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1、Firstly, teachers can improve their teaching and enrich their knowledge by studying abroad. For teachers in a language university, this kind of experiences is really necessary. Teachers would consider it as a kind of prize and therefore work harder for that. Secondly, our university could benefit a

2、lot from doing that. Since we could provide the overseas-studying chance for our teachers, top students graduated from the Normal Universities are more willing to teach in our university. Thirdly, that will benefit our students, too. Our last years survey showed that 65% of our students prefer the l

3、anguage teachers who had an overseas-studying experience. In a word, I think that it is a good way to use the donated fund to assist our teachers to study abroad in order to promote the healthy development of our institute. Please take good consideration of my advice. Thanks! Yours sincerely, Li Min

4、g 【思路点拨】本题属于情景式命题。题目要求考生给校长写信建议如何使用捐款。根据所给情景,可以首先提到学校得到捐款这件事。接着就如何使用捐款提出建议并说明原因,如范文第一、二段建议学校设立教育基金资助教师出国学习,并阐述了几点原因。此处可行的建议有很多,范文仅作为参考。最后总结自己的观点并表达希望。Exercise 2 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Main Factors to Success. You should write at least 120 words foll

5、owing the outline given below:1. 每个人都希望成功,成功的因素是什么;2. 分别论述你所设定的成功因素。Main Factors to SuccessThere are many ways of defining and achieving success. Suffice it to say that each of us has our own concept on this point. As for me, almost all the success depends on three important factors: diligence, devo

6、tion and perseverance. The first one is diligence. Diligence can help us get rid of ignorance and conquer difficulties. It also can make the fool clever, and the poor rich. If we waste our precious time now, we wont be successful in the future. If we are diligent now, our future life will be a succe

7、ss. The second one is devotion, which means we have to concentrate our mind and effort on what were doing. This is another main factor to success. No matter what job we are doing or we are engaged in, we must love it and try every endeavor to do it well. Only when we devote our minds to the job can

8、we do it well. Last but not least, perseverance is also very necessary for success. If we insist on studying or working day after day, there is definitely something we can achieve. Without it, we are likely to give in when we are in face of difficulties. 本题属于提纲式命题。文章要求首先引出话题“成功的因素”。考生可以通过举例引出话题,也可以直

9、接提出话题,如范文第一段所述,定义和取得成功的方式有很多,对此人们也有不同的看法。“我”认为成功的因素有三个:勤奋、投入和毅力(成功的因素由考生自己确定,范文仅作为参考)。接着要逐一介绍这三个要素,如范文后三段所述,勤奋可以帮助我们摆脱无知,克服困难;而投入作为成功的第二要素,可以帮我们把工作做得更好;成功的最后一个因素毅力也是非常重要的,只要有毅力,就没有办不到的事情。Exercise 3 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Machine Translation and Lang

10、uage Learning. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:有人认为机器翻译已经非常先进了,因此没有必要学外语,你如何看待这种观点?Machine Translation and Language LearningAs science and technology develop quickly, computer is becoming more and more important and multifunctional in our daily lives. Many peopl

11、e consider the computer as the magic machine which can solve many problems quickly and efficiently. And best of all, it can translate all kinds of languages. So some students doubt whether it is still necessary for them to learn foreign languages. At the beginning, it seems that computer can really

12、help us do that. But if you look at the matter carefully, you may find a different answer. In the first instance, machines will never replace human mind. Computers are created and controlled by man. Secondly, we need to increase our knowledge to keep pace with the fast development of the world. So i

13、t is very necessary to learn foreign languages so as to improve our abilities to follow the progress of the world. Therefore, we can clearly conclude that, though computers can be good translators, people still need to learn more languages to improve their abilities and facilitate their future commu

14、nication with people from other cultures. 本题属于情景式命题,要求谈谈对“机器已经很先进了,因此没有必要学外语”这种观点的看法。首先考生可以从机器的强大功能出发引出观点,如范文第一段所述,科技发展使得计算机在人们生活中变得越来越重要,机器的功能也越来越强大,所以人们才开始怀疑学外语的必要性。接着要具体阐述自己的想法,可以同意也可以反对这种观点,如范文第二段从普遍意义上阐述了学习外语的好处。最后进行总结概括。Exercise 4 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essa

15、y entitled How to Treat Disabled People? You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:1. 残疾人也希望过正常人的生活(目前我国大约有八千万残疾人);2. 我们应该如何对待残疾人。How to Treat Disabled People?According to the statistics, China has a population of about 80 million disabled people. Living in the world, eve

