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1、翻译填空Unit 9 Globalizations Dual Power全球化力量的两重性1全球化是双刃剑。它是发展经济、 传播新技术、提高生活水平的有力手段,又是损害本土的文化传统,威胁经济和社会稳定的一个宏大进程。Globalization is a_: a powerful _that raises economic growth, _new technology and increases living standards and an immense _that _local culture and tradition and _economic and social instabi

2、lity.2究竟是各国能够控制这个巨大的动荡,还是这动荡将会控制各国,这是个问题nWhether nations will control this great upheaval or it will come to control them,_ is the question.3全球化是描述一个古老进程的时髦字眼。我们平时所说的市场其实就是把卖方和买方、生产者和消费者联系在一起而已。经济史就是市场扩大的历史,先由农场扩大到城镇,然后从地区扩大到全国,再从一个国家扩大到另一个国家Globalization is a _ word for an old process. What we call

3、 the market is simply the _ of buyers and sellers, and producers and consumers. Economic history consists of the story of the markets _: from farm to town, from region to nation and from nation to nation. 4经济大萧条和两次世界大战减缓了市场发展的速度。但是二战结束以后,先进的 技术使市场又加速发展起来。The Depression and two world wars _the market

4、s growth. But after World War II ended, it re_, driven by better technology.5一连串重大的贸易协议使工业国家的平均关税由1946年 的大约40%,降低到1990年的大约5%。A succession of major trade negotiations _ average tariffs in industrialized countries _ about 5 percent in 1990 from about 40 percent in 1946.6技术给政治提供了有力的帮助。不断降低的通讯和交通成本促进了全球

5、贸易。到20世纪90年代早期,世界出口总额,几乎比40多年前高了 10倍。Technology complemented politics. _ costs for communication and transportation _ more global commerce. By the early 1990s, world exports were nearly 10 times higher than they had been four decades earlier.7直到不久前,国家还被认为是独立的经济实体。现在,很多公司和金融市场作生产、销售和投资决定时,正逐渐忽视国界。_,

6、countries were viewed as distinct economic entities. Companies and financial markets _ disregard national borders when making production, marketing and investment decisions.8就在1990年,由政府向29个主要的发展中国家提供了一半的信贷和贷款。As recently as 1990, governments provided half the _to 29 major developing countries.8但是10年

7、以后,私人的资金流已使政府的资金流相形见绌。1999年私人资金流向这29个国家的总额估计已达1,360亿美元,而政府的资金流只有220亿美元。A decade later, private capital flows _ governmental flows. In 1999, private flows totaled an estimated $136 billion to these 29 countries, _ government capital flows of $22 billion. 9与此同时,跨国公司在全球范围内掀起收购热潮。仅以1999年上半年计,在发达国家和发 展中国

8、家的跨国兼并和收购,其价值已超过5,000亿美元。Meanwhile, _ companies have gone on an international acquisition binge. In the first half of 1999 alone, the value of new _ mergers and acquisitions passed $500 billion in both advanced and developing countries.10最近两大无线电巨头之间围绕收购接管的争斗在规模和激烈程度上是前所未有的。The recent _ struggle betw

9、een two wireless giants is _ only for its size and bitterness.11公司经营者越来越相信很多市场已经真正实现了全球化。很多公司都想实现规模经济也就是通过提高生产量和销售额来降低成本同时紧紧跟上如今的技术变革。The growing corporate conviction is that many markets have become truly global. Companies seek to achieve _ that is, to lower costs through _ sales and production vol

10、umes and to _ technological changes.12与此同时,各公司也越来越多地在全球组织生产,把产品设计、零配件制造和最后组装分散 到很多国家进行。In addition, companies increasingly organize production globally, _ product design, component manufacturing and final assembly among many countries.13但是,推动全球化的并不只是跨国公司。各国政府也同样如此。 欧洲对单一市场坚持不懈的追求就是一个标志。But it is not

11、 just multinational companies _. Governments do, too. In Europe, the relentless pursuit of the single market is one _. But it is not just multinational companies that drive globalization. Governments do, too. In Europe, the relentless pursuit of the single market is one indicator14在比较贫困的国家,支持全球化的最佳标

12、志就是强烈要求加入世贸组织。人们相信,全球贸易与投资能通过提供新的产品、技 术和经营管理技能帮助本国经济发展Among poorer countries, the best sign of support is the clamor to get into the _. There is a belief that global trade and investment can _ economic development by providing new products, technologies and _ skills.15这并非神话。一个国家成功与否,主要取决于本国的工人、投资和政府

13、的政策。但是更大范围地与国际经济接轨肯定会有好处。Its no _. Countries succeed or fail mainly based on their own workers, investment and government policies. But _the wider world economy can help. Its no myth. Countries succeed or fail mainly based on their own workers, investment and government policies. But engaging the wi

14、der world economy can help.16就以亚洲为例。飞速的贸易扩张和经济发展大大减少了极度贫困人口的数量。_ Asia. Rapid trade expansion and economic growth sharply _ the number of the _. Consider Asia. Rapid trade expansion and economic growth sharply cut the number of the desperately poor. 17与此同时,拉美与国际经济接轨较晚,情况就远不如亚洲。Meanwhile, Latin America whose_ of the world economy has been late fared much _. 18那么,既然全球化如此美妙,为什么它又充满风险呢?答案在于,有两个问题可能会把潜在的好处都抵消掉。Well, if globalization is so good, why is it also so _? The answer is that two problems could neutralize i

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