗?Are you OK? A: Are you Ok?你还好吗? Im just tired。我只是累了。5. 我心乱如麻。Im a bundle of nerves。 Im a bundle of nerves。我心乱如麻。 What happened?发生什么事了?a bundle of nerves“神经极度紧张的人”6. 我很担心我的健康。Im worried sick about my health。 Im worried sick about my health。我很担心我的健康。 Dont worry. You will be

10、fine。你会好的。7. 我担心你。I was worried about you. = I was concerned about you。8. 我觉得他的病情很令人担忧。I find his illness very worrying。 I find his illness very worrying. 我觉得他的病情很令人担忧。 Hell be OK. 他会好起来的。9. 你怎么了?Whats the matter?= Whats wrong? SectionIs there anything wrong? 有什么不对吗? 0510. 你有什么心事?Whats on your mind?

11、= Whats eating you?= What are you worried about? on ones mind“使人担心,惦念”11. 你的所作所为让我很担心。Im anxious about what you did. = What you did makes me anxious。12. 我深感忧虑。Im seriously troubled. = Im really concerned。13. 你为什么今天看起来这么疲惫?Why do you look so exhausted today? You look worn-out. 你看起来很疲惫。 a. 精疲力竭的 exhau

12、sted i5zC:sti worn-out wC:n 5aut a。精疲力竭的14. 发生什么事了?What happened? Whats going on? 到底怎么回事? Nothing。没什么事。15. 我真不知道该怎么办。I really dont know what to do。 If I cant find the money, I really dont know what to do。如果找不到这笔钱,我真不知道该怎么办。 Dont worry too much。别太着急。16. 我真的慌极了。Im really in a flap。 Im really in a flap

13、。我真的慌极了。 Take it easy。放松点。 flap flAp n. 骚动,不安17. 我再也受不了了。I cant take it anymore。= I cant bear it anymore。= I cant deal with this anymore. Im mad at the world. 我快要发疯了。18. 我真不知道该如何是好。I really dont know what I shall do。 I lost a very important document. I really dont know what I shall do。我丢了一份重要文件。我真不知

14、道该如何是好。 Youd better look for it carefully。你最好仔细找找。如何表达意见与建议1. 把实情告诉他不好吗?Would it be a good idea to tell him the truth? Mum, Im not a good boy. I broke papas glass just now。妈妈,我不是个好孩子。刚才我把爸爸的杯子打碎了。 Would it be a good idea to tell him the truth?把实情告诉他不好吗?2. 我来洗餐具好吗?Shall I do the washing-up? Shall I d

15、o the washing-up?我来洗餐具好吗? Thank you。谢谢。 wash up“洗餐具”3. 我们觉得今晚可以去看场电影。Were thinking of going to a movie tonight. A: Were thinking of going to a movie tonight。我们打算今晚去看场电影。 It sounds great。听起来不错。4. 你觉得那个女孩怎么样?What do you think of that girl? What do you think of that girl?你觉得那个女孩怎么样? To my mind, shes a

16、tender girl. But she doesnt seem to be very smart。我觉得她是个温柔的女孩。但是她看上去不怎么聪明。5. 你不妨先干别的事情。You might as well do something else now。 Ive been working on this problem for a long time. But I still cant work it out。我在这个问题上花了很长时间。但是还是解决不了。 Take it easy. You might as well do something else now。别急。你不妨先干别的事情。6.

17、 我提议一起喝一杯怎么样?May I suggest a drink together? May I suggest a drink together?我提议一起喝一杯怎么样? B: Its your treat. 该你请客了。7. 我有个建议。Id like to make a suggestion。= I want to put forward a suggestion。= Id like to offer a suggestion。8. 你有什么建议吗?What do you suggest? = What is your suggestion?= Do you have any sug

18、gestion?9. 你能给我点建议吗?Could you give me some advice? Could you give me some advice?你能给我点建议吗? You should work harder。你应该更努力一些。10. 为什么不取消会议呢?Why not cancel the meeting?= Why dont you cancel the meeting?= Why not call off the meeting? call off“取消”“why not do sth.? 为什么不呢?”用来提出建议和意见。11. 如果你要找个人谈谈,我随时奉陪。If

19、you need someone to talk to, Im always available。= Im here if you want to talk about it。 available E5veilEbl a. 可利用的,有空的12. 你也一起来吧?Wont you join us? Wont you join us? 你也一起来吧? Id like to, but Im busy now. 我很想,但我太忙了。13. 你应该更加仔细一些。You should be more careful. = You ought to be more careful。14. 你最好穿上大衣。Y

20、oud better put on your coat. put on“穿上,戴上”15. 我建议周末去野餐。Id like to propose we go for a picnic this weekend。 Id like to propose we go for a picnic this weekend。我建议周末去野餐。 Wonderful idea。真是个好主意。16. 我们走近路吧!Lets take a shortcut!= Lets go a shorter way / route!“Lets do sth.! 让我们吧!”用以表示建议。17. 我希望您给我的文章提些建议。

21、Id like to have your advice on my article。 Prof. Brown, Id like to have your advice on my article。布朗教授,我希望您给我的文章提些建议。 Its good except for some spelling mistakes. Whats more, the first paragraphhas nothing to do with the article. It should be omitted。不错,只是有几处拼写错误。此外,第一段与文章无关。应该删掉。18. 我们骑车上学吧。 Lets go

22、 to school by bike。我们骑车上学吧。 OK. 好的。19. 去看电影怎么样?What about going to the movies? = How about going to the movies?“What about doing sth.?”用以婉转地提出建议。史上最适合中国人的英语口语入门书!20. 我们今晚何不一起吃饭呢?Why dont we have dinner together tonight? Why dont we have dinner together tonight?我们今晚何不一起吃饭呢? Its a good idea。是个好主意。 Why

23、 dont + 主语 + do sth.? = Why not do sth.?21. 去游泳不是更好吗?Wouldnt it be an idea to go swimming? Wouldnt it be an idea to go swimming?去游泳不是更好吗? No. I dont like it。不好。我不喜欢。22. 下面我们做什么呢?What shall we do next? What shall we do next?下面我们做什么呢? Let me see。让我想想。如何表达相信与怀疑1. 看来可信。Sounds true。= Looks credible。= See

24、ms believable。 believable a. 可信的2. 我相信你的话。I take your words for it. = I believe what you said。= I think what you said is true。3. 我认为你说的是可信的。I think what you said is believable。 I think what you said is believable。我认为你说的是可信的。 Thank you for believing me。谢谢你相信我。4. 我可以相信她说的话。I can trust her words. A: Linda said she could do it. 琳达说她能做。 I can trust her words. 我可以相信她说的话。5. 我非常相信你们的信誉。I have complete confidence in your reputation。 I have complete confidence in your reputation。我非常相信你们的信誉。 Thank you for saying so。谢谢您这

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