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1、11. Peter is always complaining and I have had /got enough of (受够了) his complaints. (enough)12. We have been told that under no circumstances (无论什么情况下)can we use the telephone/telephones (我们可以使用电话) in the office for personal affairs.(use)13. What great progress she has made (她取得了多大的进步)in learning th

2、e language of German over the past three months! (progress) How great the progress she has made (她取得了多大的进步)in learning the language of German over the past three months!14. We were having great fun(玩得太高兴)skiing up and down the slops that nobody ever realized four hours had passed. (have, fun)15. Hav

3、e you known each other for long? Not really, (I havent known her)since I met her at the airport(自我在机场接她始)this morning. (meet)16. Reality is not the way you wish things to be, nor the way they appear to be(也不是它们看起来的那样), but the way they actually are. (appear)17. One more week, I will finish the task(

4、我就会完成任务). (task)18. He had been told(被告诉)many times, but he still couldnt understand it.(tell)19. Having been told many times(被告诉), he has already known how to do it. (tell)20. Turn down the TV (把电视关小一点) or youll wake up the sleeping baby. (turn)21. Look at the kids! _ (多么快乐) to run wildly on the gr

5、ass! (fun)22. I _ (认为你没有必要) to invite so many visitors. (necessary)23. The Changjiang River is _(最长的河流) in China.(other)24. Live your life to the fullest _(不然你会后悔的) (regret)25. _ (他们看上去多么失望) when hearing that the manager wasnt available! (disappoint)26. To my amazement, he had _ (和我一样多的卡通书) I did. (

6、book)27. _ (你认为我们要多长时间) to complete the project? (take) 28. When we are feeling down, _ (最好的是莫过于) to see the smiling face of a friend. (better) 29. There is a bag left on the table. Who _ (你觉得是) ? (belong) 30. You can _ (越仔细越好) when taking an exam. (enough)31. So_(她的声音听起来如此甜美)on the phone that I cou

7、ld hardly recognize it. (sound)32. Youd better ignore him completely; the more attention you give him, _ (他越是得意). (proud)33. It was only after serious consideration _ (他才决定)help the secretary of the human resources manager. (decide)34. It is not your intelligence, but your efforts, (决定) your success

8、. (determine)35. It was in that restaurant _ (我丢了我的钱包) . ( lose )36. (是他们)who/that went to the cinema with me yesterday.(be)37. It was (当她正要离开时)that the telephone rang.(about)38. (是因为坏天气)that the football match had to be put off?(because of)39 (究竟是什么)you wanted to tell her?(be)40. I just wonder (究竟是

9、什么)makes him so excited.(be)41. I really dont know (究竟在哪儿)he bought the cell phone.(be)42. It was (直到昨天下午)that I knew the truth.(until)43. It was (直到他来到中国)that he knew what kind of a country she was(until)44. (直到她进入教室)that she realized she had forgotten her book?(enter)45. It was in this very lab th

10、at was in the charge of John (他们做了实验).(experiment)46. My room gets very cold at night. (我的也是).(so)47. I dont think I can walk any further. (我也是)(neither)48. He is a maths teacher but he likes English. (他的妹妹也是)(same)49. Little (他关心自己的安全)though he was in great danger himself.(care)50. I finally got th

11、e job I dreamed about. Never in all my life (我感觉如此高兴).(feel)51. Seldom (他们彼此吵架)since they got married.(quarrel)52. Not until (我向他解释了所有的事情)did he realize that he was wrong.(explain)53. Not until I began to work (我才意识到)how much time I had wasted.(realize)54. So (他讲得清楚)that even beginners understand mo

12、st of what he says.(speak)55. So (考试如此难)that only a few students passed it.(difficult)56. Such (他取得很大进步)that he was praised.(make)57. (只有通过采取行动)can we improve the situation.(action)58. Only when your identity has been checked (你才允许进入).(allow)59. Not only (要帮助)the disabled to find jobs, but also medi

