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1、(她工资增加了,这使她对工作的态度发生了大的变化)5) She appeared very n ervous one eve nin g. I asked her what was wrong, and she blurted out that she had fallen in love with Phil.6) I looked at Tom s pictures and found some oothmmsing(有趣的)and funny that I couldn t hdhuckling .7) Your goals have to be measurable so you ll

2、know to what extent you are making progress.8) Salespeople often try to learn about the needs of thprospective (预期的,可能的) buyer to make themselves more persuasive 有说服力的)9) We have on ly five mon ths to makepreparations for the trip to the South Pole (南 极).10) Prof. Lee sseyelsled with enthusiasm(眼中闪烁

3、着热情洋溢的光芒)as she talked about how her new teachi ng method worked (产生效果)in her College En glish class.11) In my senior year (大四)I took a crack at writing a novel, but without much success.(freshma n; sophomore; ju nior; senior)12) To reduce weight, I am now lear ning to play golf with my Ibusin ess p

4、artner who plays like a professional (职业高尔夫运动员) .2. Use the verb in brackets to form an appropriate phrasal verb you have lear ned andcomplete the sentence with it:Modal:Was he pla nning to the in terview with ano ther letter in dicat ing hiseager ness to join us? (follow)Was he pla nning to follow

5、the in terview with ano ther letter in dicati ng his eager ness to join us?1) You have to know what is right for you and then go after it regardless of (不管) what others may say. (go)2) May you look back on/at the past with as much pleasure as you look forward to (展望)the future. (look)3) Most of the

6、old buildings were pulled down(被拆毁)in this area so that blocks(方 块,这里指 街区” of new apartments (公寓)could be put up . (put)4) We may say hestood for freedom and justice all his life.5) In retrospect she says the most important thing is for parentbuild in some kind of motivation (激励)or prospect (期望)that

7、 means something to their offspring.(build)6) To my mi nd, it is very importa nt to follow up your letter and r sume 个人简历) with a phone call whe n you apply for any job. (follow)7) Before we set off for the camping trip, our five-year-old asked, “ Canthe microwave (微波炉) be_hooked_up_to the electrici

8、ty supply at the campsite 野营 地),Dad? ”8) She tried to swallow, but couldn t, her throadtlbseldaupiofeilose)Unit Four1) ordered his troops to move quickly towards anThe general (将军,上将) advantageous position.2) People would think the seven-year-old ouldn t even reach the ped(踏s板,脚蹬 子),let alone drive

9、the car. Nevertheless(然而),he made it!3) In a sense 在某种意义上),we are witnessing the vanishing of national boarders in many areas of econo mic activity in the world today.4) The tower built at the turn of the century became a Iandmark of the city.5) In a book entitled A Short History of Nearly Everythin

10、g, Bill Bryson tries to ignite(激起)a passion for knowledge in young readers.6) It seems neuroscience (神经系统科学)is threatening to displace physics as the quee n of the scie nce.7) It is only natural for the people to challenge the Establishment, especially when the economic outlook is gloomy (前景黯淡的;悲观的)

11、 .8) If anything (如果有什么区别的话),this movie appeals to (呼吁;对有吸引 力) the patriotic feelings of the people and helps to strengthen national unity国 家统一).9) Julius Caesar in this play is a man full of contradictions, at times strong and con fide nt, but at other times old and frail (脆弱).10) The n ewly laun c

12、hed website aspires to create a virtual com mun ity 虚拟社区) of com mon in terest via excha nge of views on the future of the In ternet.11) What Ann advocates(提倡)/shows how divorced from reality she has become.12) After investigating the behavior of pendulums, Galileo was able to use them astime measur

13、eme nt devices in many of his experime nts.2. Use the verb in brackets to form an appropriate phrasal verb you have lear ned and replace with it the italicized part in each of the followi ng sen ten ces: Modal:My daughter is very kee n and totally absorbed inthe Internet and I think that it is mad,

14、bad and dan gerous. (hook)My daughter is hooked on the Internet and I think that it is mad, bad and dan gerous.1) I ve thought about what happened for a long time, and come to the c6ndesion that it must have bee n an accide nt. (come)2) Donna dared not settle herself too comfortably into her seat in

15、 case shedozed off. (doze)3) Roosevelt, like Churchill, saw the significance of postwar aviation (航空工业) and believed in free and open competition. (believe)4) Professor Smith wasset_apart from his colleagues by his radical激进的)views on gender equality (性别平等).(set)5) We can see the effect the terroris

