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1、3. What color is it?4. My names Gina .5.Is this your pencil?6.This is my sister.7.Where is my backpack?8.Do you ; possessive adjectives my, your; ; YesNo questions and short answers; How do you spell pen? P-E-N.3. Present progressive tense; How questions ; Plural nouns.4. Where questions; Prepositio

2、ns on, in, under; Subject pronoun they.5. Ask and answer questions about ownership; Make suggestions.6. How much questions五、教学目的培养学生对英语的学习兴趣,形成有效的学习策略,有效提高学习效率,发展双基能力,培养听、说、读、写的能力,使学生初步获得运用英语的能力,达到语言运用能力的迁移和拓展。六、教学措施和方法 措施:1.培养学习兴趣,引导学生掌握正确的学习方法和策略,提高学习效率;2.发挥学生主体和教师主导作用:3.用良好的师生关系,协调课堂气氛,培养学生开口说英语的

3、勇气和信心;4.引导学生实现语言的迁移,加强日常生活中英语口语的运用;5.鼓励学生自主探索,合用探究,共同提高。6.加强听力训练,拟每天晚自习前20分钟进行听力训练 方法:任务型教学:教师提出指令,学生规范操作。听说领先,读写跟上。综合训练,扎实双基。七、教学计划安排。 本期每周6课时,预计十六个教学周。安排如下:第14周: 预备篇第5周:Unit 1第6周:国庆放假 第7周:Unit 2第8周:Unit 3第9周:Unit 4第10周:review unit1-4 期中考试第11周:Unit 5第12周:Uint6第13周:Unit 7第14周:Unit 8第15周:Unit 9第1620周

4、 复习迎接期末考试Starter Unit 1 Good morning!教学内容本单元是新目标英语教材的第一个预备单元,学生通过学习本单元内容,从而进入一个崭新的英语世界.学习、巩固与应用英文字母A到H,可以使学生在日常生活中发现英语,提高他们的学习兴趣。同时,又培养学生养成认真观察生活的良好习惯。礼貌问候用语的学习可以帮助他们树立“以礼待人”的良好行为意识,帮助他们建立正确的道德观。教学目标1) 知识目标:A.学习和使用字母A到H; B.学习使用基本的礼貌问候用语; C.学习相关的缩略词。2) 能力目标:A.掌握元音字母A、E的发音规律,提高学生的辨音能力; B.学会向别人有礼貌地问候;

5、C.培养学生观察生活、捕捉信息的能力。3) 情感目标:A.通过本单元的学习,使学生从小养成礼貌待人的良好行为习惯; B.通过学生对英语的初步学习,激发他们的学习兴趣和求知欲。教学重点、难点重点: A. 熟练掌握字母A至H; B. 掌握基本的问候用语。难点:A.掌握元音字母A和E在单词中的发音; B.学会如何用简单的日常用语向别人问候。课时安排教师根据部分学生是英语零起点的实际情况,对教材进行了顺序调整,把有关字母内容整合在一起,从字母教学入手,逐步过渡到日常用语学习。具体安排如下:第一课时 Section A 2a-3; Section B3a-3b第二课时 Section B4; Self-

6、check 4第三课时 Section A 1a-1b, 4b;Section B 1-2b Period One课前准备老师:准备上课所需图片及实物。学生:准备一些卡片以便上课时使用。教学设计Step One: Present the letters.(用字母卡片向学生展示,会让学生有更为直观的视觉效果。1. the letters.Teacher: English is one of the most important languages in the world. It is widely used all over the world. It is so useful that we

7、 must try our best to learn it well. Thus, we can talk with foreigners casually. If we want to learn English, first we should learn the letters. Today well try to learn the letters A to H. (Textbook Starter P2 2d)2.Read the letters.(students can follow the teacher to read the words aloud. They can r

8、ead them using the two different intonations-a rising intonation and a falling intonation.)3.Write the letters.(规范学生的书写,养成良好的学习习惯。English letters write them after the models.(Textbook Starter P2 2d)Step Two: Practice.Listen to the tape and number the letters you to the tape and give the right answer

9、s.Listen and draw lines between the letters you be made into a beautiful picture. Can you guess? Lets listen and guess what it is.(Textbook Starter P5 3a)Help the balloons find their you the words, but also in different places in our daily life. Look at these things. Can you tell me what they mean?

10、(Textbook Starter P2 3)1. Have a discussion about the abbreviations.(展开小组讨论,发扬合作精神。 The words like these can be found easily in our life. Can you tell me something else? Now lets about them.(Students are divided in groups to .)2. Report the result to the class.Step Four: Make letter cards.Encourage

11、students to make letter cards in different groups.Homework(鼓励学生自已动手制作字母卡片,培养每个学生的参与意识和动手能力。1. Write the letters A-H.2. Thinkl about the pronunciation of the letters in the English words. Period Two教师:准备练习时所需单词表格及录音机等。 Present the rules.1. Play a reading game.(通过拼写字母引出新课,能起到承上启下的作用。 Yesterday we lear

12、ned the English letters A to H. Now lets play a game. Ill show some words on the blackboard. Please try to spell the words as quickly as possible. Lets see which group will be the first.ADale Grace Frank ThanksE B C D E G eveningF Helen(The student in different groups spell the words one by one as q

