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翻译A Coherent FrameworkDOCWord格式.docx

1、2002 Bill CurtisIntroduction介绍Researchers have shown that there is a negative correlation between Information Technology (IT) investments and customer satisfaction.研究人员已经公布了一个在信息技术投资和消费者满意之间的负相关性。 Aligning the firms strategy with customer expectations then is the starting point for a proposed framew

2、ork for understanding the importance of information strategy to business strategy and to organizational performance. 按照顾客的期望调整公司的战略然然后是一个起始点为了一个被提议的框架为了明白信息战略经营策略组织绩效的重要性。Measuring customer satisfaction and balanced scorecard measures form the core of the framework. 测量客户满意度和综合评分卡测量形式是框架的核心。Vision an

3、d strategy align with customer expectations, the competencies of the organization, and how the firm translates these competencies to affect the form of the organization and its performance are discussed. 远见和策略与客户期望看齐,组织的职业素质,和公司是如何将这些能力改变组织形式的和它的性能被商讨的。The critical role of the CEO and other key mana

4、gers is examined as well as business culture issues related to IT.CEO和其他管理者的批评角色是和有关IT的企业文化案例一样被检讨。 A framework is proposed that illustrates the continual feedback and iterative process required to sustain an organizations ability to satisfy its customers.一个框架被提议阐明这个连续的成果和迭代过程被需要,去维持一个组织的能力去让它的客户满意。

5、Customer satisfaction and IT客户满意度和信息技术During 2001, U.S. IT investments exceeded $400 billion, including hardware, software, and processes. 在2001年美国信息技术投资超过4000亿,包含计算机硬件,计算机软件,和流程。Unfortunately, there is evidence to suggest that companies have failed to maximize their IT investments. 不幸地,有证据表明一些公司未能达

6、到他们的IT投资的最大值。A study undertaken at the University of Michigan Business School shows that IT investments between 1994 and 2000 seem to have had a negative effect on customer satisfaction scores. 在美国密歇根大学进行的一项研究显示IT投资在1994年到2000年之间在客户满意度成绩方面,看起来有一个消极影响The studys authors concluded that the business cas

7、e linking IT investments to external measures such as customer satisfaction are weak. 这项研究的作者推论,这个商业案例连接IT投资到外部侧脸如同消费者满意度是虚弱的。However, “the companies that manage their IT investments most successfully generate returns that are as much as 40% higher than those of their competitors.” 然而,管理他们的IT投资最成功的企

8、业产生差不多40%的回报高于他们的竞争对手。A key challenge for managers is to determine how IT can develop customer excitement and which metrics track the value of IT investments to customer satisfaction. 对管理者而言,最关键的挑战是如何开发刺激消费者和追踪度量IT投资的价值使客户满意。Business and organization vision商业和组织愿景The focus on customer satisfaction s

9、hould drive the design of a firms organization. 消费满意度做焦点将驱动公司的组织设计。“If a company is going to achieve and sustain dominance, it must first decide where it will stake its claim in the marketplace and what kind of value it will offer its customers. 如果一个公司打算实现维持优势,首先它必须下决心在市场将支持他的要求和提供给消费者不同的价值。Then it

10、can identify its core competencies and reengineer the processes that make up the operating model required to get the job done.” 那时它将能够确定她的核心竞争力和再设计这个处理组成要求获得完成。Lambert and Peppard emphasize the importance of the organization form needed to achieve the strategic business vision. Lambert和Peppard 强调组织形

11、式的重要性,需要达到战略上的商业愿景。In considering this form, two factors need to be considered: what is the firms competitive advantage as it relates to the value it will offer its customers, and how customer satisfaction will be measured. The competitive positioning and customer satisfaction measures will drive th

12、e business transformation process. Of special importance will be determining the gap between the firms existing capabilities and required ability to deliver the business strategy. Prahalad points out that part of the IT customer disconnect is that “IT solutions are influenced by features that may no

13、t be aligned with customer experience. . . . Companies should put customer needs ahead of IT solutions and start developing IT only after engaging in a three-way dialogue involving end customers, line managers, and IT managers.”Measuring customer satisfactionTo link internal quality to profitability

