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Unit 5 I Never Write RightWord文档格式.docx

1、1. About the author Linda Stafford1) Year of birth :19432) Occupation : a native American writer 3) Education : University of Alaska, 1969University of New Mexico, 1967University of Texas, 1966University of Colorado, 1961 4) Theme of her Works : hope, optimism, never giving up 2. Chicken Soup for th

2、e Soul Chicken Soup for the Soul is a series of books, usually featuring a collection of short stories. Short motivational essays are also featured. The 101 stories in the first book of the series were compiled by motivational speakers Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen.Volumes issued: Chicken Sou

3、p for the Pre-Teen Soul Chicken Soup for the Prisoners Soul Chicken Soup for the Volunteer Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work 3. Grading System in the US - The A-F systemIn many countries including the United States, grades are given on an A-F system where A is best and F is worst. The letter E is ty

4、pically omitted, since an F can be turned into an E by drawing a small line at the bottom of the letter, and because E traditionally stood for Excellent but would be very poor on an A-F system. An F grade is failing and results in denial of course credit, while a D is poor, but passing. Most U.S. co

5、lleges require grades of C or better in ones major, as well as a 2.0 (C) grade point average. A = excellent B = good C = average D = poor F = failure 4. Webster DictionaryIn 1806, Noah Webster published his first dictionary. His great dictionary, An American Dictionary of the English Language, appea

6、red in two volumes in 1828. This work included 12,000 words and 40,000 definitions that had never before appeared in a dictionary. IV. Explanation of the new words and phrases: (40 minutes)1. illustrate: v. 1) add pictures to (something written)This book is a beautifully illustrated history of scien

7、ce. (这本书是一本插图精美的科学史。) The magazine is well illustrated. (那本杂志有精美的插图.) 2) show the meaning of (something) by giving related examplesThe story he told about her illustrates her true generosity very clearly. The subject is difficult. Permit me to illustrate. (这个题目很难,请容我举例说明。2. genius: n.1) (a person of

8、) very great abilityHer latest book is a work of genius2) a special abilityShe has a genius for mathematics. genius, gift & talent (这三个词都是名词,都有“天才”,“天赋”,“才华”之意。1) genius 语气最强,指智力水平超越大多数优秀人才的一种独特理解力,也指天才人物。例如:The composer Mozart was a genius; he played the piano beautifully at the age of four and con

9、ducted an orchestra at twelve. (作曲家莫扎特是位天才,他4岁时钢琴就弹得很好,12岁就指挥乐队了。2) gift 强调天生的特性和技能,但与独创性无关。With his gift of gab, he would be an excellent orator. (他具有雄辩口才,会成为一个出色的演说家。3) talent 指能从事某种特殊工作或活动的独特的、非凡的才能,这种才能往往先天就有。His talent was largely self-developed. (他的才能主要是自己培养的。3. embarrass: vt. (cause to) feel

10、ashamed, uncomfortable, or anxiousI dont like making speeches in public; its so embarrassing.It embarrasses many people to walk into a room full of strangers.( 许多人走进一间满是陌生人的房间时总会感到局促不安。4. burst: v.1) (cause to) break suddenly, esp. by pressure from withinThe river burst its banks and flooded the tow

11、n. (河水冲决了堤岸, 淹没了城镇。2) (cause to) come into the stated condition suddenly, often with forceShe burst through the door into the room. He burst away from the starting line.( 他从起跑线冲出。burst是个常用词,经常与其他词构成短语,下面是几个与burst有关的短语。burst into 闯入;爆发成;突然起来burst out of 冲出be bursting with 充满;挤满burst to do sth. 急于burs

12、t in on (upon) 打扰;打断burst out doing 突然开始5. astonishment: n. great surprise or wonderTo the astonishment of her colleagues, she resigned.Pattern:express astonishment 表示惊讶astonishment at 对惊讶in/with astonishment 惊讶地to ones astonishment 使某人惊讶的是6. publish: vt. (of a business firm) choose, arrange, have p

13、rinted, and offer for sale to the public (a book, magazine, newspaper, etc.) The New York Times is an internationally influential daily newspaper published in New York City and distributed worldwide. She was only 19 when her first novel was published.( 当她的第一部小说出版时,她只有十九岁。7. dumb: adj. 1) lacking the

14、 power of speech She was struck dumb by what she had seen.2) (infml.) stupid Are they brave or just dumb? It was dumb of him to say “yes”.( 他说“是”是愚蠢的。Collocation:deaf and dumb 聋哑的play dumb 装聋作哑be dumb to do sth 做是傻的8. taste: 1) be aware of the taste of sth. Ive got a cold, so I cant taste what Im ea

