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1、 C. made from golden D. made from gold30. Ill tell you the teacher told me yesterday. A. all which B. all what C. that all D. all31. He suggested that walls . A. to be painted white B. be painted white C. should paint white D. ought to be painted white32. The room in the hotel is all right, the terr

2、ible room service. A. besides B. except C. except for D. except that33. Did you have any trouble the office building? A. to find B. in find C. to finding D. finding 34. Mike asked me the watch cheap or not. A. if, is B. it was C. weather, was D. whether, was35.I dont think he need come to the meetin

3、g tonight, ? A. needs he B. doesnt he C. need he D. neednt he36.Put the bottle of the medicine on the top shelf, your son might reach it easily. A. and B. and then C. and yet D. or37. Lead the cow the nose just in case it might be hit the head by the falling stone. A. by, on B. on, in C. with, by D.

4、at.in38.No sooner down telephone rang. A. had I lain; than B. had I lain; then C. I had lain; when D. had I laid; than39. This is the very place they are longing to visit for years. A. where B. in which C. which D. that40. It wasnt until nearly a month later the managers reply. A. since I received B

5、. that I received C. when did I receive D. that did I receive41. The school I visited last year was not the one I once worked. A. which. where B. which. which B. where. which D. where. where42. The harder we study, . A. well make greater progress B. well make the greater progress C. the greater prog

6、ress well make D. the greater well make progress43.If Jane hadnt missed the early train, she on time, but she late. A. will arrive, is B. would arrive, was C. would have arrived, is D. would have arrived, was44.Would you please take this along to the office for me? A. Its my pleasure. B. With pleasu

7、re. C. My pleasure. D. Thank you.45.I have had my bike because my father had me it this morning. A. repair, done B. repaired, do C. repairing, do D. repaired, done46. Whose books should you read if you want to learn more about making a movie? A. Fellinis. B. The Wright Brothers. C. Thomas Edisons. D

8、. Rembrandts.II. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given. (8%) require permit aware depend electricity medicine success describe1.The invention of many appliances has released housewives from heavy housework.2.After months practice, he winning the first prize in the piano contest

9、.3.His article contains a brief some of his ideas.4.They entered the area without and got themselves in great danger.5.The refugees main are food and shelter. 6.Many people are of how much white pollution they are causing when they order takeout, which is very harmful to the environment 7.Amy has go

10、ne to the UK to study and its the first time she has lived . 8.Several people received treatment after the accident. III. Fill in the blanks with the verb in its proper form: (7%)1.There (be) great changes in Pudong in the past ten days,2.It rained all day yesterday, which spoiled our picnic. We (ha

11、ve) a good time if it (not train). 3.This is one of the most interesting questions that recently.4.My best friend, together with her sisters (attend) the parties once a week. .5.It is required that he (arrive) at six tomorrow. 6.Try (knock) at the back door if nobody hears you at the front door.IV.

12、Sentence transformation (5%)1.Who has repainted the desks? (改为被动语态)2.Alice asked Tina,“Have you seen my watch?3.Your brother must have seen the film. (改为反义疑问句) 4.The crown weighs 350 grams.(对划线部分进行提问) 5. If he doesnt hurry up, he will be late. (用unless改写,保持原意) V. Fill in the blanks with the proper w

13、ords. (8%) A. exactly B. opinions C .forced D. fiercely AB. comfort AC. elegant AD. released BC. argued BD. relatesWhen Michael Wong was young, he was sensitive and shy. It was a huge task for him to talk to a stranger or go downstairs to the shops. But he found 47 through playing the piano. Recentl

14、y, the Malaysian piano star 48 his latest album Never Apart. Its made up often catchy songs including the title song with the same name. Never Apart tells the story of a couple who are 49 to separate for a while, but they still cherish the beautiful memories they had. Music sounds better when it 50

15、to true feelings, he says.Now, Michael has grown up to be one of the most popular singers in Taiwan. His slow love songs including First Time and Fairytale are hits with heartbroken young people. Over the years, he has become bolder and learnt to voice 51 in his music. Once, he was asked to sing a s

