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1、Air China flight CA 981 to New York is now ready for Check-in. Passengers on that flight please have your baggage and the tickets ready and proceed to the Air China counter 14. Thank you.办理登机手续广播女士们、先生们,早上好(下午好,晚上好)飞往纽约的国航CA981次航班,现在开始办理登机手续。请旅客们拿好行李和机票,到国航14号柜台办理。谢谢。3. Check-in Closing(A)Check-in f

2、or Air China Flight CA981 bound for New York will be closing in a few minutes. Passengers who have not yet checked in please come to the Air China counter. Thank you.登机手续即将完毕广播(A)飞往纽约的国航CA981次航班, 即将办完登机手续。还未办理的旅客,请到国航柜台办理。谢谢!Check-in Closing (B)Attention please, passengers to New York:Air China Flig

3、ht 981 is now closing. Passengers for this flight who have not yet checked in should do so now at Counter 14. Air China Flight 981 to New York now closing on Counter 14.登机手续即将完毕广播(B)前往纽约去的旅客请注意:国航981次航班, 即将停止办理登机手续。还未办理登机的旅客,请到十四号柜台办理。前往纽约的国航981次航班,现已停止在十四号柜台办理登机手续。4. Commencement of Boarding )A)Att

4、ention please. Passengers bound for Los Angeles on Flight MU583, your flight will be boarding in 15 minutes. In order to speed up boarding please have your tickets ready. Thank you.开始登机广播(A)乘坐飞往洛杉讥的MU583次航班的旅客请注意:您乘坐的航班十五分钟后开始登机。为了尽快登机,请准备好您的机票。Commencement of Boarding (B)Thank you for waiting, Ladi

5、es and Gentlemen. Flight CA985 for San Francisco is now ready for boarding. Will passengers on this flight please make their way to Gate 15. Please refrain form smoking beyond the gate. Thank you.开始登机广播(B)女士们、先生们,感谢您在此恭候。前往旧金山的CA985次航班,现已开始登机。请乘坐该航班的旅客到十五号门登机。出门登机请勿吸烟!Commencement of Boarding (C)You

6、r attention please. Air China to Harbin, flight number CA1603 boarding now at Gate No. 5; Air China to Hangzhou, flight number CA1509 boarding now at Gate No11; Air China to Shanghai, flight number CA935 boarding now at Gate No. 16. 开始登机广播(C)中国国际航空公司前往哈尔滨的CA1603次航班,现已在五号门登机。前往杭州的CA1509次航班,在十一号门登机。前往

7、上海的CA935次航班,在十六号门登机。5. Final Boarding Call (A)Attention please. This is the final call for passengers traveling to Tokyo. Flight CA951 is now boarding. Passengers are kindly requested to proceed to Gate 20.登机最后一次广播(A)前往东京去的旅客请注意,这是登机的最后广播。CA951次航班现已登机,请旅客们前往二十号门登机。Final Boarding Call (B)This is the

8、final boarding call for passengers departing on Flight MU515 for Osaka. Will passengers on this flight go immediately to Gate 15.登机最后一次广播(B)乘座MU515次航班前往大阪的旅客,这是登机的最后广播。请该航班的旅客马上到十五号门登机。Final Boarding Call (C)This is the last call for China Eastern Airlines Flight MU535 for Hong Kong. All passengers

9、board at Gate 2.登机最后一次广播(C)这是登机的最后广播。中国东方航空公司MU535次航班飞往香港的全体旅客,请到二号门去登机。6Boarding Announcement for Delayed DepartureThank you for waiting, Ladies and gentlemen. The maintenance of the aircraft has been completed. Air China Flight 985 to San Francisco is now ready for boarding through Gate 9. Thank y

10、ou.航班延误后的登机广播女士们,先生们,谢谢在此等候。飞机维修现已结束。国航飞往旧金山的985次航班,现已在九号门开始登机。7. Irregularity Delay Due to Weather Indefinite TimeMay I have your attention please. Air China regrets to announce that the departure of Flight CA957 to Singapore will be delayed due to unfavorable weather conditions in Singapore. We ar

11、e monitoring weather reports and will keep you informed. You are kindly requested to wait in this lounge until further notice. Thank you!因天气原因,航班非正常延误广播旅客们请注意。中国国际航空公司抱歉地通知各位,由于新加坡的天气原因,飞往新加坡的CA957次航班将延误起飞。我们正关注天气预报的变化,并与各位保持联系。请旅客们在候机室等候通知。8. Irregularity Delay Due to Weather Definite Departure Tim

12、e May I have your attention please. China Eastern Airlines regrets to announce that the departure of Flight MU535 to Hong Kong will be delayed due to unfavorable weather conditions in Hong Kong. The new departure time will be 11:30. We expect to begin boarding at about 11:00 oclock. Thank you!因天气原因而

13、航班延误,起飞时间确定的广播各位旅客请注意,中国东方航空公司抱歉地通知各位:由于香港地区的天气原因,飞往香港的MU535次航班将延误起飞,新的起飞时间为11:30。我们预期在11: 00开始登机。9. Refreshments are Offered Due to Delay Attention please. China Eastern Airlines Flight MU582 to Shanghai will be delayed because of weather conditions at Hong Kong International Airport. A further ann

14、ouncement will be made not later than 10:30. In the meantime passengers are invited to take light refreshments with the compliments of the airlines at the buffet in this lounge.因延误而提供免费餐饮的广播各位旅客请注意:由于虹桥国际机场上的天气原因,飞往上海的东航MU582次航班将延误起飞,何时起飞请听10:30之前的广播,现在请旅客们到候机室餐饮部免费享用航空公司提供的点心。10. Delay Due to Maint

