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1、 2、返回到:go back to 3、让我们开始做:Lets begin+名词或 to do Lesson3 Im Zhou Pei. Im from China. Where are you from周培:嗨!我的名字是周培。我来自中国。你来自哪里Pat: Im from France. This is my new friend, Perry.帕特:我来自法国。这是我的新朋友,佩里。 Hi, Perry. Where do you come from嗨,佩里。Perry: I come from Germany.佩里:我来自德国。 Do you like singing你喜欢唱歌吗 Ye

2、s, I do.是的,我喜欢。 I like singing, too. How about you, Pat周培: 我也喜欢唱歌。你呢,佩里 I like both singing and dancing.唱歌和跳舞我都喜欢。 Great! Lets sing a song together.太好了!让我们一起唱一首歌吧。Pat and Perry: OK. Lets sing!帕特和佩里:好的。让我们唱吧!TV MUSIC TALK电视音乐访谈The more we get together我们在一起(的时间)越久1、问对方来自哪里及回答 Where are you from Im fro

3、m China. Where do you come from I come from China. 2、问对方是否喜欢唱歌及回答 Do you like singing Yes, I do. 3、like用法:like+doing 表示喜欢做Lesson5Li Yan : My name is Li Yan. Whats your name李艳:你好!我叫李艳。你叫什么名字Cathy: My name is Cathy. And you凯茜:我的名字叫凯茜。你呢Carl: My name is Carl.卡尔:我的名字是卡尔。Li Yan: Pleased to meet you.见到你们很

4、高兴。Cathy and Carl: Pleased to meet you, too.凯茜和卡尔:见到你也很高兴。 Where do you live, Cathy你住在哪里,凯茜 I live in the Happy City. How about you, Li Yan and Carl我住在幸福城市。你们呢,李艳和卡尔 I live on the Nanjing Road.李艳: 我住在南京路。Carl:I live on Shanghai Street.我住在上海街。 Lets be friends.让我们成为朋友吧。1、问对方住在哪里及回答 Where do you live I

5、 live in/on/at 2、live in+城市,live on +街道,live at+具体门牌号码 3、让我们成为朋友吧。Lets be friends.Unit 2 she looks cute. clever her his eye nose hair how old he 聪明的 她的 他的 眼睛 鼻子 头发 几岁 他 She beautiful that man woman 她 美丽的 那,那个 男人 女人 quiet pretty smart cute lovely 安静的 美丽的 聪明的 可爱的 可爱的active handsome 活泼的 英俊的Lesson 7Mum:

6、 Whos that girl, Kate 妈妈:那个女孩是谁,凯特 am .is .are. 的用法:我(I)用am,你(you )用areis 跟着他(he),她(she),它(it)单数is ,复数are.Kate: She is my new friend. 凯特:她是我的新朋友 Whats her name 妈妈:她叫什么名字 Her name is Zhou Pei.凯特:她叫周培。Mum;Oh, she has big eyes and long hair.哦,她有大眼睛和长头发。Kate:And shes pretty and clever. 她既漂亮又聪明。1、Whats h

7、er name Her name is Zhou Pei 2、she has big eyes and long hair.(第三人称单数,这里have要用has) 3、shes pretty and clever她既漂亮又聪明(夸奖一个人be+形容词)。Lesson 9Gao Wei: Mum, this is Dick, my new friend at the art club.高伟:妈妈,这是迪克,我在美术俱乐部的新朋友。 How old are you, Dick你多大了,迪克Dick: Im ten.迪克:我10岁。 Whos this little girl 高伟:这个小女孩是谁

8、 Shes my sister.她是我妹妹。 How old is she她多大了 Shes six.她6岁。 Oh, shes cute!哦,她很可爱! And Dick is smart!迪克很聪明!ART CLUB美术俱乐部1、问对方多大了及回答 How old are you Im ten. 2、问他多大了及回答 How old is she/he She is/ He is ten.Lesson11 Hi, Li Yan. Whos that policeman嗨,李艳。那个(男)警察是谁英语中的人称代词主格:I we you you he she it they宾格:Me us y

9、ou you him her it them 我 我们 你 你们 他 她 它 他们 Hes my uncle. 他是我叔叔。 Wow! Hes handsome!哇!他很英俊! And whos that policewoman那个女警察是谁 Shes my aunt.她是我婶婶。 Oh, shes beautiful!哦,她很漂亮!谢谢你!1、问远处的人是谁及回答 Whos that policeman Hes my uncle.Unit 3 My father is a writer. this family father mother love worker actor 这,这个 家庭,

10、家族 爸爸 妈妈 爱 工人 演员 a (an) parent(s) who uncle aunt policeman 一个 父母亲 谁 叔叔 婶婶 警察writer singer dancer actress policeman 作家 歌唱家 舞蹈家 女演员 男警察 policewoman reporter 女警察 记者(文中划线)Lesson13Hello! My name is Tom. Im ten. Im from Australia. Im a new student. Im in Class Two, Grade Five. Here is a picture of my fami

11、ly. This is my father. Hes a writer. This is my mother. Shes a singer. The girl is my sister. The boy is me. We love our father and mother, and they love us. We are a happy family.Lesson 15Wei Min: Hello, everyone! My name is Wei Min. Im eleven. Im a student in Class Three, Grade Five. Let me introd

