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高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Cultural relics素材 新人教版必修2Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、1将第、句合为并列句The Great Wall,which is more than 6,000 kilometers long,is the longest wall in the world and has a history of more than 2,000 years.2用“with复合结构”改写第句It is made of stone and bricks,with almost all the construction done by hand without any machine.3仿照第句翻译句子她每隔一星期去看一次姑妈。She went to visit her a

2、unt every other week/every second week/every two weeks.4用定语从句改写第句Now,the Great Wall,which attracts many visitors every year,is one of the most famous places of interest in China.重点单词A写作单词1belong (vi.)属于;为的一员2remove (vt.)移动;搬开3entrance (n.)入口4sink (vi.)下沉;沉下5survive (vi.)幸免;幸存;生还survival (n.)幸存;survi

3、vor (n.)幸存者6select (vt.)挑选;选择selection (n.)挑选;selective (adj.)选择的;选择性的7design (n.)设计;图案;构思;(vt.)设计;计划;构思designer (n.)设计者designed (adj.)有计划的;故意的8decorate (v.)装饰;装修decoration (n.)装饰;9doubt (n.)怀疑;疑惑;(vt.)怀疑;不信doubtful (adj.)怀疑的10worth (prep.)值得的;相当于的价值;(n.)价值;作用;(adj.)古值钱的worthy (adj.)值得的worthwhile (a

4、dj.)值得做的11explode (vi.)爆炸explosion (n.)爆炸B阅读单词12fancy (adj.)奇特的;异样的;(vt.)想象;设想;爱好13wooden (adj.)木制的14troop (n.)群;组;军队15style (n.)风格;类型;风度16dynasty (n.)朝代;王朝17local (adj.)本地的;当地的18apart (adv.)分离地;分别地19painting (n.)绘画;画20castle (n.)城堡21trial (n.)审判;审讯;试验22maid (n.)少女;女仆23debate (n.)争论;辩论;(vi.)争论;辩论24r

5、are (adj.)稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的rarely (adv.)很少地;罕有地25valuable (adj.)贵重的;有价值的value (n.& v)价值;重视invaluable (adj.)无价的26amaze (vt.)使吃惊;惊讶amazing (adj.)令人吃惊的amazed (adj.)吃惊的;惊愕的27artist (n.)艺术家art (n.)艺术28reception (n.)接待;招待会;接收receive (v.)接受;29former (adj.)以前的;从前的form (v.)组成;形成30evidence (n.)根据;证据evident (adj.)明显

6、的;明白的31informal (adj.)非正式的formal (adj.)正式的.重点短语1in search of寻找2belong to属于3in return作为报答;回报 4at war处于交战状态5less than少于6take apart拆开 7be worth doing.值得做8think highly of 看重;器重.经典句式1Frederick William ,the King of Prussia,could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have s

7、uch an amazing history.普鲁士国王威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼会有这样一段令人惊讶的历史。2Later,Catherine had the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers.后来,叶卡捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宫殿中。3There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Knigsberg,which was at that time a Ger

8、man city on the Baltic Sea.毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡,当时德国在波罗的海的一座城市。4After that,what happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.自那之后,琥珀屋发生了什么仍然是个谜。5In a trial,a judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe.在审判中一个法官必须确定哪些证人的话可信,哪些不可信。.课文语法填空The Amber Room,one of the great w

9、onders of the world,was 1.a great work that took ten years to make.In 1716,the Amber Room 2.was given(give) to the Russian people as a gift of friendship by Frederick William ,who loved best soldiers more than the Amber Room 3.itself.In Russia,the room first served a small reception hall for 5.

10、important(importance) visitors and later moved and redesigned by Catherine .Unfortunately,the Amber Room disappeared 6.when the Nazi Germany and Russia were at war and now nobody knows 7.what happened to it.In the spring of 2003,however,a new Amber Room,8.built(build) by the Russians and Germans on

11、the basis of old photos,was 9.ready(readily) for the people of St Petersburg to celebrate 10.the 300th birthday of their city.1. survive vt.幸存;幸免于难 to continue to live ;比活得时间长 to live longer than ;vi.幸存;存活 1 survive on靠存活下来A survive s B A比B活得长survive sth.幸免于;从中活过来 2 survivor n.幸存者 3 survival n.幸存;残存

12、 (1)Just eight passengers survived the plane crash.在这次飞机失事中仅有8名乘客幸免于难。(2)There are concerns that the refugees may not survive the winter.有人担心这些难民活不过冬天。(3)The custom is a survival from the past.这种风俗是从过去沿袭下来的。特别提醒(1)survive本身已表示“幸存;幸免于”,因而不要加多余的in或from。(2)当survive意为“比多活多长时间”时,用“A survive(s) B by时间”结构表

