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新目标八上Unit 6教案Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、现在完成进行时态的构成及应用教学难点:现在完成时与现在完成进行时的区别 教学方法:先学后教、当堂训练学习方式:自主、合作学习 情感目标:通过对收藏的有关讨论,培养学生优良的生活习惯。使学生学会表达自己的爱好和持续的时间及有多少收藏品。重点词汇及短语:since . for. raise .collect . run out of. foreigner. The Olympic Games. be interested in. would like to do sth.a pair of more than .go skating. quite far from. enioy doing sth

2、.课前任务:Task1.请同学们回家调查家庭成员持续做某事的时间,课前以小组为单位进行汇总,选出做某事最长时间的人。最后再选出班里做某一事情最长时间的人。Task2.每个学生将自己的爱好及出现的时间写出来,并询问同伴的爱好及持续的时间。Task3.每个学生都有自己的爱好,如集邮、收集装饰品等,把自己的爱好及收藏带到班上来。相互了解各自的收藏品、选出最有趣的收藏来课时安排:。The First Period (p.44P.45) The Second Period (p.46_p.47) The Third Period (p.48_P.49) The FourthPeriod (P.5o_P.

3、51)课时备课:The First Period(p.44_p.45) 任务:我的爱好目的:通过学生小组活动,调查彼此的爱好及持续的时间。喜欢使用for 和 since表达自己的爱好持续的时间,培养学生应用英语进行交际的能力。材料:表格若干张语言技能:listening .speaking .reading and writing语言知识:现在完成进行时的用法及复习一般过去时提示词语及句型:skate, collect,Whats your hobby?I likeHow long have you been skating?I have been skating since nine ocl

4、ock/for five years.How long did you? When did you 活动形式:四人小组课前发给学生表格 向学生布置任务:在表格中写出自己 的爱好及持续的时间。教学过程: Step1.Warm up ( Section A 1a)Discuss these questions in small group.1. How long did you sleep last night ?2. When did you start class today ?3. How long have you been in class today?T: Alison, how lo

5、ng have you been skating?Ss: Ive been skating for five hours.Explain the Grammar Focus:have /has been doing sth. Listen to the teacher and think aboutStep2.Listen and pairwork(1b . 1c) 学生听录音完成1b,抽一个学生上黑板完成。全班核对答案,给予点拨。两人一组据图片上内容进行问答,熟练句型,强化口语。教师四处走动。捕捉信息,及时指导。Sa: How long has Alison been skating?Sb:

6、 Shes been skating for five hours. How long did Sam skate?He skated for four hours.Step3.听录音,完成2a.2b学生齐读句子两次,同桌交流有关问题及答语。学生听录音完成2a,教师放录音,学生再听一次完成2b.全班核对答案,必要时给予帮助。Step4.Role play (2c) 两人一组分别扮演记者和Alison 掌握句型,强化口语. How long have you been skating ?Ive been skating since I was seven years old.Step5: Mak

7、e a survy then report 做法:1.四人小组中相互调查并各自介绍自己的爱好及持续的时间2.将特别的爱好及持续时间填在表格中3.每一现在推荐一名代表,在班上做汇报4. 全班汇总,选出做某事最长时间的人。NameHobbyHow longSince/for Hello,whats your hobby?I like swimming.How long have you been swimming?Ive been swimming since I was a child./for two years.附板书设计:Unit6 How long have you been colle

8、cting shells?How long have you been skating ?Ive been skating since nine oclock./for five hours.When /How long did you .?课后反思: The Second Period (P.46P.47)收藏展通过学生相互了解各自的爱好与收藏,使学生学会表达自己的爱好和持续的时间。listening . speaking and writing.现在完成进行时和一般过去时的用法raise several stamp skater What does Bob collect ? He col

9、lects kites. How long has she /he been collecting kites?请同学们把自己的收藏带到班里来。Step1: Warm up Talking about some studentshobby and its time in classStep2: Read and complete(3a .3b)学生读短文内容并相互讨论图片上的内容,理解表格要求。教师放录音,学生跟读,找关键的信息填表格。全班核对答案,必要时讲解。Step3. GroupworkName SportWhen startedYelanTennis Eleven years oldT

10、hree and a half years Yelan, what sport do you play? Tennis. When did you start? When I was eleven. So how long have you been playing ? Three and a half years.在四人小组中进行询问并做好记录,熟练句型、强化口语。教师抽查个别小组情况,让他们在班上做怀抱,学生平出最佳优胜者。(按口语流利、合作密切、无语法错误等。)Step4: learn by themselves (Section B 1a. 1b)两人一组进行讨论,共同过程图片并模仿1