12、uce my parents to you. This is my father and this is my mother.(大家好!我是魏民。我11岁。我是五年三班的学生。让我向你们介绍我父母亲吧。这是我父亲,这是我母亲。Hostess: What does your father do (你爸爸是做什么的) Hes an actor. (他是一位演员。Hostess:Is your mother an actress (你妈妈是一位女演员吗) No. Shes a factory worker. (不,她是一位工厂工人) What do you want to be in the fut

13、ure (你将来想成为什么呢) I want to be an actor. (我想成为一名演员。 Thats a good idea!(那是一个好主意!1、问你爸爸是做什么的及回答 What does your father do Hes an actor. Lesson17 Hi, Kate! Look at todays newspaper. (嗨,凯特!看今天的报纸。 A policeman. (哇!一位警察! Who is he Can you guess (他是谁你们能猜一猜吗)Peter: Sorry, I dont know. (对不起,我不知道。(他是我叔叔) Really

14、He looks great in his uniform. (真的吗他穿他的制服看起来很棒。 Yes. He often helps people in his work. (是的。他经常在工作中帮助人们。Oh, hes a good policeman! How about your aunt Whats her job (哦,他是一位好警察。你婶婶呢,她是做什么工作的) Shes a policewoman. (她是一位女警察。 I want to be a policeman in the future! (我将来想成为一名警察。1、询问工作及回答 Whats her job (哦,他

15、是一位好警察。Shes a policewoman. (她是一位女警察。Unit 4Where do you workcinema work study CCTV hospital in on at shop grandfather(grandpa) grandmother(grandma) driver bank hotel shopping mall restaurant company library四会句子:Lesson 19Mr White: Hi! Mrs. Wu! Nice to see you again. 嗨,吴女士!再次见到你很高兴。Mrs Wu: Nice to see

16、you, too. 见到你也很高兴 Where do you work now 你现在在哪里工作 I work in Beijing Cinema. How about you 我在北京电影院工作,你呢 I work at the Bank of China. 我在中国银行工作。 How about your daughter Where do you study now 你女儿呢你现在在哪里学习Daughter: I study at Sunny School. 我在阳光学校学习。1、问一个人在哪工作及回答I work in Beijing Cinema. I work at the Ban

17、k of China.Lesson 21Yang Ming: Look, Lisa. Thats my mother. Shes on TV. 看,丽萨。那是我母亲。她在电视上。Lisa: Really Whats her job 真的吗她是做什么工作的 Shes a TV reporter. 她是一位电视台记者。 Where does she work 她在哪里工作 She works at CCTV. 她在中国中央电视台工作。 Is your father a TV reporter, too 你父亲也是一位电视台记者吗 No, hes a doctor. 不,他是一名医生。 Where

18、does he work 他在哪里工作 He works in Beijing Hospital. 他在北京医院工作。1、第三人称的询问工作及回答 他在哪里工作Lesson 23To:From:Dear: Amy,My name is Gao Wei. Im from China. Im eleven. Im a primary school student. Im in Class One, Grade Five. There are three people in my family. My mother is a teacher in a school. My father is a m

19、anager in a big company. How about you How many people are there in your family What do your parents do Can you tell meYours,Gao Wei Gao WeiThank for your email. Im Amy. Im from Canada. Im twelve. Im in Class Two, Grade Six. They are six people in my family. They are my grandfather, my grandmother,

20、my father, my mother, my brother and I. My father works in the City Library. My mother works in a small restaurant. My brother works in a bank. We love our father and mother. They love us ,too. We have a happy family. Can you tell me about your lifeYours, Amy1、仿照原文,会做自我介绍及介绍家人Unit 5 Is this your sch

21、ool bagSchool ruler crayon animal fish cow horse elephant umbrella fan time put yes no not isnt it whoseDictionary hen goose cameraTeacher: Hey, boys and girls! Dont leave your things like this. Put them away.Students: OK! Mike, Is this your schoolbagMike: Yes, it is.Teacher : Is this your activity

22、book, AnnAnn: No, it isnt. Thats my activity book. Is this your ruler, JimJim: Remember to put your things away after class. OK, we will. 1、问是否是对方的物品及回答 Is this your schoolbag Yes, it is.Is this your activity book No, it isnt. Thats my activity book。Lesson 27 Oh, what a big zoo! Its our zoo. We made

23、 all the animals. Look! This is my bear. I made it. Is that your fish, Lisa Is that your elephant, Peter No, it isnt. Look! This is my elephant.重点:Is that your fishYes, it is.那是你的鱼吗是的Is that your elephantNo, it isnt.那是你的大象吗不是Lesson 29 Hi, Gao Wei!Its six oclock now. Oh! Its time to go home. Lets go

24、home, Peter and Kate. Whose umbrella is this Its Peters umbrella. Whose fan is this Is this your fan, Lisa No, it isnt. Its Kates fan. Peter and Kate, come back! Your umbrella and fan.Peter and Kate: Thank you. Here we come!问某物品是谁的及回答Whose umbrella is thisIts Peters umbrella.Whose fan is this Is this your fan, LisaNo, it isnt. Its Kates fan.Unit 6Its a fruit juice milk water wa

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