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1、1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )(B) 听下面五个句子,根据句子内容,用直线把相关项连接起来。每个句子读两遍。6. Wang Yan tennis Monday7. Betty English Wednesday8. Peter computer Thursday9. Jim violin Friday10. Sue chess Sunday(C) 听下面五段对话,在各题所给的三个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。( )11. A. Mike is younger than Betty.B. Mike is older than Betty.C. M

2、ike is as old as Betty.( )12. A. The glasses are on the desk.B. The glasses are in the pocket.C. The man cant find the glasses at last.( )13. A. Mike likes summer best.B. Betty likes winter, too.C. Mike and Betty dont like summer.( )14. A. The bookshop is near the shopping centre.B. We can get to th

3、e shopping centre by bus No. 5.C. We should take bus No. 5 and No. 9 to get to the shopping centre.( )15. A. The man is at the cinema.B. The man wants to go to Hangzhou by train.C. The man is talking with his friend.(D) 听下面一段短文,在各题所给的三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。( )16. The four friends are talking about the

4、ir favourite _.A. festivals B. seasons C. films( )17. _ likes winter very much.A. Ben B. Helen C. Nancy( )18. Mike usually _.A. makes snowmen B. goes swimming C. flies kites( )19. Betty likes spring because its _.A. cold and snowy B. hot and sunny C. warm and windy( )20. Nancy is going to _.A. fly k

5、ites B. go camping C. go swimming(E) 听短文,完成句子内容,每空只填一词。21. The park is big and _.22. There is an _ tree in the park.23. We can see a playground _ the tree.24. Boys and girls _ the park very much.25. They _ go to the park by bike.二、选择最佳的答案。(每小题1分,共10分)( )26. - _ is your new English teacher?- The man

6、under the tree, he is with Miss Gao.A. What B. Which C. Where( )27. It is good to be in _ in summer.A. black B. white C. red( )28. - Excuse me, do you have any erasers?- _.A. OK, here you are B. Yes, here you are C. Sorry, I cant( )29. You have a book. He has _, too.A. it B. one C. a( )30. It is dan

7、gerous. Please _ touch it.A. not B. cant C. dont( )31. Bruce, look at your dirty shoes. You must _ them right now.A. wash B. put on C. wear( )32. She is singing. She is too _.A. quiet B. loud C. quick( )33. Peter! Dont read _ bed. Its bad _ your eyes.A. in, for B. on, for C. on, with( )34. - Can you

8、 _ the number of the bus?- No, I cant.A. look B. see C. look at( )35. I cant find any animals in _ picture. Please show them to me.A. one B. first C. the first三、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共40分)(A) 根据短文内容,判断句子正误。(正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”)I look out of my window and I can see two girls over there. I know the girl in the yell

9、ow coat. Her name is Jean. She is my friend. The girl in the red sweater is Jeans sister. Her name is Sue. I can see a car under the big tree and a man in it. The man is Mr King. He is Jean and Sues father. Their mother is in the car, too. They are going out. Where are they going? I cant guess.( )36

10、. I can see the two girls in the house.( )37. Sue is the girl in the yellow sweater.( )38. The Kings family are going out.( )39. Mr King is Sues father.( )40. There are five people in the passage (文章).(B) 根据短文内容,在各题所给的四个选项中,选择最佳答案。John is six years old. He can read and write quite well, but he cant

11、tell the time. He doesnt say eight oclock, twelve oclock or four oclock in the afternoon. He says “breakfast-time”, “lunch-time” or “tea-time”.His aunt thinks she can teach him.“Can you count, John?”“Yes. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, ”“Thats fine. Now I

12、put the long hand on twelve and the short one on one that is one oclock. If I put the short hand on two, whats that?“Two oclock.”“Good. And on three?“Three oclock.”It is four oclock in the afternoon, and Johns aunt looks at him and asks, “What time is it now, John?“Tea-time, Auntie. And Im hungry.”(

13、 )41. When it is eight oclock, John says it is _.A. breakfast-time B. lunch-timeC. tea-time D. supper-time( )42. John can _.A. write the time B. not countC. not tell the time D. not read or write( )43. The long hand is _.A. the hour hand B. the minute handC. the short hand D. the right hand( )44. Ma

14、ry thinks _.A. she can teach JohnB. John can learn to countC. John can tell the timeD. John can tell the time if she teaches him( )45. After his aunt teaches him, John _.A. can count B. cant tell the timeC. can read and write D. cant count(C) This is an old story about a crow.It is very hot and dry

15、in the desert. The sun is shining all day. A crow is very thirsty. Suddenly he sees a jar with a little water. The mouth of the jar is too small and his mouth cannot reach the water. He thinks hard and later he has a good idea. He collects little stones and drops them, one by one, into the jar. The

16、water in the jar rises and rises.At last, he is able to drink the water. How clever he is!根据所给短文内容,在空格中填写适当的单词。(每空限填一词)There is a jar with _ (46) water, but the mouth of it is very _ (47) so the crows mouth cannot reach the water. Then he thinks of a good _ (48). He collects stones and _ (49) them i

17、nto the jar. At last, he can _ (50) the water. What a clever crow! (D) 根据短文内容,回答问题。My name is Carl. I have a good friend. His name is Dingding. We live in the same dormitory (宿舍), but we are not classmates. Dingding is a Chinese boy. When he meets teachers, he always says hello to them. And he likes

18、 smiling very much. His smiling face makes us happy. He likes helping others, too. Look! Theres an old woman carrying a heavy box. He runs to her and says, “Can I help you?“No, thanks,” the woman answers. “I can do it by myself.”Why does she say that? Because older people in America dont think they

19、need a lot of help.51. Who is Carl? He is _.52. Do Carl and Dingding study in the same class?_53. How do people feel when they see Dingdings smiling face?They feel _.54. What is the woman carrying?She is carrying _.55. Which country is Dingding in now?He is in _.四、单词拼写。(A)根据句子意思,在空格中填上适当的单词,注意形式。56.

