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1、10aim vi. 瞄准,针对 其他意思:n. 目标,目的11.allow vt. 准许 allowance 津贴 allow doing 允许做 allow sb. to do 允许某人做 be allowed to do 被允许做12.answer vt. 回答,答复 其他意思:n. 答案,回答soft answer 温和委婉的回答 answer the door /telephone the answer to the question answer the question = reply to the question 13.arrive vi. 到达 n arrival arriv

2、e at/in 到达(目的地); 达到, 得出(结论等)(没有明确地点arrive)=get to = reach (够到,达到某种水平或数字)14.ask vt. 询问,请求,要求ask sb. for sth 要; 请求, 征求 要(价) 找ask sb. (not) to do sth.15.avoid vt.避免,撤销avoid doing 避免做某事16.awake vt.唤醒 vi.醒 其他意思:adj. 醒着的be wide/broad awake 完全醒着 警觉; 不易上当受骟 完全知道, 充分觉察到awake to the fact that 认识到.的事实 be/keep

3、awake 醒着17 wake v. 醒 wake up 醒来e.g. James usually wakes up early. wake sb up 叫醒e.g. My mother wakes me up at six oclock.辨析:1 wake多用于不及物动词2 waken只用于及物动词3 awake指唤醒(意志) 也可为adj指清醒的18be (is am are was were being been) v. 是 存在 aux.v (无词义)Let it be. 随它去be+及物动词过去分词 构成被动语态be+现在分词 构成进行时be+有to的不定式 表示约定 计划 职责 义

4、务 愿望 可能 命运等 The book is to come out. You are not to do that. 你不该那样做.be for 到去 赞成 Im for Shanghai. We are for just from 从来 生在(某处)be gone. 走开,不见了。have been to+次数 去过某地几次have been in +地点+时间段 在某地带了多长时间 19beat v.打败 敲打 (心脏等)跳动 打动(心)win (won won) vt获胜,赢得(比赛荣誉等等)win在游戏、比赛、竞赛、选举等中获胜,常跟game,race,competi

5、tion,war等表示物的单词beat 在运动比赛中获胜,打败了其他人或其他队,常跟sb,class,some team等表示人的单词(beat=defeat)n.(连续的)敲打(声) (时钟等的)滴答声 (心脏 脉搏等的)跳动 悸动 节拍 off/on the beat (不)和节拍20bear v. 容忍 负担,孕育 n. 熊bear and forbear 一忍再忍be born in /at 出生born adj 天生的 He was a born poet . 他天生就是个诗人。21become v. 变得 成为表变化的系动词 become be get go22begin v. 开

6、始 在完成时态中须变成be onbegin with 以开始begin to do/doing 开始做to begin with 首先 第一 To begin with, he is too young. Well begun is half done . 良好的开端是成功的一半。23behave v. 行为举止 behavior n. 行为举止behave oneself=behave well 24.believe v. 相信 认为 否定前置 believable adj. 可信的believe sb.=believe what sb.saidbelieve in sb.=trust sb

7、 believe it or not 信不信由你25belong v. 属于belong to 属于26blow v. 吹blow ones nose 擤鼻子27boat v. 划船go boating/swimming/shopping/sightseeing28book v. 预定 n. 书 bookworm 书虫 book a ticket to the concert 29. borrow v. 借borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物 lend sb. sth = lend sth to sb 把某物借给某人 keep sth for some time 借多长时间3

8、0break v. 打破 违反break the rules= be against the rulesbreak down (机器等)坏了 车抛锚break into 破门而入break out (火灾,水灾等)发生n. 休息 have a break 31.breathe v. 呼吸breathe in/out 吸入/呼出breath n. 呼吸 out of breath 气喘吁吁 hold ones breath 屏住呼吸 take a deep breath 深呼吸32build v. 建造build up 确立 树立;促进(身体康复)33burn v. 燃烧burn dayligh

9、t 白昼点灯 徒劳无益burn to the ground 烧成灰烬burn up 烧完 燃尽money burns a hole in ones pocket 钱烧包 burnt adj. 烧糊的34buy v. 买buy sth. for sb.=buy sb sth have sth for some time 买了多长时间35call v.叫,叫做,打电话 n.电话 叫喊声make a phone call to sb 给打电话call for要求call off 取消 callin召集call at 访问(某处) (车船等)停靠(某地).call on (1).访问(sb.),(2)