11、b中的句子进行口语练习,把自己收藏或想收集的东西填在表格中。Step5.Listen and complete(2a.2b)Step6.Make a survey and reportCollectionsWhenHow many课上任务:同学们把自己的收藏带到班里。四人一组,互相询问各自的收藏并完成表格。选出本组最喜欢的或最有趣的收藏;请几位学生代表在班上做介绍。最后评出一种最有特色的收藏来。 What do you collect? I collect -How long have you been collecting them? Ive been collecting them sin

12、ce- How many do you have?I have- When did you start ? When I was -years old.What would you like to collect in the park?Id like to collect-Step7 Exercise(见投影)Jim 是个收藏爱好者,他最爱收藏贝壳,让我们一起看看他的情况吧!A: Hello,Jim. May I ask you some questions?B:Certainly! When were you born ?I was born 1 Feburary 18,1982. 2 w

13、ere you born?I was born in Englandin a small town in London.How 3 had lived there for about five years.Only five years?Yes, then my 4 moved to America.Why did you move here?Because my father 5 in America.Whats your hobby?I like 6 something like kites.stamps.shells.model cars and theaters. Whats your

14、 favourite hobby? Of course ,shells. 7 8 have you been collecting shells? I have been collecting shells 9 I was five years old.How 10 shells have you been collecting? About five hundred shells. 课后作业:Do it on page 62 (VI)What do you like doing? I like collecting stamps.Why do you like collecting stam

15、ps? Because its very interesting. Good!The Third Period (P.48-P.49)Step1. Warm up (3a) look at this snow globe.Whats in it?Its a moster /a birthday cake.Therere two bears in it. How long has Elen been collecting snow globes? For seven years. Where does Elen store the snow globes? Theyre all around E

16、lens apartment,even in the boxes under her bed. What should She like to do ? She should like to start a snow globe collectorsclub.Step2.Groupwork (4a)Make a survery then report.More information Whats your hobby , Li Lei? I like doing - How long have you been doing that? For -/ since- Where do you -?

17、In the park /-.Step3. Task4. 招聘广告及求职报告 课前任务:以小组为单位,设计本组的招聘广告。贴在教室四周墙上。 课上任务:1. 学生们在广告上寻找自己想得到的工作,并完成一份自己的求职报告。 2.写好求职报告后在班上做报告。课后任务:整理自己的求职报告并张贴在教室墙上(设计为手抄报)目的是让学生们相互了解,取长补短。通过四人小组讨论、合作设计出自己的招聘广告,让学生学会写求职报告并能随时去应聘,找到自己的工作。纸、笔Speaking . reading and writing.现在完成进行时的应用be interested in since for How lon

18、g have you been ?Step4.Selfcheck(1.2)1. 学生独立完成1中练习。完成前全班读所给出的动词3次并提问有关的用法。抽个别学生在黑板上写答案,必要时给予帮助。2. 师生读广告谈论问题,然后完成求职信,巩固现在完成进行时的用法,找一个学生上黑板完成,最后核对信的内容。Step5. Groupwork (4b.3b)Discuss the questions on Page 48 .4b then finish3b.Step6.Homework1. 整理求职报告并设计为手抄报形式。2. 书面表达:My HobbyUnit 6. How long have you b

19、een collecting shells? Whats your hobby? How long have been-?The fourth Period(P.50-P51.)划分音节并抄三次单词,翻译短文内容找出有用的词组。Step1.Warm up (Section 1) How much do you know about history? Discuss the four questions in small groups.Step2.Listen and read(Section 2)a. 学生听短文,并跟读,培养学生的能力。b. 分组讨论,并找出有用的词组或句型c. 将这些词组组

20、成句型板书在黑板上 and finish(3a) 学生自由读短文,并完成3a,全班核对答案。Step4.Groupwork(3b)四人小组中进行操练,三个人对话,另外一个人倾听并做好复述(即重复三个人说过的句子,强化口语)Sa. I m going to work in Australia.Sb. If you do that ,youll miss your family.Sc. If she works far away, she will miss her family.Sd. Repeat the three sentences.Step5.Go for it !(

21、Section 4 )Talk with the class about people movingIf I move to a foreign countryIf a foreigner moves to China.Step6.Exercise一, 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1. Theyre very _(interesting ) in this movie.2. How long have you been _(write) in English?3. Thanks for _(help) me so much.4. He likes stamps very much ,Hes a

22、 stamp_(collect). 5. I have been collecting_(snowy) globe for seven years.二单项选择(64页Workbook) Unit 6How long have you been collecting shells?Its + adj. +for sb.+to do sth.Its important for me to learn English well.The+比较级,the + 比较级 越来越Enjoy doing sth start doing sth Ive been teaching Engish since 1986.or for 20 years。

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