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1、290.Y es, of course I ca n, Penn会的,我当然会,彭妮。291.Is there any water in this kettle?这水壶里有水吗?292.Y es, there is有 水。293.Wheres the tea?茶叶在哪儿?294.Its over there,behi nd the teapot.就在那儿,茶壶后面。295.Can you see it你看见了吗?296.I can see the teapot 茶壶我看见了,297.but I ca nt see the tea 但茶叶没看到。298.There it is那不是么!299.I

2、ts in front of your! 就在你眼前。300.Ah yes, I can see it now噢,是啊,我现在看到了。301.Where are the cups?茶 杯在哪儿呢?302.There are some in the cupboard碗 橱里有几只。303.Can you find them?你找得到吗?304.Y es. Here they are找 得到。就在这儿呢。305.Hurry up, Sam 快,萨姆。306.The kettles boili ng!水开了!课文 45 老板的信307.Can you come here a mi nute plea

3、se, Bob请你来一下好吗?鲍勃?308.Y es, sir?十么事,先生?309.Wheres Pamela?!白梅拉在哪儿?310.Shes next door 她在隔壁,311.Shes in her office, sir在 她的办公室里,先生312.Can she type this letter for me?她能为我打一下这圭寸信吗?313.Ask her please请问她。314. Yes, sir好的,先生。315.Can you type this letter for the boss please, Pamela请你把这圭寸信给老板 打一下可以吗,帕梅拉?316.Y

4、 es, of course I car可 以,当然可以。317.Here you are 给你这信。318.Tha rk you, Bob 谢谢你,鲍勃。319.Bob!鲍勃!320.Y es怎么了?321.Whats the letter. 怎么回事?322.I ca nt type this letter.我打不了这圭寸信。323.I ca nt read it!我看不懂这圭寸信,324.The bosss han dwrit ing is terrible 老板的书写太糟糕了!课文 47 一杯咖啡325.Do you like coffee, Ann?尔喜欢咖啡吗,安?326.Y es

5、, I do是 的,我喜欢。327.Do you want a cup?尔想要一杯吗?328.Y es, please, Christ ine好的,请来一杯,克里斯廷。329.Do you want any sugar你要放些糖吗?330.Y es, please好的,请放一些。331.Do you want any milk?要 放些牛奶吗?332.No, thank you.不了,谢谢。333.I dont like milk in my coffee .我不喜欢咖啡中放牛奶,334.I like black coffee 我喜欢咖啡。335.Do you like biscuits?尔喜

6、欢饼干吗?336.Y es. I do是 的,我喜欢。337.Do you want one?(尔想要一块吗?338.Y es, please好的,请来一块。课文 49 在肉店339.Do you want any meat today.Mrs. Bird?您今天要买点肉吗,伯德夫人?340.Y es, please是 的,我买一点。341.Do you wa nt beef or lamb?您要牛肉还是要羔羊肉?342.Beef, please 请给我牛肉。343.This lambs very good 这羔羊肉很好。344.I like lamb我喜欢羔羊肉,345.but my hus

7、ba nd does nt.可我丈夫不喜欢。346.What about some steak?来 点牛排吗?347.This is a nice piece这块很好。348.Give me that piece, please就 请给我那块吧。349.And a pound of mince, too.再 来一磅绞肉。350.Do you want a chicke n,Mrs. Bird?您要买只鸡吗,351.They re very nice 这些鸡很好。352.No, tha nk you.不要了,谢谢。353.My husba nd likes steak我 丈夫喜欢牛排,354.b

8、ut he does nt like chicke n 但他不喜欢鸡。355.To tell you the truth,Mrs. Bird,说老实话,356.I dont like chicke n either!我也不喜欢鸡。课文 51 宜人的气候357.Where do you come from?你是哪国人?358.I come from Greece 我是希腊人。359.Whats the climate like in your cou ntry?你们的国家的气候是怎么样?360.Its very pleasa nt 气候非常宜人。361.Whats the weather lik

9、e in spri ng?春季的天气怎么样?362.Its often windy in March.3 月里常常刮风。363.Its always warm in April a nd May,4 月和 5 月的天气总暖洋洋的,364.but it rains sometimes.但有时下雨。365.Whats it like in summer?夏 季的天气如何呢?366.Its always hot in June, July and August.月、7 月和 8 月的天气总是炎热 的367.The sun shi nes every day每天都出太阳。368.Is it cold

10、or warm in autum n?秋季的天气是冷还是暖呢?369.Its always warm in September and October.9月 和 10 月总是很暖和,370.Its often cold in November and it rains sometimes.11 月常常就冷了,而 且有时下雨。371.Is it very cold in wi nter?冬季的天气很冷吗?372.Its often cold in December, January and February.12月、1 月和 2 月常常 很冷,373.It snows sometimes 有时还