15、enance Your attention please. Air France regrets to announce that the departure of Flight AF285 to Paris will be delayed due to maintenance of the aircraft. New departure time will be announced at about 9:30. Passengers are requested to wait in this lounge until further notice. Thank you!因飞机维修而航班延误的

16、广播法国航空公司很抱歉地通知各位,前往巴黎的AF285次航班,因飞机维修,将延误起飞。新的起飞时间约于9:30通知各位,请旅客们在候机室休息等候进一步通知,谢谢!11. Delay Due to Technical Reasons Japan Airlines regrets to announce the delay in the departure of Flight JL785 to Beijing. Due to technical reasons, this flight is now expected to depart at 10:40 local time.因技术原因而航班延误

17、的广播日本航空公司和很抱歉地通知各位,前往北京去的日航JL785次航班,将延误起飞。由于技术上的原因,预计该航班于当地时间10:40起飞。12. Anticipated Diversion or Return May I have your attention please. British Airways regrets to announce that due to the forecast of changeable weather conditions in the local airport Flight BA038 may have to be diverted to an alt

18、ernative airport. If you have any questions, please contact a BA agent. Thank you!航班预计改航或回航的广播英国航空公司很抱歉地通知各位,由于预报当地机场上的天气有变化,英航BA038次航班可能改航至另一机场,旅客如有问题请于英航服务员联系。13. Cancellations(A) May I have your attention please. Air China regrets to announce that Flight CA1355 for Haikou will be cancelled as the

19、 local airport has been closed down due to a typhoon. Passengers for Flight1355 please come to Air China counter 20. Thank you.航班取消广播(A)中国国际航空公司抱歉地通知各位,因台风原因,海口当地机场已被关闭,前往海口的CA1355次航班将被取消。请该航班的旅客去国航二十号柜台。Cancellations(B) Attention please. British Airways Flight 564 to Zurich has been cancelled becau

20、se of weather conditions at local airport in London. Will passengers please collect their hand baggage and go to the rear exit of this lounge. Please have your passports ready and proceed downstairs to counter 17 where information about re-bookings, refunds and alternative transport is available.航班取

21、消广播(B)旅客们请注意,前往苏黎士的英国航空公司564次航班,因伦敦当地机场天气不好,现已被取消。请旅客带好自己的手提行李,前往候机室的后门出口处,并准备好各自的护照前往楼下十七号柜台办理重新订票、退票,或换乘其它航班。14. Connecting Passenger Information Attention please, Passengers connected onto Air China Flight981 for New York please come to the Air China connecting service counter in the satellite. T

22、hank you.联程航班广播转乘国航981次联程航班,飞往纽约的旅客请注意,请去卫星厅的国航联乘航班服务柜台。15. Paging Departure Air China paging passenger Fields departing on Flight CA981 to New York. Will passenger Fields please come to the Air China counter. Thank you!通知旅客登机广播乘坐CA981次航班飞往纽约的旅客菲尔兹先生请注意,请您听到中国国际航空公司广播后,去国航柜台办理登机。16. Paging for Stand

23、by Passenger Attention please. Standby Passengers for China Eastern Airlines Flight MU5535 to Wenzhou please come to the counter 17. Thank you.通知候补旅客广播乘坐东方航空公司MU5535次航班,飞往温州去的候补旅客请注意,请到十七号柜台。17. Paging ArrivalAttention please. Japan Airlines Flight791 for Shanghai. Now arriving at Gate 5.通知航班到达广播旅客们

24、请注意,前往上海的日本航空公司791次航班,现已到达五号门。18. Paging for Claiming BaggageChina Eastern Airlines paging Mr. Jackson arriving on Flight MU584 from Los Angeles. Will Mr. Jackson please come to the information counter in the baggage claim area. Thank you.通知认领行李广播乘坐东航MU584次航班来自洛杉矶的杰克逊先生请注意,请您听到中国东方航空公司的广播后,到行李问询处去,谢

25、谢!19. Customs Clearance Passengers from Tokyo on JL Flight791. Please remain in this lounge until called for customs clearance. Passengers with hand baggage only may go through now for customs clearance.办理结关手续广播乘坐日航791次航班,来自东京的旅客请注意,请在候机室等候办理结关手续的通知。携带手提行李的旅客现在可以办理结关手续。20. Customs Clearance and Bagg

26、age ClaimedPassengers from Tokyo on Flight 791 please go through channel No. 2 for customs clearance. After clearance baggage should be reclaimed in the baggage-claimed area.办理结关手续并认领行李广播乘坐日航791次航班,来自东京的旅客请注意,请前往第2通道办理海关手续,结关后,请到行李认领处领取各自的行李。21. Baggage Claimed AnnouncementAttention please. All pass

27、engers from Flight JL791 may now claim their baggage. Please go to the baggage area. Show your baggage claim check and you will receive your baggage. Thank you.认领行李的广播来自日航791次航班的旅客请注意,现在可以去认领行李。请前往行李处,出示行李认领牌,提取行李, 谢谢。22. Meal Service AvailableAttention please. Hot and cold meals are still being ser

28、ved in the restaurant and self-service.餐饮服务广播旅客们请注意,饭店和自助餐厅现仍在供应热餐和冷餐。23. Bus Service AvailableBus service is available for all newly arrived passengers who need transportation. Repeating. Bus service is available for all newly arrived passengers who need transportation.班车服务广播刚进港旅客如需用车可乘坐班车出港。再通知一遍,需要用车的进港旅客可乘坐班车出港。

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