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1、導師時間 homeroom teacher time補救輔導課 remedial education class 校長室 Principals Office秘書室 Secretarys Office教務處 Academic Office教學組 Study Section(Curriculum Section)註冊組 Registrar Section 設備組 Equipment Section試務組 Examination Section特教組 Special Education Section學務處(訓導處) Student Affairs Office生教組 Behavior Sectio

2、n訓育組 Activity Section社團活動組 Students Club Section衛生組 Sanitary(Cleaning) Section體育組 P.E. Section總務處 General Affairs(Maintenance) Office事(庶)務組 Purchase and Maintenance Section文書組 Document and File Section出納組 Cashiers Section圖書館 Library 資訊服務組 Information Service Section人事室 Personnel Office導師室 Homeroom T

3、eachers Office輔導室 Counselors Office 輔導資料組 Counseling Data Section會計室 Accounting Office值夜室 Night watchmans Office 或 Night Security Office傳達室 Front Gate Security國文科辦公室 Chinese Office英文科辦公室 English Office數理科辦公室 Math and Science Office社會科辦公室 Sociology Office藝能科辦公室 Arts and Crafts Office綜合辦公室 Comprehensi

4、ve Office器材室 Equipment Storage Room 或 Supply Room油印室 Duplicating Room健康中心 Clinic合作社 Snack Bars; Canteen家長會辦公室 Parents Association Office教師會辦公室 Teachers Association Office專任教師辦公室 Subject Teachers Office工藝老師辦公室 Arts and Crafts Teachers Office一年級導師辦公室 Freshman Homeroom Teachers Office學生會 Student Counci

5、l 宿舍 dormitory校長 Principal秘書 Secretary教務主任 The Director of Studies/Education Administration Director教學組長 Curriculum Section Chief註冊組長 Registrar Section Chief 設備組長 Equipment Section Chief試務組 Examination Section Chief特教組 Special Education Section Chief學務主任(訓導主任) The Director of Students生教組長 Behavior C

6、ounselor訓育組長 Activity Section Chief社團活動組長 Students Club Section Chief衛生組長 Sanitary Section Chief體育組長 P.E. Section Chief輔導主任 The Director of Counseling輔導資料組長 Counseling Data Section Chief總務主任 Maintenance Director文書組長 Document and File Section Chief事(庶)務組長 Purchase and Maintenance Section Chief出納組長 Ca

7、shiers Section Chief圖書館主任 Library Director 資訊服務組 Information Service Section Chief 圖書館管理員 librarian人事主任 Personnel Director會計主任 Accounting Director校醫 School Doctor護士 nurse教官 military instructor合作社經理 Snack Bar Manager合作社小姐 Snack Bar worker導師 homeroom teacher專任老師 subject teacher實習老師 teaching intern 或 p

8、ractice teacher或student teacher代課老師 substitute (teacher)監考老師 test monitor;exam supervisor督學 superintendent職員 staff教職員工 faculty and staff工友 janitor(負責清潔),gardener(負責修剪花木)大門警衛 guard 或 security guard 或 front gate security guard舍監 housemaster班級幹部 class officers 或 cadre班長 class leader副班長 assistant class

9、leader風紀股長 discipline leader總務股長 class treasurer衛生股長 cleaning crew leader/ head of the cleaning crew康樂股長 P.E. class leader學藝股長 study monitor服務股長 in charge of taking lunch orders環保股長 trash supervisor學生會代表 Student Council Representative小老師 teachers assistant/ teachers aid值日生 student on duty 主席 chairpe

10、rson紀錄 recorder司儀 emcee/ Master of Ceremonies(M.C.)通車 commute早自習 morning study session早操 morning exercise午休時間 nap time掃地時間 cleaning time大掃除 a major cleaning點名 call the roll升旗典禮 flag-raising ceremony開學典禮 inauguration/ opening ceremony結業典禮 closing ceremony畢業典禮 commencement畢業致詞 commencement address畢業生代

11、表致告別詞 graduate farewell speech在校生代表致賀詞 non-graduate congratulation speech註冊 register校外教學 field trip畢業旅行 graduation trip/ senior trip參觀教學 educational excursion/ educational tour/ study trip同樂會 class party校友會 alumni association歡送會 farewell party迎新會 welcoming party/ reception園遊會 school fair/ bazaar運動會

12、sports meet營火晚會 campfire/ bonfire社團 social club合唱團 chorus入闈 confined to write exam questions放榜 post the result of the entrance exam新生訓練 orientation導師會議 meeting for homeroom teachers家長座談會 parents-teacher association校慶 School Anniversary操行審查會議 student conduct evaluation/ graduate conduct evaluation教學研

13、究會 teachers meeting校務會議 faculty and staff meeting表揚資深教職員工 honor all senior faculty and staff members年終忘年會 year-end banquet/ closing banquet謝師宴 teacher appreciation banquet德育 moral training智育 intellectual development體育 physical education群育 sociology禮 courtesy義 justice廉 honesty/ uprightness恥 disgrace/

14、 to feel ashamed國歌 national anthem校歌 school song驪歌 farewell song畢業歌 graduation song留級 stay back a year/ must repeat a year重修 retake補考 make up a test缺考 miss an exam跳級 skip a grade補習 cram補習班 cram school補課 make up a class趕課 keep up/ not fall behind/ stay on schedule調課 switch classes代課 stand in for sb/

15、fill in for sb轉學 change schools/ transfer to another school休學 quit school/ drop out of school退學 be expelled from school逃學 skip school/ play hooky/ ditch school翹課 skip class/ play hooky/ ditch class學長/姊 upperclassmen學弟/妹 underclassmen男/女童軍 boy/ girl scout校花 school beauty中輟生 dropout留級生 repeater畢業生 gra