13、cal treatment will be provided for those who need it.(give)60. (我一到达)at the station than the train left.(sooner)61. Hardly / Scarcely (他转过身)when everybody burst out laughing.(turn)62. (尽管听起来可能很奇怪), his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting.(as)63 (尽管我很喜欢它), I wont buy it.(as)64. (尽管他是个孩

14、子), he knows a lot of things.(as)65. Neither has he called on her, (将来他也不会那样做).(nor)66. The more you explain, (我愈糊涂).(confuse)67. (无论他多么晚), his mother would wait for him to have dinner together.(however)68 (万一明天下雨), we would have to put off the visit to Beijing.(rain)69. (要是那个男孩更努力一些),he might have

15、got through the exam.(work)70. A better understanding of the environment is necessary, (行动的愿望也是必要的).(as)71. Staying in a hotel for a day costs (两倍)renting a house in the country for a week.(as)72. Paper produced every year is (是三倍重)the worlds population of vehicles.(weight)73. How did you find your

16、visit to the museum?I really enjoyed it. It was (比我预料的有趣多了).(than)74. We have produced (两倍多的棉花)this year as we did last year.(twice)75. _(谈到电脑游戏), he is always interested and excited. (come)76. The development of technology _(使我们很方便)to keep in touch with each other. (convenient)77. Though your compo

17、sition is well written, much _(有待改进). (remain) 78. _(有老师的帮助), he is making progress in English. (with)79. It is said that _(她宁可死也不嫁给)the man. (rather)80. Tom hasnt shown up yet. _(你认为发生了什么)to him? (think)81. The mother dont know who is _(该受到责备)for the broken window. (blame)82. _(再给我三分钟), and Ill fin

18、ish the job. (give)83. We all think it _(非常重要)to master English. (importance)84. _ (多么激动人心的消息啊) it is that China successfully launched Change I, the lunar orbiter! ( news)1. than we sat down to (take/have a) rest2. had I got home3. shallow is the lake4. was he forced to stay home5. hanging on the wa

19、ll was6. did he care about his own safety7. that he heard a strange noise8. I seen the film9. cant be a better idea10. did we hear from her11. have had /got enough of12. can we use the telephone13. what great progress she has made14. had so much fun 15. since I met her at the airport16. nor the way

20、they appear to be17. and Ill finish the task18. he had been told19. having been told/as he has been told20. turn down the TV a little21. what fun it is22. dont think it (is) necessary for you23. longer than any other river24. or youll regret it25. how disappointed they looked26. as many cartoon book

21、s as27. how long do you think/suppose it will take us28. nothing is better than/there is nothing better than29. do you think suppose it belongs to30. never/not be careful enough31. sweet did her voice sound32. the prouder he is/feels/will be33. that he decided to 34. that determine 35. that I lost m

22、y wallet/purse36. It was they 37. when she was about to leave 38. Was it because of the bad weather 39. What was it that 40. what it is that 41. where it was that 42. not until yesterday afternoon 43. not until he came to China 44. Was is not until she entered the classroom 45. that they did the exp

23、eriment.46. So does mine. 47. Neither can I 48. Its the same with his sister/The same is true of his sister. 49. did he care about his own safety 50. had I felt so happy. 51. have they quarreled with each other 52. I had explained all to him 53. did I realize 54. clearly does he speak 55. difficult

24、was the exam56. great progress had he made 57. Only by taking action 58. will you be allowed in 59. will help be given to 60. No sooner had I arrived / I had no sooner arrived 61. had he turned around 62. Strange as it might sound 63.Much as I like it 64. Child as he is 65. nor will he do so 66. the

25、 more confused I am /get 67. However late he was 68. Should it rain/ Were it to rain tomorrow 69. Had the boy worked harder 70. as is the willingness to act71. twice as much as 72. three times the weight of73. far more interesting than I had expected 74. twice as much cotton75.When it comes to playi

26、ng computer games76. has made it convenient for us 77. remains to be improved 78. With the help of the teacher / with the teachers help / with the teacher helping him 79. she would rather die than marry / prefers to die rather than marry 80. What do you think has happened 81. to blame 82. Give me another three minutes 83. of great importance 84. What (a piece of) inspiring / exciting news

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