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1、我行我素over land :通过陆路exchange:(名词,动词)交换;常用短语:in exchange for ; exchange for/ with :交换Heis giving her French lessons in exchange for her teaching him Chinese.You can exchange the shoes but not return them for a refund.May I exchange seats with you ?3.Ceylon, with its central position, was the place whe

2、re Chinese merchants met with Arab merchants and heard about the westernmost lands.锡兰,位于中心位置,是中国商人与阿拉伯商人会合的地方,在这里他们听到 了有关西方最远的大陆的情况。where Chinese merchants met with Arab merchants and heard about the westernmost lands 定语从句修饰 the place 。meet with 与 会合:遭到(抵制)The President met with senior White House a

3、ides.Her proposal met with resistance from the Left.4.Over the next few hundred years, the Swahili kingdoms and islands off the African coast developed into world s trading center for ivory spices, rhinoceros horns, shells, animal skins and sugar.在随后的几百年里, Swahili 王国和非洲沿海的一些岛屿发展成为世界贸易中 心,出售象牙,香料,犀牛角

4、,贝壳,兽皮和糖等货物。off :在此表示离海岸有一段距离,指沿岸岛屿。 an island off the coast ofthe southeastoff的其他意义:离开;脱离;从 去掉;距离;偏离等Keep off the grass.You need take the top off the bottle first.Were getting right off the subject.Ive got three days off next week.Her promotion means she s $100 a week better off.5.The Arabic contac

5、ts to African coast led to the next meeting between black people and a Chinese.这些阿拉伯与非洲海岸的接触导致了后来一位中国人和黑人的会面lead to :导致The contacts between China and Africa over the centuries led to the awareness of each other s existence.These measures are likely to lead to future tax cuts.6.In the eleventh centur

6、y, the Africans madeseveral voyages to the court of the Song Dynasty.在 11 世纪,非洲人多次通过海路来到宋朝朝廷。voyages :航海。陆地旅行常用: journey ; trip ;固定搭配为: make a voyage / journey / trip7.In return, the Ming court sent gold, spices, silk, and various other presents.作为回礼,明王朝回赠了黄金,香料,丝绸和许多其他礼物。in return :作为回报,作为 的交换He di

7、dn t expect anything in return for his help.8.Born in 1371 in Yunnan province and brought up in a family originallyfrom Central Asia, Zheng Heheard manystories of travel through foreign lands in his youth.郑和 1371年出生于云南在一个来自中亚的家庭中长大, 他从小就听到了很多有 关国外旅行的故事。brought up 过去分词做状语。bring up :培养,教育,提出The couple

8、 brought him up as their own child.At the meeting he brought up many practical proposal.典型例题】. 单项选择:1.His look on his face suggested that he the news before.A.puzzled; not know B. puzzling; not knowC. puzzled; hadn t known D. puzzling; t known 答案:C分析: 他的迷惑的表情表明他不知道这个消息。 puzzled 在此表示“感到迷惑 的”指人的感受。Sug

9、gested :表示、表明。后面的宾语从句用正常的时态。2.It s impossible to these results without knowing more about theresearch methods employed .A. value B. evaluate C. absorb D.benefit答案: B 在对所使用的研究方法一无所知的情况下来评价这些结果是不可能的。 evaluate :评价,评估。3.I d like to do something for you everything you ve done for me.A. in exchange B. in

10、turn C. in return for terms of C 我愿意为你做任何事作为对你帮助我的回报。 in return for : 作 为 对 的回报4.In old movies, the police shouted “Open up the law ” before theybroke the door down.A. in the name of B. at the mercy of C. by the name of D.regardless of A in the name of 在此指“以法律的名义。”5. Have you been in with Andre

11、w recently ? Only by telephone.B你最近与An drew联系了吗? be in con tact with .:与 接触,联系。6.The pilot and several passengers were by the gunmenfor 20 hours.A. keeping prisoners B. taking prisonersC. held prisoners D. taken prisoners D 飞行员和乘客被武装分子囚禁了 20个小时。 be taken prisoner :被俘。二. 翻译句子:1.这个问题使所有的学生感到迷惑不解。 答案:

12、This problem puzzled all the students.2.我们在每一个房间搜寻丢失的文件。 We are searching every room for the missing papers.3.两国之间的技术合作与文化交流正在与日俱增。答案 : The technical cooperation and cultural exchange between two countries are daily on the increasing.4.公司奖励他 1000 美元来回报他对公司作出的贡献。 The company rewarded him $1000 in ret