16、duate男校友 alumnus(單)/ alumni(複)女校友 alumna(單)/alumnae(複)男女合校/班 coed school/ class學期 semester學分 credit獎學金 scholarship學費 tuition鐘點費 wage/ pay per class hour代課費 substitute teachers/ teachers pay交通費 transportation pay水電費 water electricity fee電話費 telephone fee大門 main gate實驗室 Laboratory語言實驗室 Language Labora

17、tory視聽教室 Audio-Visual Room 學生活動中心 Student Activity Center音樂廳 Concert Hall操場 playground籃球場 basketball court游泳池 swimming pool體育館 gym工藝教室 Arts and Crafts Practice Room烹飪教室 Student Kitchen音樂教室 Music Room川堂 main hallway 或 hall走廊 side hallway/ hall(corridor)司令台 platform校刊 school journal壁報 poster花圃 flower

18、garden池塘 pond/ pool盆景 bonsai/ potted flowers and plants涼庭 gazebo/ pagoda/ pavilion國旗 national flag冷氣機 air conditioner遙控器 remote (control)飲水機 water fountain販賣機 vending machine資源回收場(垃圾場) garbage dump黑板 blackboard白板 whiteboard白板筆 whiteboard pen板擦 eraser板擦機 eraser dusting machine粉筆 chalk粉筆灰 chalk dust 講

19、台 podium/ lectern 麥克風 microphone教鞭 pointer戒尺 ruler/ stick擴大機 amplifier喇叭 speaker鐵櫃 steel cabinet書櫥 bookcase書架 book rack班牌 class sign課表 class schedule教室日誌 daily instruction journal點名單 roll sheet點名簿 classbook投影機 overhead projector投影片 transparency幻燈機 slide projector幻燈片 slide佈告欄 billboard學生園地 student di

20、splay board保麗龍板 styrofoam board世界地圖 world map書桌 desk椅子 chair抽屜 drawer掃帚 broom拖把 mop畚斗 dustpan抹布 cleaning rag/ rag/ cleaning cloth/ cloth/ dish cloth垃圾 trash/ garbage/ litter垃圾筒 trash can垃圾袋 trash/ garbage bag可燃垃圾 burnable trash/ garbage, noncombustible material/ flammable material不可燃垃圾 nonburnable t

21、rash/ garbage, noncombustible trash/ garbage, nonflammable material可回收垃圾 recycled garbage可回收垃圾筒 recycle garbage can水桶 bucket捕蚊燈 bug/ mosquito zapper/ mosquito light/ electric mosquito killer/ bug light 蚊香 mosquito incense/ mosquito coil蒸飯箱 food warmer電扇 fan吊扇 ceiling fan開飲機 water dispenser蒸餾水 distil

22、led water礦泉水 mineral water獎杯 trophy獎狀 citation聯絡簿 assignment notebook週記 weekly journal教科書 textbook參考書 reference book習作 workbook/ exercise book筆記簿 notebook活頁簿 loose-leaf book日記 diary電話簿 phone book/ telephone book/ telephone directory地址簿 address book測驗卷 test questions/ question sheet/ question booklet

23、/ test booklet文書夾 folder扣釘式活頁封套 fastener binder壓夾式活頁封套 clamp binder環圈式活頁封套 ring binder講義夾 organizers書夾 bookends小書夾 fastener書包 schoolbag;bookbag背包 backpack皮夾 wallet球鞋 tennis shoes學生證 students ID card借書證 library card成績單 report card榮譽卡 conduct card紙鈔 cash/ greenback dollars銅板 coin鉛筆 pencil鉛筆盒 pencil ca

24、se自動鉛筆 mechanical pencil螢光筆 highlighter原子筆 ballpoint pen, pen鋼筆 fountain pen簽字筆 marker細字簽字筆 fine point marker橡皮擦 eraser立可白 correction fluid, liquid white, whiteout銷鉛筆機 pencil sharpener計算機 calculator電子字典 electronic dictionary迴紋針 paper clip大頭針 pin圖釘 thumb tack橡皮筋 rubber band釘書機 stapler釘書針 staple尺 rule

25、r三角板 triangle圓規 compass量角器 protractor剪刀 scissors漿糊 paste膠水 glue stick膠帶 tape軟墊板 soft desk mat書籤 bookmark即貼標籤 self-adhesive label畢業紀念冊 yearbook畢業證書 diploma准考證 entrance exam admission card2B鉛筆 2B lead pencil報名表 registration form報名費 registration fee相片 photo/ picture印章 chop/ seal印泥 chop/ seal ink基本學力測驗

26、Basic Scholastic Aptitude Test小考 quiz段考/月考 six-week tests/ exams, periodical exam抽考 pop quiz/ test榮譽考 unsupervised exam補考 makeup test模擬考 practice test/ mock exam期考 final exam畢業考 graduation exam入學考 entrance exam大學聯考 JCEE (the Joint College Entrance Exam)大考中心 College Entrance Examination Center檢定考 qua

27、lifying exam推薦甄試 Recommendation and Screening Project申請入學 Application Project學科能力測驗 General Scholastic Ability Test指定科目考試 Department Required Test數理資優甄選 selective math and science exam筆試 written test口試 oral test面試 interview智力測驗 intelligence quotient/ IQ test性向測驗 aptitude test情緒商數測驗 emotion quotient/

28、 EQ test考生 examinee市長獎 Mayors Award全勤獎 perfect attendance獎狀 certificate of merit獎品 prize圖書禮卷 book voucher/ gift certificate大功/小功/嘉獎 merit大過/小過/警告 demerit寫悔過書 write a confession罰勞動服務 work detail體罰 corporal punishment打手心 paddle the hand打耳光 slap ones face/ slap打屁股 spank彰化高中 National Changhua Senior High School

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