16、ryone dreams of being great and wise. Have any of us ever dreamt of being a normal person? As a matter of fact, people who are disabled just wish that they themselves would be healthy and normal one day. Then how should we treat disabled people?First of all, we should show our respect to them and sh

17、ouldnt look down upon them. In fact, after some contacts, many people would be shocked by their diligence. For example, a large number of the blind is learning the traditional Chinese treatment, such as massage. Some people without arms have learned writing with their feet. Whats more, people with a

18、 moving handicap can do something very well, even if they can only move their head and mouth. The second thing that we can do is to try our best to help them. Some day when we meet a blind person in the street, go to help him cross the street or show him the way; some day when we meet a disabled per

19、son in a bus, give our seat to him; some day when we meet a disabled beggar, offer him some money; some day when we talk with a disabled person, encourage him and let him know the world is still beautiful. All in all, not only should we treat disabled people equally, but wed better make our society

20、more harmonious for them to live in. 文章要求首先引出话题:残疾人也希望过正常人的生活。考生可以以我国残疾人的情况为例,说明残疾人的现状,如范文第一段,首先给出目前我国残疾人的数量,接着提出残疾人也想过正常人的生活这一事实,从而引出应该如何对待残疾人的问题。范文第二段列举了一些残疾人值得我们尊重的例子。范文第三段举例说明人们可以以什么方式、从哪些方面帮助残疾人。最后概括总结全文。Exercise 5 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should

21、 We Make Important Decisions Alone?人一生要作很多决定,应该自己作决定,还是向别人求助呢?结合自己的经历,谈谈你的看法。Should We Make Important Decisions Alone?We should never make important decisions alone and should think them over before taking action. Those who know us well know what fits us best and can give us some good advice. The mo

22、ment I had difficulty in making decisions on which classes I should take in college, I chose to talk with my teachers and advisors. They have the knowledge and experiences which can help me decide which classes were the best ones to take in the long run. Friends also help me a lot on this point. Las

23、t year, when I was deciding whether or not I should study abroad, I sought help from my friend. I had never been out on my own, so this was a big decision for me. But my friend had studied abroad before. He talked about the challenges and opportunities I would be likely to encounter and helped me ma

24、ke the right decision. Now whenever I have to make an important decision, I seek help from others so that I am well-informed and benefit from their perspective and experiences. 根据所给情景,考生首先应引出话题“作决定”,如范文第一段提出了自己的论点我们不应该单独作重大决定,而应该向了解自己的人求助。接着结合自己的经历说明向别人求助的好处,如范文第二段结合自己在大学期间的经历具体阐述了向别人求助的好处。Exercise

25、6 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Rush for Postgraduate Study. You should write at least 120 words following the table and outline below: Year Number of Candidates(million) 2003 0. 7 2004 0. 8 2005 0. 9 2006 1. 0 2007 1. 31. 描述表中所示变化;2. 说明变化原因;3. 你的观点

26、。Rush for Postgraduate StudyThe above table shows that the number of candidates for postgraduate entrance examination has been increasing from 2003 to 2007. The number of students pursuing further education is so dramatic that some analysts describe it as a rash. In 2003, 0. 7 million candidates app

27、lied for postgraduate study, while in 2007, only four years later, there were 1. 3 million, an increase of almost 188%! As far as Im concerned, that certainly constitutes a rush. Why are so many college graduates choose to continue their studies? The answer lies in the present conditions of China. O

28、n the one hand, along with the further development of science and techonology, many emergent industries have appared in china, which objectively requires that graduates possess more advanced knowledge and skills. On the other hand, peaceful and stable society allow young graduates to make the most o

29、f this newfound spare time to equip themselves with more knowledge and then they can make even greater contribution to the motherland in the future. From my point of view, more students pursuing further education is a good thing, for it is conducive to the development of our country and students themselves. 提纲第一点要求考生描述图表中的变化。考生可以简单描述考研人数的总体变化,没有必要分析每一年的具体变化,可以像范文第一段那样,仅描述从2003年到2007年考研人数的变化趋势。接着要阐述发生这种变化的原因,可以根据自己的认识列举几点原因,也可以就一个原因重点阐述,如范文第二段重点阐述了中国当前的形势是发生这种变化的原因。最后总结概括自己的观点。Exercise 7 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write

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