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1、expectations, many still thought they were fallingshort. 尽管大部分学生都达到或者超出了家长的预期,依然有很多学生觉得自己没有满足期待。 The impression is that the logical nature of textbooks and their comprehensivecoverageofdifferent types of examples renders work sheets unnecessary. 给人的印象是教材的逻辑性和所举实例的广泛性让课堂练习簿变得不再必要。 The corecurriculum

2、is designed to give you both breadth and depth. 核心课程的设计,是为了同时给予你广度和深度。 There is a great progressive tradition in American thought that urges us not to look for theaimsofeducation beyond education itself. 在美国思想里有一个伟大的进步传统,那就是敦促我们不要去寻求超越教育本身的教育目标。雅思短语课程(写作篇)教育3Japan has a significantly better record i

3、ntermsof average mathematical attainment than Englandand Wales. 在数学平均成绩方面,日本学生的分数明显高于英格兰和威尔士学生的分数。Grant Freeman, a biologist who specializesin identifying insects, has cometo talk to us about his current research work. 格兰特弗里曼,一个昆虫识别方面的专家,来向我们介绍他目前的研究工作。I can see how supportive the school is of athle

4、tics, as well as fine arts and all extra-curricularactivities. 我能看出来这个学校对体育运动有多支持,对美术以及所有课外活动也是一样。Its time we takeastand and promoteequality in workplaces around the world. 现在是我们表明立场,在全世界范围内促进工作场合平等的时候了。Most writers repressindividuality to please the public. 大多数作家会压抑个性以取悦大众。雅思短语课程(写作篇)教育4The school

5、is identified in federal records as asingle-sexschool with only male students. 在联邦文件中,该学校被定义为只允许男性学生就读的单一性别学校。It is remarkable that large mixed-abilityclasses could be kept together for maths throughout all their compulsory schooling. 值得一提的是在整个义务教育阶段有不同层次能力的学生们都可以一起学习数学。Even though the great majorit

6、y of students are well-behaved, there is a small minority that engage inanti-socialbehaviour. 尽管绝大多数学生都表现良好,还是有极少数学生有反社会行为。The children coming out of this school are going to be well-adjustedadults and very good for our future. 从这所学校毕业的孩子会成为适应力很强的人,并对我们的未来很有益。Students who are not achieving academica

7、lly tend to consequently dropoutofschool. 无法在学业上有所成就的学生往往会因此而辍学。雅思短语课程(写作篇)教育5Experts believe that people who speak two languages havea clear learning advantageover theirmonolingualschoolmates. 专家们相信会说两种语言的学生相比单一语种的学生具有明显的学习优势。Im pretty sure that she can solve the problem if she appliesherself. 我敢肯定

8、,只要她努力就可以解决这个问题。Disruptivestudentsinterferewith the teachers ability to teach effectively. 不遵守纪律的学生会干扰老师有效教学的能力。They ensure to deliver every dress quickly in order to meetthedemandsof customers. 他们保证每件衣服都会很快发货,以满足客户的需求。Studying geography informs us about the different kinds of relationships that dev

9、elop between a particular environment and the people who live there. 学习地理可以让我们了解到特定的环境与其所生活的人类间的各种关系。雅思短语课程(写作篇)教育6Seniors are given more opportunities to puttheoryintopractice with various projects. 高年级学生有更多机会在各种项目中将理论运用到实践中去。Math is recognisedas an important compulsorysubject throughout schooling.

10、 数学在整个学校教育体系中均被认为是一门很重要的必修课。The modifications might compromise safety insomeway. 这些改动可能从某种意义上危及安全。They are entering a wider community where teachers and peers will have just asmuch influenceas their parents do at home. 他们正在进入一个更广阔的群体,在这里老师和同龄人像父母在家中一样有影响力。Climate change overseas could affect domesti

11、c trade and foodsupplies. 海外气候变化可能会影响国内贸易和食品供应。雅思短语课程(写作篇)食品Most mothers believed that an unhealthydiet is an unhygienic diet. 大多数的妈妈认为不健康的饮食就是指饮食不洁。Cutting out a lot of your less desirable dietaryhabits can help workwonders for your skin. 戒掉诸多不良的饮食习惯能为你的肌肤带来很大好处。There is the necessity for traceelem

12、ents in ones diet that might not be met overthelonghaul. 在个人的饮食当中有必要加入一些可能长期无法摄取到的微量元素。Man is a socialcreature whose life finds meaning in his relation to other human beings. 人是一种社会动物,其生命的意义体现在与他人的联系中。Telephone is our main meansofcommunication. 电话是我们主要的沟通方式。雅思短语课程(写作篇)友谊Eighteen New England writers

13、will takepartin the third annual Author Fair. 十八名新英格兰作家将参加第三届年度作家会议。Pets make us feel wanted and consoleusattimesofsorrow. 宠物让我们觉得自己被需要,并能在我们伤心的时候安慰我们。For life is interwoven with friends weve come to know, and we hear their joysandsorrows as we daily come and go. 因为人生是由我们遇见过的朋友交织而成的,日子来来去去,我们总能知晓他们的

14、喜怒哀乐。The release of this document is always a newsworthyevent. 这一文件的发布总是很有新闻价值。Remember, silence can be misleading, so disclose all relevant information to your supplier and dont distortthetruth. 记着,沉默可能会有误导性,所以,向你的供方公开所有相关信息,不要歪曲事实。雅思短语课程(写作篇)媒体To be successful, members must court media publicity r

