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1、He -d my advice. 他忽视我的忠告。ignorance U. 无知,不学无术,不知道 of 对-ignorant adj. 人无知的,不学无术的,没有受教育的Im ignorant about politics. 我不懂政治。adj. 不晓得,没注意 I was ignorant (of the fact ) that the boss could be so strict.我不知道老板居然那样严格。I wanted to have a word with her, but she _ me and went away.A. saw B. calmed C. told D. ig

2、nored4.calm adj. er, -est calmness n.1)(天气)温和平稳的,平静的 a calm day / afternoon(无风的)平静的日子(下午)The sea was very calm. 海面很平静。2)沉着的,冷静的 stay/ keep calmShe got frightened and excited, but is much calmer now.她受惊吓而显得激动,但现在平静多了。Calmdown calm your friend down 使你的朋友平静/镇静下来5.have got to = have to 不得不,必须 否定:havent

3、got to 没有必要Tell your friend that youve got to go to class. 告诉你朋友你得去教室。She has got to stay at home and look after her mother. 她得待在家里照看她妈妈。You havent got to go there with me. 你不必和我一起去那儿。= You dont have to go there with me.must : 主观的义务和必要 ,必须,得,要mustnt 禁止,不能,不许Mike ,you mustnt play with fire. You may b

4、urn yourself.6.concern vt. s, -ed, -ing concerned adj.That doesnt concern us. 那与我们无关。concern+名(oneself) + with (in) +名 (常用被动)She concerns herself with ( in ) social welfare. 她从事社会福利工作。be concerned about 为-担心,关心,关注 about 后接名词,介词The family are all concerned about her safety. 全家人对她的安全十分担心。as (so) far a

5、s - be concerned 就-而言As far as I am concerned, I cannot object to your marriage.就我个人而言,我不反对你们的婚事。7.walk the dog 遛狗 walk vt.使走, 陪走,帮助走Walk a horse 遛马 Walk a patient 扶着病人走 Walk a bicycle 推着自行车走8.loose adj. r , -st 反义 tightHe wore a long,loose coat. 他穿着一件长而宽松的外衣。a loose button 松动的纽扣 a loose tooth 松动的牙齿

6、 had to pay to get it repaired 你不得不花钱请人把它修好。get sth. + 过去分词 “使某事被做”,get作使役动词的一种用法,表示“使,让”Do you know how to get it coloured? 你知道怎样使它上色吗?get sth + adj. 使某物-Please get everything ready.请把一切准备好。get sth. + V-ing 使某物做-I dont know how to get the engine starting.我不知道怎样使引擎发动起来。get sb. to do sth. 说服,劝说某

7、人去做某事Get him to see a doctor. 叫他去看医生。10.she should have studied should have done 在此表示一种虚拟语气,指过去应该做的事情,却没有做。You should have told me the news earlier.你应该早一点把这个消息告诉我。(指责对方告诉晚了)We should have stopped him.我们真应该阻止他的。(但没有阻止)I should have thought of that.这一点我是应当想到的。(但没想到)shouldnt have done 指过去不应该做的事情,却做了。He

8、 shouldnt have come at all.他根本就不应该来。(但他来了)You shouildnt have told her the news. 你不该把这个消息告诉她的。(但已告诉了)Reading Annes Best Friend1.go through 1)经历,经受(痛苦的事)She went through a lot of sufferings when she ws ill. 她生病时受了不少罪。2)通过某场所,(法案等)通过议会(等),经过(不可用被动语态)Can the table go through the door ?那桌子能过得了那扇门吗?3)vt.(

9、详细地)调查-, 对-查看一遍,搜遍(某地点)She went through the room but couldnt find the missing ring.她搜遍了整个房间还是找不到失落的戒指。4)(把金钱等)用完,耗尽go through with vt.完成He was disappointed that his plan did not _ at the meeting.A. go on B. go off C. go through D. go out2.German n. the Germans 德国人民 Adj. German literature 德国文学Germany

