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1、part3: the abilities of good leader; do you think we really need a leader; the qualities of a leader should have4, 上海华师大 口语 413 英国美女,人挺nice的P1:ur major, do many Chinese choose this, email or letters, different kind of school u have been;P2:positive change;p3:impact of change, 社会变化的规律5,厦门501:p1,where

2、 do you live in, house or flat. environment around the place you live. family and friendsP2 describe a shop.part 3: changes of the shops ,positive or negative6, 长沙 RM1506 11:20 特nice的英国女人Part 1 你想住什么样的房间 上网 游泳Part 2 你喜欢的一首歌 包括你第一次听是什么时候 对你有什么影响等等Part 3 继续music相关话题 你喜欢唱歌吗 中国人喜欢什么样的歌 年轻人跟大人听歌有什么区别没有最后

3、竟然还问了我喜欢哪些西方歌手 哈哈总之运气都是我熟悉的话题2012年4月14日雅思口语考试回忆口语:part1:names,hometown,study and work,house and apartment。part2-3:a time you met bad climatepets,farm animal and wild animal。an old person you like to talk to,an angry experience,a shop,a historical buildinga good student you know(p3:talk about your op

4、inion about traditional education and online education)your favorite plant. part2-3:an interesting class/subject(p3:will you choose useful subjects or subjects you like,force your children to learn things?),a wedding,an ideal house,something you made by yourself。an ideal job,an event that has had po

5、sitive influence on your lifea small business you want to set up(p3:is it better to be a boss or to be an employee?)part 2: outdoor activitypart 1 major, noise.part 2 two people get on with each other. part 3 中国的家庭观念重要?与其他地方比较。part2:你参加过的一次婚礼你第一份工作的地方part1hometown,part2goodfriend part3:how. To.make.

6、 New. Friend.part1 apartment , neighbor part2 money as gift part3 money &happiness 吉林大学 Part1name, major, climate.Part2film.Part3电影院看电影和在家看电影的比较.深圳 part1,name,major,hometown,.part2,photograph,part3,为什么照相。照相要training?为什么要keep照片 等。长沙part 1 major, noise. part 2 two people get on with each other. part 3

7、 中国的家庭观念重要?与其他地方比较成都RM06,帅哥考官.part1,关于hometown.喜欢家乡的原因,还问了很多,忘了。part2,音乐。part3,关于音乐的各种问题,只记得,老年人和年轻人听音乐的类型,为什么,还有商店为什么要播音乐。杭州:part1工作还是学习,专业,家乡,餐馆,爱不爱读报,购物,喜欢的服装类型,出去吃还是在家吃part2一种食物 part3季节对食物销量的影响,你家乡的食物,影响一个餐馆兴隆的原因,将来餐馆会变得国际化吗?广州part1先问学习还是工作,然后好多关于internet的问题 part2 a place in the open air you vis

8、ited part3 好多关于relaxation和recreation的题目太原理工,p1.来自哪 学校 专业 会几门语言 还想学什么语言 有什么好处 舞蹈喜不喜欢 学过没有 一般什么场合跳舞 P2.public place P3.户外活动的地方有哪些 大家为什么想去公园 公园不让带宠物好不好.新东方-黄瀚生frank【最新】2012 年3月-4月 雅思口语 part 1 and 2 机经Part 11.Your WorkorYour StudiesDo you work or are you a student?1a)1. What work do you do?2. Why did yo

9、u choose to do that kind of work (or, that job)?3. Is that a very popular job in your country?4. Do you like your work/job?5. What do you do when you have a problem (or difficulty) with your work?6. Do you plan to continue doing this type of work (or, this job)?7. What are the good points about your

10、 job?8. Whats the most interesting part of your work?9. Did you receive any training for this job (or, this kind of work)?1b)1. What subject(s) are you studying?2. Why did you choose to study that? /Why did you choose to study those subjects?3. Whats the most interesting part of your course?4. What

11、school/university are you studying at (now)? *5. Why did you choose to study at that school/university?6. Do you like your school?7. (Similar to above) Do you like your university?2.Your Hometown1. Whats your hometown?2. Is that a small town or a big city?3. Would you say thats an interesting place

12、to live in?4. Whats the most attractive thing about your hometown?5. Would you say its a good place to grow up?6. Does your hometown have good entertainment facilities?7. What advice would you give to the government to improve your hometown?8. If you had a chance to live in a different city, what wo