15、atherthan forge congressional relationships that are essential for building consensus. 为了取得成功,成员们必需刻意吸引媒体关注,而不是努力缔造达成共识所必需的国会关系。Often they had to display great courage to preservetheirintegrity or to make their way to the top. 他们往往需要展现出极大的勇气,以坚持自己的原则或设法登上顶峰。This was great for me as I travel a lot, m

16、eeting peoplefromallwalksoflife, and Ive never had any trouble getting along with them. 这对我来说太好了,因为我经常旅游,结识来自各行各业的人,而我与他们相处时从未遇到过什么问题。I continue to beconcernedabout the other documents he may have. 我仍很关注他手上可能有的其他文件。We were willing to help paydown their credit cards, but soon realized we were only su

17、pplementing their extravagantlifestyles. Are you more concernedabout your own jobsecurity today than you were a year ago?相比一年前的自己,如今你是否更关心自己的工作稳定性?Winning the award comes with asenseoffulfillment for both herself and her mother. 赢得这个奖励同时给她和她的母亲带来了一种成就感。She may be saddledwith an excessiveworkload or

18、a shift that disrupts her family life. 她可能背负了过重的工作负担,或是被倒班扰乱了她的家庭生活。If we thought farming was one sector that was always going to be labourintensive, it turns out we were wrong. 如果我们认为农业会一直是一个劳动密集型的产业,结果就是我们都错了。雅思短语课程(写作篇)工作2Six years on such a demandingjob is enough to takeitstoll on any hardworkin

19、g leader. 六年高要求的工作,足以重创任何一个不辞劳苦的领导者。If I didnt have a flexiblearrangement at this stage in my life, I would probably have dropped out of the workforce already. 如果我无法在人生的这个阶段进行灵活安排,可能已经失业了。He found doing the routinework boring. 他觉得日常工作做起来很无聊。Inthecourseof your work you may haveaccessto information re

20、lating to the companys business. 在工作过程中你可能会接触到与公司事务有关的信息。Conflictsarise when peoples beliefs clash. 人们的信仰产生分歧时,冲突就出现了。But despite many warnings, there was no improvement in thepaceofwork. 然而,尽管警告了很多次,工作节奏没有任何的改善。The professional healthcare worker on the surgical team may come across variousoccupatio

21、nalhazards while in the operating room. 在手术室内时,手术团队的专业医护人员可能会遇到各种职业风险。The definition of occupationaldisease has been expanded to include mental impairment. 职业病的定义已经被扩大到包括精神损害在内了。Manualwork will be minimized. Hence, the possibility of human error is less. 手动工作将会被降至最低程度。因此,人为误差的可能性就会减少。雅思短语课程(写作篇)工作4I

22、 think women, especially those engaged in mentalwork, should retire at the same age as men. 我认为女性,尤其是那些从事脑力劳动的女性,退休年龄应该和男性相同。Caregiving is astressfulandtime-consumingjob. 护理是一份压力大而且耗费时间的工作。High school graduations will mean an increase in thevolumeoftraffic around the campus. 高中毕业典礼将意味着校园周边交通量的增加。Aer

23、ial photos can show trafficdensity. 航拍能够显示出交通的密度。Drowsiness isnt a minor problem; it can impairapersonsdrivingability just as much as alcohol does. 嗜睡不是一个小问题;它对人驾驶能力的削弱与酒精相同。雅思短语课程(写作篇)科技1Experts believe that the tests pavethewayfor the treatment to becomewidelyavailable. 专家认为,试验为这一疗法的广泛普及铺平了道路。Indi

24、as future soldier programme continues to beshroudedinsecrecy. 印度未来的士兵计划仍是一个谜团。Scientificbreakthroughs in HIV help shape the future of AIDS research in Africa. 在艾滋病病毒上的科学突破有助于塑造非洲艾滋病研究的未来。Theadventof the jet engine resulted in a large number of very fast planes. 喷气式发动机的出现导致了高航速飞机的大批量生产。So integral ha

25、ve these time-based technologies become to day-to-day existence that ourdependencyon them is recognised only when they fail to work. 这些基于时间的科技对日常生活来说是如此不可缺少,以至于只有当它们不能正常运行的时候我们才能察觉到自己对它们的依赖。雅思短语课程(写作篇)科技25个句子U.K. ministers push public to accept genetically-modifiedfood. 英国部长极力劝说大众接受转基因食品。By minimizi

26、ng human involvement, the idea was to minimizetheriskof flawed results. 尽可能减少人类干预的目的是尽量减小存在缺陷的结果出现的可能性。Cloudcomputing is not one single system but rather an idea. 云计算不是一个单一的系统,而是一种理念。Businesses also ordered more computers ,communicationsequipment , machinery and metals. 企业还订购了更多的电脑、通讯设备、机械和金属。Becaus

27、e asteroids are too far for a mannedmission, a round trip would be Theres no reason why such transactions would be any different in zerogravity. 这种交易没有理由在失重状态下会有任何不同。Pilkington had been experimentingwith improving the melting process. 皮克星顿一直在对如何改善熔解过程进行试验。Nothing in science is given; each so-called

28、fact is the fruit of ahard-wondiscovery. 科学中没有什么是“赠与的”;每一个所谓的事实都是一项来之不易的发现的结果。Todays spaceracebearslittleresemblanceto the one in the geopolitics obsessed 20thcentury. 当今的太空竞赛和发生在地缘政治盛行的二十世纪的那次太空竞赛少有共同之处。The way many people interactwith each other has changed because of technology. 人们互相交流的方式因为科技发生了改变。雅思短语课程(写作篇)科技4Traditional artificialintelligence computing has relied on bundling as many processors together as possible. 传统的人工智能计算靠的是将尽可能多的处理器绑定在一起。Massproduction is the production of large amounts of standardized products,

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