11、下雪。课文 53 有趣的气候374.Where do you come from?375.I come from En gla nd 我是英国人。376.What你们国家的气候怎么样?377.Its mild,气候温和,378.but its n ot always pleasa nt但也不总是宜人的。379.The weathers often cold in North 北部的天气常常寒冷,380.and win dy in the East 东部则常常利风。381.Its ofte n wet in the West and sometimes warm in the south.西部常

12、下雨, 南部有时则很暖和。382.Which seaso ns do you like best 你最喜欢哪些季节?383.I like spring and summer我最喜欢春季和夏季。384.The days are long and the n ight are short因 为此时白天长而夜晚短,385.I dont like autumn and winter. 我不喜欢秋季和冬季。386.The days are short and the n ights are long因为此时白天短而夜晚长,387.The sun rises late and set early太 阳升得

13、迟而落得早388.Our climate is n ot very good虽然我们国家的气候并不很好,389.but its certainly interesting. 但又确实很有意思。390.Its our favourite subject of con versatio n.天气是我们最喜欢谈论的话题。课文 55 索耶一家人391.The Sawyer live at 87 King Stree索耶一家住在国王街 87 号。392.In the morning, Mr. Sawyer goes to work and the childre n go to school早 上,索耶

14、先生去上班,孩子们去上学。393.Mrs. Sawyer stays at home every day索 耶夫人每天呆在家里。394.She does the housework她料理家务。395.She always eats her lunch at n oor她总是在正午吃午饭。396. In the afternoo n, she usually sees her frie nds下午,她总是会见她的朋友。397.They ofte n drink tea together.她们经常在一起喝茶。398.I n the eve ning, the childre n come home

15、 from school 傍晚,孩子们放学回 家。399.They arrive home early 他们到家很早。400.Mr. Sawyer comes home from work 索耶先生下班回家。401.He arrives home late 他到家很晚。402.At n ight, the childre n always do their homework.晚上,孩子们总是做作 业,403.The n they go to bed 然后去睡觉。404.Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspape 索耶先生总是读报纸,405.but sometim

16、es he and his wife watch televisi on 但有时和他的妻子一起看 电视。课文 57 很不平常的一天406.It is eight oclock现在是 8 点钟。407.The childre n go to school by car every day孩 子们每天都乘小汽车去上 学,408.but today, they are going to school on foot.而今天,他们正步行上学。409.It is ten oclock. Mrs. Sawyer usually stays at home in the morni ng现在是 10 点钟。

17、上午,索耶夫人通常是呆在家里的,410.but this morning, she is going to the shops但 今天上午,她正去商店买东 西。411.It is four oclock.现在是 4 点钟,412.In the after noon, Mrs. Sawyer usually drinks tea in the livi ng room 下午, 索耶夫人通常是在客厅里喝茶,413.But this after, she is drinking tea in the garde n 但今天下午,她正在花园 里喝茶。414.It is six oclock现在是 6

18、点钟。415.I n the eve ning, the childre n usually do their homework,晚上,孩子们通常 是做作业,416.but this eve ning, they are not doing their homework.而今天晚上,他们没 做企业。417.At the mome nt, they are play ing in the garde n.此刻,他们正在花园里 玩。418.It is nine oclock现在是 9 点钟。419.Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper at nigh索耶先生

19、通常是在晚上 看报,420.But hes no t readi ng his n ewspaper toni ght 但 今天晚上他没看报。421.At the mome nt, hes reading an in terest ing book.此刻,他正在看一本有 趣的书。课文 59 就这些吗?422.I want some env elopes,please请给我拿几个信圭寸。423.Do you want the large size or the small size 您要大号的还是小号的?424.The large size, please请拿大号的。425.Do you hav

20、e any writ ing paper?您有信纸吗?426.Y es, we do 有。427.I dont have any small pads我 没有小本的信纸,428.I only have large one只有大本的。429.Do you want a pad?您要一本吗?430.Y es, please好,请拿一本。431.And I want some glue 我还要些胶水。432.A bottle of glue.一 瓶胶水。433.And I want a large box of chalk, too 我还要一大盒粉笔。434.I only have small boxes我 只有小盒的。435.Do you wa nt one?您要一盒吗?436.No, thank you.不了,谢谢。437.Is that all?就要这些吗?438.Thats all, thank you 就这些,谢谢。439.What else do you wa nt?您还要什么吗?440.I want my cha nge我要找的零钱。

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