13、uickly as they can. The group,which finishes spelling,will be the winner of the games.)2. Listen to the tape and repeat the words.(让学生通过听和观察来发现规律、总结规律。 thank you for your good job.According to the form we can find different letters can be made into different words. Do you want to know to the tape an

14、d repeat.3. Find out the rules of the pronunciation. According to the tape, we can find the letters A and E play an important part in the pronunciation. They are called vowels. Now look at their forms, can you find out some rules about them?A: We can find “A” the word “apple”.B:“E” also ,can you rea

15、d the words below? Now you can read the words to your partners.(Students can read the words according to the rules.)1. Help them find their friends.(游戏简单有趣,既可以使学生适当放松,又可以进一步总规律,为学生掌握字母组合发音作铺垫。 Here are some apples and mangoes.They cant find their friends. Can you you think out other rules about pron

16、unciations?Period Three准备歌曲磁带及情景图片。准备表演时所需道具等。 Present the useful expressions.1. Introduce the cxpression.(通过问答的形式引出简单的日常问候语。 As we know,English is used widely all over the word.But do you know whats its most important function?S1: It can is the most important to all the English learners. Before you

17、 begin a talk with others,first you must learn you meet a friend in the morning, what do you say?S2:Good morning.T:What about in the afternoon?S3:Good afternoon.What about in the evening?S4:Good evening.But if they want to use another way to greet others,they can say,“How are you ?” How do you answe

18、r it?S5:Im fine,thanks.S6:Im OKall right.2. Listen to the tape and repeat. Practice1. Act the dialogues.(利用学生手中道具进行情景表演,更加真实化、生活化。Greetings are very important. But different situations different greetings.Imagine you are in such a situation, groups. Then some of them will be chosen to act them out.)

19、2. Listen and sing the song on page 5.Step Three: English names.1. Choose an English name.(通过选择英文名字进一步巩固字母A-H及日常问候语。 English is a very interesting subject. But only knowing use it to do something else, for example, English names. Do you want an English name? Now you can choose one.(Textbook Starter

20、P4 a)2. Put the names in the correct alphabetical order.3. Use the English name and greet each other.Homework Try to greet your family members in English.新目标Starter Unit 2 Whats this in English?课程目标一、知识和能力目标 本单元的核心教学内容是“认物”。用英语确认周围的常见事物比较符合英语初学者的实际情况。通过本单元教学,使学生运用所学句型,去熟悉周围事物的名称;教学生学会在实际生活中如何确认事物。通过

21、辨认物体,学生学到一些生词,并巩固所学句型。二、过程和方法目标 教师要尽量使学生对课文中出现的句型能够熟练上口,这样,学生才能顺利开展比较灵活的对话。教师可以用手势,表情,动作等示意,帮助学生听懂课堂教学内容,但在实际操作中应尽量避免“明知故问”的倾向,应该采用应用性原则;如:遮盖物品、显露局部、辨认物体、完形识别、图形辨认等方法。三、情感态度和价值观目标 目标在学生学习过程中的作用至关重要,教师要帮助他们建立起一个切合自己实际的目标,通过渐进的学习以及一点一滴的进步,使他们逐步建立起成功感。成功越多,自信心就越强。学情分析 代词this,that和it的用法。 this和that均指单数的事

22、物。this指处于说话者近处的事物;that指处于说话者远处的事物。而it则指代上文出现的单数的事物,也可指代上文出现的this或that。例如: A:Whats this? 这是什么? B:Its a pen这是支钢笔。 c:And whats that over there? 那边的是什么?Its a ruler那是把尺子。教学准备Tape-recorder,multi-medium课时参考四课时Period 1Step l:Introduction Review greetings. Review the letters learn in the last unit Get the st

23、udents to introduce themselves in EnglishStep 2:Leadin Have ready a quilt,a map,a jacket,a key,a ruler,a pen,an orangeHold the key up and say Whats this in English? Its a key Repeat and then get students to repeatDo the same with a key,a pen,a rulerIf possible,use flashcards to teach the spelling of

24、 the wordsPut a flashcard beneath a drawing of each object. Step 3:Practice ListenPlay the tape twiceHave the students circle the things they the picture of 1a Make sure the students understand what they should doStudents can work in pairs then ask them to act out the conversations they made Do 2a,2

25、b,2c and 2d one after another2b:after the students do 2a, show them the blackboards,both of “Big” and “smallMake sure all the students know their orderBefore doing 2c,ask the students to give the letters containing thei:and e soundsRepeat with the andasoundsList them out on the blackboardThen get th

26、em to listen to the tape and read the letters and words after the tape Step4:Games time Play the letter game with the students like the following instructionsSometimes the teacher can explain the rules of the game in Chinese 看谁快 这是一个训练学生听字母的游戏,将全班分成两组,一组学生持大写字母,另一生持小写字母,教师快速念字母,要求持有该字母的学生迅速站起来,最先站起来

27、的两分,后站起来的得一分,没站起来的得零分,得分多的组获胜。 Step 5:Homework Finish off the workbook (Do entering famous school)Period 2Step 1: Write the names in the big letters on the blackboard,teach the students to read the namesThen get them to listen to the tape and number the namesHave the students pay attention to your w

28、riting names on the BbMake sure everyone knows English nameMake them remember it and know the blackboard Ask students to look at the words carefullyExplain English namesPairwork Ask the students to say out where we can find English words or English names around us and what they areWhats the meaning of it? Maybe the students can lis

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