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English Rhetoric in CocaWord文档格式.docx

1、For the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsUnder the Supervision of Mao HuijieApril 2013ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThere are many people to whom I owe my thanks for their contribution to the development of this thesis. I am deeply indebted to Miss Mao, my supervisor, who has taken time out of a very busy weekend to read

2、 my drafts meticulously and given me incisive comments on them, which is essential to the completion of the thesis. Whithout her help, the thesis could never have reached its present form. I am also extremely grateful to my teachers at Department of English: Professor Sun Huaxiang, Instructor Guo Yi

3、, Instructor Fang Ping, Associate Professor Zhang Jianping, Associate Professor Sun Hongmei, Instuctor Lan Haiying etc, who have given me valuable advice. I also give my hearty thanks to all my roommates and classmates who offered me generous help and useful suggestions in the process of writing thi

4、s thesis. Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to all the writers whose works are referred to in this thesis.摘 要在商品经济迅猛发展的今天,广告商纷纷开始设计出令人耳目一新的广告来吸引消费者。好的广告是品牌的眼睛,对于人们理解品牌的文化内涵,建立对品牌的信赖与忠诚具有重要意义。本文研究可口可乐广告中的英语修辞及其双赢商业价值。首先,本文试图从广告语和修辞的定义角度出发,明确研究对象;其次,从词汇、语法、修辞三个角度来研究广告英语文体的特点;再次,从修辞角度出发,

5、以可口可乐广告语中各种修辞手法的运用为例,研究修辞在广告设计中的作用及其特点;最后,研究广告语带来的商业价值,从“双赢”效果和带来的社会效应等方面进行分析,通过对可口可乐广告中各种修辞的运用进行分析研究,总结提炼增强广告语魅力的技巧,使商业广告能在实际宣传过程中既最大可能的激发消费者的购买欲望,给消费者带来身心的愉悦和心理满足感,又为商品生产者赚取最大商业利润,从而实现生产者与消费者“双赢”。关键词:广告语;修辞;商业价值;双赢ABSTRACT Nowadays, with the commercial economy developing rapidly, advertisers desig

6、ned advertisements which made people feel new and refreshed to attract customers. Good advertisemets are eyes of the brand, which is significant for people to understand the cultural connotation and build trust of and loyalty to the brand. This thesis try to study English rhetoric in Coca-Cola compa

7、nys advertisements and its win-win commercial value. First, from the perspective of the definition of slogan and rhetoric, it identifies the research object. Second, it studies the characteristics of advertisement English in three aspects: word, syntax and rhetoric. Third, from the perspective of rh

8、etoric, using the slogans of Coca-Cola Company as an example, it researches the function and characterastics of rhetoric in advertising design. Finally, it studies the commercial value the slogan brought in, analyzes the win-win effect and the influnce on the society. Through the study of the rhetor

9、ic in Coca-Cola Companys slogans, the thesis sums up and extracts the skills of improving the glamour of slogans, to make commercial advertisements not only inspire the customers desire to buy, bring them mental and physical joy and fulfillment, but also bring the producers huge commercial profits,

10、so as to realize win-win effect for both the producers and customers.Key words: slogan, rhetoric, commercial value, win-winCONTENTS0. Introduction.11. The definition of slogan and rhetoric.11.1 The definition of slogan.21.2 The definition of rhetoric.22. The characteristics of advertisement English3

11、2.1 The characteristics of the word32.2 The characteristics of syntax42.3 The characteristics of rhetoric.53. The relevation of Coca-Cola Companys Advertisements53.1 Coca-ColaThe immorital brand accumulated for one hundred years.6 3.1.1 The design of brand identity6 3.1.2 Brand positioning in slogan

12、s.63.2 Rhetoric in Coca-Cola Companys slogan.73.3 The characteristics of Coca-Cola Companys slogan.10 3.3.1 Concise statement, refined word.10 3.3.2 Sufficient combination of language and culture104. The win-win commercial value in Coca-Cola Companys slogan.104.1 Customers acceptance of its slogans.