16、ong someone else wrote. But he didnt like the song lyrics, so he 52 they should be changed. If I broke up with someone, I dont think I would have reacted in the same way as the story in the song, he said. I want to tell people 53 how I will behave. And it works. He says the song sounds better when h

17、e can sing it his own way.Michael is often called the piano prince. Hes 54 when he plays and sings along. When I play, inspirations rush to me like continuous streams. It requires no effort. But he still works hard to make his songs appealing. Ill go over every tiny detail to make the song worth lis

18、tening to.Part III Reading and Writing (44%) I. Read the passage and choose the best answer:(A) Elena jogged with her dad in Some empty lots(空地) at the edge of town. These out-of-the-way lots were good places to jog. But the lots were full of rocks and rubbish.One day, Elena saw a sign on the lots.

19、It said,. New City Park. Elena was excited. Maybe the park would have a jogging trail! Elena told her parents about the sign. I read about the park in the newspaper, said Elenas father, the city wants volunteers to help clean the area. Then the city will build a soccer field and a playground.Will th

20、ey build a jogging trail? Elena asked. No, the paper didnt mention a jogging trail.Well, perhaps if I help clean up the lots, theyll put in a jogging trail, said Elena.On Saturday Elena went to the lots. Many adults were working there. Some were picking up rubbish. Some were moving rocks.I want to v

21、olunteer, Elena told a man. What can I do?This is not a job for children, said the man. Youd better go home. Elena looked around. She could carry rubbish. She could move rocks. A lady was pulling a bag of rubbish. Elena saw a box of rubbish bags. She took an empty bag. ll take this bag to the Dumpst

22、er. said Elena. Heres a new bag.Thanks, said the lady. Keep those new bags corning. Elena dragged rubbish bags. She told everyone she was glad to help build the park. She explained that she hoped the park would have a jogging trail.Elena went to the area every week. Soon everyone, knew her and she t

23、old everyone how wonderful a jogging trail would be.Soon the volunteers cleared the lots. The city could start building. The mayor gave a speech. He showed a drawing of the new park. He told them about the soccer field and the baseball diamond. There would be picnic tables. There would be a playgrou

24、nd. The park would even have basketball courts. There was no sign of a jogging trail.The mayor thanked the volunteers. Then he asked if they had any suggestions. The volunteers said they wanted to build a jogging trail around the park.They told the mayor how helpful Elena had been and how she wanted

25、 a jogging trail. The mayor said, A jogging trail wont be hard to build: Lets do it! Everyone clapped and cheered. Elena cheered loudest of all.55. Where did Elena jog with her father at the beginning of the story? A. In a park. B. On a jogging trail.C. In some empty lots. D. In center of the town,5

26、6. How did Elena feel when she saw the sign on the lots?A. Happy and proud. B. Excited and hopeful,C. Sad and shy. D. Unhappy and disappointed.57- How did Elena know the city needed volunteers to help clean the lots?-A. Her father told her about it. B. She read it in the newspaper.C. She learned it

27、from a sign. D. She was told by other volunteers.58.Why did Elena want to help clean the lots?A. She wanted to play on the playground.B. She wanted her name in the newspaper.C. She wanted to work with other volunteers.D. She wanted the city to build a jogging trail59. Why did the volunteers tell the

28、 mayor they wanted to build a jogging trail?A. They needed a park to jog around.B. They wanted to thank Elena for her help.C. They thought it was a good place, for jogging.D. They hoped the mayor could jog with them every day.60. What can be the best title for the story?A. Elena and a Mayor B. Elena

29、 and New City ParkC. Elena and Some Volunteers. D. Elena and a Jogging Trail(B)I love my blackberryits my little connection to the larger world that can go anywhere with me. I also love my laptop computer, as it holds all of my, writing and thoughts .Despite this love of technology, I know that there are times when I need to move away from these devices and truly communicate with others.On oc

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