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1、指导教师 2012年6月10日The Design and Implementation of ASP Web Site News Management Systems (Times New Roman,三号,段前2行,段后1行,1.5倍行距)Abstract:(Times New Roman,小四,加粗)The use of ASP and SQL technology news site management system, to achieve the dynamic management of the news Web site, making the management of in

2、formation more timely, efficient, improve the work efficiency. At the same time, the development of systems theory, systems and design features are introduced.(Times New Roman,五号,单倍行距) Key words:ASP,SQL,news management,database(Times New Roman,五号,单倍行距)With the popularization of Internet, more and mo

3、re companies set up their own WWW sites, enterprises can display products through the website, publishing the latest developments, with users sharing and communication to establish contact with partners, as well as e-commerce. Information Management System which is an enterprise Web site an importan

4、t part of it bears a double role, on the one hand, the dynamic can be used to release the new product or new development projects, on the other hand, the timely notice to their customers business performance, Progress in technology and research and development, in particular, recommend or preferenti

5、al projects, products and services to attract customers, expand customer base.Management of traditional news sites in two ways, one static HTML page, update the information needed to re-create the page and then upload the page and modify the corresponding links, the efficiency of this approach is to

6、o low because we have little use. The second is based on ASP and scripting languages, dynamic Web pages and databases, through the application of procedures to deal with news, this is way more popular. However, due to the limitations of ASP allows the system itself, there are some insurmountable fla

7、ws, and ASP.NET technology has taken on the system performance has been greatly improved, the main performance in the following aspects:1. ASP page to open as a result of each must be compiled to explain the process, so when the page opens in the rate of repeated there is no upgrade, and only need a

8、 ASP.NET page do not need to recompile compiled until the page has been modified or Web Application process restarted. This makes the speed in a number of visits has greatly improved. 2. As the ASP does not provide any output data for the content of the components, so writing a database using ASP pa

9、ge can use the Record Set Object ADO to read records of transaction, while the ASP provided through the DataGrid, such as ADO.NET database and database components can be directly Contact. 3. ASP support real-time application updates. Administrators do not have to turn off the network server or even

10、do not have to stop running the application can update the application on file. Application documents will never be locked, so even when the program runs in the paper can be overwritten. When the document is updated, the system will convert to the new moderate version. 4. ASP take the code-behind ap

11、proach to the preparation of the code makes the code easier to prepare, structure more clearly, reducing the system development and maintenance of the complexity and the cost of.1 System Development Principle1.1 The System Architecture Model of ASP-based TechnologyASP is a three-tier system structur

12、e: UI Layer, Business Logic Tier and data layer.UI layer is responsible for interaction with the user, receiving user input and server-side data from present to clients. Business Logic Tier is responsible for receiving requests from browser requests to the data layers and at the same time the result

13、s of the request sent to the browser. It consists of Web Forms, XML Web services and service composition components. Web Forms ASP.NET which is the core of the application, it is presented to customers based on data and information as well as to respond to and deal with customers and display interac

14、tive Web form generated based on information and data. Data layers to manipulate data through the ADO.NET layer for business logic to provide data services, such as storing the results of data manipulation and return to the results of data retrieval.1.2 The principle of access to the database ADO.NE

15、TConnected with the database, ADO.NET provide the following three kinds of ways: through ODBC connected; connected through OLEDB; directly connected with the SQL Server. Application of three kinds of ways as a result of differences in levels, making the efficiency from low to high, high to low indep

16、endence. Connected to the database for data processing, there are two kinds of ways, that is, through a Dataset to the isolation of heterogeneous data sources, and the other is a stream to read from the data source (Data Reader mode). Traditional application is to create a connection to the database

17、, in the process is running the whole way to maintain connections to the design. ASP.NET taken disconnected mode data structure. When a browser requests a page to the Web server, the server to deal with this request, the requested page and send to your browser, and then connection was disconnected u