10、 n. 德国3.set down (1) 放下,卸下(担子等),使(飞机)着陆,使(乘客)下车,把(乘客)放下来Please set me down at the next corner .请在下一个转角让我下车。 (2)写下,记下,记录,登记Did you set down what I said? 我说的话你记下来了吗?Please set it down to my account. 请把它记在我的帐上。(3)视为,把认为, 把看作 as + n. I set the man down as a salesman. 我以为那个人是推销员。(4)把归因于 to + n.I set down

11、 his bad temper to his poor health.我认为他脾气不好是由于他的健康状况不佳。4. a series of (1) (同一种事物的)一连串的,一系列,一套 series 复 seriesThere has been a series of cr accidents at the crossing.在那个交叉路口曾经发生过一连串的车祸。(2)C. (书,节目等的)一系列,丛书,连续剧,影集,(邮票等的)一组Read a series of articles about pollution. 读一系列有关公害的文章 (3)C. (棒球等的)连续比赛 the Worl

12、d Series(每年秋季举行的)世界职业棒球锦标赛5.outdoors adv. 在(向)户外,在(向)野外 反义indoors Children usually prefer playing outdoors.孩子们通常比较喜欢在户外玩耍。名 用the doors 户外,野外I love to be in the great outdoors. 我喜欢生活在大自然中。6.on purpose 副 (1)故意地(by chance, by accident) I think she lost the key on purpose. 我认为她故意遗失钥匙。(2)为了要而特地(+ to do)

13、He went to the town on purpose to sell one of his paintings.他为了卖自己的一幅画特地进城去。-_ did he tell me his telephone number?- I have no idea.A. For the purpose of B. On purpose C. For what purpose D. For which order to do 为了做 比单纯的to do 更强调“目的”in order for sb. to do 为了让某人做I worked hard in order fo

14、r my son to go to the hospital.我努力工作是为了让儿子上医院。in order that a person may do 某人为了-起见You will need to study for many years in order that you may become a brain surgeon.你必须读很多年的书,才能成为脑外科医生。_ get to the company in time, we set out early in the morning.A. So as to B. In order to C. So that D. In order th

15、at8.entire adj.(1) 整个的,全部的(置于名词之前)We spent the entire day on the beach.我们在海水浴场玩了一整天。entirely 副 全部地,完全地,彻底地I agree with you entirely. 我完全同意你的意见。9.face to face 副 面对面,相对with+n. 与(对)He came face to face with death. 他面临死亡。Although I often send e-mails to Tom, I havent seen him _.A. eye to eye B. face to

16、face C. with eyes D. on my own10.dusty dustier, dustiest adj.满是灰尘的,灰蒙蒙的dusty furniture 满是灰尘的家具The room was dusty.那房间满是灰尘。 longer / not any longer 副 不再是(做)He no longer lives here. He doesnt live here any longer. 他已经不住在这里了。Sorry, I cant stay any longer.对不起,我不能再停留(待下去)了。 you want a friend who

17、m you could tell everything to, 定语从句,先行词是 a friend,whom做介词to的宾语,结构:you should tell everything to him先行词表人时,常用关系代词who引导定语从句。但当关系代词在定语从句中作宾语时,要用whom作关系代词。Lily is a good student whom you should learn from.莉莉是个好学生,你应当向她学习。(learn from her )Tom is a person for whom you should keep an eye out. 汤姆是你应该当心的人。(

18、keep an eye out for him)13.hide away Vi. 躲藏起来the police dont know where the murderer is hiding away.警方不知道那个谋杀犯藏身何处。hide sb./ sth. away 把某人/某物藏起来 vt.Where are you hiding it away ? Take it out !你把它藏在哪儿了?拿出来!14.Now read how she felt after being in the hiding place , after和being 之间省略了主语,原句应为after she wa

19、s -.在从属连词(while, when, after, before, if, once等)引导的状语从句中,当从句主语与主句主语一致,从句主语可以省略。当从句中动作由主语自身发出时,可用“连词+V-ing形式”的省略结构,分为两种情况:一种是省略主语,动词变为v-ing形式,表主动;另一种是省略主语和be动词,表主动且正在进行。After watching TV, he went to bed. 看完电视后,他就睡觉了。You should brush your teeth before going to bed. 你睡觉前应该刷牙。(表主动)When meeting foreigner