10、.号召;要求call back (1).回电话;(2).召回,叫回来call up (1).打电话 (2).使人想起36. camp n.露营地, 阵营 v露营go camping37.can n.罐头,听头,容器 v.能够(1)=be able to do(2)must be 表示肯定的猜测, cant be 表示否定猜测38. cancel v.取消, 删去cancel sth out 抵消cancellation n.取消39. carry v.携带, 搬运carry on sth 从事carry on (with sth/doing sth)继续carry out 开展, 实现, 完成

11、, 进行到底 贯彻, 执行, 落实40. catch v.捉逮, 截住, 捕获,赶上(车、船等)领悟, 听清, 了解, 理会catch up with追上, 赶上,Speak slowly please,I cant catch you .41.cause n.原因, 理由, 缘故; 目标, 事业 v. 引起,使发生cause 指“产生结果的原因” 或“使某事发生的原因”, 如:Carelessness is the cause of his failure. 粗心是他失败的原因。reason 指“根据事实、情况或产生的结果,推导出结论的理由或道理”, 如:The reason for the

12、 flood was all that heavy rain. 那场大雨是发生洪水的原因。42. celebrate v. 举行(仪式); 庆祝(胜利等); 祝贺,赞美, 颂扬,公布, 发表celebration n. 庆祝,典礼43. centre v.集中 n.中心centre around/on 集中于 in the centre of 在的中心44. change n.改变, 变化, 转变, 找回的零钱 v.改变, 变革, 改造, 兑换change ones mind 改变某人主意change into 变成.翻译成Here is your change. 这是找回的零钱。Great

13、changes have taken place in my hometown since I left .45.chant n.圣歌 v.赞美,喃喃地唱46.cheat n.欺骗, 骗子v.欺骗, 骗取47.check n.支票 v.检查, 制止, 核对, 寄存, 托运check in 签到; 报到; 办理住宿手续;48.cheer n.愉快 v. (使)快活, (对)欢呼 cheerful adj 高兴的,欢呼的cheer up 欢呼,振作cheer sb. up 使振作起来cheers ! 干杯!Heres to 为了49choose v.选择, 选定 choice n. 选择 choo

14、se to do 选择做 have no choice make a /ones choice n.圆周, 圆形物, 派系, 循环 v.围, 环绕in circles 打转转; 毫无进展51.clap n.拍手声, 霹雳声v.鼓掌, 轻拍52.clean adj.清洁的, 干净的, 清白的v.打扫, 使干净, 清扫clean/clear/tidy up 收拾干净 keep the room tidy and clean 53.climb v.攀登, 爬 n.攀登, 爬54.clone n.无性繁殖, 克隆 v.无性繁殖, 复制55.close v.关, 关闭, 结束, 停止

15、, n.结束adj.近的,亲密的 adv.接近, 紧密地close down (工厂等的)关闭, 停歇;(电台的)停止播音 be close to 和亲近,离近close friends 亲密朋友keep your eyes closed and keep your mouth open 56.cook vt&vi 1.烹调,煮 cook the meal = do some cooking n 厨师 cooker n 厨具 cookery n 烹饪术57. copy v. 抄,复制;模仿,效仿(某人或某事);抄袭 a copycat 盲目地模仿者 n. 抄本,复制品;(杂志、书籍、报纸等)一

16、本,一册 Eg Did you get your copy of “China Daily” today?58.cost 值;花费(无被动式) sth cost sb sm(to do)sb spend money/time (in) doing sth./on pay money for sth It take sb time to do sth How much does it cost?=What is the price of it?n. 价格;成本at the cost of 以为代价at all costs 不惜任何代价 eg. We must avoid war,at

17、 all cost. 我们必须不惜任何代价避免战争。 cost of living 生活费用 59.cough vi 咳嗽 n 咳嗽;咳嗽声 have a cough 60.count v.计算;数 count down 倒计时 count in 包括eg If you are planning a trip to Florida,count me in. 如果你们计划到佛罗里达,把我算在里面。 Dont count your chicken before they are hatched .不要过早乐观。61cover v. 覆盖,遮蔽;包括,网罗,涉及;旅行,走;采访(事件);够; eg.