16、t attack has upon us, where the first stage is shock and disbelief, and an in ability to take in the reality of what is being said. (take)6) The black hole is a region of space with a gravitational field so powerful that it sucks in everything that comes within range. (suck)7) The Green Party (绿色和平组

17、织)said plans to clean up the environment were doomed(注定要失败的) uni ess the gover nment gave an immediate cash injectio n(资金投入)to the departments responsible for enforcement执行).(clean)8) For sheer lack of space and resources the local drug additi on cen te戒(毒中心)has to turn away (= refuse) drug-addicts

18、吸毒者)who are begging for admission.Unit 51) . In a way I would prefer shopp ing on li ne because it would be more convenient and save time.2) he success of mechanic(方法)| in discovering reliable and useful laws of nature (自然法贝U) suggested (=showr) to Galileo and later scientists is that all nature is

19、designed accordanee with mechanical laws (机械法则).3) A vacancy exists for an import sales manager(销售部经理)at our Paris office. Ifyou re initested in it, please send us an application letter and your sumeat once. e4) If you are over 18 an din good con diti on , it s completely safe to do the job.5) Plast

20、ics (塑料)can be made hard as stone, strong as steetran spare nt as glass, light as wood.t funny to me at all.6) Coat the shoes with polish(抛光剂),and thenrub hard with a soft cloth to give a shi ne.7) It was probably just aspicy joke to them, but it was n8) Michael s praise for my wife opened my eyes a

21、nd taught me to show gratitude for day-to-day Iheroisnli (英雄行为),which I had hitherto take n for gran ted.(takefor gran ted把把看作理所当然的)9) The waitress did bring us clean plates eventually=finally ), but with a bad grace .10) Some scientists believe that human beings are born with ainstinct for using th

22、eir arms and legs to stay afloat (漂浮的),which, however, disappear with in a few mon ths after birth.11) In order to pay the bills, Linda pawned her grandfather s gold watch in secret.12) Fish instinctively fight their way upstream against the Icurrent, and many water birds and animals have the abilit

23、y to travel long distanee.2. Use the verb in brackets to form an appropriate phrasal verb you have lear ned and complete the sentence with it:I suppose you never him in London. (come)I suppose you n ever came across him in London.1) Alla n and his girlfrie nd arran ged to meet at the park at 1:30, b

24、ut somehow he n ever turned up . (turn)2) Un less someth ing urge nt dema nds her atte nti on, Amanda wjll stick to a study schedule that included breaks every two hours. She thinks that trying to study when you are overtiredisn t smart. (stick)3) I happe ned to see him in Bost on and we talked abou

25、t our time together in Bost onand it really brought back some fond =pleasant) memories. (bring)4) In the prese nt finan cial crisis, many college graduates feel un sure how togo aboutlook ing for a job. (go)5) The speaker kept on talking for about an hour, but I just didn t understand whawas driving

26、 at . (drive)6) Granny folded up (把折叠起来)the towels (毛巾)and put them away in the cupboard (柜橱).(put)7) Even when she didn t say anything you could seurerng things over in hermi nd. (turn)8) The statement took him so much aback that for a moment he was lost for words.(take)15 选 10 (Cloze)What is the b

27、est way to impress aprospective (1) employer when you go for an in terview for a job in terview? As I see it (2), the best thi ng is todem on strate( =show) that you have done your homework (3) and know all about the firm (公司) beforeha nd (4). You should make everyen deavor (5), for example, to show

28、 that you know something about the structure (6) of the company, including the different lines of products it turns out (= produce,生产)and the chief bus in ess part ners (7) it is working with. Respond (8) in a spontaneous (=natural,自然的)manner and let the in terviewer know that you are not frighte ne

29、d by new challe nges, but are willi ng to take a crack (9) at anything. Try to look at the situation from the standpoint (10) of the personoffering the opportunity of the employment. What sort ofqualities (品质) is he likely to be look ing for? En thusiasm, certa inly. So don leave your applicati on w

30、aiting until just before the deadline. Apply early. |Another thing| that can make a difference (11) is to follow up (12) your in terview with a letter | express ing (表达) your en thusiasm to join the compa ny.Davos is a small Alpi ne city in easter n Switzerla nd which bega n maki ng itself known in the 1990s for hosing the World Economic Forum, an

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