20、s, she doesnt know what to say.遇见外国人时,她不知道该说什么。When meeting foreigners = when she meets foreignersDont watch TV while (you are ) doing your homework.做作业的时候,不要看电视。(表主动且正在进行)当从句中主语是动作的承受者时,表被动,可用“连词+过去分词”结构,省略主语和be动词。When (it is ) heated, water will turn into vapor.水加热时,会变成水蒸气。If (we are )given more t

21、ime, we can do it better.如果多给点时间,我们能把这事做得更好。Even though_ more money, you cannot possibly run the company well.A. provide B.providing C.provided provide15. I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.我不知道这是不是因为我

22、长久无法出门的缘故If 引导宾语从句,从句中用了强调句型,强调的是原因状语从句:because。强调句型:it isthat 可用于强调主语,宾语,状语等句子成分。Beijing will host the 2008 Olympic Games. 北京将主办2008年奥运会。(原句)It is Beijing that will host the 2008 Olympic Games.将主办2008年奥运会的是北京。(强调主语)It is the 2008 Olympic Games that beijing will host.北京将主办的是2008年奥运会。(强调宾语)It is in 2

23、008 that Beijing will host the Olympic Games.北京主办奥运会是在2008年。(强调时间状语)强调句的用法:(1) 连接词通常用that,强调人(主语)时用who.(2) 用于强调主语,宾语,状语等句子成分(3) 时态分为两类:如果原句是现在时态或将来时态,用“it is that ”的句型;如果原句是过去时态,用“it was that ”的句型。(4) 强调句的一般疑问句:Is /Was it +被强调的部分+ that +句子的其他部分?Is it in 2008 that the next Olympic Games will be held

24、?下一届奥运会是在2008年举行吗?(5) 强调句的特殊疑问句:疑问词+ is / was it + 被强调的部分 + that+ 句子的其他部分?When was it that the Gulf War broke out ?海湾战争究竟是在什么时候爆发的?Have been able to 是be able to 在现在完成时中的运用。这里要注意be able to 与can的区别。二者均可以表示“能,能够。”Can 只有can 和could两种时态形式;而be able to可以用各种时态以及不定式结构。The baby is able to speak now.把婴儿现在会说话了。(

25、一般现在时)The patient is being able to walk. 那个病人现在能走路了。(现在进行时)Man has been able to travel to the moon.人类已经能够探索月球了。(现在完成时)It is believed that man will be able to land on Mars in the years to come.人们相信在不久的未来人类将有能力登上火星。(一般将来时)。To go to college, you have to be able to pass the college entrance examination.

26、要想上大学,你得有能力通过高考。(用于不定式之后)。 在一般过去时中,can与be able to 的含义会有很大的区别。Could表示 “(在过去)能,能够”;was/were able to除了表示过去的某种能力之外,还可以用于表示过去成功地做成了某件事。He was able to do flashes when he was a small boy.=He could do flashes when he was a small boy. 他很小的时候就会制作动漫。She was able to escape from the big fire after hours of strug

27、gle.经过数小时的挣扎,她得以逃出火海。(此句中不可用could替代was able to)can与be able to在一般过去时中的区别的实战用法,请点击下面“考题链接”。be crazy about sb./sth.“对某人/某物十分狂热、痴迷”。Hes crazy about hip hop. 他酷爱街舞。be crazy on/about doing sth.“对做某事痴迷”。Lucy is crazy on/about chatting online.露西对网聊着了魔。everything to do with nature“一切与自然有关的东西”,此处to do with表示“

28、和 有关”。It is said that he has something to do with the murder.据说他与那件凶杀案有关。A tsunami has a lot to do with the earthquake down the ocean.海啸与海底地震有很大关系。16. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky,the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.我记得非常清楚,以前,湛蓝的天空、鸟儿的歌唱、月光和鲜花,从未令我心迷神往过。well 在此处不是表示“好”,而是表示“很,非常”,可

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