13、示。多维训练(1)单句语法填空Mr.White survived his wife by 9 years.Many of the peasants managed to survive on tiny plots of corn and beans.She was the last survivor(survive) of the family.(2)单句改错This drug can help people survive from heart attacks.去掉from2. design n.设计;布局;安排 arrangement ;打算 plan ;意图 intention ;v.设

14、计;制订 make,plan or intend 应试指导(1)过去分词作定语的考查;(2)活动类写作高频词汇 1 by designon purpose故意 2 be designed for.为设计be designed to do./as.为某目的或用途而制造或设计(1)Do you think the building was burnt down by accident or by design?你认为大楼被烧是意外事故,还是有意为之?(2)The method is specifically designed for use in small groups.这方法是专为小组活动设计

15、的。He became a photographer more by accident than by design.This building is designed for weddings and other celebrations and its beautiful.The new device is designed as an alternative for the old one.(2)同义句改写用过去分词短语作定语改写上题句This building designed for weddings and other celebrations is beautiful.Most

16、of these rabbits change their fur color from white in the winter time to brown in the summer and each is designed to give them better cover from predators.(将划线部分改为独立主格结构)Most of these rabbits change their fur color from white in the winter time to brown in the summer,each designed to give them bette

17、r cover from predators.3. worth adj.价值的;值钱的搭配意义worthbe worthn. 值得;值be worth doing值得被做worthybe worthy ofn.值得be worthy of being donebe worthy to be doneworthwhileIts worthwhile to do.值得做Its worthwhile doing.(1)You may not succeed,but it is worth a try.你可能不会成功,但值得一试。(2)Guilin is a beautiful place.Its w

18、orthwhile going/to go there.桂林是个美丽的地方,值得去看看。(3)This article is well worth reading,but it is not worthy of being translated.这篇文章很值得一读,但不值得翻译。worthy可作定语,而worth不能,worth一般只作表语,可用程度副词well修饰。It is worth your while to read/reading(read) the book.Would you please make up a topic worth discussing(discuss) in

19、 tomorrows conference?He said it was quite impossible to buy the novel which was well(good) worth reading.(2)一句多译这家工厂值得参观。The factory is worth visiting.(worth)The factory is worthy of a visit.(worthy ofn.)The factory is worthy of being visited.(worthy of being done)The factory is worthy to be visite

20、d.(worthy of to be done)Its worthwhile to visit/visiting the factory.(worthwhile)4. in search of寻找 looking for 1 in ones search for寻找make a search for寻找 2 search sth./sb.搜查某物/搜身search for寻找 (1)I went off in search of a gas station where I could buy some petrol.我离开去寻找加油站买汽油。(2)The police searched the

21、 suspect but found no weapons on him.警方搜查了嫌疑犯,但在他身上没找到武器。in search of寻找,搜寻,在句中常作表语或目的状语。名词search前不加限定词;若search前加a/the/ones等限定词时,of一般换成for。用search及其短语的正确形式填空(1)Rescue workers searched all night in the hope of finding more survivors.(2)She searched for him everywhere,but in vain.(3)We are in search of

22、/making a search for/searching for an experienced and reliable producer of jewellery.5. think highly of对评价高;看重;应试指导“think副词of”在写作中的运用think much/well of重视;对高度评价think little of认为没什么了不起;对满不在乎;轻视;忽视be well/highly thought of被高度评价(1)As a young leader,he is highly thought of.作为一位年轻的领导,他受到高度评价。(2)I gave him

23、 some advice,but he thought little of it.我给他提了几条建议,但他根本不理会。同义句改写(1)She was highly thought of and was called one of the Chinese ten filial piety stars (中国十大孝星之一)(用过去分词短语作状语改写)Highly thought of,she was called one of the Chinese ten filial piety stars.(2)She thought nothing of travelling around the wor

24、ld alone and went on a journey on her own.(用现在分词短语作状语改写)Thinking nothing of travelling around the world alone,she went on a journey on her own.6. remove v.移走; 排除;迁移;移居(1)她从名单上把我的名字除去了。She removed my name from the name list.(2)三个孩子被学校开除了。Three children were removed from school.(3)他摘掉墨镜后我才认出他来。I recog

25、nized him after he removed his dark glasses.(4)我们将要搬到一栋新房子里去。We are going to remove into a new house.7. evidence n.证据;根据There is some evidence that he is involved in the case.It was evident(evidence) that all the evidence we collected proved him to be guilty.The man unfolded the paper and glanced at

26、 it,but his thoughts were evidently(evident) elsewhere.Have you any evidences to support this statement?evidencesevidence8. belong to 属于;是的成员;应归入He was identified only by this uniform and personal belongings(belong)The house belonging(belong) to my grandfather was sold yesterday.There are so many toys on the table;they belong to me(I)Put it back where it belongs to.去掉to9. in return作为报答;回报;作为交换I presented John a picture,and he gave me his photograph in return.I gave him my favorite book in return for his timely help. (2)同义句改写On her return to England,she publishe

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