20、 Im a kind of drink. Im from China. Im black or green. Im _.57. It is time for supper. My mother is busy in the _.58. There are a lot of books in it. People can borrow (借) books from it. It is a _.59. Mix (混合) red and yellow. Then you can get a new colour. It is _.60. John always wears his _ so he c

21、an see the blackboard clearly (清晰地).(B) 根据短文内容及所给首字母,在空格中补全单词,注意形式。(每空只填一词)A French student goes to London for his holiday. He knows a little English, but he cant s_ (61) very well.One day he goes to a restaurant. He wants to have some e_ (62), but he cant remember the English word of “egg”. He look

22、s around a_ (63) sees a picture of a chick. He shows the picture to the waiter (服务员). “What d_ (64) you call chickens before theyre born?” “Eggs, sir.” “Very w_ (65),” says the French student. “Bring me two eggs and a cup of tea, please.”五、划出错误地方,将正确的句子写在横线上。(每小题2分,共10分)66. Is your sister work in an

23、 office?67. There are some coffee in the cup.68. Listen! Lingling plays the piano in her room.69. Jim has five English lessons next week.70. Wang Ping and Li Ming lives in Foshan.六、书面表达(5分):暑假即将到来,你会做些什么呢?请以“My Coming Summer Holiday”为题写一篇小短文,介绍一下你的计划,50词左右。(开头已给出,不计入词数内。)My Coming Summer HolidaySumm

24、er holiday is coming. _青纯的记忆时间如梭,此时此刻的我们已经开始对大学的几年生活进行盘点,回想起刚上大学的我们是多么的年青,稚嫩。现在看到以前的照片只能很感慨的说一句“啊!原来当年姐这么清纯啊!呵呵”我们是专升本有着和大学四年本科生不一样的经历,但这些经历也给我们带来了不一样的财富。当年我们和所有朋友一样满怀信心的进入高考考场,希望自己可以榜上有名,但是由于种种原因我们与自己梦想的大学失之交臂,我们以不光彩的分数,进入了自己“梦想”中的大学,当收到录取通知书时看着书面上描述的大学感觉很美很漂亮,自己梦想的大学很大很大里面有很美的风景很高的建筑,有小溪流,有花园和漂亮的图

25、书管,有舒适的宿舍,上课不用早起,放学不用写作业,也不用怕考不好因为再也不用考大学啦!好幸福啊! 我的“疗养院”: 当我第一次走进我的专科学校时,我第一感觉就是“妈,我想回去补习啊!我不想上”因为它没有华丽的外表,没有那么多绿油油草坪,而且到处是荒地杂草重生,很失望很失望从进门的第一刻,就下定决心要专升本,我就不信这辈子找不到我理想中的大学就这样开始了大学生活刚开始每天早上六点划操,晚上上自习,所以和高中没有什么区别的样子,有固定的教室,不上课也得上自习,很无奈因为户县是个小县城因此我们没有可以找兼职上班的地方,每周大家都是闲逛,每周必去的就是户县县城的“居家乐超市”呵呵那就是我们的宝地,那里

26、有我们太多的回忆晚上可以开开卧谈会,说说你的感情问题或者说说她的感情问题似乎大家都愿意说说这些而聊起来会发现有说不完的话大家的关系也变得很好很好这就是我们三年的生活,老师对我们评价是陕国防就是一个“青年疗养院”,因为在这里没有西安那么多的高校竞争,没有那么多的机会锻炼自己每个人都会生活的很惬意还觉得自己很好老师们经常教导的一句话就是“有时间好好学考升本看看大学到底是怎样,好好努力为以后好啊!”现在回想起来的确很后悔那个“青年疗养院”的生活,看着此刻图书管那么多学弟学妹们认真的学习我就很伤心自己三年时光白白浪费掉啦!唉幸亏考上专升本不然这辈子都悔恨不已的呵呵!不过还是要谢谢它,有这块跳板我才能有今天啊!那时的我们很单纯,平时偶尔和老同学联系,才知道有大学是很自由的,有课才去上,没有就可以去图书馆,或者在宿舍,时间很自由,而且上课都不是固定教室,所以每天上课要到处找教室,很多人听一个老师讲课去晚了就没有座位,还要占座感觉好羡慕啊!这就是老师嘴里的大学吧!立即鼓起勇气告诉自己必须要好好努力考上这样的大学,不为别的就为了和其他人一样,再谈论起来我也会很自豪的和他们一样夸夸其谈,呵呵真的好奇怪当时会觉得这都是件如此自豪的事 。 很快的专科毕业啦!大家基

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