18、I want to cover 100 miles before it gets dark. 我希望在天黑前走100英里 n. 覆盖物;靠垫;封皮 be covered with/by 由覆盖62create v 创造;创建 create friendships with sbcreation n.创造;创造品creator n. 创造者 造物主 creative adj 有创63cross v.穿过,渡过;across prep. 穿过 (表面)through prep. 通过 (中间) cross adj. 生气的 Your mother will be cross if you are

19、late. n. 十字架 crossing n 十字路口64.cry v. 哭;大声哭喊;叫喊; cry out against 大声疾呼反对 cry out for 急需;迫切需要 eg. The garden is crying out for rain. 这个花园急需雨水。65. cut v.切;坎;删除;减少;停止(供煤气、电等) cut down 砍倒 cut up 切开 cut into pieces 切成碎片n.切口,刀伤,伤口;减少,降低;切牌 v.吃, 腐蚀 eatable adj. 可食用的eat up吃光,eat like a bird吃得极少eat like

20、 a horse 吃得多eat like a wolf贪婪地吃, 狼吞虎咽eat ones words食言, 取消诺言, 认错道歉67end v&n. 结束, 终结, 终止 We play football when school the end最终地;终于=at last=finally at the end of 在的尽头/末尾by the end of 到时为止(后接过去的时间,用过去完成时)68enjoy vt.享受.的乐趣, 欣赏, 喜爱enjoyable adj.(形容词)enjoyment n. 快乐,乐事enjoy oneself过得快乐69enter vt.进

21、入, 加入, 参加, 登录, 开始vi.进去, 戏登场, 参加enter for报名参加 enter the competition 70. examine v&n.检查, 调查, 考试 look sb. over = examine sb 71.excite vt.刺激, 使兴奋, 使激动vi.兴奋, 激动 excitement n.72.excuse vt. 原谅, 申辩, n. 借口 excuse me int. 对不起excuse oneself 为自己辩解make up an excuse 编借口73expect vt.期待, 预期, 盼望, 指望, expect (sb.) to

22、do =look forward to doing 74.experience vt.经验, 体验, n(c) 经历, 阅历 n(u)经验experienced adj 有经验的75. explain v. 解释, 说明 explanation n. vt. 表达, 表示expression n. 短语 fail to do 未能做某事failure n. 失败78.fall fall off 从跌落 =fall down from fall in love(with) (与)坠入爱河fall over 落在上;跌倒 翻车fall behind 落后79.f

23、eed feed on 以为食物feed up 供给食物3 be fed up with 厌倦了80.feel feel like doing 想要做某事=would like to do = want to do 作系动词,后加adj. 没有被动态81.fetch 去取来=get take 拿走 take sb to sp /take sth with sb /take sb around sp bring 带来 bring sb sth = bring sth to sb 82.fight v&n fight against sth. 与抗争fight back 还击fight for 为

24、而战83.fill be filled with 里充满=be full of fill in 填写84.find find out 查出,查明(事情的真相) look for 寻找(强调动作) find 找到 (强调结果) search sb for sth 搜查某地找某物find+it+adj.+(for sb.)+to do sth.85.finish finish doing 完成做某事 v. 钓鱼 n 鱼(可数,单复同形。)鱼肉 (不可数)fish in troubled waters 浑水摸鱼 趁火打劫 v. 合适 (大小,肥瘦) suit v 合适 (式

25、样,风格,颜色等)88.fix v. 修理=mend=repair 把某物钉在某地 v. 飞 n.苍蝇 Time flies !89.follow v. 跟随.理解,听从 I didnt quite follow what he was saying . It will be better if you follow my advice .90.force v. 强制 force sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事91.forget v. 忘记 forgetful adj 健忘的 forget to do 忘记去做某事 forget doing 忘记做过某事92.freeze

26、 v. 冻结;愣住 freezing adj 极冷的 Smile froze on his face . He shouted , “Freeze!” 别动!93 get: 得到;到达;取来;变得;理解;准备(饭); 患 ;登上(车,飞机等) get down: 写下,记下;咽下,拿下 get to: 到达 get on/off (a bus): 上/下车; get into/out of(a car): get together; 聚会,相聚 get up: 起床 get in 收割 get sth. done = have sth done get on well with 94.give

27、: 给,交给,递给;赠送;提供;交付;举 give sb. sth = give sth. to sb,give in: 妥协,让步,屈服give up doing/for sth: 放弃做某事give sth back to sb: 把归还给某人95.go: 去;离开;处于(某种状态);去某地 做某事be gone: 离开了,消失了go ahead: 做计划中的事情go back to: 追溯到go by: 经过;(时间)逝去go for: 试图得到某物go off: 中断;(铃)大声响;爆炸go on with/doing sth: 继续做某事go on to do sth: 接着做某事(另外一件事)go out: 出去;(火;灯)熄灭go over: 仔细查看go through:经历, 仔细检查go bad 变坏(质)96.grow: 长大;(植物)生长;种植;逐渐变成;(问题)变得更大/严重grow up: 长大成人;(习惯、习俗)形成bring up 抚养grown-up: 成年的;大人 grow vegetables 种蔬菜 grow tall 长高97.guess: 猜测;推测,估计98hand n 手,(表的)指针 vt 交出,传递

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