14、, organizations need to find out how customers experience the products and services they purchase and consume. Building a model to measure customers experience is an important consideration. This model will be used to identify the appropriate metrics that reflect customer satisfaction. The “Lens of

15、the Customer” is one such model. The lens must be tailored to the companys vision and strategy, its customers and the business context. The lens should accurately reflect the range of attributes and benefits that matter to customers. Figure 1 illustrates how the lens works. The rectangular objects a

16、t the left-hand side of the figure represent the concrete dimensions on which customers report performance by way of survey measures. The circular objects represent abstract variables that capture the benefits the attributes provide. The balanced scorecard approach The lens of the customer helps pro

17、vide strategic direction and a way of determining the metrics to measure performance in terms of customer satisfaction. The balanced scorecard approach complements the lens of the customer by including performance measures on a broader array of the firms activities. These strategic activities are de

18、rived from the organizations vision and strategy. Balanced scorecard links activities to financial performance. The financial objectives are driven by the unique customer value proposition. This is in turn delivered by the set of business processes (value chain). Innovation and growth provide the ba

19、se of this hierarchy. “The cause-and-effect relationship in the balanced scorecard framework can help management to continuously evaluate and refine its strategy at various levels of this hierarchy.” Use of the lens of the customer and balanced scorecard approaches can help organizations build a com

20、mon business architecture, one that combines business and IT functions. With a clear understanding of the firms competitive advantage, the business architecture will set the rules as to how the business and IT functions are put together and interrelate. How this interrelationship is engineered is a

21、key management function. The timing to effect this transition could not be better. The Internet has forced a convergence of business and IT thinking. “The big change that made information and communications technology a business issue was the advent of the Internet. Suddenly, companies could talk to

22、 their customers quickly, cheaply and easily. For the first time, business models were being driven by computer-mediated applications.” Information strategyInformation Strategy (IS) is defined as those things which IS is going to do for the business. “IS strategy deals with what to do with IS and IT

23、, and how the applications should be managed from a business point of view. It is concerned with aligning IS development with the organisations business needs.” Galliers research shows that there is a strong link between business planning and IT planning. Furthermore, Weills research shows that top

24、performing companies are able to identify what IT initiatives need to be implemented and then determine the services needed to create that agility. Avoiding the twin perils of overinvestment and underinvestment in infrastructure resources, determining the enterprise wide versus business unit needs,

25、and navigating the cross-applications implications for investments requires significant management skill. “To ensure that investments in IT infrastructure support organizations strategic goals and business initiatives, it is critical for the enterprises most senior executives to understand which spe

26、cific IT-infrastructure capabilities are needed for which kinds of initiatives.”Leadership & implementationOnce a company has identified what kind of value it will offer its customers, decided on the operating model to get the job done, identified the links to profitability and the metrics to measur

27、e its performance, the firm must now implement the change management process. Initiatives of this magnitude require the active involvement of the senior management team, beginning with the CEO, and need to involve the entire organization from top to bottom. “Organizations that do not focus up-front

28、on employee commitment, understanding and capabilities run the risk of spending too much time and money at the back end trying to resolve internal problems.” The CEO It is impossible for the CEO to be actively involved in everything the firm does. Severance and Passino give the following advice: “to

29、 assure the success of a change initiative, the CEO should spend as little time on the program as is necessary, but not less.” The CEOs role up to this point has been to lead the formulation process: establishing the need for change, defining the vision of what the firm is to become and how to get t

30、here. With the purpose established, the CEO must direct the process that will define the business capabilities required to implement the vision, and develop a plan to make the investments and implement the actions needed to build the new business capabilities. With a plan in hand, the CEO must assur

31、e success of the implementation processes that manage the activities necessary to achieve the planned capabilities and harvest the value promised by the strategic vision in a planned and proactive manner. The CEO is part guru, part catalyst, part glue, part cheerleader, and part change agent. Jack W

32、elch, General Electrics former CEO, championed a style he called a “deep dive”. Welch would identify a challenge where he thought he could make a difference and then throw the weight of his position behind it. Welch was a change agent in GE. He played a role that fits Markus and Benjamins advocate model. “The advocate attempts to induce change targetsboth individuals and groupsto adopt and i

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