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China daily 中英对照新闻英语 体育版块.docx

1、China daily 中英对照新闻英语 体育版块【Kaleidoscope】Tofu stall attracts soccer fans球迷吃国足臭豆腐解气A food stall called the Chinese National Soccer Team Stinky Tofu Stand, which sells strong-smelling preserved bean curd at the Qianfo Moutain temple fair in Jinan, Shandong province, has attracted thousands of visitors t

2、o taste its snacks, reported Thursday. The owner of the food stall said the name came from a soccer fan, who watches all the Chinese national soccer teams games every year but is always disappointed. Visitors said they were attracted by the name, as they can vent their anger at the Chinese teams per

3、formance by eating the snacks.(See photo)据齐鲁网14日报道,济南千佛山庙会有一个臭豆腐摊名叫国足臭豆腐,生意特别红火,吸引众多游客慕名前来品尝。国足臭豆腐摊的老板表示,这个名字是一个球迷想出的,该球迷年年看中国足球,但都以失望告终。游客们坦言,来吃臭豆腐的都是奔着这个名字来的,吃了解气。(见图)【Sports】Cycling自行车There are 4 disciplines in the sport of cycling at this years Asian Games: track cycling, road cycling, mountain

4、biking and BMX. In the Velodrome, track riders race counter-clockwise around a banked indoor track. There are a number of different events and distances that test speed, endurance and team work. On the road there are 2 events: road racing and the time trial. In the road race, competitors all start t

5、ogether and the first past the line is the winner. The time trial is against the clock over a shorter distance. In the time trial riders start 90 seconds apart and whoever completes the course fastest wins. Mountain biking takes place over rough and hilly countryside, littered with obstacles.广州亚运会自行

6、车比赛分场地赛、公路赛、越野赛和小轮车赛4大类。场地赛:在室内自行车赛场进行,车手们在室内倾斜车道上逆时针展开竞技,场地赛包括多种比赛项目,比试选手们的速度、耐力以及团队协作。公路赛分两种,公路赛和计时赛。公路赛中,率先冲过终点线的选手胜出。计时赛中,赛程较公路赛短,选手们每隔90秒发车一次,最先完成全程者胜。越野赛:路面崎岖不平,路面上既有天然障碍也有人工障碍。【Venue】Guangzhou International Performance Center广州国际体育演艺中心Newly built in Luogang district, the Guangzhou Internation

7、al Performance Center will host basketball matches during the Asian Games. The center covers an area of 120,000 sqm, holding 17,773 seats with 60 grand VIP balconies inside. Surrounded by shopping malls, entertainment centers, hotels and concert halls, the center is an immense complex that will beco

8、me a new home to some of the worlds best sports and art performances.(See photo)广州国际体育演艺中心位于萝岗区,为广州亚运会篮球比赛新建场馆。场馆总建筑面积12万平方米,场馆内有17773个观众席和60个豪华VIP包厢。周边配套有购物中心、娱乐中心、酒店、音乐厅等多功能商业娱乐设施,是融体育、演艺活动为一体的世界级大型体育娱乐场馆。(见图)【Sports】Fencing击剑In fencing, there are 3 types of weapons and 3 corresponding disciplines

9、 - foil, epe and sabre. The foil and epe are both thrusting weapons but have different target areas. In foil competitions, the target areas are restricted to the torso, the chest, shoulders, and back while in epe competitions, the target area is the entire body. The sabre is a cutting and thrusting

10、weapon. In sabre competitions the target area includes everything above the waist, except the hands and the back of the head. (See photo)击剑运动分三个项目:花剑、重剑、佩剑,分别适用三种不同的规则。花剑和重剑都是完全刺击项目,区别在于有效击中的部位。花剑的有效击中部位是躯干、胸膛、肩膀和后背,而重剑的有效击中部位则包括全身。佩剑是既劈又刺的项目,有效击中部位是腰身以上,但不包括手以及脑后。(见图)Baogang Stadium宝岗体育场Baogang Sta

11、dium will host soccer games and track and field events during this years Asian Games. Located on Baogang Avenue, in Haizhu district, the stadium has a history of 60 years. The government has invested a great deal of time and effort in renovation projects and now the stadium has a capacity of more th

12、an 2,000 people with a large soccer field of artificial grass and 6 running tracks of 400 meters. A number of sporting arenas are available to the public day and night.宝岗体育场位于广州市海珠区宝岗大道,赛时将举办田径和足球项目比赛。体育场建于上世纪50年代,经海珠区人民政府多次投资重修后,目前场内可容纳2000多名观众,铺设有大型人造草坪足球场,6条400米塑胶跑道,可全天候向公众提供多项健身活动。【Top News】Serb

13、ia fans paid to riot黑老大买通球迷造骚乱Two alleged fugitive chiefs of criminal gangs are suspected of paying more than EUR200,000 to soccer fans whose violent riots forced the cancellation of Serbias Euro 2012 qualifying match with Italy, Serbian media reported Saturday. According to the report, police are f

14、ollowing a lead that the riots were ordered by 2 chiefs of separate criminal gangs - a cocaine dealer also suspected of money laundering and one believed to head a criminal organization linked with a number of murders, robberies and violent behavior.据塞尔维亚媒体16日报道,当地警方日前怀疑两名在逃的黑社会老大花20万欧元买通了部分塞尔维亚球迷,导

15、致塞尔维亚和意大利的欧洲杯预选赛因大规模骚乱而被迫流产。据悉,这两名黑老大属于不同的派别,其中一个是涉嫌洗钱的可卡因大毒枭,另一个则正统领着一个涉嫌谋杀、抢劫和各种暴力事件的犯罪集团,依据目前的线索,俩人很可能就是此次球迷暴乱的幕后元凶。#事件回放:The match in Genoa Tuesday was aborted just 6 minutes into play due to Serbian fans throwing flares onto the pitch and at rival Italian supporters. Police in Italy made 17 arr

16、ests and 16 people were hospitalized after the clashes in Genoa. The injured included 2 policemen. Serbian police have detained 35 soccer fans on their way back from Genoa.12日,塞尔维亚和意大利的欧洲杯预选赛被安排在热那亚举行,不料到场的塞尔维亚球迷不断向场内投掷焰火,甚至还将烟火投向意大利球迷,致使比赛开始仅6分钟就被迫取消。在随后的大规模冲突中,有16人因伤被送往医院,其中包括2名警察,有17名嫌犯被当场逮捕。另有35人在从热那亚回国途中被塞尔维亚警方拘捕。Did You Know?你知道吗?-Interior Minister Ivica Dacic promised a thorough polic

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