13、urn for his contribution to the company.5.这个班的导师( tutor )每周与他的学生会面一次。 The tutor in this class meets with his students once a week.6.我们学校的每一间教室都配备了电脑。 Each classroom is equipped with a computer in our school.3.句型转换:1.The ship started its journey for Africa.The ship for Africa.2.Most of the enemytroop

14、s were killed and the rest were put into prison. Most of the enemy troops were killed and the rest were .3.The stream somehowmanagedto travel through the forest to the big lake. The stream through the forest to the big lake.1.set sail 2. taken prisoner 3. found its way【模拟试题】一. 单项选择:1.Im too tired to

15、 walk any further.Come on! Our hotel is just the main street.A.C. off D.into B. above through2.A club is a place to make frequent with friends.A.account B. attempt C. content D. contactm grateful for your help and hope that someday I may be able to do something for you exchange B. instead C.

16、in return D. inparticular4.As we all know, eating too much fat can heart disease and causehigh blood pressure.6.She listened with a expression on her face.7.He can t complete his paper on time for reasons, which are true.9.His to go abroad was at last realized.A. atte nti on B. attempt C. pla n D. t

17、hought10.It s three days since they began to the climber.二.完型填空:The little train came to a stop at our station and we got out, very gladto be so near home at last. The 1_ part of the journey from London hadbee n quite comfortable; 2 whe n we had cha nged in to the little trai n,we were, already tire

18、d and dirty, and the 3 run, with its frequent stops at uni mporta nt villages, had only made us 4_ tired_and dirty.There was a carriage 5 for us at the station, 6 by two black horses. As soon as we and our bags 7 in, the driver waved his whip andwe set off through the snowy forest. Eve n _8 the_fore

19、st it was grow ingdark: it was the _9_ day of the year, and the sky was _10_ with clouds. Among the trees it seemed as if it was in the middle of a moonless night, the oil lamps on our carriage _11_ just e no ugh light for the driver to12 his way and for us to be able to 13 that we were driving betw

20、een thick walls of trees.After 14 seemedlike two hours to us (but was actually only an hour), at last we _15 _ my friend s house. First we saw a row of lights _16_ came from the win dows, and the n we were sudde nly at the door, _17_ abouthalf a dozen children _18_ all ages shouting and asking quest

21、ions _19 together. As we were getting out ofthecarriage, afine old lady with whitehair cameout,20 I recognized without difficultyas myfriend s mother.1. A. firstB.n extC.oneD.other2. A. becausehoweversobut3. A. rapidlyfastC. thirstyD. slow4. A. evenlessmoremuch5. A. waitedto waitC. waiti ngD. was wa

22、iti ng6. A. pulledpulli ngC. pushedD. push ing7. A. steppedarrivedC. alreadyD. were8. A. inn earoutsideout9. A. hottestB. l on gestC. happyD. shortest10. A. coveredhidde nC. closedD. full11. A. sentgavedidmade12. A. takelookfeelsee13. A. tellsayC.speakD. talk14. A. itwhatmightD. hav ing15. A. gotrea

23、chedvisitedD. observed16. A. brightlyB. shi ningwhichD. straight17. A. withandsee ingD. meet ing18. A. atinC. aboutD. of19. A. everyeachallput20. A. whomB. such C.阅读理解:Art museums are places where people can lear n about various cultures (文化). The increasingly popular “design museum”s that are openi

24、ng today, however, perform quite a different role. Unlike most art museums,the design museum shows objects that are easily found by the general public. These museumssometimes even place things like fridges and washing machines in the center of the hall.People have argued that design museums are ofte

25、n made use of as advertisements for new industrial technology. But their role is not simply a matter of sales it is the honoring of excellently invented products. Thedifference between the window of a department store and the showcase in a design museumis that the first tries to sell you something,

26、while the second tells you the success of a sale.Oneadvantage of design museumsis that they are places where people feel familiar with the exhibits. Unlike the average art museum visitors, design museum visitors seldom feel frightened or puzzled (困惑) . This is partlybecause design museumsclearly sho

27、w how and why mass-produced products work and look as they do, and how design has improved the quality of our lives. Art museum exhibits, on the other hand, would most probably fill visitors with a feeling that there is something beyond their understanding.In recent years, several newdesign museumshave opened their doors. Each of these museums has tried to satisfy the publics growing interest in the field with newideas. Londons Desig

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