15、ting Can you taste anything strange in this drink?(你尝得出这饮料有什么怪味道吗? 2) have experience or enjoyment All of them tasted the fear of death that day. 3) have a particular taste These oranges taste good. This soup tastes salty. (这个汤有点咸了。9. dozens of: a group of There are dozens of people waiting in the l

16、ine. Collocation: a dozen of (一)打,十二个 half a dozen (约)六个 by the dozen 成打的 by the dozens 大量的10. minus:1) adj. (of a number or quantity) less than zero I got A minus for my English homework. Temperatures could fall to minus eight tonight.( 今晚气温会降到零下8度.) 2) prep. reduced by a stated number That will be

17、 $500, minus the deposit of $50 that you have already paid. Seven minus three equals four. (七减三等于四。11. smart:1) good or quick in thinking; intelligent I wish I was smart enough to invent something and maybe get rich. 2) bright; new-looking; clean Go and make yourself smart before we call on the Jone

18、ses. intelligent, clever, smart & bright 这几个词都是形容词,都有“聪明的”,“才思敏捷的”之意。 1) intelligent是正式用语,指中等以上的智力,有较强的理解能力,有学习能力,强调对新知识、深奥问题的理解力,尤其是解决新问题的能力。 2) clever与intelligent相比,更强调天生的聪颖,有较高的理解力、思维敏捷、思路灵活,接受新东西快,但不强调理解得深刻全面。这个词也指灵活的双手与矫健的身躯。 3) bright是普通用语,多指年轻人或小孩,常用于口语,书写语言不易多用。强调理解力强,思维非常活跃,谈话与态度也活泼生动。 Dire

19、ctions: Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary. It was clever of you to think of that. I have among my students a number of very bright youngsters. All human beings are much more intelligent than animals. That was the price he paid for being too clever . Do what I s

20、ay and dont be too smart. . She is bright beyond her years. 12. echo:1) n. a sound sent back or repeated, e.g. from a wall or inside a cave Thick carpet would reduce the echo in this hallway.(走廊,门厅,过道) 2) v. (cause to) come back as an echo The room echoed with the sound of music. She echoes everythi

21、ng I say. 我说什么她都附和。 produce an echo 产生回声 hear an echo 听到回声 listen for an echo 注意倾听回声13. live on: have as ones only food or income They lived on very little when they got married You cannot live on love only.live是个常用词,经常与其他词构成短语,下面是几个与live有关的短语。 live by 靠生活手段过活 live in/at 住在;生活在 live off/on 依赖生活 live

22、 out 活过(某一段时间);活到结束 live up to 遵守;不辜负(期望) live with 与在一起生活;忍受(不愉快的事情)Directions: Fill the blanks with the phrases above. Change the form where necessary. You should live up to your parents expect of you. He lives by selling newspaper. I live off money from my first book. Will the old man live out th

23、e month?I dont enjoy the pain, but I can live with it. My grandmother prefers to living in the country. The room isnt fit to live in . You must live with the fact that you are no longer as strong as you were. 14. ancient: adj. in or of times long ago CF: old, ancient & antique这三个词都有“旧的”、“古老的”、“过去的”之

24、意。1)old 为普通用语,主要指人或物已存在或使用了相当长的一段时间,即指人或动物的年龄大、年老,也指事物的古老和陈旧。可使用于任何场 合,可作定语,也可作表语。 Cambridge and Oxford are old universities.剑桥和牛津是历史悠久的大学。2) ancient 意为“古代的”、“古老的”,特别用于历史范畴,表示在遥远过去时代所存在或发生的人或物。 In ancient times people did not think the brain was the center of mental activity. 在古代,人们并不认为大脑是智力活动的中心。3)

25、 antique 意为“古代的”、“自古即存在的”、“古风的”,通常指自过去的时代一直保存下来的、具有价值的东西。其时间范围既可指遥远的古代,又可指近代或现代以前的一段时间。I have a fine collection of antique furniture. 我收集了很多古董家具。15. at random: aimlessly; without any plan She asked questions at random. The terrorists fired into the crowd at random.恐怖分子向人群胡乱射击.16. enclose: vt. 1) put (esp. sth. sent with a letter) inside Please enclose a vita(个人简历) with your letter of application. 2) surround with a fence or wall so as to shut in or close The park that encloses the monument has recently been enlarged.(古迹)17. bestseller: n. something (esp. a book) that sells in very la

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