18、ntil the next browser request issued. ADO.NET Another innovation is the introduction of a data set (Dataset). A data set is the relationship between memory map to provide high-speed data buffer. Data set of data sources know that they can be adopted by the program or transferred from the data wareho

19、use data were generated, to fill. Regardless of where the data acquisition, data sets are the same procedure through the use of templates to be operated, and its potential to use the same data buffer.2 Systems Functional Designs2.1 Systems Function StructuresThe news management system in Windows 200

20、0 Server operating system platforms, Web server IIS, the database server for Microsoft SQL Server2000, development tools used in Microsoft Visual Studio. NET and DreamWeaver. Its work processes as follows: the user login through the authority to determine the general user can only browse, read and q

21、uery information, registered users can be completed in addition to the ordinary user, but also can enter information for news management module input, modify, and delete operations. In addition to registered users outside the system administrator can only be recorded on its own news operation for ex

22、cision.2.2 Systems Function Characteristics(1) Simple, user-friendly: complete control of page layout, making information easier entry work; many options including news categories, such as the source of departments only need to click the mouse can be completed; In addition, the follow-up message als

23、o appears allow users to clear their own operations. (2) Can be seen immediately: the handling of the press (including the entry, modify, delete) will be the corresponding column on the home page is displayed to immediate release, immediate results function. (3) Function: include common site in all

24、aspects of information management: information input, browse, delete, modify, search and other aspects, the full realization of the Web site of the real-time information management requirements. (4) To facilitate transplantation: for different enterprises, with some slight modifications need to be a

25、ble to develop for the companys Web site features news management system.3 Systems Detailed DesignsCore functions of the system through a number of functional modules achieved. Specific design process is as follows: System login: The module responsible for the user are divided into general users and

26、 registered users to achieve the management of user rights. (2) News View: The module is responsible for all the news page web site lists information, including the title, type, source and date field departments, and each title has been made news a hyperlink, click the page they will be able to Jump

27、 news reader. (3) News reader: in other pages or click the title link to read into the news pages, at this time, detailed information of each information will be removed, including the content, title, keywords, and relatively fixed in accordance with the format placed in different pages region, the

28、use of all the news about the same page layout, only the contents of the field corresponding to different In addition, the location of other pages can be dynamically placed in other components, such as web site logo, such as the page banner ads link to pictures, this can be easily to achieve the eff

29、ect of illustrations in reading. (4) News Inquiry: The module provides a press inquiry, type to be selected to find the content and classification of information can quickly find the information in line with the conditions and results output. (5) News Management: The module listed in the registry is

30、 responsible for the registration page the user has issued a news and information and did not delete, the user can press to delete the article, modify. In addition to non-news publisher is not outside the system administrator has the authority to deal with information which, so different users acces

31、s to this page will display different content. (6) News entry and modification: a press registered users need to input the content, including title, keyword, type, source of departments, such as release date, at the same time from the login module to be user name, this information will be saved into

32、 the database. The module is also responsible for editing the updated state, then, it will light the Title field values on the page to initialize the control.asp的网站新闻管理系统的设计与实现(小二宋体,段前2行段后1行)摘要:利用ASP和SQL技术开发的网站新闻管理系统,实现了网站新闻的动态管理,使得对信息的管理更加及时、高效,提高了工作效率。同时对系统的开发原理、系统的功能特点和设计方案进行了介绍关键词:ASP,SQL,新闻管理,数据库(正文部分5号宋体,单倍行距)随着Internet的普及,越来越多的企业建立了自己的WWW网站,企业通过网站可以展示产品,发布最新动态,与用户进行交流和沟通,与合作伙伴建立联系,以及开展电子商务等。其中新闻管理系统是构成企业网站的一个重要组成部分,它担负着双层作用,一方面可以用来动态发布有关新产品或新开发项目,另一方面又可以及时向顾客公告企业经营业绩、技术与研发进展、特别推荐或优惠的工程项目、产品和服务,从而吸引

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