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本文(推荐专题20+完型填空记叙文+仿真测试高考英语高频考点名师揭秘与仿真测试.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、推荐专题20+完型填空记叙文+仿真测试高考英语高频考点名师揭秘与仿真测试 1.【山东省济宁市第一中学2019届高三上学期第一次调研(10月)检测英语试题】I am a worrier. I worry from the moment I wake to the moment I sleep.Around a year ago, I found my worries _21_ me down and down. I needed a way to reduce my _22_ and make them disappear. Then a brilliant idea occurred to m

2、e. Instead of worrying about whatever _23_ itself to my consciousness at any given moment, and unless I had a _24_ and urgent worry to deal with, Id_25_ myself to worrying about imaginary gluons.This new system _26_ me quite well for a while _27_ the day last month when the captain of the plane I wa

3、s travelling on failed in his landing _28_ at Shannon Airport, because there was “a problem” with the landing gear (起落架). We_29_ for a while. Then the captain announced the issue still couldnt be solved and that the crew would take us through the _30_ for an emergency landing.Suddenly my mothers voi

4、ce was in my head: “In the _31_ of an emergency, put your head between your legs and kiss your arse goodbye.” I laughed inwardly at my mothers joke, and I wondered why I wasnt _32_. I suddenly realized I was experiencing a complete and total absence of worry, as there was absolutely nothingI could d

5、o to _33_ the problem with the plane.As the runway rose to meet our planes _34_ underbelly and the firefighters_35_ to meet us, I felt a strange and beautiful _36_. And as the plane landed perfectlybecause, as it _37_, the problem was with a sensor and not with the landing gearand people _38_ and hu

6、gged one another, I realized I wasnt a_39_ at all. The absence of worry I had just experienced was _40_an absenceof any possibility of control. So Im a control freak, wanting to control everything.And now Im terribly worried about that.21. A. let B. put C. dragged D. calmed22. A. fears B. hopes C. s

7、orrows D. joys23. A. committed B. presented C. contributed D. recommended24. A. specific B. constant C. abstract D. secret25. A. expose B. reduce C. attach D. restrict26. A. treated B. served C. inspired D. instructed27. A. since B. after C. before D. until28. A. test B. rescue C. attempt D. adventu

8、re29. A. circled B. dived C. swung D. taxied30. A. requirement B. preparation C. procedure D. arrangement31. A. wake B. course C. event D. light32. A. thrilled B. amazed C. discouraged D. terrified33. A. identify B. accept C. change D. explore34. A. weird B. sick C. soft D. flat35. A. fled B. marche

9、d C. approached D. raced36. A. excitement B. nervousness C. astonishment D. calmness37. A. turned out B. brought out C. made out D. ruled out38. A. responded B. cheered C. wept D. complained39. A. fighter B. loser C. worrier D. commander40. A. actually B. strangely C. relatively D. naturally【文章大意】本文

10、是一篇记叙文,作者曾经是一个忧心忡忡的人,总是担心一些无中生有的事情。后来他做出了改变,在一次飞机事故中他始终都很镇定。最后他发现自己以前总是担忧是因为控制欲太强。【答案与解析】 23. B。考查动词辨析。A. committed犯罪,承诺,托付;B. presented呈现;C. contributed捐献,贡献;D. recommended推荐,建议;句意:作者不担忧那些自动呈现在作者的意识里的事情,除非作者有清楚具体的令人担忧的事情,作者不会让自己去担心那些想象出的事情。根据句意可知B项正确。24. A。考查形容词辨析。A. specific具体的,清楚的;B. constant不断的,

11、持续的;C. abstract抽象的;D. secret秘密的;如果作者没有具体清楚的紧急的令人担忧的事情,作者不会让自己去担心那些想象出的事情。故A项正确。 27. D。 考查状语从句连词辨析。A. since自从,既然;B. after在之后;C. before在之前;D. until直到;作者采用的新的方法非常有用,直到有一天作者乘坐飞机的时候遇见了机械故障。故D项正确。28. C。考查名词辨析。A. test测试;B. rescue救援;C. attempt尝试;D. adventure冒险;当时作者乘坐的飞机在Shannon机场尝试降落的时候,起落架出现了问题,不得不在空中盘旋了一会

12、,机长宣布问题无法解决要采用紧急降落的程序。故C项正确。29. A。考查动词辨析及生活常识。A. circled盘旋;B. dived潜水,跳水;C. swung游泳;D. taxied滑行;飞机尝试降落失败一会通常会在机场上方盘旋一会以后再次尝试降落,这属于生活常识。故A项正确。30. C。考查名词辨析。A. requirement要求;B. preparation准备;C. procedure程序,步骤;D. arrangement安排;作者乘坐的飞机在Shannon机场尝试降落的时候,起落架出现了问题,不得不在空中盘旋了一会,机长宣布问题无法解决要采用紧急降落的程序。故C项正确。31.

13、C。考查固定短语。短语in the event of倘若,万一发生;句意:突然母亲的话浮现在脑海“万一发生了紧急情况,把头夹在两腿之间,和屁股吻别”。这是母亲说的笑话,让我乐不可支。故C项正确。32. D。考查形容词辨析。A. thrilled激动的;B. amazed惊讶的;C. discouraged泄气的;D. terrified可怕的;当作者因为母亲的笑话而乐不可支的时候,也想知道为什么自己不害怕了。故D项正确。33. C。考查动词辨析。A. identify鉴定,识别;B. accept接受;C. change改变;D. explore探索;作者意识到自己不再害怕是因为自己无法做出任

14、何事情来改变飞机的问题,故C项正确。34. B。考查形容词辨析。A. weird离奇的;B. sick生病的;C. soft柔软的;D. flat平坦的;根据上文可知飞机的起落架出现了故障导致无法降落,起落架位于飞机的腹部,本句使用sick比喻飞机腹部生病了。故B项正确。35. D。考查动词辨析。A. fled逃离;B. marched行军;C. approached靠近;D. raced赛跑,奔跑;当飞机降落的时候,消防人员奔跑着过来接乘客脱离险境。使用race说明情况紧急。故D项正确。36. D。考查名词辨析。A. excitement兴奋;B. nervousness紧张;C. asto

15、nishment惊讶;D. calmness平静,镇定;当消防人员奔跑着过来接乘客的时候,作者感到特别的镇定,这种感觉如此特别,与之前总是忧心忡忡完全不一样了。故D项正确。 39. C。考查名词辨析及上下文串联。A. fighter战士;B. loser失败者;C. worrier担忧的人;D. commander指挥官;人们欢呼并相互拥抱在一起,此时作者发现自己一点也不在担忧了。文章第一句“I am a worrier.”告诉我们作者过去总是担心很多事情,现在遇见如此险境的时候,竟然非常镇定,与以前差别很大。故C项正确。40. A。考查副词辨析。A. actually实际上;B. strangely奇怪地;C. relatively相对地;D. naturally自然地;作者刚才不担忧实际上是不再有控制欲。人们担心是因为自己无法控制事物才会担忧。故A项正确。2.【安徽省黄山市屯溪第一中学2019届高三上学期第二次月考英语试题】Ever since I could remember, one phrase - open up your heart - has always made me feel uncomfortable. Whenever I heard it, _21_from movies, music or adults, I thought

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