13、uld it be? (Why?3.Your Home(Your Accommodation)1. Do you live in a house or a flat?2. Please describe it a little.s your favourite room?4. What do you like most (and dislike most) about your home?5. What was your home (or, house) like when you were a child? *(Unclear)6. (Similar to above) What sort

14、of house did you live in when you were a child?7. What was your room like?8. In the future, what sort of place would you like to live in?9. Do you prefer to live in a house or a flat?10. Who do you live with?11. Do you like your family home?12. What do you like the most about your home?13. (Similar

15、to above) What part of your home do you like the most?14. Is there anything you would like to change about your home?15. (Similar to above) How do you think your home could be improved?4.Books & Reading1. Do you like reading (books)?/Why not?)2. What (kinds of ) books do you like to read?3. (Similar

16、 to above)What (kinds of ) books do you (like to) readfor pleasure(or, enjoyment)?4. Are you reading any books at the moment?5. (Similar to above)Is reading books important for you now?6. (Similar to above) Do you read a lot nowadays?7. Did you read much when you were a child?8. (Similar to above)Di

17、d you like reading when you were a child?9. What (kinds of) books did you like reading when you were a child?10. Do (young) children like reading books?11. Forchildren, what do you think are the benefits of reading?12. (Possible)What do you think are the benefits of readingtochildren?(= someone else

18、 reading while the child listens)13. Do you think children should learn to read at an earlier age than they do now?14. Do you think its important to have public libraries?15. Did you borrow books from a library when you were a child?16. Do you think the government has a responsibility to provide pub

19、lic libraries for everyone?17. Do you like to collect books?18. Have you ever given someone a book as a gift?19. Do you know how to write a book?20. Would you like to write a book?5.Newspapers1. Do you often read newspapers?2. Do many people today read newspapers?3. In the future, do you think more

20、people will read newspapers, or fewer people?4. Do you often read newspapers?5. (Similar to above) Are newspapers an important part of your everyday life?6. (Similar to above)Do you like reading magazines (and newspapers)?7. Which do you prefer reading, magazines or newspapers?8. What kinds of (type

21、s of) newspapers (or magazines) do you usually read?9. How old were you when you first started to read newspapers?10. (Similar to above)When did you first start reading newspapers?11. Do you think its important to read newspapers?12. Why do (you think) people read newspapers?13. (Similar to above) W

22、hat can people get from reading newspapers?14. What different types of newspaper are there in China?15. Do you care about the news?16. Is the news important (to you)?17. What kinds of news do Chinese people read in newspapers?18. Do you prefer to read about domestic (or local) news orinternational n

23、ews?19. What are some methods that newspapers use to attract readers?20. What influence do you think newspapers have on society?21. Do you think the internet is a good way to get news?6.Games1. Do you prefer to play indoor games or outdoor games?2. Did you play video games when you were a child?(If

24、yes, what games? If no, why not?3. What sorts of games do children play now?4. And what sorts of (indoor) games do you think children will be playing in the future?5. Do you think computer games are good for children?6. Is there any indoor game youd like to learn how to play?7.Music1. Do you like to

25、 watch any music programs on TV?(Unclear question)2. Do you often listen to music?3. (Similar to above) Do you like listening to music?4. (Similar to above) Do you like music? What kind?5. (Similar to above) Is music important to you?6. (Similar to above) How important is music to you?7. When do you

26、 listen to music?8. How much time do you spend listening to music every day?9. What kinds of music do you like to listen to?10. (Similar to above) What kinds of music do you most often listen to?11. Whats your favorite kind of music?12. How often do you listen to (that type of) music?13. When did yo

27、u start listening to this type of music?14. Where do you listen to it?15. How do you feel when you listen to this music?16. Do you like listening to songs?17. Have you ever been to a musical performance?8.Parks and Gardens1. Are there many parks and gardens in your hometown?2. What do people do in t

28、hese parks and gardens?3. Are there many parks or public gardens where you live (or, inyour hometown)?4. Do you often (or, ever) go to a park or a (public) garden?5. How often do you go there?6. What do you (like to) do when you go to a park or public garden?7. What do other people do in these places?8. When do other people go there?9. Do you think parks and public gardens are important to a city?(Why?10. (Similar to above) Do you think every city and town should haveparks and public gardens?11. (Similar to above) What do you think are the

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