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1、7、对“哪一个”提问用which。(8).She likes the new skirt. Which skirt does she like8、对“颜色”提问用what colour。(9).Her blouse is white. What colour is her blouse9、对“职业”提问用what。(10).His mother is a teacher. What is his mother10、对“次数”提问用how many times。(11).He has been to England twice. How many times has he been to Eng

2、land11、对“数量”提问用how many(表示可数) 或how much(表示不可数)。(12).There are fifty students in Class 1. How many students are there in Class 1? (13).She spent ten yuan on the book. How much did she spend on the book12、对“方式、方法”或“感觉如何”提问用how。(14).We come to school on foot. How do you come to school? (15).She is feel

3、ing much better now. How is she feeling now13、对“原因”提问用why。(16).He didnt come here because he was ill yesterday. Why didnt he come here14、对“做什么”提问用whatdo /doing/done。(17).They are going to visit the factory next week. What are they going to do next week? (18).You are looking at the blackboard. What a

4、re you doing? (19).They have seen the film. What have they done15、对“一段时间”提问用how long。如(20).We have stayed here for six years. How long have you stayed here? (21).He has worked in Beijing since 1980. How long has he worked in Beijing16、对“频度”提问用how often。(22).She is late for school once a week. How of

5、ten is she late for school? (23).We sometimes get up at 10:00. How often do you get up at 10:0017、对“将来的一段时间”提问用how soon。(24).Lucy will be back in four days. How soon will Lucy be back18、对“高度”提问用how tall(表示人)或how high(表示物)。(25).The man is two metres tall. How tall is the man? (26).The hill is 300 met

6、res high. How high is the hill19、对“长度”、“宽度”提问,用how long, how wide。(27).The desk is four metres long. How long is the desk? (28).The river is one hundred metres wide. How wide is the river20、对“星期几”提问用what day。(29).Today is Friday. What day is today21、对“日期”提问用whatthe date。(30). Yesterday was July 1, 1

7、995. What was the date yesterday22、对“距离”提问用how far。(31).Its 300 metres from my home to school. How far is it from your home to school23、对“号码”提问用what size。(32).I want size 42 shoes. What size shoes do you want? (33).She bought a size 68 blouse last week. What size blouse did she buy last week24、对“天气状

8、况”提问用“Whatthe weather like”。(34).Today is rainy. What is the weather like today25、对天气的温度提问用:What temperature is it today How many degrees is it today What is the temperature today注意事项:1划线部分作定语时,应连同后面的名词一起提到句首。(34).Thats our school. Whose school is that? (35).She is wearing a white skirt. What colour

9、 skirt is she wearing2划线部分作主语时,应直接使用特殊疑问词替换。(36).Tom often comes to China. Who often comes to China? (37).The book is on the shelf. What is on the shelf3划线部分是谓语动词及宾语时,应使用whatdo/doing/done替换划线部分。(38).They often read English in the morning. What do they often do in the morning? (39).He is writing a le

10、tter now. What is he doing now? (40).They have seen the film. What have they done4. 对“there are”句型中的主语划线用What。(41). There are two books on the s on the desk特殊疑问句(1)用疑问词引导的疑问句叫做特殊疑问句。回答特殊疑问句时不能用yes或no。用降调。为了便于理解、掌握特殊疑问句,我们把疑问词分为三类: 疑问代词:what,who,Which,whose,whom 疑问副词:when,where,why,how 疑问形容词:what(whi

11、ch,whose)+名词 1 疑问代词的用法 1.what引导的疑问句,此类疑问句可以对主语、表语和宾语提问。a.对主语提问What is in your pocket 你口袋里有什么 这个问题可以有两种回答: a:There is an egg in it. 在口袋里有一个蛋。 b:An egg is(in it). 一个蛋(在里面)。 Whats in the room 屋子里有什么 There are a lot of chairs in it. =A 1ot of chairs are in it.有许多椅子。注意 回答此句型的问题时,答句的单复数根据实际情况而定。b.对宾语提问 Wh

12、at did you buy你买了什么 I bought a bike.我买了辆自行车。c.对表语提问What is this这是什么 Its a bench.这是一条长凳。What is your mother你妈妈是干什么的注意 What is+人此句型是问人的职业,一般译为“是干什么的” She is a teacher.她是个老师。2.Who,whom,whose引导的疑问句,此类疑问句可以对主语、表语和宾语提问。Who broke the window(对主语提问)谁打破了窗户 Li Ming did.李明打破的。who可以对主语和表语提问。whom是who的宾格,对宾语提问,但在口

13、语中who可以代替whom。Who is that woman(对表语提问) 那个女人是谁 She is my mother.她是我妈妈。(关系) 或者:She is Rose.她是罗思。(姓名)注意 Who is+人是询问某人的姓名或与人关系的问句。与What is+人(问人的职业)不同。 Whose is this umbrella这伞是谁的 This umbrella is my sisters. 这伞是我姐姐的。注意 whose之后如果没有名词时,表示“谁的(东西)”。3.Which引导的特殊疑问句此类疑问句可以对主语和宾语提问。Which is Toms(对主语提问)哪个是汤姆的 T

14、his is his.这是他的。Which does he want(对宾语提问) 他想要哪一个 He wants the green one.他想要那个绿色的。注意 疑问词what,who,which在句中作主语时,语序是陈述句语序。一般情况你要根据划线部分的意思或者成分来提问对时间提问用 when对地点提问用where对人提问用 who对多长时间提问用how long对频率提问用how often对物体提问,做什么提问用what还有很多的,需要积累啊,疑问句之后用一般问句的语序如果划线部分是地点的,一般用where.例如:He went to the zoo yesterday. 提问就应

15、该是Where did he go yesterday如果划线部分是数量的,当名词属于可数名词时,用how many。当名词属于不可数名词时,用how much. 答案补充 例如:He has five books.提问是how many books does he haveHe has five yuan.提问是How much does he have如果划线部分是身份后者工作职位时,用what 来提问。例如His is a teacher.提问就是What is he或者what is his job如果划线部分是时间的,用when来提问。例如:He goes to bed at 10

16、everyday.提问: When does he go to bed everyday 答案补充如果划线部分是人时,有两种情况: is the winner.提问是who is the winner book is Mike.(当某物属于某人时,用whose)提问是Whose book is this对划线部分提问的方法一、弄清特殊疑问句的基本用法与结构特殊疑问句是由疑问词提问的句子。疑问词包括疑问代词二、(如what, who, which, whose等)和疑问副词三、(如when, where, why, how等)。其基本结构是“疑问词+一般疑问句”:What are you doi

17、ng你在做什么Which child knows the answer哪个孩子知道答案Whose bicycle is this这是谁的自行车When can you come你什么时候能来Where are you from你从什么地方来Why are your clothes so dirty你的衣服为什么这么脏How shall I answer her我怎样回答她 都是这几个模式罢了 答案补充 you are _reading_Which child knows the answer哪个孩子知道答案How shall I answer her我怎样回答她 答案补充 1how long 指多长时间,主要用来对一段时间(如three days等)提问:How long did he stay here 他在这儿呆了多久About two hours. 大约两小时。2how often 指每隔多久,主要用来对频度副词或状语(如once a week等)提问:How often does he come here 他(每隔)多久来一次Once a month. 每月一次。3 how soon 指再过多久,主要用来对表示将来的一段时间(如:in an hour等)提问: How soon will he be back 他要多久才回来In an hour. 1小时以后。

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