13、114.2 Producers to achieve the largest profit and build brand image.115. Conclusion.126. Works Cited130. IntroductionWith the appearance of goods, advertisement is the bridge to combine customers and goods as a communication activity. Customers remember a brand always begining with a creative slogan

14、. Excellent advertisement slogans cant leave with vary kinds of rhetoric. Using proper rhetoric can express different artistic conception, inspire peoples imagination and physical resonance. Coca-Cola Company is the biggest drink company in the world, using excellent advertisments to propaganda play

15、ed an important role in its development. The advertisers used all kinds of rhetoric to create a great artistic effect, these advertisements attracted the customers great intrest, so the advertisers achived the purpose of promoting their drinks. Thus it can be seen that advertisements have a huge inf

16、lunce on peoples life. Therefore, through researching the use of rhetoric to create attractive slogans, making them affect customers desire to consume, working out huge commercial profit is the subject that advertisers should to study. The present work is an investigation of researching the function

17、 and characterastics of rhetoric in advertising design from the perspective of rhetoric, taking the slogans of Coca-Cola Company as an example. This thesis consists of five parts. Chapter one deals with the definition of slogan and rhetoric. Chapter two is an analysis of characteristics of advertise

18、ment English. In Chapter three, three questions are discussed, study the Coca-Cola Company in detail. Chapter four deals with the win-win commercial value of Coca-cola Companys slogans, from the perspective both customers and producers. Chapter five gives an conclusion of the whole thesis.1. The def

19、inition of slogan and rhetoricNowadays, the products promotion cant leave the propaganda of advertisements. Slogans play an important role in advertisements. Using rhetoric in slogans makes them gorgeous and colorful. Then what are slogans? Whats the definition of rhetoric?1.1 The definition of slog

20、anSlogan has both broad meaning and narrow meaning. The broad meaning refers to a kind of advertising diction which introduce goods, culture, entertainment to the public through communicating media. The slogan can be divided into two parts: one is advertisement title, the other is advertisement body

21、. Slogan must combine with the social groups and never out of the reality. It also should highlight the corporate culture which the company accumulated for a long time and grasp the marketing trend. The advertising language is not only a commercial language, but also an artistical language which inc

22、lude literature, aesthetic and psychology and so on, so it is also called “loaded artisic language”. Advisers use slogan to convey production information, set up production image and inspire consumption desire. From the perspective of pragmatics, advertising is a pragmatic act. The purpose is to per

23、suade customers to accept their products and service, this is a persuasive speech act. Advertisement slogans isnt simply change between language symbols, but a comprehensive cross-cultural communication activity. This can bring a shock in traditional custom, belief etc. to the countries which their

24、products poured in, and affect the market share and sales of goods.1.2 The definition of rhetoric“Retoric is a process of when using language,choosing language elaboratly according to the purpose, making every efforts to promise the article more correct, more wonderful.”(Chen 31). Rhetoric means acc

25、ording to the language environment and expression content, use all kinds of language materials and technique of expression to gain an ideal expression effect in a perfect language form. Rhetoric is artistic language. The famous liguist Chen Wangdao, divided rhetoric into two parts in his work The Or

26、igin of Rhetoric. One is negtive rhetotic, it stresses specificity, liquidity and steadity; the other is positive rhetotic, it emphasises figure of speech. (42-57) From the perspective of pronunciation, negtive rhetotic has natual two-syllable pronunciation and harmonous rhyme, it usually use invert

27、ed sentence, elliptical sentence as its sentence structure. Positive rhetoric include antithesis, pun, paradox, simile, exaggeration and anadiplosis etc.2. The characteristics of advertisement EnglishAdvertisements must have selling power to inspire customersdesire to buy; they must have memory valu

28、e to impress the readers. Therefore, English advertisements must be attractive with attention value and readability. The characterastics of English advertisements are closely related to the above features.(Qin 52) English advertisements generally consists of two parts: display advertising and classi

29、fied advertising. The former regards profit as purpose, such as commercial advertisement; the latter is non-profit, such as rental advertisement. All of these advertisements have the same characterastics: creative word, simple sentence structure, various rhetoric. 2.1 The characteristics of the word

30、 The words in advertisement slogans usually be short. They are simple words which people are familiared with. Beside this, words in slogans have many other characteristics.2.1.1 New words To make the advertisement slogan more active, advisers create some new words, such as an fruit drink advertisement slogan: Come to our Fruice.(Fruice=Fruit Juice)2.1.2 The use of commendatory adjectives In English advertisement slogans, advisers usually use commendatory adjectives to make a wonderful descriptio

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